View Full Version : 3rd Ed The Adventures of Erron Haldrig & Rudleight Moonshade

2016-09-08, 11:04 PM
So, this all started over here: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?499745

When they free him from petrification, they find: Erron Haldrig, the worlds greatest adventurer!
"What do you mean you haven't heard of me!"

Erron Haldrig is a Commoner 1/Survivor 5 who has any luck feats you care to give him, on a totally standard array of stats of 10,10,10,11,11,11. His chosen skills to max are Profession (Adventurer), and Perform (Tall Tales), though giving him the Jack of all trades feat to make him semi-useful is an option.

Erron is an egotistical, accident-prone, cowardly, glory-hound who thinks that he is the single greatest adventurer in the world, and to his credit, he has survived more than he has any right to. He will attempt to show the party "How things are really done!" when they attempt any skills, upto and including talking to "the natives" when he has no known languages other than common. He does however shy away from combat, as he believes "All creatures have a right to life!" as his excuse to run away as fast as possible.

He gladly will use his Perform (tall tales) check in place of any given knowledge skill to conflate facts as desired, "Why of course Orcs are weak to spinach lad, they're both green don't you know!" As well as using it to procure lodgings from his "Admiring fans".

Fake Wizard extraordinaire Rudleight Moonshade!

In reality he's a Human Expert, with skills such as Spellcraft, UMD and Knowledge (arcana) maxed out. He also has skills like Sleight of Hand, Bluff, Disguise etc. to fool people into thinking he's something he is not.

Optionally, he also has feats such as Insightful, Communicator etc. that allow him to use minor spells as SLAs. He relies on these, UMD minor wands, and a lot of bluff and bluster to convince people that he is in reality a powerful mage.

If you don't want him using the SLA feats, load him up on Able Learner, Open Minded, Jack of All Trades etc. to boost his skillmokey potential.

He and Erron would make an awesome travelling duo.

"You dare insult me?" Erron exclaims, "When I have the Mighty Arcanist Rudleight Moonshade by my side no less!"
Rudleight's eyes began to glance furitively side to side as if to make sure there aren't too many witnesses, "Erron... we really ought to-" he said timidly, but was cut off by more boasts.
"Why I think I should have him turn you into a newt just for wasting our time, Or turn you into something truly offensive like topiary of an outhouse!" Erron continued without any care for the looks the town guards were giving them.
Rudleight sighed and pulled out his wand of expeditious retreat, it was going to be another long day.

I've created a rough draft of Rudleight's character sheet: http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=937829 (work in progress, adding gear, synergies etc.)

..happy for any suggestions on the build, and also, of course, a build for Erron! :smallbiggrin:

One Step Two
2016-09-08, 11:38 PM
I heartily approve! I can't make use of Myth-weavers at the moment, so here's a rough addition to the above:

Feats include:
Non-combatant (coward) Flaw: Improved initiative
Feeble Flaw: Run
Human: Jack of all Trades
1st: Lucky Start
3rd: Unbelievable luck
6th: Dumb Luck

Edit: Would an eternal wand of Expeditious retreat not be more fortuitous for Rudleight?

2016-09-09, 12:51 AM
When I'm at my books (currently at work on my break), I'm going to have a look though the DMG and MIC for some low cost items. Eternal Wand certain sounds like a good idea.

I'd be looking at normal NPC WBL (according to the DMG) of around 5,600 gp.