View Full Version : Slow Unis

2016-09-08, 07:08 AM
....I"m really anxious, I need my uni to get the CAS number processed, but they've still haven't gotten to my email yet with the info needed.

Anyone else this happen to?

Mando Knight
2016-09-08, 07:38 AM
If you're on campus, try dropping in for a visit with whatever office is supposed to handle the processing, and politely ask for a little help.

2016-09-08, 07:17 PM
University "admin" tasks, like this, are nearly always painfully slow.

The reason being that universities lavish all their love and attention on their academic staff, and the administrative staff are generally tasked with "catering to every passing whim of academics" as their first (and therefore, only) priority. "Routine" tasks (loosely defined as "stuff that's so boring, the academics have long since forgotten that it even needs to happen") - are expected to "just happen", and therefore perpetually starved of resources.

(Declaration: my spouse is a university administrator.)

Mando Knight is right: the best remedy is to physically go in and ask for it in person. That gets you prioritised.