View Full Version : Player Help 5e Warlock half-elf need help with rewriting my story.

2016-09-08, 08:07 AM
i have my mini backstory written to give to my dm yet i want it to be written in a more d&d way , i dont want to change it too much (though if u have ideas they are welcomed.) i just want to rephrase it in a proper d&d languege.
if u need more details about the charecter just let me know and i will gladly give it.
The story:

Born in Quaervarr(a small woodland town in the Silver Marches located in the southern part of the Moonwood) Guendallyn was raised by her father until she achieved adulthood,she moved to silverymoon to join a guild master of wood carving coopers and bowyers.she spent 30 years in silverymoon perfecting her skills and earning the guild's respect and trust. but after so long she became tired of her daily work and wanted to seek new adventures.
as she left silverymoon to begin her travels she came across the archfey :Princess Elspeth- Queen Regent of Spring(half-elf), who has offered her great powers and fulfilling life to eventually become her successor and become the archfey of a kindgom of her choice.
Guendallyn who alyways wanted to become more then what she was, accepted Elspeth's offer and took her as her Patron.
with Elspeth as her guide,Guendallyn traveled the world learning the ways of the warlock. as Reserved, caring, sweet, but powerful and dangerous when crossed demeanor Elspeth showed Guendallyn a path of kindeness and helping,yet firm and tough.

i hope someone here can help me out.
thank you!.

2016-09-08, 08:30 AM
I don't know such thing as "proper D&D language", but I think at least you should capitalize the start of each sentence.

The story itself, I don't find any problems with it. I think the DM would gladly accept it.

2016-09-08, 09:27 AM
thanks i ment like a midivil time talk... but just a more story telling way should be great :)
thank you!

2016-09-08, 10:44 AM
The content looks fine, in my read-through. Proper punctuation would be my first suggestion, as well. Capitalize the first letter of each sentence, and make sure there are spaces after periods.

The paragraphing looks okay on first read-through. Get the punctuation and spacing done right and it probably will be fine, but I'll be happy to proof-read it again if you like after that's done.

Falcon X
2016-09-08, 11:04 AM
The biggest room for improvement is in your patron, Princess Elspeth.

A Half-Elf getting to Arch-Fey status is VERY rare. It is usually a title given to other-worldly faerie Queens and Kings. A mortal elf would likely be world-renowned by the time they achieved that status as well as shed off mortality. A half-elf would have to a world-defining person. (An example would be John Uskglass from Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell, who was raised by faeries and brought magic into existence for the whole of England.) (Another example is Baba Yaga.)
Point is, an Archfey is probably around level 25-30, immortal, and extraplanar. She probably would have replaced her title of Princess with Queen or some higher station.

An arch-fey is also usually very chaotic and benevolence might not look like what we mortals expect. HOWEVER, if the arch-fey is an elf or half-elf, then they might not have as extreme of chaotic tendencies and might be of the personality you described.

2016-09-08, 11:22 AM
The seed of a good patron is there. Just needs to tweak her traits to extremes, and give her a bit more...alien...perspective. More "wild hunt" and less "mamma bear."

I envision her switch from "reserved, kind, gentle" to "dangerous when crossed" as just that: a switch being flipped. Think the shift in personality of the elf-queen in Lord of the Rings between talking to Frodo about his quest and the moment he offers her the Ring.

Only instead of temptation she has to turn down, the Arch-Fey was...slighted...by your failure to greet her servant with the proper degree of deference (or contempt) due to the disparity in your stations. Or for insulting her ward. Or for indulging her ward too much. But she's really quite nice as long as you're not stepping on a land mine of ill-marked bad behavior!

2016-09-08, 01:28 PM


Princess Elspeth- Queen Regent of Spring, daughter of the Briar King and Tuatha
Appearance: Pale, beautiful half-elf with long nut-brown hair, mouth may-or-may-not move when she speaks, and only her eyes and ears move when she smiles/frowns/etc.
Demeanor: Reserved, caring, sweet, but powerful and dangerous when crossed.

The Briar King- Former Co-ruler with Milady Rose, presumed dead
Appearance: Wild-haired, with ram's horns (a satyr, or horned eladrin, as he chooses), eyes flecked green-and-gold
Demeanor: Playful prankster, looks out for the underdog.

Milady Rose- co-ruler with the Briar King, missing.
Appearance: radiantly beautiful, appears as a well-proportioned nymph or buxom eladrin. Hair is a different color evey day, depending on her mood. flower petals surround her constantly.
Demeanor: loves all things beautiful, but is also ruthless and unforgiving.

Prince of Hearts
appearance : Eladrin with long, flowing hair, and loose billow shirts.
disposition : A constant matchmaker, who enjoys uniting lovers (or those he believes should be lovers).

Key Sidhe families

this is where i got her from.. :) this is my 1st D&D character so im not very knowing on all the terms.. :)
but i would love it if some1 can help me put a more "realistic" touch to the arch fey as in why she takes guendallyn and how she can still remain "good" after all.
thanks !