View Full Version : Pathfinder [Pathfinder] FAQ Question - Invisibility spell, attack and spell attack.

2016-09-10, 05:54 PM
Hello. I have some questions about spell "invisibility", so can you help with them ?

1. The first one is about attacking enemy, using splash weapon. Can i throw bombs, acid or alchemist fire under enemys legs. So i will damage him by splash weapon, but will i stay invisible, becase i "Causing harm indirectly is not an attack" ?
2. The second one is about, for exemple, "black tentacle" spell. Does this spell counts as "For purposes of this spell, an attack includes any spell targeting a foe or whose area or effect includes a foe.". Because, actually, i am not attacking enemy with this spell. I am just summoning black tentacles and they attack enemy.
3. Third one is about Extraordinary Abilities and Supernatural Abilities, like evil eye, or Channel Energy. How can i know, these ability are not spells. So they are not "For purposes of this spell, an attack includes any spell targeting a foe or whose area or effect includes a foe.". Will i stay invisible after using these abilitys ?
4. In "invisibility" spell said "Exactly who is a foe depends on the invisible character's perceptions." So can i attack neutral for me creatures, if they don't know about me, and still stay invisible, because i do not think that thay are my foes ?

P.S. If i have "slumber" hex. And it is works like "sleep" spell. It counts as spell or not ?

2016-09-11, 02:31 AM
1) No - this is an attack and thus breaks invisibility.
2) No - unlike a true summon, black tentacles creates "an area that includes a foe," so this does break invisibility - just like dropping a blade barrier on top of them would. However, if you cast black tentacles at an empty space and then an enemy walked into it later, you'd be fine.
3) No - "includes" means it is inclusive, not exclusive. So the things that break it include spells, but are not limited to spells.
4) If you're attacking them, they become your foes at that point. As your quote indicates, it depends on your perspective/awareness, not theirs.
5) Slumber is not a spell, but see #3.