View Full Version : Pathfinder Lawful Evil Child

2016-09-08, 10:02 PM
I had the idea to roll up a goblin adept who is only 7 years old. He wants to take revenge on a cheiftain killed his parents. How would you build this character to not be slaughtered right away?

2016-09-08, 10:14 PM
Find a group of good heroes (the pc's) and do a whole lot of begging for mercy so they can't kill you without becoming evil themselves. You then act as a buff focused wizard doing the best you can to vent your murderous tendancies only on the targets the party finds acceptable.

2016-09-08, 10:58 PM
Basically what Malroth said, though I'd like to add that even then there's no guarantee they won't kill him. If a Paladin detects evil and smites it, well... killing evil things is what they are build for (and what the party is out to do for that matter).

2016-09-09, 01:04 AM
though in all honesty if the paladin does that on everybody he meets he's going to fall in short order, almost half the peasants he's sworn to protect should regiester as evil just for the day to day "i hate my neighbors and like it when they suffer" yet its the paladin's job to teach them to be better not randomly murdering people for what they think.

2016-09-09, 01:13 AM
Depends on what your DM believes to be "threatening". If your DM considers it reasonable that somethings existance can be "threatening", like an undead or a demon, who knows? Maybe it would allow a Paladin to go on a killing spree.

2016-09-09, 01:16 AM
I had the idea to roll up a goblin adept who is only 7 years old. He wants to take revenge on a cheiftain killed his parents. How would you build this character to not be slaughtered right away?

I would build the character by first checking with the other PCs and GM that this will not credibly result in a pvp scenario, perhaps specifically asking if everyone wants to play in an 'evil PCs' campaign.

Not every character concept suits every party.

2016-09-09, 02:53 AM
Evil should not point out to be be slaughtered on the spot.
This would be just a lame excuse of bad rp. When our kobold friend here, did not do anything which deserves death, then dear player of justice, he is an innocent ought to be protected when begging for mercy and explaining his teary story of slaughtered family.
Your job is to prevent that this little one is going down the path of evil to prevent an on sight kill of the culprit, vengeance is no option for you, but for you its is unforgivable to let someone like this run free at all (the bad guy not the kobold), so constrict him and pull him to a court. In the meantime the kobold might be need t be put in a cage, but you wont kill him for it to try to get his vengeance. This is the path of LG.

Long text short, any smart rp play can find a way to let LG play with LE or even NE or CE (but this is really tough).
Follow the guideline of Paladin to check if you are ought to slay it:
Its a Devil -> No
Its a Fiend -> No
Its a Demon -> No
Its a child eating Monster doing this right now -> No
Its a child eating Monster attacking you -> No
Its a Monster ravishing a village/town -> no
Its a murderous villain -> No, at least as far as you can see
otherwise talk and don't kill

2016-09-09, 03:01 AM
Step One, make sure everyone's on board with your creepy football head child goblin.

Step Two, ???

Step Three, Play.

2016-09-09, 04:22 AM
I had the idea to roll up a goblin adept who is only 7 years old. He wants to take revenge on a cheiftain killed his parents. How would you build this character to not be slaughtered right away?

I would say any halfway reasonable party wouldn't go smashing in the heads of goblin children. But then again there's always that one murderhobo paladin of the party traipsing about the countryside slaughtering peasants because his detect evil went off. But really I'd just talk to the party and make sure everyone is on board with it beforehand.

As far as playing it, play all innocent and try to get the rest of the party to do the dirty work for you. You know, like human children, but more sinister, and more green....