View Full Version : Pathfinder Warpriest With A Shotgun; Looking for advice.

2016-09-11, 08:49 PM
So first, the game I will be playing in is using the "Guns Everywhere" rule. If you don't know, that means that all things firearm cost 10% of the listed price, and firearms are simple weapons. Secondly, the character in question will worship a thing called "The Everstorm"; essentially its a giant divine storm over his homeland. The Everstorm's favored weapon is the double barreled shotgun.

Race is Human, with the favored class bonus going towards bonus feats. The stats are a 20 point buy, and after the racial they come out to Str 10, Dex 18, Con 13, Int 11, Wis 16, and Cha 7.

Air. I love Air's ability to make distant ranged combat easier (especially when using a shotgun), and who doesn't love avoiding attacks of opportunity?
Weather. I know its not the greatest, but it makes a whole lot of sense for the character.

Traits and Drawback:
Fate's Favored. The go to spell for Warpriest buffing is Divine Favor, and eventually Divine Power. This is just a flat buff to it.
Observant. Makes Perception a class skill, which is nice.
Rich Parents. Guns are cheaper with Guns Everywhere, but they aren't level 1 cheap.
Warded Against Nature. While this drawback is considered a bonus by most people, it has a lot of fluff reasons for my character to take it.

Feats up to level 6:
Warpriest bonus: Weapon Focus Double Barrel Shotgun. Firearms already have decent damage dice, so I'm not to worried about using it to pick up a second sacred weapon. Its also nice for those special times when you unload both barrels into some badguy.
Human: Rabid Reload. Free action reloading is just the best.
1: Point-Blank Shot. Necessary for other feats, and a bonus for when I don't need to make a scatter shot.
3: Precise Shot and Rapid Shot. Solid feats that provide great bonuses.
5: Deadly Aim. I expect that I won't be using scatter all the time, so this is for that.
6: Snap Shot and Combat Reflexes. The second feat is from the Human Favored Class bonus for Warpriest. Who doesn't love attacks of opportunity? And lots of them.

What does everyone think about this so far? Anything I could do to improve the build both before and after 6? All advice appreciated.

2016-09-11, 10:07 PM
You might want to fit in Amateur Gunslinger somewhere. Misfires can still happen with an advanced firearm (even if it isnt as bad), so you might want a way to fix it.

2016-09-12, 11:39 AM
Looks like a really solid build.

I second amateur gunslinger in most cases, but in the case of "guns everywhere" rules you are better off dipping a level in gunslinger. You get the grit and all three deeds, but you also get dex to damage off the bat because of the guns everywhere rules. You also get the deadeye deed, giving you the ability to double your touch AC range increment and that stacks really well with your air blessing.

The weather blessing is not that bad; the electricity damage won't matter in later levels, even if things are weak to it. Getting wind wall helps protect you from enemies shooting back(I assume with guns everywhere this is going to be common) and feather fall is good to have in emergencies.

For items, of course the wis/dex boosters, ring protection, amulet natural armor, cloak of resistance etc. You can get reliable on your gun to prevent it from misfiring as a +1 enhancement if you so choose. Greater reliable will reduce your misfire chance to zero, but it is not worth the +3. I think it is better to spend the money on a lucky firearm, as you can spend the extra grit to re roll a misfire once a day. The slate spider figure of wonderous power is also worth looking into.