View Full Version : Best story you've played

Tanuki Tales
2016-09-08, 07:27 PM
Be it as one of the players or running it as the GM, title says it all.

2016-09-08, 07:51 PM
The best campaign I ever played in was fairly straight forward. Epic Lawful ******* becomes convinced that the multiverse is at risk and decides to powersteal a bunch of gods to stop it. Asmodeus very helpfully provides him an opportunity to imprison pretty much every single Good god, which has the totally unforeseen consequence of shifting alignment for every non-Exalted character everywhere one step South. Party was a bunch of nobodies who set out to beat the Lawful ******* and free the gods. In the end everyone in the party became gods except me, because I just had to pick up the fallen villain's Epic pulsing black sword of powerstealing gods, and so became an NPC destined to become the DM's main villain for some other campaign down the line.

And even with the majority of NPCs being evil, nothing was more teeth gnashingly frustrating than Lawful Neutral paladins. Not even close. I hate them so much. I... I hate them so much. And none of them ever felt what they were doing was wrong. They were the horrible cliche lawful stupid paladin of your nightmares without even the pretense of Goodness. They just enforced the law, unshakingly and without malice or mercy. Those paladin NPCs are the main reason all the campaigns I myself have led are building toward an epic war for the destruction of the Pact Primeval.

Mechanically it was also incredibly satisfying to fight our way from level 1 to 19 in a gestalt game, and watch our builds come together. I played a Druid//Sorcerer/Geomancer. Nothing fancy, just neat and SAD, and I never ever ran out of spells.


2016-09-08, 10:40 PM
Sadly this campaign died when I and my husband (both players) moved.

Atropus has appeared in the skies above the first layer of the Beastlands. We were summoned randomly to the second layer and started our journey trying to balance power between the three major factions that seek to rule that layer even as the Plane of Shadow leaked into the bottom layer.

It was epic, felt epic, and the DM made great use of the terrain as a dungeon. Cliche traps found new life as general terrain issues (pitfall? Just a patch of roots covering a divet in the dirt), we met a whole slew of awesome NPCs (including Ehlonna) and gained some new in jokes, including "superior gnomish," "hamburger," and "paladin's feather fall." Don't mention the hamburger one around one guy though...