View Full Version : Speculation Fun Green Lantern Build

2016-09-10, 12:08 AM
Same rules as before, Making Green Lantern with standard point buy and AL legal content.

This is a tough one, but he'll have to have an at-will blast, so looks like some warlock is involved (although sunsoul monk could work as well), and due to the versatility of the ring he needs to have full caster. Reading the bold print on the Oath of Ancients really is tempting, but the actual tenets don't fit all that well. For caster considerations, wisdom caster seems like an obvious choice since its willpower, but charisma also fits that as force of personality. Unfortunately Conjurer fits all the best abilities despite being int based. Furthermore, spells like Wall of Force and Bigby's Hand are only on the wizard list for some reason.

Lawful Good
Classes: Warlock 2/Wizard (Conjurer) 18

Stats: 8, 10, 13, 15, 10, 15
Race: V Human bumping Int and cha. (This one actually could be a different race, due to all the nonhuman green lanterns.) Take resilient con for all your concentration spells.

Fluff all your spells green. Keep the light cantrip on you at all times, be sure its green. Cast fly whenever possible and fly above the battlefield blasting victims below. Use Armor of Agathys or False Life to generate your shield of green light. Make sure you pick up staple spells like Mage Hand, Lightning Lure, Bigby's(Hal's) Hand, Evard's Green Tentacles, Wall of Force, Glove of Invulnerability, and pretty much most conjuration spells.

Your ring in your clenched fist is your spellcasting focus (refluffed orb) your lantern is your book.

It's cool that you can get a couple spells back on your short rest, but have to long rest to recharge your ring.

For RP make sure you pick a weakness for your "ring" (yellow, wood whatever) and refuse to cast spells at/through it. It'll surely piss off your team though, so don't make it anything super common like metal lol.

2016-09-10, 11:44 AM
Abjuration wizard but your Arcane Ward also acts as a permanent Faerie Fire effect on you. :smalltongue:

2016-09-10, 02:26 PM
First thought was illusionist, but need malleable to come online.

2016-09-10, 02:37 PM
This seems pretty good, Mage armor is of course animated

Joe the Rat
2016-09-10, 02:54 PM
So Kilowog: Half Orc or Dragonborn?

Taking Armor of Shadows gives you 24 hour access to your glowy defense aura. MoMF gives you insta-change. GOO kind of fits, what with the nature of the Entities (if you want to stay current), plus the light telepathy feeds back into Lensman territory (if you're big into acknowledging the inspirations). The positive energy version from UA: Underdark does have good thematic overlap, though.
Save infernal for Red.

I really want to push evocation, but I agree that conjuration really gets the constructs better. An interesting piece is that Charisma is the baseline (light up and blast stuff), but Intelligence (the wizard spells) reflects creativity in constructs.

2016-09-10, 04:51 PM
So Kilowog: Half Orc or Dragonborn?

Taking Armor of Shadows gives you 24 hour access to your glowy defense aura. MoMF gives you insta-change. GOO kind of fits, what with the nature of the Entities (if you want to stay current), plus the light telepathy feeds back into Lensman territory (if you're big into acknowledging the inspirations). The positive energy version from UA: Underdark does have good thematic overlap, though.
Save infernal for Red.

I really want to push evocation, but I agree that conjuration really gets the constructs better. An interesting piece is that Charisma is the baseline (light up and blast stuff), but Intelligence (the wizard spells) reflects creativity in constructs.


Half Orc + Cha bonus + naturally stealthy as he is... welll...


Big foot

2016-09-10, 08:22 PM
Definitely works. Well done. Too bad the oath class (paladin) doesn't fit, but you could definitely refluff the warlock to add a different sense of commitment.
I'm liking these threads, keep them coming. Have you considered consolidating them all into one "superhero" thread?

2016-09-10, 08:30 PM
Definitely works. Well done. Too bad the oath class (paladin) doesn't fit, but you could definitely refluff the warlock to add a different sense of commitment.
I'm liking these threads, keep them coming. Have you considered consolidating them all into one "superhero" thread?

I will make a consolidated thread once I have more, maybe just a list linking to the others? It'd be too much discussing 30 characters in one thread, no?

2016-09-10, 08:33 PM
That's probably fair.

2017-03-31, 07:53 AM
Same rules as before, Making Green Lantern with standard point buy and AL legal content.

This is a tough one, but he'll have to have an at-will blast, so looks like some warlock is involved (although sunsoul monk could work as well), and due to the versatility of the ring he needs to have full caster. Reading the bold print on the Oath of Ancients really is tempting, but the actual tenets don't fit all that well. For caster considerations, wisdom caster seems like an obvious choice since its willpower, but charisma also fits that as force of personality. Unfortunately Conjurer fits all the best abilities despite being int based. Furthermore, spells like Wall of Force and Bigby's Hand are only on the wizard list for some reason.

Lawful Good
Classes: Warlock 2/Wizard (Conjurer) 18

Stats: 8, 10, 13, 15, 10, 15
Race: V Human bumping Int and cha. (This one actually could be a different race, due to all the nonhuman green lanterns.) Take resilient con for all your concentration spells.

Fluff all your spells green. Keep the light cantrip on you at all times, be sure its green. Cast fly whenever possible and fly above the battlefield blasting victims below. Use Armor of Agathys or False Life to generate your shield of green light. Make sure you pick up staple spells like Mage Hand, Lightning Lure, Bigby's(Hal's) Hand, Evard's Green Tentacles, Wall of Force, Glove of Invulnerability, and pretty much most conjuration spells.

Your ring in your clenched fist is your spellcasting focus (refluffed orb) your lantern is your book.

It's cool that you can get a couple spells back on your short rest, but have to long rest to recharge your ring.

For RP make sure you pick a weakness for your "ring" (yellow, wood whatever) and refuse to cast spells at/through it. It'll surely piss off your team though, so don't make it anything super common like metal lol.

Meh I'd say you can't just limit it to the green lanterns but should make it workable for any of the cores. I have one in my campaign he rolled a d10 and his core is the blue lanterns. Also in the case of the reds you shouldn't limit it to evil as there are ATLEAST two known non-evil reds. Last thoughts is if you allowed your player to multiclass you could add paladins into it as the oath paladin and even clerics or wizards will fit in greatly. Example is my blue lantern player is multiclass warlock cleric.

2017-03-31, 08:25 AM
For RP make sure you pick a weakness for your "ring" (yellow, wood whatever) and refuse to cast spells at/through it. It'll surely piss off your team though, so don't make it anything super common like metal lol.

I'd shy away from using wood as a weakness in a D&D game. Especially given how often adventurers find themselves surrounded by trees or facing enemies wielding wooden implements.

Plus, what DM could resist sending at least one treant up against this Green Lantern? :smallbiggrin:

Captain Morgan
2017-03-31, 08:48 AM
The yellow weakness also hasn't been a thing in a long time. The modern Lantern's biggest weakness is the limited charge on their ring.

I'm not sure Warlock is especially necessary here. Having powerful at will abilities that never run out doesn't really jive with a ring that runs out of juice. Besides, you still get blasting cantrips as a wizard, just not as powerful versions of them. A spell book is also the closest thing I can name to a Lantern battery. I'm sure you could do it as a Warlock or Cleric too though. The spiritual weapon line of spells would be pretty perfect.

Don't forget some stuff like Identify or Detect Magic for rings scanning, and tongues for the universal translation.

2018-04-16, 03:32 PM
If you were going for Hal (or most of the earth lanterns frankly) I would strongly recommend 3 in hexblade warlock( the weapon you form a pact with being your ring) and pact of the blade So you can grab important invocations and such. The earth lanterns tended to be way more melee focused and it gives you the sweet ability to make any weapon construct you want. I love the idea of going into conjuration wizard for those really important spells like bigbys to fit the theme as well. It also works wonderfully with the idea that you need more than just willpower to create complex or intricate constructs. Also what's important about warlock is that even when depowered the ring has certain "essential functions" that work, like basic constructs, translation, and the space suit, that the warlock invocations replicate very well.

2018-04-16, 03:39 PM
If you were going for Hal (or most of the earth lanterns frankly) I would strongly recommend 3 in hexblade warlock( the weapon you form a pact with being your ring) and pact of the blade So you can grab important invocations and such. The earth lanterns tended to be way more melee focused and it gives you the sweet ability to make any weapon construct you want. I love the idea of going into conjuration wizard for those really important spells like bigbys to fit the theme as well. It also works wonderfully with the idea that you need more than just willpower to create complex or intricate constructs. Also what's important about warlock is that even when depowered the ring has certain "essential functions" that work, like basic constructs, translation, and the space suit, that the warlock invocations replicate very well.

I would have to agree. While you can conjure weapons as a Conjuration Wizard, they will all shatter on use due to the errata to the DMG.

Having Pact of the Blade circumvents that completely.

Seeker is probably the best patron thematically, followed by Celestial, but I understand the appeal of Hexblade not making the build really MAD.

Joe dirt
2018-04-16, 03:42 PM
since u are a gnome and small in size at low levels u can cast unseen servant and have them make seem like u are flying/floating

also as a gnome/conjurer u get the tinker tools ability if u are rock gnome... use this to make the following from ur minor conjuration ability... make clockwork version of urself have it set off traps

Tinker: You have proficiency with artisan’s tools (tinker’s tools). Using those tools, you can spend 1 hour and 10 gp worth of materials to construct a Tiny clockwork device (AC 5, 1 hp). The device ceases to function after 24 hours (unless you spend 1 hour repairing it to keep the device functioning), or when you use your action to dismantle it; at that time, you can reclaim the materials used to create it. You can have up to three such devices active at a time. When you create a device, choose one of the following options:

Clockwork Toy: This toy is a clockwork animal, monster, or person, such as a frog, mouse, bird, dragon, or soldier. When placed on the ground, the toy moves 5 feet across the ground on each of your turns in a random direction. It makes noises as appropriate to the creature it represents.

Fire Starter: The device produces a miniature flame, which you can use to light a Candle, torch, or campfire. Using the device requires your action.

Music Box: When opened, this music box plays a single song at a moderate volume. The box stops playing when it reaches the song’s end or when it is closed.

2018-04-16, 09:42 PM
Seeker is probably the best patron thematically, followed by Celestial, but I understand the appeal of Hexblade not making the build really MAD.

Yeah seeker seems like the best bet, I just like to try and reduce MADness a little bit. Even without hexblade the pact of the blade was made for characters like this, the only other practical solution is the fighter bonded weapon reflavored but that's pretty meh in comparison, so if you're going in for two, why not three to grab maybe the best thematic ability of the rings? And if your dm reaalllyyy stretched what you could use as a weapon for the purposes of the pact, I'd love to see a green knight conjur up a shield to match their arnor in a fight.

2018-04-16, 09:58 PM
Another way (kinda out of left field) to do this while greatly reducing madness is warlock/3
Sorcerer 17 to get access to the cleric spell list while casting with charisma, grabbing the warlock levels at 1st 5th and 12th, using spells like spiritual weapon and create temple to realllllyyy hammer home your conjuration abilities. You also gain access to arguably the hardest thing to get from the ring, an at will fly speed, with ethereal (aka construct) wings, so that's a bonus too.

2018-04-17, 11:02 AM
Honestly, though, for a true Green Lantern you'd have a fighter wearing a Ring of Spell Storing containing Bigby's Hand, Fly, and possibly Resilient Sphere. Then he'd have to run off and get it recharged every so often.

2018-04-18, 09:42 AM
Honestly, though, for a true Green Lantern you'd have a fighter wearing a Ring of Spell Storing containing Bigby's Hand, Fly, and possibly Resilient Sphere. Then he'd have to run off and get it recharged every so often.

Even if I disagree I gotta admit that would be hilarious.

2018-04-18, 10:29 AM
Honestly, though, for a true Green Lantern you'd have a fighter wearing a Ring of Spell Storing containing Bigby's Hand, Fly, and possibly Resilient Sphere. Then he'd have to run off and get it recharged every so often.

You know, that would actually be fairly accurate. Nicely done.