View Full Version : A little psion help?

2016-09-08, 08:03 PM
Ok so I am making a psion npc for my party. They requested the character but my problem is...I've never messed with psionics before. I have used power points for normal casters before but never the actual psionics. The character is a home brewed gem dragon. It's not crazy powerful about on par with wyrmlings. It is large sized. And tips for the psion. Basic tips. I have read through all the psion handbooks I can find. I'm just looking for a Lil help. Like what would be better a shaper or egoist. And how best to use their powers.

2016-09-08, 08:14 PM
Change of plans idk how to delete post. Lol

2016-09-08, 08:26 PM
Well... that's not much information to go on, but you should probably invest in UPD (Use Psionic Device) to be capable of using Power-Link Shards. These things are VITAL for a psionic character, 'cause the give you +2 Power Points to a power you are manifesting and allow you to go beyond your ML, but you cannot implant more than you have ML.

For a class, well, Psion is great. Personally, I like Telepaths. You know, because of Schism, Metaconcert and Psychic Chirurgery, the last one allowing you to learn all other Powers, provided you find someone who is willing to help you with that.

Edit: To delete a post, click the edito post button. There should be an option there.

2016-09-08, 08:37 PM
Well... that's not much information to go on, but you should probably invest in UPD (Use Psionic Device) to be capable of using Power-Link Shards. These things are VITAL for a psionic character, 'cause the give you +2 Power Points to a power you are manifesting and allow you to go beyond your ML, but you cannot implant more than you have ML.

For a class, well, Psion is great. Personally, I like Telepaths. You know, because of Schism, Metaconcert and Psychic Chirurgery, the last one allowing you to learn all other Powers, provided you find someone who is willing to help you with that.

Edit: To delete a post, click the edito post button. There should be an option there.

Lol I have no idea what any of them powers do.

2016-09-08, 08:43 PM
Lol I have no idea what any of them powers do.They're all in the SRD (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/powerList.htm).

2016-09-09, 12:10 AM
Ok so I am making a psion npc for my party. They requested the character but my problem is...I've never messed with psionics before. I have used power points for normal casters before but never the actual psionics. The character is a home brewed gem dragon. It's not crazy powerful about on par with wyrmlings. It is large sized. And tips for the psion. Basic tips. I have read through all the psion handbooks I can find. I'm just looking for a Lil help. Like what would be better a shaper or egoist. And how best to use their powers.

The discipline you go for entirely depends on fluff. All psions ultimately have access to all the powers with a little creativity. However, as a GM, and since you are doing this for a crystal dragon, a shaper makes more sense than anything else.

If you give us the starting psion level aand party composition, I can recommend some powers to take.