View Full Version : Index Survival Skill Survival Guide

2016-09-10, 07:52 PM

The skill of many skills


We all know you use survival for following tracks, predicting the weather, seeing if someone passed by and determining how dangerous the environment around yourself is. But did you know that you can make mud armor, find an herb, grow an herb garden, leave messages of up to 8 words, and build a better mousetrap?

The point of this entire guide is to catalogue the entirety of the mechanical uses of the Survival Skill. I checked 100 books digging for every reference of survival and track. So let's get this going. I don't have anything from the online archive or Players Guide to Eberron. But I have checked the following sources.

Drow of the Underdark
Heroes of Horror
Races of Faerun

Libris Mortis
Races of Stone*

Champions of ruin
eberron campaign setting
Lord of the Iron Fortress
Races of the Wild

champions of valor
Elder Evils
lords of darkness
Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil

City of Splendor: water deep
Epic Handbook
Lords of Madness
Return to the temple of the Frog

City of Stormreach
Exemplars of Evil
Lost Empires of faerun

City of the Spider Queen
Expanded Psionics Handbook
Lost empires of faerun
Savage Species

Expedition to castle Ravenloft
Magic of Eberron
Secrets of Sarlona

Complete Adventurer*
Expedition to the Demonweb pit
Magic of Faerun
Secrets of Xendric

Complete Arcane
expedition to undermountain
Magic of Incarnum
serpent kingdoms

Complete Champion*
explorers handbook
Manual of the planes

Complete Mage
eyes of the lichqueen
Shadows of the Last war

Complete Psionic
Faiths and Pantheons
miniature’s handbook
Sharn city of two towers

Complete Scoundrel
Faiths of eberron
Shattered Gates of Slaughtergarde

Complete warrior,
Fiend Folio
shining south

Fiendish Codex 1
silver marches

Defenders of the faith
Fiendish Codex 2
Song and Silence

Five Nations
monsters of faerun
Spell Compendium

Dragon Compendium
Forge of War
Oriental Adventures

dragon magic
Forgotten realms campaign setting
Tome of Magic

Dragonlance campaign setting
Fortress of the Yuanti
twilight tomb

Planar Handbook
unapproachable east,

power of faerun

dragons of eberron
grasp of the emerald Claw
Races of Destiny*
Unearthed Arcana

dragons of faerun
heroes of battle
Races of Eberron
Voyage of Golden Dragon

SURVIVAL (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/skills/survival.htm) & EPIC SURVIVAL (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/skills.htm#survival)

Grand Master List of Uses of Survival

Survival DC

Get along in the wild. Move up to one-half your overland speed while hunting and foraging (no food or water supplies needed). You can provide food and water for one other person for every 2 points by which your check result exceeds 10.

Creatures with access to the right sort of clays and soils (generally found in warm forests, jungles, and swamps) sometimes plaster their skin and hair with mud, creating a crude but effective form of armor. Applying mud armor requires a successful Survival check (DC 10). Mud armor crumbles into uselessness after 1d2 days. Adorning yourself or another creature with mud armor takes 10 minutes, as does washing it off. Wild dwarves are the only people who normally employ mud armor. Cost 0gp, AC bonus +1, max dex bonus: +5; armor check penalty -1, arcane spell failure 0%, 30’, 20’ 8 lbs

Find a Common Herb

Create Trail SIGN: Very simple messages, such as “Go this way” or “Don’t go this way,” are fairly easy to convey. In general, a message that could be written in four words or less has a DC of 10. Modifiers apply.

Swimming to Find the Exit: Introduce submerged chambers or passages that require the characters to swim underwater to find their way out. If they don’t know how far they need to swim, so much the better. When the characters plunge into the water to find their way, have them make DC 10 Search or Survival checks to know the right way to go. If the strongest swimmer takes one end of a long rope to mark a safe passage to follow, allow characters using the safety line a +4 bonus on this check.

You can keep yourself and others safe and fed in urban settings. Get along in an urban setting without paying for food or services. You can provide relatively clean water and fresh food for one other person for every 2 points by which your check results exceeds 10.

The pit of a giant ant lion fills four adjacent 5-foot squares and is 20 feet deep. It isn’t hard to recognize, requiring a DC 10 Spot or Survival check to notice.

Creepy Crawlies: Billions of insects inhabit the jungle. While they cause no damage, small insects are terribly annoying because they get into clothing, armor, food, and so on. Each night, every character must make a successful Survival check (DC 10) to ignore the effects of biting, crawling insects or be fatigued the next day.
Eye of the Sun

Gain a +2 bonus on all Fortitude saves against severe weather while moving up to one-half your overland speed, or gain a +4 bonus if you remain stationary. You may grant the same bonus to one other character for every 1 point by which your Survival check result exceeds 15.

Unlike other swarms, a leech swarm is not distracting to creatures within it (until they notice the leeches; see below), and in fact often goes unnoticed until it is too late. The victim of a leech swarm's attack must make a DC 15 Survival check to notice the swarm's attack,
web (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/bs/20040926a)

Find your karmic twin or thunder twin. Or find your body as a ghost

Keep from getting lost or avoid natural hazards, such as quicksand.

Expertly wear a sufficiently large cloth to copy the effects of a filter mask (see page 100 of Sandstorm) negates the effects of suffocation from dust and sand.

Predict the weather up to 24 hours in advance. For every 5 points by which your Survival check result exceeds 15, you can predict the weather for one additional day in advance.

gain a +2 bonus on all Fortitude saves against natural hazards of the underground (such as trapped gases, heat from lava or other volcanic features, and so on) while moving up to one-half your overland speed, or you gain a +4 bonus if you remain stationary. You may grant the same bonus to one other character for every point by which the Survival check exceeds 15.

More complex messages, such as “Walk west three days, then turn left at the bluff.” Messages of five to ten words have a DC of 15. Modifiers apply

When traveling in poor conditions or difficult terrain, you can attempt a Survival check to hasten your group’s progress. On a check result of 15 or better, you increase the movement modifier for overland movement by 1/4, to a maximum of ×1 (see Table 9–5: Terrain and Overland Movement, page 164 of the Player’s Handbook). For example, you could increase your movement rate through trackless jungle from ×1/4 to ×1/2 your normal overland movement rate.
Complete adv

You can keep yourself and others safe and fed in urban settings. Locate a relatively warm and dry place to stay in for a 24-hour period. You must reroll this check every day.

You can keep yourself and others safe and fed in urban settings. Keep from getting lost in confusing streets with which you are not familiar.

AIR: Any creature exposed to poison gas is entitled to a DC 15 Survival check to detect the threat before breathing enough to force a saving throw. With a successful check, the creature can retreat before risking any damage. A creature with the scent ability gains a +5 bonus on this check. Areas of depleted air no longer have any breathable oxygen and can be identified in absence of other clues
underdark (poison gas), DoTu (no air)

Traverse Frog Swamp on foot: 80% chance each hour of taking a serious spill causing 1–4 points of damage. In 10% of these mishaps (50%, if the character is of Small size or smaller), the water is deep enough that the character could drown (Swim DC 10). A character that succeeds on a DC 15 Survival check each hour may ignore the dangers of the swamp, and, for each 2 points her check exceeded the DC, she may allow another character to ignore the swamp dangers.

Return to the Temple of the frog

Get along on the sea without provisions. Provide food and water for one other person for every 2 points by which your check result exceeds 20.

A character can scrounge the parts from the surrounding environment in 10 minutes of work with a successful DC 20 Survival check to craft a booby trap

Find an uncommon Herb
Siver Marches

Whether in the arid dead tunnels or the moisture-laden living caverns of the Underdark, incautious travelers can easily fall prey to many natural hazards. These dangers include weak floors, collapsing tunnels, treacherous chasms, and getting lost in the twisting passages. For PCs native to the surface world, making a successful DC 20 Survival check means they manage to identify and avoid a natural hazard. For PCs who are members of races native to the Underdark, this DC is reduced by 5. As an option, you can allow a surface PC to take ranks in the specialized skill Survival (Underdark) to reduce the check’s DC to 15, just as if he were a native of the Underdark.
Middledark p.118: The Middledark is, at its best, worse than the harshest surface deserts. The DC for any Survival check made in the Middledark automatically increases by 5, even for natives. Wild resources are hard to find, and most of those that do exist have already been placed under guard by someone else.
Lowerdark p.120:
Water is virtually nonexistent, and the little that is present is well guarded. Food cannot be found in the wild, unless the hunter has no aversion to cannibalism. (Many creatures at this depth survive by this means.) The Survival check DCs for most tasks increase by 10.
Drow of the Underdark, underdark

In general, characters in an area about to be struck by dire weather are entitled to a DC 20 Survival check to detect the approaching danger 1 minute before it strikes. This may not be enough time to get out of the storm’s path, but may provide an opportunity to seek shelter or make other preparations.

In general, characters approaching an area plagued by one of these supernatural dangers, or in an area about to be struck by one, are entitled to a DC 20 Survival check to detect the approaching danger 1 minute before it strikes (or immediately before entering the affected area, in the case of a hazard they’re moving into): Airy Water, Airless water, Dead calm, Maelstrom, Stormfire.

AIR: Allow the creature carrying the light a DC 20 Survival check to observe the danger before the explosion actually occurs.

Collecting twistroot: DC 20 Survival check and an hour’s time to find a twistroot plant. A searcher has a 12% chance of encountering undead during that time.

Shattered gates of slaughterguard

A character with the Track feat spots the signs of previous wolf attacks before the winter wolves reveal themselves. Hoofprints and pawprints combined with old bloodstains reveal that unusually large wolves have taken down deer, bears, and even dire wolves within the valley walls.

Fait Accompli

The business has become infested with rats, vermin, or another undesirable pest. Each term the infestation is allowed to continue, apply a cumulative –1 penalty on all profit checks. The infestation can be removed with a successful DC 25 Survival check and 2d6×10 gp of supplies; at the DM’s option, certain spells (such as repel vermin cast multiple times) can cure the infestation as well. Penalties accrued by infestation diminish at the same rate, lowering by 1 point per term as customers slowly become convinced the infestation is over.

Survival check can correctly identify a fall zone of a Siberys Shower

Indicate which two Lightning Rods conducting powerful electricity from the swirling storm above will arc between in the next round, possibly allowing a character to move and shout a warning to other party members. One pair of rods arc at random each round. Roll 1d12 twice (roll again if you roll the same number twice) to have a line of supercharged electricity blast between the two numbered rods at the beginning of the following round. Anyone caught in the line takes 6d6 points of electricity damage (DC 20 Reflex half). Each round, PCs can make a DC 25 Knowledge (nature) or Survival check as a free action.
eyes of the lich queen

Trail Blazing:
With a result of 25 or higher, you can increase the movement modifier by 1/2 (and thus could travel through trackless jungle at ×3/4 your normal rate). In either case the ×1 maximum still applies—that is, you can improve up to but not exceed your normal movement rate by this means. You can guide a group of up to four individuals (including yourself) at no penalty. However, for each three additional people (rounded up) in the group being guided, apply a –2 penalty to the trailblazing attempt. Thus, a group of five to seven (yourself and four to six others) would incur a –2 penalty, a group of eight to ten a –4 penalty, and so forth. This ability applies only to long-distance overland movement—it has no effect on tactical movement.
Complete adv

AIR: To notice the drop in air quality, unless there are other clues such as fumes or odors. Or to notice invisible and/or odorless gasses
underdark & DoTu

Pick Boomshroom from Boomshroom patch to render them inert: Boomshrooms always regrow in the same spot no matter what’s done to purge them. It takes a boomshroom a tenday to regrow once triggered.
Magic of Faerun

Find a Rare Herb
Silver Marches

Get along in the wild while moving at full speed. The character can provide food and water for one other person for every 2 points by which the check result exceeds 40.
SRD (epic)

With a successful check, the character knows the direction to a desired location that is Very Familiar: a place where the character has been very often and where he or she feels at home.

Automatically succeed on all Fortitude saves against severe weather. The character can extend this benefit to one other character for every 2 points by which the check result exceeds 60.
SRD (epic)

Ignore overland movement penalties of terrain. The character and his or her mount can move at full overland speed regardless of terrain. The character can extend this benefit to one other character for every 5 points by which the check result exceeds 60.
SRD (epic)

Identify race/kind of creature(s) by tracks.1
SRD (epic)

With a successful check, the character knows the direction to a desired location that is Studied Carefully: a place the character knows well, either because he or she has been there often or has used other means to study the place.

With a successful check, the character knows the direction to a desired location that was Seen casually: a place that the character has viewed more than once, but which he or she has not studied.

With a successful check, the character knows the direction to a desired location that they've Viewed once: a place that the character has seen once, possibly using magic.

With a successful check, the character knows the direction to a desired location that they have Description only: a place whose location and appearance the character knows through someone else’s description.

Silver Marches: Acclimated Characters p.51
Creatures accustomed to high altitude generally fare better than lowlanders. Any creature normally found in mountain terrain is considered native to the area, and acclimated to the high altitude. Characters with the Endurance feat, 4 ranks of Wilderness Lore, Survival or 7 ranks of Climb are also acclimated to high altitude. Undead, constructs, and other creatures that do not breathe are immune to altitude effects.

Stormwrack: Track in Water p.51:A ranger can follow a trail even across streams or underwater. Such terrain cannot hold tracks, but the ranger uses faint scent traces and lingering disturbances in the water to follow the recent passage of his quarry. Since water (especially if moving) quickly washes away the trail, the Survival DC modifier for tracking in water is +10. For each minute that passes since the trail was made, the DC also increases by 1 (or by 5 in flowing water). Tracking through rushing or stormy water is impossible, except to a character under the effect of a wake trailing spell (see page 124).

Infusions (Masters of the Wild 3.0)

Different infusions require different herbs... Herbs for the highest-level spells may grow only in the remotest locales, so collection may require long journeys. A character can use Wilderness Lore Survival to forage for an herb while moving at one-half his or her normal overland movement rate through a forested or other natural area. Make a Wilderness Lore Survival check (DC = 10 + twice the level of the spell to be infused) at the end of each day spent foraging. Success indicates that the character has found a sufficient quantity of the herb for a single infusion of the desired spell; failure means none was found. Casting detect animals or plants grants the character a +2 circumstance bonus on that day’s check. While foraging in this fashion, a character can also forage for sustenance, as detailed in the Wilderness Lore Survival skill description in the Player’s Handbook.

Gardening p.32
Though growing herbs for infusions seems like a good idea, seldom does an adventuring character actually do so. Maintaining an herb garden requires hours of work each day in a single locale, and most adventurers cannot abide this degree of attachment to one place. Still, any character wishing to undertake the challenge of gardening may attempt it according to the following rules. Once the character has acquired a sample of the desired herb (see Collecting, above), he or she can attempt to cultivate it.

A single character can care for a number of herbs equal to twice the number of ranks he or she has acquired in Wilderness Lore Survival. With proper care, an herb garden produces a harvest twice a year. To produce an herb crop, the character must make a Wilderness Lore Survival or Profession (farmer) check for each week of cultivation, plus an additional Wilderness Lore Survival check at harvest time. The DC for the weekly cultivation check is one-half the DC required to find the herb (see Collecting, above). If this check fails by 5 or more, the herb withers and dies. Each time it fails by less than 5, a cumulative –1 penalty is imposed on the final Wilderness Lore Survival check for harvesting the crop, if that last check is successful, the herbs harvested are sufficient for a number of infusions equal to one-half the check result. Failure indicates that no usable herbs are produced.

Obviously, this use of gardening is more useful for cultivating herbs that have mundane effects that you find using Silver Marches rules for herb acquisition.

Booby Traps (DMG p.41)

BOOBY TRAP (CR 1/2) A DC 20 Craft (trapmaking) check and 1 minute of work is all that’s required to set up a booby trap. A trapmaker can rush a booby trap’s creation and attempt to craft one as a full-round action, but doing so entails a –10 penalty on the Craft (trapmaking) check. Failure on this check by 5 or more indicates the trapmaker springs the trap and is affected by it.

The components required to build a booby trap vary wildly. Parts can be purchased for 50 gp, or a character can scrounge the parts from the surrounding environment with a successful DC 20 Survival check and 10 minutes of work.

Booby traps are usually CR 1/2 traps. Creating a more dangerous booby trap generally requires powerful magic, or time and resources, or both.

Alarm: CR 1/2; mechanical device; touch trigger; no reset; bells ring when triggered (nearby enemies make a DC –5 Listen check, modifi ed by distance, to hear the bells); Search DC 15; Disable Device DC 15.
Duster: CR 1/2; mechanical device; touch trigger; no reset; fragile container of fi ne powder (Atk +5 melee touch, blindness for 1d3 rounds, DC 12 Fortitude negates); Search DC 15; Disable Device DC 15.
Knockback: CR 1/2; mechanical device; touch trigger; no reset; heavy swinging weight makes a bull rush attempt as a Medium creature with 14 Strength; Search DC 15; Disable Device DC 15.
Sticker: CR 1/2; mechanical device; touch trigger; no reset; sharp spike (Atk +6 melee, 1d6); Search DC 15; Disable Device DC 15.
Tripline: CR 1/2; mechanical device; touch trigger; no reset; trip cord makes a trip attempt as a Medium creature with 14 Strength; Search DC 15; Disable Device DC 15.
Weapon Grabber: CR 1/2; mechanical device; touch trigger; no reset; bar or noose attempts to disarm a held object or weapon (Atk +6 as a Medium creature); Search DC 15;Disable Device DC 15.

Getting Survival as a Class Skill
Go to this link (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?491181-Alternative-ways-to-get-new-Class-skills&p=20885240#post20885240)

Other Skill Guides
Bluff (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?504559-Stop-Flubbing-Your-Bluffs-The-reference-guide-to-successful-truthtelling&p=21342024)
Disable Device (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?520223-Saboteur-s-Cookbook-Masterwork-Disable-Device-tools&p=21875860#post21875860)
Knowledge (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?514547-The-Library-of-Knowledge-Getting-the-most-out-of-your-studies&p=21683962)

2016-09-10, 07:54 PM
Notable Class options:
Planar Handbook
Planar Ranger p.34
Portal Intuition (Ex): At 8th level, a planar ranger becomes an expert at tracking quarry across planes and through various portals and breaches. When examining a portal, the ranger may attempt to determine to which plane the portal leads. To do this, he must succeed on both a DC 20 Survival check and a DC 20 Knowledge (the planes) check.

Barbarian ACF: p.8:
Trapkiller ACF, Level: 3rd. Replaces: You do not gain the trap sense ability. Benefit: Beginning at 3rd level, you gain trapfinding except that you can use Survival instead of Search to locate traps. However, you take a –5 penalty on such checks because of your comparative unfamiliarity with the mechanisms and triggers involved.

Imaskari Vengeance Taker p.37:
Target of Vengeance (Ex): Beginning at 1st level, an Imaskari vengeance taker may select a specific creature as the target of her vengeance...Her calculated study of this foe grants her a +2 Survival checks made against that one creature. Likewise, she gets a +2 bonus on weapon damage rolls against her foe. Each time the Imaskari vengeance taker gains a new level in the prestige class, her bonuses against her target of vengeance increase by +1.
To designate a target of vengeance, the IVT must spend one full day performing a set of special rites. She must either know the name of her foe or have met the individual at least once. IVT may have only one target of vengeance at a time. She can designate a new target after successfully slaying her previous target or by spending three full days performing the necessary rituals. An IVT who has levels in the ranger class may add one-half the bonus noted above (rounded down) to her favored enemy bonus when attacking or using the indicated skills against a target of vengeance that is also one of her favored enemies.

Unearthed Arcana:
Favored environments ACF p.65:
At 1st level, a ranger may select a natural environment from among the following:

Desert, cold
Desert, Temperate or warm
Forest, cold or temperate
Forest, warm

The ranger gains a +2 bonus on Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Spot, and Survival checks when using these skills in that environment. He also gains the same bonus on Knowledge (nature) checks made in association with that environment (or on Knowledge [dungeoneering] checks made in association with underground environments, if the ranger has selected underground as a favored environment). At 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter (at 10th, 15th, and 20th level), the ranger may select an additional favored environment from those given on the table and gains an identical bonus on the appropriate skill checks in that environment. In addition, at each such interval, the bonuses in any one favored environment (including the one just selected, if so desired) increase by 2.

Song and Silence (3.0)
Royal Explorer p.14:
Never Lost: A royal explorer of 6th level or higher automatically succeeds at Wilderness lore and Intuit Direction Survival checks made to avoid being lost, and maze spells don’t affect him.

Player's Guide to Faerun
Shaaryan Hunter p.72:
Mounted Tracking (Ex): Shaaryan hunters are skilled at following tracks from horseback. Beginning at 2nd level, a Shaaryan hunter may move at one-half her mount’s base speed without taking penalties on Survival checks made to track. At 6th level, she may move at her mount’s full speed while tracking with no penalty.

Miniatures Handbook
Skullclan Hunter variant, p. 20:
Track Undead (Ex): A skullclan hunter gains the ability to track undead (only) as if using the Track feat. A skull clan hunter uses his Knowledge (religion) skill modifier instead of his Survival modifier for the skill checks associated with this feat.

Champions of Valor
Broken one ACF p.36:
Tenacious Tracker (Su): Beginning at 6th level, a Broken One gains the ability to follow the trail of those cruel enough to torture and maim others. She receives Track as a bonus feat. She gains a +10 competence bonus on Survival checks made to track those with Loviatar as a patron deity....This benefit replaces the bonus feat gained by a standard monk at 6th level.

Noble Heart Paladin ACF p.46:
Tenacious Tracker (Su): Beginning at 3rd level, a Noble Heart paladin gains the ability to follow the trail of those cruel enough to torture and maim others. She receives Track as a bonus feat. She gains a +10 competence bonus on Survival checks made to track those who have Loviatar as a patron deity.

Duraak’ash p.108:
Track the Trackless (Ex): At 7th level, Take a —20 penalty on your Survival check to gain the ability to track creatures under the effect of pass without trace, trackless step, or similar abilities.

Cyre scout p.102:
Direction Sense (Ex): Add your class level to all Survival checks.

Improved Direction Sense (Ex): From 4th level on, an innate ability to sense misdirection makes it almost impossible for you to get lost. Though you still make Survival checks as normal to find your way, you are aware when you fail a check, and can reorient yourself by stopping for 1d4 hours.

Complete Divine
Spiritual Guide p.50
Level: 4th. Replaces: This benefit replaces the animal companion class feature. Benefit: You gain a spiritual guide. As long as you remain in natural surroundings (including underground caverns), this guide is a constant companion. Once you enter any civilized area larger than a hamlet, however, your spiritual guide leaves your side, returning only when you return to the wilds. Although it cannot protect you from harm, your spiritual guide can warn you of impending danger. As long as your spiritual guide is with you, you gain a divine bonus equal to one-quarter your ranger level (rounded down) on Handle Animal, Knowledge (nature), Listen, Search, Spot, and Survival checks.

Web: Mind's Eye - Expanded Classes
Found here (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20070629a)
Tracker Lurk: Psionic Tag: The lurk's next touch or melee attack will "tag" a creature or object with a psionic signature. You get a +1 bonus, plus an additional +1 bonus for every five manifester levels you possess, to tracking or locating this creature or object. You can have only one tag active for every five manifester levels you have and you must release one to create another. The tag's duration is a number of days equal to your lurk level. Nondetection and similar spells and psionics will conceal a tag, and dispel psionics or an antimagic field removes this tag. Psionic Tracker: As long as you have psionic focus, you gain a +2 bonus on all tracking attempts.

Web: Dead Levels
Found Here: (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/cwc/20061013a)
Woodland Hunter (Ex): At 12th level, a ranger can make "get along in the wild" checks while moving at his full overland speed. See Survival on page 83 of the Player's Handbook.
Perceptive Tracker (Ex): At 14th level, a ranger never takes longer than a full-round action to find tracks with a Survival check. A second roll is still required to follow any discovered tracks.
Seasoned Explorer (Ex): At 16th level, a ranger can make Survival checks to gain a bonus on Fortitude saves against severe weather while moving at his full overland speed. See Survival on page 83 of the Player's Handbook.
Instinctive Tracker (Ex): At 18th level, a ranger takes a standard action to find tracks with a Survival check, allowing the character to simultaneously move at his speed.
Survivalist (Ex): At 19th level, the ranger becomes so certain in the use of Survival that the character can use it reliably even under adverse conditions. When making a skill check with Survival, the ranger may take 10 even if stress and distractions would normally prevent the character from doing so.


p.168: Bloodfist Tribe Affiliation:
Affiliation score 4-10: Bloodfist Tribe Member: +4 racial bonus on Survival checks.
Affiliation Score 23-29: Lodge of the Thunder Eagle: +8 racial bonus on Survival checks, +2 inherent bonus to whichever ability score you didn’t raise while at the Lodge of the Dire Wolf rank, and +8 circumstance bonus on attempts to influence the attitude of Bloodfist half-orcs.

p.174 Merata Kan Affiliation
Affiliation Score 11-20: Setaf Kon: +2 competence bonus on Diplomacy checks involving your clanmates and a +2 competency bonus on Survival checks made when traveling with clanmates.

Complete Champion
p.8: Church of Elhonna
"Members of the Church of Ehlonna can be found nearly anywhere that nature reigns supreme. Those who venture into dangerous regions that feature natural hazards or deadly monsters usually leave markers to warn other church members of the perils ahead. To define the borders of such areas, they employ a clever series of signs, nearly undetectable by the untrained eye (DC 20 Survival check to notice, or DC 10 for a character who worships Ehlonna). The followers of Ehlonna leave caches of supplies in the wilds for any to use. Such stockpiles include food, water, and sometimes healing potions, healing kits, or even extra weapons. They are marked with the same kind of secret signs that warn travelers away from dangerous areas. Anyone, whether a member of the Assembly of Balance or any knowledgeable wanderer, who takes items from such a cache is expected to replace them as soon as possible.
p. 9: Rank 5: Affiliation Score: 30 or Higher: Heart of the Huntress: Gain a +4 bonus on Survival checks made to track an enemy, and smite a creature (see paladin’s smite evil class feature, PH 44) you have successfully tracked once per day.

p.69: Guardians of the Green Affiliation
Rank 1: Affiliation Score 4-12: Initiate of the Green: Gain a +2 bonus on Survival checks made in natural areas.

p.61 HeadHunters Affiliation
Rank 3: Affiliation score 13-21: Gem Hunter: Gain a +2 competence bonus on Survival checks when following monster tracks. You are assigned a personal assistant who accompanies you (though not into danger) to record your successes.
Rank 4: Affiliation Score 22-29: Claw Hunter: Your competence bonus on Survival checks when following monster tracks increases to +4. Gain a +2 competence bonus on Knowledge checks to learn about a creature’s abilities and weaknesses.

City of Stormreach
p.97 Blackwheel Company Affiliation
Rank 2: affiliation score 6-15, +2 circumstance bonus on Survival checks in Xen’drik

p.112 Guaridans of Rusheme Affiliation
Rank 2: Affiliation Score 4-10: Rushugan: +3 bonus on Survival checks made in Xen’drik.

p116 Hollow Shard affiliation
Rank 5: Affiliation score 23 or higher: Charlatan: Make a Bluff check in place of any Decipher Script, Heal, Gather Information, Knowledge, Profession, or Survival check. Your expertise on any topic seems so thorough that those actually versed in the subject might doubt themselves. The result of your Bluff check is the DC of a Sense Motive or any relevant skill check of anyone who wishes to question your expertise. Failure indicates the person believes your words over his or her own actual expertise.

Teamwork Benefits & Animal Tricks

PHB2 p.159 Teamwork benefits
Camp routine Survival Pre-reqs
Foe Hunting: Survival Pre-reqs
Team Rush: Your team travels faster than normal as a group. The efforts and assistance of the faster characters allow the slower ones to keep up. Training: Your team must march for a week as a group, traveling across roads, dells, forests, and mountain passes. By so doing, each team member learns how best to help everyone move together.
Task Leader Prerequisite: Survival 8 ranks and Endurance.
Team Member Prerequisite: Survival 1 rank.
Benefit: When the entire team is traveling overland on foot, each team member moves at the task leader’s speed. This benefit does not extend to combat and similar short-term movement situations, or to mounted characters.

complete adventurer p.100
Assist Track (Handle animal DC 20): The animal aids your attempt to track. The animal must be present as you attempt a Survival check to track another creature; if the animal succeeds on a DC 10 Survival check, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus on your Survival check made to track. An animal must have the scent ability and know the track trick before it can learn this trick.

Hunt (Handle Animal DC 15): The animal attempts to hunt and forage for food for you using its Survival skill. While any animal automatically knows how to hunt and forage for its own needs, this trick causes it to return with food rather than simply eating its fill of what it finds.

Equipment & Extraordinary Natural items

Races of the Wild
Honey Leather p169: Honey leather is a light canvas used as protection against rain and dampness... A character equipped with a honey leather tarpaulin big enough to drape over his body gains a +1 circumstance bonus on Survival checks made to resist the effect of severe weather. If the character is stationary, the bonus increases to +2... A tent made of honey leather provides a +4 bonus on Survival checks for anyone inside...

Dragon Compendium
Arrow, Signal p.110: This masterwork arrow is specially designed to emulate a bird's call when fired. Elven fletchers craft the arrows to make calls that will be recognized as signals by the elves of the community. For example, a hawk's cry might be used to signal an attack, and an owl's cry might be used to signal a stealthy advance. A successful DC 20 Survival check can be made to determine whether the birdcall comes from a bird or another source. The intricate carving of the arrows makes them clumsy in flight, resulting in a -2 penalty if used to attack.

Catstink p.117: Given the penchant of the powerful to guard their estates with dogs, more than one spy has had to make a quick getaway pursued by a pack of barking canines. A dose of catstink (which is actually an alchemical compound, not the urine or musk of felines) on your trail temporarily confuses the scent ability of any creature. The creature must make a successful DC 15 Survival check to regain the scent of any target it pursued before exposure to the catstink. Catstink does not prevent a creature with scent from using the ability in any other way (such as to detect or pinpoint a hidden creature); it only makes it more difficult for the creature to track by scent alone.

Razor Ice Powder p.79: This granular white powder can be sprinkled over any icy surface; one vial is enough to coat one 5-foot square. The area coated immediately grows hundreds of tiny razor-sharp crystals of ice; these crystals function as if the area had been covered with razor ice (see page 16). Razor ice is difficult to see; a successful DC 20 Survival check reveals the danger, otherwise, a victim won’t realize the true nature of the painful ice until she treads upon it.

Secrets of Xendric
Hunter’s Kit (SoX p.139): a hunter’s kit provides a +2 circumstance bonus on Survival checks. In addition, the scents provided in this kit can be used to deceive creatures tracking by scent (MM 314), increasing the DC of the Wisdom or Survival check by 2.

Spelunker’s Kit (Underdark p.67): A spelunking kit grants the user a +2 circumstance bonus on Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, and Survival checks made to navigate tough-to-access areas.

City of Stormreach
Premium charts and Maps and Guidebooks (City of Stormreach p.129): A few maps—especially those created by drow, giants, or other natives of the region—can prove helpful, though only when one describes a small region of land. If an explorer can find such a map, it provides a +2 bonus on Survival checks to keep from getting lost or to avoid natural hazards in the region it covers. Havulak Prospecting sells guidebooks outlining hazards in different regions of Xen’drik. Each guidebook costs 50 gp and provides a +3 bonus on Survival checks to find food or shelter in a specific region.

Races of Faerun
Mud Armor p.158: Applying mud armor requires a successful Survival check (DC 10). Mud armor crumbles into uselessness after 1d2 days. Adorning yourself or another creature with mud armor takes 10 minutes, as does washing it off. Wild dwarves are the only people who normally employ mud armor. Cost 0gp, AC bonus +1, max dex bonus: +5; armor check penalty -1, arcane spell failure 0%, 30’, 20’ 8lbs.

Arms and Equipment Guide (3.0)
Animal call p.19: Crafted out of bone, metal, or wood, these special whistles are designed to mimic a specific animal voice-usually game animals and birds. An animal call provides a +1 circumstance bonus on Wilderness Lore Survival checks when hunting for food. Calls exist only for creatures that are type "animal".

Fishing Tackle p.22: More than a mere fishhook, this set includes birch poles, silk line, sinkers, hooks, lures and tackle box. It grants a +1 circumstance bonus on wilderness lore Survival checks when gather food around bodies of water that contain fish.

Fowler's Snare p.22: this is a specially designed snare used for capturing birds and other small flying game. It grants a +1 circumstance bonus on wilderness lore Survival checks when attempting to trap these sorts of creatures.

Navigator's Kit p.28: This expensive set of instruments includes a sextent, astrolabe, compass, and measuring tools. It has no benefit on land but grants a +2 circumstance bonus on Intuit Direction and Wilderness Lore Survival (directional only) checks while at sea and on profession (cartographer) checks to make maps.

Magic of Faerun
Extraordinary Natural Items p.180
The magic of the Weave suffuses the natural world as well, creating objects with extraordinary characteristics that border on the magical. Sages theorize that these substances act as collectors of the magical energies of the land, while others hold less fanciful opinions. These items occur naturally, without any alchemical or magical process needed to harness their abilities. A Knowledge (nature) check (DC 20) can identify any of these items and its effect. A Wilderness Lore Survival check (DC 20, 30, or higher) can allow a character to find such a substance or item in the appropriate location, assuming the conditions are appropriate. Unless otherwise noted, the special abilities inherent in these substances and items are extraordinary abilities, and they remain in effect even in areas where magic does not function.


5 gp

These small, purple berries grow deep in hidden clumps in the many forests surrounding the Sea of Fallen Stars.

Fairy dust (1 ounce)
100 gp

Fey creatures, such as sprites, make fairy dust from their own shed hair and skin and give it to those who please them.

Felsul flower oil (1 ounce)
100 gp

Felsuls grow on crags, cliff edges, and clefts where few other trees can find purchase. They are gnarled, twisted trees whose wood crumbles to the touch and is of a dusty cinnamon brown to deep brown hue.

Fog rock
5 gp

These rocks wash up periodically on the shores of the Nelanther Isles and westernmost shores of the Moonshae Isles.

Mule pollen
50 gp

blooms in early spring upon the High Moor and in the grassy foothills of some mountain ranges.

Red helmthorn berry
1 sp


Shadowtop torch
1 sp
1 lb.

Silverbark sap (1 ounce)
20 gp


Sleepweed pod
50 gp

The pods of the sleepweed plant, which appear similar to those of milkweed plants (authors note: near roads), contain a sleep-inducing mold within them.

50 gp/lb.
as item
These rare trees are actively protected by dryads, treants, druids, and rangers. If undisturbed, they grow into huge, many-branched forest giants that resemble oaks with dual-colored leaves

For an expansive list of natural items, some of which have survival DCs associated with them. Jowgen's excellent guide (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?479663-Magical-Plants-and-Where-to-Find-them-WIP)

Also, Scumberries: from secrets of xendric p.33: A successful DC 25 Survival check reveals that crushed scumberries applied to the skin (a full-round action) negates the phosphorescent effect of the lagoon in area 4 for 1 hour.

Spells, Domains, Vestiges

Bloodhound (CAdv p.144): Ranger 1, 24 hour duration: If you fail a Survival check to track a creature while this spell functions, you can immediately attempt another roll against the same DC to reestablish the trail. If the reroll fails, you must search for the trail for 30 minutes (if outdoors) or 5 minutes (if indoors) before trying again.
Aspect of the Wolf (SC p.16): Ranger 1/Druid 1, 10min/level: gain scent, wolf form.
Embrace the Wild (SC p.79): Ranger 1/Druid 2, 10 min/level: gain scent or blindsense 30.
Easy Trail (Complete Adventurer): Ranger 1/Druid 2, hour/level: Add 5 to DC of survival checks to track you.
Snowshoe (SC p.194): Cleric 1/Ranger 1/Druid 1, hour/level: affected creature does not leave a more readily discernible trail through ice and snow than it does on solid ground, denying trackers potential bonuses to follow the affected creature's path.
Scent (Complete Divine): Ranger 1/Druid 2, 10 min/level: gain scent.
Remove scent (web (http://“http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fw/20021025a”)): Bard, cleric, sorc, wiz, ranger, druid 1, 10 min/level: removes scent of those tracking you.
Marked Object (SC p.139): Ranger 1, assassin 2, Sorc/wiz 2, 24 hours: Attune focus, gain +10 bonus to track that focus
Living Prints (SC p.134): Ranger 1, hour/level: You perceive tracks as if they had just been made. You must notice the prints normally with a successful Search or Survival check, but this eliminates any penalties to your tracking due to the passage of time or any rainfall since the making of the trail. This spell has no effect on tracks more than thirty days old.
Animal Spirit (MoI): Druid 2, Ranger 2, hour/level: gain scent, +2 to wis & +2 wis per essencia invested.
train animal (Complete adv): Druid 2, Ranger 2, hour/level: animal learns one trick per two caster levels, max 5. Have them assist track!
Snow Walk (FB): Druid 2,Ranger 2, Winter 2, 10 min/level: Tracking the subject is impossible by nonmagical means
Owls Wisdom:: lots of spell classes 2, min/level: bonus to wisdom
Primal Instinct (dragon Magic): Ranger 2, Druid 3, Sorc 3, 24 hours: +5 competence bonus on initiative and Survival checks.
One with the Land (SC p.149): Druid 2, Ranger 2, Hathran 2, hour/level: +2 competence bonus to survival
Leap into Animal (MoE p.97): Druid 2, Ranger 2, minute/level: possess a tracking animal
Share Talents (PHB2): Bard 1, Cleric 2, Ranger 2, Sor/wiz 2, 10 min/level: the subjects gain a +2 bonus on any skill checks they make and the ability to make checks untrained.
Embrace the wild (Savage Species): Druid 3, Ranger 3, 10 min/level: gain the natural and extraordinary senses of the creature you choose, as well as its skill ranks (
Mark of the Hunter (SC p.138): Ranger 3, min/level, Favored enemy bonuses increase by +4.
Wake Trailing (SW p.124): Ranger 3, Druid 4, 24 hours: track a vessel over open water on a Survival check, as though you were tracking a Huge, Gargantuan, or Colossal creature (depending on the size of the ship) over soft ground.
Slipsand (sandstorm): Druid 4, Ranger 4, permanent: Make slipsand patch: A character must succeed on a Survival check (DC equals the save DC of the spell) to notice a pit of slipsand.
Whiteout (FB p.105):[/ b] Druid 7, hour/level: In addition, any creature trying to move within the effects of this spell must make a Survival check (DC 10 + caster level) every move action or wander lost inside the whiteout
[B]Dead End (spell compendium p.59): assassin, bard, sorc/wiz 1, Any creature making a Search check, using the scent ability, or using the Survival skill to track a creature affected by this spell interacts with the illusion and can make a will save to disbelieve.
Expose the dead (SC p.96): cleric 2, paladin 2, sorc/wiz 2, minute/level: you gain an insight bonus equal to your caster level (maximum +10) on Survival checks made to track undead, and you can follow undead tracks with a DC above 10 as if you had the Track feat. You gain the same insight bonus on Listen and Spot checks made against undead creatures.
Leomund’s Hidden lodge (Complete arcane p.113): bard 5, sorc/wiz 5, 24 hours, Any creature approaching within 30 feet is entitled to a DC 30 Survival check to spot the hidden lodge as an artificial dwelling and not a natural part of the landscape.
Essence of the Raptor (Spell Compendium p.84): Druid 4, 10 minutes/level: Your speed increases to 60 feet (if it is already 60 feet or faster, it does not change), and you gain a +8 bonus on Hide, Jump, Listen, Spot, and Survival checks. You also gain the scent ability.
Megalodon Empowerment (SW p.118): Druid 8, Seafolk 7, hour/level: Your sense of smell sharpens, granting you the scent special ability and a +10 racial bonus to Survival checks for the purpose of tracking by scent.
Phantasmal Disorientation (Complete Divine): Druid 6, 10 min/level:Each round the subject of a phantasmal disorientation wants to move, he must attempt a DC 20 Survival check to discern the true landmarks from the phantasmal ones.
Horse’s Nose (OA): shugenja 2, hour/level: scent
Know Direction (SRD): 0 level spell: discern true north

Psionic Scent (XPH p.126)

Arborea Domain(SC p.282)
Travel Domain(SRD)
Weather Domain (ECS p.108)
Hunter’s Circlet (MoI p.70) +2, +2 per essencia
Buer Vestige(ToM p.26)

Magic Items, Rituals, Magical Locations

Magic Items:

Spear of the wild, Complete Champion p.137: +2 competence bonus on Survival checks, baleful polymorph on a critical hit

Trackless boots DotU p.101: Survival checks made to follow your trail have a –5 circumstance penalty.

Abyssal Mundus Artifact FC1 p.102: : +10 circumstance bonus on Survival checks while on the Abyss. These bonuses last for one year after the character reads the Abyssal Mundus.

MoI p.110:
Sample Magic Item Chakra Bind Effects: Brow Bind: +2 insight bonus on Disguise, Listen, Search, Sense Motive, Spot, or Survival checks.

Siberys Compass SoX p.146:: +2 bonus on trailblazing attempts. With a successful DC 15 Survival check, a guide increases his group’s movement modifier for overland movement by one-quarter, to a maximum of 1 (PH 164). With a result of 25 or better, he increases the movement modifier by one-half, to a maximum of 1. Guides using a Siberys compass to find their way have an uncanny knack for bypassing dangerous and treacherous areas and for fi nding easy paths to walk along. The guide and any other characters under his care can walk for 10 hours in one day with ease (or can walk for more than 10 hours in a day by making a forced march; PH 164).

Nanietharil FoYt p.26: legacy item: Nonlegacy Game Statistics: +1 darkwood scale mail; cost 1,150 gp. You can reroll one Survival check per day. The decision to reroll must be made before the result of the original roll is known.

Map of Unseen Lands MIC p.164:: While holding the map, you gain a +5 competence bonus on Knowledge (geography) and Survival checks if you are neutral good, lawful good, chaotic good, or neutral.

Mask of the Tiger: MIC p.200 A mask of the tiger provides you with the benefit of the Track feat (or, if you already have that feat, a +5 competence bonus on Survival checks)

Finder Underdark p.69,: A finder weapon helps its bearer navigate the pathless depths of the Underdark. Via silent warnings and hunches, it grants its wielder a +4 insight bonus on Search, Spot, and Survival checks made underground.

Potion of Unerring Direction Masters of the Wild p. 29: A character drinking this potion gains a +10 circumstance bonus on Intuit Direction checks for 1 hour.

Goggles of Following Masters of the Wild p. 29:: The lenses of these goggles are tinted with shades of green and yellow. They grant the wearer a +10 competence bonus on Wilderness Lore checks made for tracking.

Dust of Tracelessness DMG p.255:: A handful of dust sprinkled along a trail causes evidence of the passage of as many as a dozen men and horses to be obliterated for 250 feet back into the distance. The results of the dust are instantaneous, and no magical aura lingers afterward from this use of the dust. Survival checks made to track a quarry across an area affected by this dust have a DC 20 higher than normal.

Lens of Detection DMG p.261:: aids in following tracks, adding a +5 bonus on Survival checks when tracking. The lens is about 6 inches in diameter and set in a frame with a handle.

Dyerwaen PGTF p.125:: +2 bastard sword with a +2 competence bonus on Survival checks.

Ring of the Stalker MoE p.118:: Effect: You can designate one creature as your prey, gaining a +5 competence bonus on Listen, Search, Spot, and Survival checks made to locate or find that creature.

Tracker Mask Races of Eberron p.176:: grants scent to warforged

Telkiira Lost Empires of Faerun p.155:: contains ten ranks in 4 different wis, cha, or int skills. Survival could be one of them

Pirahna Mask, web (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fw/20030627a): Scent (underwater), 1d8 dam bite attack

Boots of Mountaineering (web (http://http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fw/20040612a)):When in mountainous terrain, the wearer gains a +2 insight bonus on all saving throws and a +5 competence bonus on Balance, Jump, and Survival checks.

Feytracker (web (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/fw/20040919a)): The feytracker grants a +5 competence bonus on Survival checks made to track animals and plant creatures. It grants a +15 competence bonus on Survival checks made to track fey, rangers, and druids.

Ritual of Avenging Ash Faiths of Eberron p.95:: Must not be capable of casting arcane spells, choose a creature type from favored enemy list. An initiate of the Ashbound sect can treat this creature as a favored enemy.

Ritual of Travel DMG2 p.235: You forge a bond with the chosen item by carrying it with you during a long journey. Prerequisite: Knowledge (geography) 6 ranks or Survival 6 ranks. Task: You must complete an overland trek of at least 50 miles per character level you possess. You can have company on this journey, but you must cover the entire distance on foot. The chosen item must accompany you throughout this task. Ceremony: At some point during each day of travel, you must meditate for 1 hour. If this meditation is interrupted, you can begin meditating again. However, if you let an entire 24 hours pass without performing the required meditation, you must restart the journey. Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus on Survival checks, as well as on all checks and saves mentioned in the description of the Endurance feat (see page 93 of the Player’s Handbook). Truebond Benefit: You can move at your normal speed through diffi cult terrain that would normally halve your speed, including undergrowth (but not heavy undergrowth), shallow bogs, steep slopes, and dense rubble. Obstacles (such as low walls), as well as any magically created difficult terrain, hamper your movement as normal. Typical Items: This ritual can be used on any boots, cloak, or container.

Magical Locations
Planar Handbook
Deeping Pool p.199:
You gain a +2 bonus on all Handle Animal checks and on Survival checks made to forage for food and water.

2016-09-10, 07:57 PM

Altitude Adaptation (SoS p.114) = +2 on survival checks above 5000 feet
Apprentice DMG2 p.176: bonus = competence +2
Azure enmity MoI p.34: insight bonus=essencia invested
Caver Und p.24 Bonus = +2 untyped in underdark
Child of the Swamps ( Player's Guide to Eberron, p. 119): +2 Untyped bonus while in marsh terrain
Circle Magic GW p.29 Bonus= +2 untyped Bonus, circle magic
Deep Denizen (Savage Species, p. 32): +4 competence bonus when tracking by scent.
Dinosaur Hunter (RoE p.108): Untyped +2 when skill is used against dinosaurs
Dragon's Insight ( Player's Guide to Eberron, p. 48): As a free action, you can expend one of the daily uses of one of your Mark of Passage dragonmark powers to gain a + 4 insight bonus
Ethran PGTF p38 = +2 untyped bonus, circle magic, 1st level only
Favored in Guild DMG2 p.227: bonus = NATURALIST: +2 competence bonus on any Survival check made to keep from getting lost or to avoid a natural hazard, such as quicksand. In addition, you can choose a particular type of creature from the following list: animal, fey, giant, monstrous humanoid, plant, or vermin. You gain a +5 competence bonus on any Knowledge (nature) check you make concerning your chosen creature type.
Foe Hunter: PGTF p.39 = Grants favored enemy
Forester FRCS p.35: = +2 untyped bonus
Green Bond GW p.39= +2 untyped, spirit tree can telepathically communicate with you for a mile
Hunters Mark (Dragonmarked, p. 141): +1 bonus to favored enemy skills & damage
Jungle Stamina (Races of Faerun p.166): Untyped +2
Mentor DMG2 p.176: bonus = competence +2
Mountaineer ( Frostburn, p. 49): untyped +2
Survivor GW p.39, PGTF p.39: Bonus = +2 untyped; must be taken at 1st level
Self Sufficient: Untyped Bonus =+2
Talenta Drifter ( Player's Guide to Eberron, p. 75): Untyped +2 while in the Talenta Plains
Treefriend Savage Species p.40: = +2 competence bonus to avoid being lost…in the forest

Astral Tracking: Dragon Comp: You can attempt to track a creature even through the featureless wastes of the Astral Plane (base Survival DC 25). In addition, when standing at the location (on any plane) from which a creature departed by means of a teleportation spell or effect, you can determine its destination with a successful DC 30 Survival check. You can teleport to that location as though you had viewed it once if you have access to a teleport spell.
Cover Your Tracks shining south p.20: Add +5 to the DC to Follow your tracks, or +10 if you move at half speed to hide your trail.
Draconic Heritage: (Dragon Magic p.17): Bronze: Add Survival to list of class skills; (Races of the Dragon p.103) Also, Howling (Draconomicon) and Sand (Sandstorm).
Dreamtelling (HOH p.122): Allows Knowledge (the planes) to function in place of Survival when used within a dreamscape. This skill can be used to retrace your steps and return to a known person’s dream, or to attempt to track a creature across the dreamscape.
Jungle Veteran (SoX p.135): You can also move at your normal speed while hunting and foraging in a jungle environment using the Survival skill.
Karmic Twin (OA p.64): You have a karmic tie to another character. You may detect the direction of this character if he or she is alive, on the same plane, and you succeed at an Intuit Direction Survival check against DC 15 (or a Wisdom check if you do not have the skill).
Keen Intellect (OA p. 0): You gain a +1 bonus on Intelligence checks and a +1 bonus on Knowledge, Scry, and Search checks. You may use your Intelligence modifier instead of your Wisdom modifier when making Heal, Sense Motive, Spot, or Survival checks. You may also use your Intelligence modifier instead of Wisdom when making a Will saving throw. Special This is an ancestor feat, first printed in OA but then updated to 3.5 in dragon magazine #318. It can only be taken at first level.
Legendary Tracker Complete Adventurer p.192: Epic You can track creatures across water, underwater, or through the air by the minute disturbances they make and traces of their passage. This benefit adds the surfaces of water, underwater, and air to the list of surfaces found under the Track feat in the Player's Handbook:





Lightfeet (races of the wild p.151): The Survival DC to track you increases by 5 (or by 10 if you move at half speed to hide your trail.
Natural Scavenger Shining south p.21: You can move at your normal overland speed while using survival to hunt or forage for food. You gain a +4 competence bonus on survival checks for this purpose.
Old Salt (Stormwrack p.93): You gain a +1 bonus on Balance, Profession (sailor), and Use Rope checks. Additionally, you can use a Profession (sailor) check to predict the weather.
Scent ( Complete Adventurer, p. 114): You can expend one daily use of wild shape to gain the scent ability for 1 hour per Hit Die. While this benefit is in effect, you can detect opponents within 30 feet by sense of smell. In addition, if you have the Track feat, you can track creatures by scent. You retain this benefit regardless of what form you are in.
Thunder twin FRCS p.38: You may detect the direction of your twin if he or she is alive, on the same plane, and you succeed at anIntuit Direction Survival check against DC 15 (or a Wisdom check if you do not have the skill). A failure on this check gives no information. You may retry once per round as a standard action. You may only take this feat as a 1st-level character.
Track (SRD): Take this feat to max out survival skills

Getting Lost
There are many ways to get lost in the wilderness. Following an obvious road, trail, or feature such as a stream or shoreline prevents any possibility of becoming lost, but travelers striking off cross-country may become disoriented—especially in conditions of poor visibility or in difficult terrain.

Poor Visibility: Any time characters cannot see at least 60 feet in the prevailing conditions of visibility, they may become lost. Characters traveling through fog, snow, or a downpour might easily lose the ability to see any landmarks not in their immediate vicinity. Similarly, characters traveling at night may be at risk, too, depending on the quality of their light sources, the amount of moonlight, and whether they have darkvision or lowlight vision.

Difficult Terrain: Any character in forest, moor, hill, or mountain terrain may become lost if he or she moves away from a trail, road, stream, or other obvious path or track. Forests are especially dangerous because they obscure far-off landmarks and make it hard to see the sun or stars.

Maps: Some sources and some terrains have different map bonuses. SRD terrain and Sandstorm terrains are helped with a map to the tune of -4 to the DC. Frostburn terrain and underdark terrain are helped by maps with a -6 modifier to the DC. In Xendric, the traveller’s curse makes maps worthless, and thus guidebooks are more helpful (see equipment, or siberys compass above).

DC or DC Modifier
DC or DC Modifier

Moor or hill, map





Moor or hill, no map





Mountain, map


Frostfell marsh



Mountain, no map


Ice field



Poor visibility







Snow and ice cavern complex





Snow field



Barren Waste


Taiga forest



Evaporated Sea





Glass Sea


Frozen sea



Petrified Forest












Precipitation (snow)








Mist or Steam





Heat Shimmer


White-out conditions










Maze Cave





Gorge or Rift





Lake or Sea





dead-grey mists of the mourn land


ECS p.190

Chance to Get Lost: If conditions exist that make getting lost a possibility, the character leading the way must succeed on a Survival check or become lost. The difficulty of this check varies based on the terrain, the visibility conditions, and whether or not the character has a map of the area being traveled through. Refer to the table below and use the highest DC that applies.

A character with at least 5 ranks in Knowledge (geography) or Knowledge (Dungeoneering) or Knowledge (local) or Knowledge (underdark local) pertaining to the area being traveled through gains a +2 bonus on this check. Check once per hour (or portion of an hour) spent in local or overland movement to see if travelers have become lost. In the case of a party moving together, only the character leading the way makes the check. (Tip: Make this check in secret, since the characters may not realize that they’re lost right away.)

Effects of Being Lost: If a party becomes lost, it is no longer certain of moving in the direction it intended to travel. Randomly determine the direction in which the party actually travels during each hour of local or overland movement. The characters’ movement continues to be random until they blunder into a landmark they can’t miss, or until they recognize that they are lost and make an effort to regain their bearings.

Recognizing that You’re Lost: Once per hour of random travel, each character in the party may attempt a Survival check (DC 20, –1 per hour of random travel) to recognize that they are no longer certain of their direction of travel. Some circumstances may make it obvious that the characters are lost; if they expected to reach a certain spot within an hour but three or four hours pass by with no sign of their destination, that’s a bad sign.

Setting a New Course: A lost party is also uncertain of determining in which direction it should travel in order to reach a desired objective—even an objective such as “the point where we left the road and went off into these dratted woods.” Determining the correct direction of travel once a party has become lost requires a Survival check (DC 15, +2 per hour of random travel). If a character fails this check, he chooses a random direction as the “correct” direction for resuming travel. (Tip: Again, this is a check you should make in secret. The lost characters may think they know the way to travel after regaining their bearings, but could be entirely wrong again.) Once the characters are traveling along their new course, correct or incorrect, they may get lost again. If the conditions still make it possible for travelers to become lost, check once per hour of travel as described in Chance to Get Lost, above, to see if the party maintains its new course or begins to move at random again.

Conflicting Directions: It’s possible that several characters may attempt to determine the right direction to proceed after becoming lost. That’s just fine. You make a Survival check for each character in secret, then tell the players whose characters succeeded the correct direction in which to travel, and tell the players whose characters failed a random direction they think is right. (Tip: A few extraneous die rolls behind your screen might make it less apparent which characters are right and which characters are wrong.)

Regaining Your Bearings: There are several ways to become un-lost. First, if the characters successfully set a new course and follow it to the destination they’re trying to reach, they’re not lost anymore. Second, the characters through random movement might run into an unmistakable landmark. Third, if conditions suddenly improve—the fog lifts or the sun comes up—lost characters may attempt to set a new course, as described above, with a +4 bonus on the Survival check. Finally, magic such as find the path may make their course clear.


Survival DC

Quicksand (DMG)
Spots Quicksand as Natural Hazard

Suffocation in Sandstorm
Expertly worn cloth negates effects of suffocation from dust and sand

Noticing a blowout, Can’t Check if charging or Running

Flamestorms p.21
Flamestorms are presaged by the formation of dark clouds in the sky, which the uninitiated might mistake for rain clouds (DC 15 Survival check to determine that they are not).

Flaywinds p.22
Detect the approaching danger 1 minute before it strikes.

Furnace Winds p.22
Detect the approaching danger 1 minute before it strikes.

Realize that the radical drop in nighttime temperature in an area of shadowsand is not a natural occurrence.

Slipsand looks no different from ordinary sand or dust from a distance. Survival check to notice it.

Slumber sand
Identify it from safe distance

Identify it from safe distance

crevasse p.29
Identify it to keep from falling in.

Identify it from safe distance

Sand Heap p.33
Avoid making reflex save for damage from a sand slide. Must check once per minute of digging.

quickslush (FB p.12)
Identify it from safe distance

Acid Slush (FB p.15)
Identify acid slush, DC 10 identifies it as slush

Blood snow (FB p.15)
If Blind, allows you to detect bloodsnow

Ebony ice
spotting it

Faerie frost

Lightning pillars

negation snow

razor ice

rust snow


A DC 18 Knowledge (Underdark local) or Survival check allows an observer to distinguish explosive torchstalks from regular ones.
underdark p.108

To recognize a wild zone or a breach, a character must have at least 5 ranks in both Survival and Knowledge (the planes)
Secrets of Sarlona

Hidden Bog
Silver marches

Forest Gnome abode (RoF)
Life as a forest gnome is idyllic. They eat only that which they can gather—mostly fruits, nuts, and berries, with the rare bit of meat. Forest gnome communities often number fewer than 100 members and can be as small as a single family. The homes in these hamlets are often carved out of the trunk of a handsome hardwood tree, so skillfully fashioned that most people do not even recognize the living tree as someone’s home (Survival DC 20 to detect the forest gnome abode

dead-grey mists
those who fail travel 1d4 hours in a random direction
Eberron Campaign setting

Identify Bloodthorns as Jungle Natural Hazard
Secrets of Xendric

Some notes:
DMG p.88 Quicksand: Patches of quicksand present a deceptively solid appearance (appearing as undergrowth or open land) that may trap careless characters. A character approaching a patch of quicksand at a normal pace is entitled to a DC 8 Survival check to spot the danger before stepping in, but charging or running characters don’t have a chance to detect a hidden bog before blundering in.

Exposed characters might begin to choke if their noses and mouths are not covered. A sufficiently large cloth expertly worn (Survival DC 15) or a filter mask (see page 100) negates the effects of suffocation from dust and sand.

Sandstorm p.18, Blowout: A change in wind direction can produce a blowout, hollowing out the center of a dune and leaving a large cavity. This cavity is not always visible, and a thin layer of safe-looking sand might cover a vast tomb that swallows people and animals without a trace. The crust covering a blowout is too weak to support any creature larger than Tiny. Noticing a blowout requires a successful DC 10 Survival check; however, charging or running characters are not entitled to a check. Characters enveloped by the sand begin to take damage and suffocate as though trapped by an avalanche. A blowout hides in one out of every one hundred sand dunes (1% chance). Sand dunes that have been stabilized by grasses or shrubby trees are much less likely to collapse. Still, even such a place can hide a blowout if the undergrowth in the area is thin.

Secrets of Sarlona Wildzone p.18: Wild zones often include breaches between the worlds, cracks through which creatures can pass without the use of magic. These breaches take many forms and are rarely obvious; a tranquil pond could be a portal to Lamannia. To recognize a wild zone or a breach, a character must have at least 5 ranks in both Survival and Knowledge (the planes) and make a successful DC 20 Survival check.

Notable Monsters

Rune Hound MM3 p.145:
Psychic Scent (Su): A runehound tracks by following psychic trails and aura traces. It gains a +20 bonus on all Survival checks made to track. *It does not receive this bonus against mindless creatures or creatures shielded against mental effects.

Wildhunt Shifter MM3 p.151:
Wildhunt (Su): While shifting, a wildhunt shifter gains a +2 bonus to Constitution and the scent ability...Wildhunt shifters tracking by scent ignore the effects of surface conditions and poor visibility. When not shifted, a wildhunt shifter gains a +2 bonus to Survival checks due to lingering effects of Scent.

Astral Tracker MM3: p.12:
Elusive Prey (Ex): An astral stalker is difficult to track. Anyone trying to track one takes a –10 penalty on Survival checks. Swift Tracker (Ex): An astral stalker can move at its normal speed while following tracks without taking the normal –5 penalty. It takes only a –10 penalty (instead of the normal –20 penalty) when moving at up to twice normal speed while tracking.

Aurumvorax expedition to ruins of greyhawk p.217
An aurumvorax hide, properly prepared with a successful DC 30 Survival check, is worth 3,000 gp.

Morkoth MM2 p.153:
A creature that has successfully resisted the morkoth’s hypnosis ability might try to rescue a friend who was drawn into the tunnels. The passages of a morkoth’s lair are so narrow that only one Medium-size character can swim through any 5-foot section at a time. An ambitious DM could map out the mazelike tunnel system and allow the characters to try to work their way through it. Alternatively, theDMcould handle penetration of the lair abstractly as follows: Roll 2d6 to determine the number of intersections between the tunnel’s entrance and the morkoth’s lair, allowing 10 to 40 feet between intersections. At each intersection, have the lead character make an Intuit Direction Survival check (DC 15) to discern the correct path. Each correct choice brings the group one intersection closer to the lair; each incorrect choice adds 1d6 intersections to the route and an equal number of rounds to the time needed to complete the trip. It is always possible to navigate any labyrinth by simply choosing one wall and following wherever it goes. A creature using this method can eventually find the morkoth’s chamber without error, but this route is usually not the shortest possible path. Roll 1d6+6 for the number of intersections the rescuers must traverse using this method.

Dune Stalker MM2 p.88:
Improved Tracking (Ex): A consummate tracker, the dune stalker tracks as well as an invisible stalker does. Like that creature, it uses Spot checks rather than Wilderness Lore checks to follow its quarry’s trail.

Brass Golem MM2 p.114:
A brass golem is a relentless tracker. It gains a +20 competence bonus on Wilderness Lore checks for the purpose of tracking a foe designated by its creator, or in connection with any other goal set by its creator. When tracking a foe through its own maze, the creature gains a +20 insight bonus onWilderness Lore checks.

Bhuka Sandstorm p.41:
Water Sense (Ex): Bhukas have the innate ability to detect a source of drinkable water within a distance of 100 feet. Doing this requires a Survival check; the DC depends on the depth below ground of the water source, according to the following table.

Water Depth/Distance
Survival DC

0 feet (on the surface)

10 feet or less

11–20 feet

21–40 feet

41–70 feet

71–100 feet

2016-09-10, 08:00 PM
Ya'll can post now. I'll Fill in the stuff over the next few days. This section is where I'll post dragon magazine stuff if anyone is interested in pitching in.

2016-09-10, 10:12 PM
You got the Wilderness Lore entries from the ELH, but missed the Intuit Direction entries on page 42. Both skills got rolled up into Survival in 3.5.

2016-09-10, 10:38 PM
You got the Wilderness Lore entries from the ELH, but missed the Intuit Direction entries on page 42. Both skills got rolled up into Survival in 3.5.

Word. I'll Move the info on over after posting the rest

Hiro Quester
2016-09-11, 12:08 AM
Thanks! This is a very useful list. My PC has just upped his ranks in Survival for a PrC. Was kind of regretting the "tax" on this PrC.

This list shows some uses of survival that might actually come in handy.

Extra Anchovies
2016-09-11, 12:20 AM
You got the Wilderness Lore entries from the ELH, but missed the Intuit Direction entries on page 42. Both skills got rolled up into Survival in 3.5.

Wait, wait, wait. What? There's Epic Intuit Direction? They expected characters to put more than twenty ranks into a skill whose only prior use was a DC 15 check to find true north once per day? Ah, 3.0. We don't miss you at all.

2016-09-11, 01:56 PM
Alright, I think that that's it. I'll put together an optimized survival skill build later.

What is the fastest way to get ranger 4ths besides archivist?

2016-09-13, 01:07 PM
Optimizing Survival

Optimizing Survival, to really showcase this skill, obviously requires a bhuka PC. Detect water out to 100 feet without line of sight, sign me up. Obviously, he or she is going to need a karmic twin, seeing as how they can't be a thunder twin. And what's the use of a karmic twin if you can't get something out of it? Like at least nominal entry into a racially homogenous group of half-orcs, perhaps?. More specifically, A racially homogenous affiliation of half orcs that offer up to +8 racial bonuses to survival checks. If that gambit doesn't work, I guess guardians of the green is the affiliation for you, seeing as they have an untyped +2 to survival checks in "natural areas."

So water detecting bhuka with a half orc twin that he can always use the survival skill to find. A wildshape ranger, planar variant, with favored terrain instead of favored foe who further trades his fast speed for pounce is the best way to go. You may not get pounce, but the fast speed is good too. But, we must ask ourselves, how early do we want to be able to use survival to kill traps? Go crafty hunter and you'll be able to combine pounce with rapid shot. Keep or trade fast movement for eagle totem if you want.

Naturally, you'll want to be able to forage for food at full speed, (even in cities) so natural scavenger is desirable. Take the shooting star substitution level. It gives you prereqs for astral tracking and also gives you wizard spells, the only one of which is mandatory is expose the dead. This gives you the investigate feat, which stacks with favored terrain: plus the huge survival bonus to track undead.

Alternatively, you can instead trade your animal companion at ranger level 4 for spiritual guide, which gives you a divine bonus to survival = quarter of your ranger level. This also nets you commune with nature, which provides a huge bonus to what DCs you'll need to hit.

Ranger 5 introduces you to wildshape. You can take animal forms with racial boni to survival and scent. When you make your bhuka, prioritize mental stats: animal forms + pounce should carry you when rapidshot + pounce + 40' speed.

Trade swift tracker for portal intuition to use survival to detect planar breaches and what plane a portal leads to. Get swift Hunter back with a 1 level bloodhound dip.

Take Ghostwalks circle magic feat to be awesomer and gain an untyped +2 to survival. Then splat dive for spells

Ranger spells: 1: scent, bloodhound, living prints, marked object. 2:easy trail, primal instinct. 3: wake trailing.

Wake trailing allows you to track boats!

Astral tracking allows you to track further across the planes.

Aberration blood and aberration wildshape and assume supernatural ability can give you runehound's psychic scent. For a +20 to track!

Equipment & Notes
Class ability

Favored Environments (UA) Shape Changing (UA) Planar Ranger (UA) Variant 1
Heat Endurance (bonus), Karmic Twin (a Half orc in the Bloodfist tribe), track (bonus)
Bhuka: +2 racial bonus on Knowledge (nature) checks. Knowledge
(nature) is always a class skill for bhukas.
Planar Variant, Favored Environments, Fast Movement

Crafty Hunter Favored Environments Lion Totem Barbarian 1

Hunter's kit (+2 circumstance),
Honey leather tarp: +1 or +2 (circumstance)
Honey leather Tent +4 on survival checks to survive severe weather
Favored Environment, pounce

Barbarian 2
Natural Scavenger
Ritual of Travel (+1)
Archery Combat Style

Ranger 2
Mask of the tiger (+5 competence)

Ranger 3
Endurance (bonus),


Shooting Star (CoV) ranger 4
Sword of the Arcane Order
lens of detection +5 when following tracks
Bonus Spells, Improved Spellcasting

Trap Killer (Du) Barbarian 3

nanietheril(reroll survival checks)
Trap killer

Ranger 5

Wildshape, favored environment

Ranger 6
Circle Magic

Improved Combat style

Ranger 7
Astral Tracking

woodland stride

Planar (PlHB) Ranger 8

portal intuition

Ranger 9
aberration blood (segmented eyes)


Ranger 10

Favored Environment

Ranger 11

combat style mastery

Bloodhound 1
aberration wild shape

Mark, Swift Tracker

Ranger 12

Woodland Hunter

Ranger 13


Ranger 14
Assume Super natural Ability

Perceptive tracker

Ranger 15

Favored environment

Ranger 16

Seasoned Explorer

You will want the hunt animal trick. You will want to find how much you can sell a days worth of meals for. You will want to train any or all of the following animals:

clawfoot dinosaur(ECS); survival +19.
Vulture (sandstorm);survival +16
Dire Vulture (sandstorm); Survival +17
(I'll add more as I find other high skilled animal types)

In an urban environment, you can provide relatively clean water and fresh food for one other person for every 2 points by which your check results exceeds 10. Some of that food may consist of small children... But regardless, with 20 vultures, you can provide and sell up to 60 meals a day. Use the money for a candle of invocation to wish for more trained vultures or something.

Another thing that stands out is that your trained animals can fetch you your booby trap goodies. Or better yet, send your vultures to find you some rare herbs or extraordinary natural items. Looking at you felsul flowers! You can make gold out the wazoo by selling some of those herbs. And fog rocks are amazing!

2016-11-09, 12:44 AM
I Just Found this in the Eye of the Sun adventure:

Creepy Crawlies: Billions of insects inhabit the jungle. While they cause no damage, small insects are terribly annoying because they get into clothing, armor, food, and so on. Each night, every character must make a successful Survival check (DC 10) to ignore the effects of biting, crawling insects or be fatigued the next day. A 10-foot-by-20-foot section of insect netting (enough to fit four characters) may be purchased in Tooj-Reh for 200 gp. (This item is one that the townsfolk do not provide free of charge, though they mention its utility.) Spending the night under this netting negates the need for a Survival check that night.

Also p. 44 of magic of faerun:
Boomshroom patches always regrow in the same spot no matter what’s done to purge them. It takes a boomshroom a
tenday to regrow once triggered. It is possible to pick the boomshrooms, which renders them inert. To do so requires a
Disable Device or Wilderness Lore check against DC 27.

2017-04-10, 02:35 PM
Just found this in the fortress of yuan ti p.26: Nalliclilaril-or "Cifr of the Ancient foe"-is a set ofscale mail made of overlapping layers of darkwood carved to resemble leaves. Trs dark hue is broken by a leaf-and-branch pattern in dull gold.
Nonlegacy Game Statistics: +1 darlnvood scale mail; cost 1,150 gp. You can reroll one Survival check per day. The decision to reroll must be made before the result of the original roll is known.

From Return to the Temple of the frog p.3-4 Anyone trying to traverse Frog Swamp on foot has an 80% chance each hour of taking a serious spill causing 1–4 points of damage. In 10% of these mishaps (50%, if the character is of Small size or smaller), the water is deep enough that the character could drown (Swim DC 10). A character that succeeds on a DC 15
Survival check each hour may ignore the dangers of the swamp, and, for each 2 points her check exceeded the DC, she may allow another character to ignore the swamp dangers.

Shattered gates of slaughterguard p.19: Those working for the cabal quickly learn that many members value twistroot, which grows only in Slaughterscar. Collecting the perverse herb is dangerous—it’s hard to fi nd, and the undead are everywhere. It takes a DC 20 Survival check and an hour’s time to find a twistroot plant. A searcher has a 12% chance of encountering undead during that time.

Fait Accompli p.6: A character with the Track feat may attempt a DC 20 Survival check to spot the signs of previous wolf attacks before the winter wolves reveal themselves. Hoofprints and pawprints combined with old bloodstains reveal that unusually large wolves have taken down deer, bears, and even dire wolves within the valley walls.

eyes of the lich queen p.122
Lightning Rods: The iron pillars on the outer edge of
this open-air chamber conduct powerful electricity from the
swirling storm above. Anyone touching these iron spires
takes 6d6 points of electricity damage each round.
In addition, one pair of rods arc at random each round.
Roll 1d12 twice (roll again if you roll the same number twice)
to have a line of supercharged electricity blast between the two
numbered rods at the beginning of the following round. Anyone
caught in the line takes 6d6 points of electricity damage (DC
20 Reflex half). Each round, PCs can make a DC 25 Knowledge
(nature) or Survival check as a free action. A successful check
indicates which two rods the electricity will arc between in
the next round, possibly allowing a character to move and
shout a warning to other party members.

2017-04-21, 12:39 PM
Darkrunner Emblem (Lords of Madness): The emblem grants a +2 competence bonus on all Survival checks made in underground locations, as long as it is worn openly.

Mordenkainen's Trusted Bloodhound (Complete Mage) - hound's Survival mod. for tracking = spell's CL, and able to track at full speed without any penalties

Half-Golem, Brass (Monster Manual II WE (http://archive.wizards.com/dnd/files/MM2_HalfGolems.zip)) +5 Competence bonus on Survival checks for tracking by scent

Dwarf, Badlands (Sandstorm) +2 Racial bonus on Search or Survival checks to find water or water conduits
Dwarf, Jungle (Unearthed Arcana) +2 Racial bonus on Survival checks
Elf, Arctic (Unearthed Arcana) +2 Racial bonus on Survival checks
Half-Elf, Aquatic (Unearthed Arcana) +2 Racial bonus on Survival checks
Half-Elf, Arctic (Unearthed Arcana) +2 Racial bonus on Survival checks
Halfling, Tundra (Frostburn) +2 Racial bonus on Survival checks
Killoren (Races of the Wild) +2 Racial bonus on Survival checks
Kobold, Desert (Unearthed Arcana) +2 Racial bonus on Survival checks
Lupin (Dragon Compendium) - +2 racial bonus on all Survival checks made to follow tracks
Neanderthal (Frostburn) +2 Racial bonus on Survival checks
Orc, Jungle (Unearthed Arcana) +2 Racial bonus on Survival checks
Slyth (Underdark) +4 Racial bonus on Survival checks
Varag (Monster Manual IV) +4 Racial bonus to Survival checks when tracking by scent
Zenythri (Monster Manual II) +2 Racial bonus on Survival checks

Prestige Classes:
Beloved of Valarian (Book of Exalted Deeds) - +2 racial to Survival checks at 3rd level, +2 insight - at 7th
Bloodhound (Complete Adventurer) - Mark (+class level to checks vs the mark), Track the Trackless (-20 to ignore pass without trace and similar effects)
Chameleon (Races of Destiny) - Wild Focus: +2 competence at Survival checks (+4 at 5th level)
Consecrated Harrier (Complete Divine) +2 sacred bonus on Survival checks (when in pursuit of their church-assigned target); +4 at 5th level, and +6 - at 10th
Darkrunner (Lords of Madness) Spelunking (competence +class level bonus on Survival checks underground), Lore of the Stones (treat unworked stone as very soft ground when making Survival checks to track quarry)
Dungeon Delver (Complete Adventurer) - Deep Survival (+class level bonus on Survival checks underground)
Dungeon Lord (Dungeonscape) - Dungeon Mastery (+8 bonus on Survival checks made to track creatures in your dungeon)
Evereskan Tomb Guardian (Player's Guide to Faerűn) - Sacred Duty (+2 sacred on Survival checks inside the region of Evereska), Devoted Pursuit (like Sacred Duty, but outside of region), Swift Tracking
Luiren Marchwarden (Shining South) - March Bonus (morale bonus on Survival checks, up to +4 at 5th level)
Merchant Prince (Power of Faerűn) - Shaundakul's Cloak (+1 competence bonus to Survival checks)
Thunder Guide (Explorer's Handbook) - +4 competence bonus on Survival checks in any jungle environment
Vadalis Beastkeeper (Dragonmarked) - Vadalis Instinct (+2 vs. Magical Beasts)

What's about the Favored Enemy and Nature Sense?
Too obvious?
Anyway, -
Base Classes:
Fighter 6 (Darksong Knight substitution level), Champions of Valor - Yochlols only
Ranger 1, 5, 10, 15, 20
Ranger 1, class variant, Complete Mage - Favoured Enemy (Arcanists)
Paladin 4 (Crescent Moon Knight substitution level), Champions of Valor - lycanthropes only
Paladin 4 (Shadow Cloak Knight substitution level), Champions of Valor - humanoid subtype
Paladin 1 (Holy Judge substitution level), Champions of Valor - devils only
Ranger, elf substitution level, Races of the Wild, vs. specific enemies bonus is +3
Rogue 2 (Golden Hand of Vergadain substitution level), Champions of Valor Web Enhancement - organization opposed to dwarves

Prestige Classes:
Abolisher 1 (Lords of Madness) - aberrations only
Deadgrim 2 (Magic of Eberron) - undead only
Duraak'ash 4 (Eberron: Dragonmarked)
Eldeen Ranger 4 (Eberron Campaign Setting)
Gnome Giant Slayer 1 (Complete Warrior) - giants only
Goliath Liberator 1 (Races of Stone) - giants only
Impure Prince 2 (Magic of Eberron) - aberrations only
Scar Enforcer 1 (Races of Destiny) - humans and elves
Slayer 1, ecl 5, Expanded Psionics Handbook - specific type of psionic creature only
Stalker of Kharesh 2, ecl 7, Book of Exalted Deeds, evil creatures
Swanmay 2, ecl 7, Book of Exalted Deeds, see text

Similar to Favored Enemy, but different name/specifics:
Corrupt Avenger 1 (Heroes of Horror) - Sworn Foe (kinda like Favored Enemy + Rage)
Cyran Avenger 2 (Eberron: Five Nations) - Enemy Region
Darkwood Stalker 1 (Complete Warrior) - Ancient Foe
Deneith Warden 3 (Dragonmarked) - Devoted Lawkeeper - against known criminals; +4 at 6th level, and +6 - at 9th
Imaskari Vengeance Taker 1 (Underdark) - Target of Vengeance
Leviathan Hunter 1 (Stormwrack) - Hunter's Insight
Mythic Examplar 3 (Complete Champion) - Archetype Advancement: Orsos
Revenant Blade 4 (Player's Guide to Eberron) - Giant Slayer, +4 bonus
Shade Hunter 8 (Champions of Ruin) - Improved Favored Enemy, vs shades onlyBard Variant (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/variantCharacterClasses.htm#bard)
Eldeen Ranger, Wardens of the Wood 1 (Eberron Campaign Setting)
Holt Warden 1 (Complete Champion)

Dragon magazine stuff:

Prestige Classes:
Dancer of Sharess (#290) - Favored Enemy (Church of Shar, Vhaeraun, or Set)
Fiend Slayer (#287) - Fiend Hunting (bonus to checks vs. fiends, from +1 at 1ts level to +4 - at 9th)
Gnome Giant-Killer (#291) - Favored Enemy (Giant)
Green Hunter (#294) - +10 morale bonus to any Survival skill checks made in any area with undergrowth thick enough to cause a movement penalty
Prairie Runner (#292) - +10 insight bonus to Survival checks for the purposes of determining the easiest and most direct route through terrain
Sensate (#287) - Heightened Senses (+5 on Survival checks at 1st level, +10 - at 4th, +15 - at 7th, +20 - at 10th)

Adu'ja (#317) +4 Racial bonus on Survival checks; Survival is always an in-class skill

Racial Variants (#306):
Arctic - +2 on Survival checks
Desert - +2 on Survival checks
Wild - +4 on Survival checks

Half-Machine template (Dungeon #91): Additional SQ (Enhanced Scent) - give Scent, or, if already have it, +10 competence bonus when tracking by scent

2017-05-04, 12:26 AM
http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ebed/20070618 Cairns keepers affiliation
http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ebed/20070115 Spot a Hullock
http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/al/20040929a The dry side of this small chamber holds another pile of bones, maybe enough for two humans. A successful DC 20 Heal or Survival check reveals that the bones were gnawed on within the past two days.

2017-05-04, 02:50 AM
That DC 60 for recognising a creature by its tracks is so silly. Isn't that one of the first things you learn in real-life wilderness survival?

2021-03-20, 06:27 AM
A quick question for the playground : I am modeling a solo ranger now, which would be able to find food even in the worst environments... so be able to go through deserts, where no one has gone before. But curiously, I did not find any scaling DC anywhere, be it in 3.5 or 3.P

=> Survival skill only says that you can find food in the wild with DC 10 checks... which is ludicrously easy, you can even find food for others with 12+. With such RAW setup, you don't need farmers at all, droughts and famine won't exist, no one would suffer from starvation.

=> no scaling DC according to seasons, you can find food as easily in summer than winter
=> no scaling DC according to environments, finding food in a plentiful forest is the same as a waste.

Does it ring a bell to someone ?

2021-03-20, 08:25 AM
That DC 60 for recognising a creature by its tracks is so silly. Isn't that one of the first things you learn in real-life wilderness survival?

I figure it's "narrowing it down all the way", when the creatures are about the same size and shape.

Not just "This is a humanoid" but "this is an orc, and not a hobgoblin".

Not just "This is a dinosaur" but "This is a T. rex, and not a Giganotosaurus".