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View Full Version : www.thetangledweb.net = broken?

The White Knight
2007-07-08, 08:23 AM
When I go to the site, it informs me that "This Account Has Been Suspended". Has anyone else noticed this?

2007-07-08, 08:27 AM
Yep, I notice it every time I open my browser... And I'm pissed off, I'm about 12 posts away from being the 7th top poster there. :smallbiggrin:

Glad to notice that its not only on my computer.

2007-07-08, 08:30 AM
Dash-it-all, where will I keep my character sheets now? It's like when Sylnae went to pot all over again..

The White Knight
2007-07-08, 08:31 AM
Yeah, it's the only place I've got my sheets right now... Hm.

2007-07-08, 08:34 AM
Well, I bet you feel foolish now, don;t you?

*Watches as RPGweb eats another backstory*

I need to stop opening my mouth.

2007-07-08, 08:37 AM
Tangled Web has been having all kinds of problems for the past few months, from repeatedly exceeding their host's CPU quota (blame the profiler), to their server on OpenRPG going down - usually on the day when I run my games. *grumble*

2007-07-08, 12:28 PM
Tangled Web has been having all kinds of problems for the past few months, from repeatedly exceeding their host's CPU quota (blame the profiler), to their server on OpenRPG going down - usually on the day when I run my games. *grumble*

So this isn't an uncommon occurrence, then? How long does it generally go down for?

Also, does anyone know of a more reliable place to store sheets?

Jack Mann
2007-07-08, 12:43 PM
RPG Web Profiler (http://www.rpgwebprofiler.net) works for me.

Tangled web will likely be back up in another day or two, but it is annoying to deal with in the meantime.

2007-07-08, 12:50 PM
I happen to game with one of the people who admins the site. He told me that the site's been shut down by the host because of the profiler playing havoc with their bandwidth. They'll be bringing the site up online soon, but the profiler itself won't be available until they sort out the queue issues to stop it from crashing everything else.

2007-07-08, 01:16 PM
Any chance they could bring it back up sooner with most features disabled so people can at least download backup copies of their characters to upload elsewhere?

2007-07-08, 03:14 PM
Any chance they could bring it back up sooner with most features disabled so people can at least download backup copies of their characters to upload elsewhere?

Its already back. No worries.

2007-07-12, 04:28 AM
We Infact do Apoligize that it was down for the length of time it was.:smalleek:

The Shared Server that Tangled web is hosted on had some faulty Coding that pretty much screwed everything over.

While Trying to fix the error; they noticed some faulty coding in our Profiler code that has been causing the other timeouts.

So; From here on out; there should be NO downtimes.

Tangled Web Administrator,

We are a purely Volunteer run site; so when the site goes down; just try and contact one of us on other open; or e-mail me @ Lumina_at_Hotmail_Dot_com
We'll do our best to get it back up and running.
And if you like the Profiler; We don't mind donations to make sure it will stay running for a long time to come.