View Full Version : Converting lesser 3.5 classes;

2016-09-11, 10:06 PM
So a few times while playing, my players have mentioned wanting to use some of the weaker 3.5 classes, saying they are more inline with 5th editions now; however, I am not nearly experienced enough with balancing to make that call and have denied them for the most part but am sort of curious if others agree with my players. The classes mentioned before have been the;

Ooze Lord
Arachnomancer (think player has it confused with another, says it spits a cone of spiders???)

Would you consider any of these on par with 5th edition classes?

2016-09-11, 10:12 PM
The two editions are pretty different even if they look vaguely similar on a superficial level - you'd basically need to rewrite them for 5e.

2016-09-11, 10:14 PM
I mentioned that myself actually at the time, it did slip my mind before making this post though. However, if their power is still similar on level it would make converting them easier.

Fable Wright
2016-09-11, 10:18 PM
So a few times while playing, my players have mentioned wanting to use some of the weaker 3.5 classes, saying they are more inline with 5th editions now; however, I am not nearly experienced enough with balancing to make that call and have denied them for the most part but am sort of curious if others agree with my players. The classes mentioned before have been the;

Ooze Lord
Arachnomancer (think player has it confused with another, says it spits a cone of spiders???)

Would you consider any of these on par with 5th edition classes?

Unquestionably weaker on the whole, with several abilities that do not fit the 5e design aescetic at all and one or two scattered abilities that are just too powerful.

The proper option is much simpler: Make Osteomancer a Wizard subclass, or tweak the Eldritch Knight subclass to accommodate for bone powers as opposed to cast-and-smack powers. Hexblade could likewise be a modification of an Oathbreaker Paladin or Eldritch Knight toolkit, and the Oozelord/Arachnomancer could easily have their own subclass options (probably for Rogue or Fighter if you meant Slime Lord or Cleric or Paladin if you meant Oozemaster; and Druid, Wizard, or Cleric for Arachnomancer.)

2016-09-11, 10:24 PM
Thank you. I changed my idea and agree that just converting these would be the much more logical task. So that is now what i am asking for help with. However, i do slightly disagree with the ascetic thing...so far i think 5th edition has opened the game up to more then just combat, unlike 3.5. But that is a matter of opinion. Moving on.
Also, i knew Ooze master didnt sound right lol

Osteomancer (was thinking monk actually...however should be sorcerer origin or maybe wizard tradition)
Hexblade (this should be a warlock thing...but on second thought rogue)
Arachnomaner (Wizard, simple, easy and fits.)

Going to look more into this before i say more.

2016-09-11, 10:27 PM
Hexblade doesn't do much that a bladlock can't do now; make a few new invocations to cover the difference if you like

2016-09-11, 10:29 PM
I think the part they are missing about that class (me too actually) is the hex itself. The weakening effects of it. So an invocation would work great for that. Thanks.

Hellfire Warlock can be Pact of Hellfire. Had a player who loved that prestige class and keeps asking me to bring in back.

As for feats...this may sound odd but one player has asked about Stigmata and its feat chain. I thought of just allowing it but they prob need reworked.

2016-09-12, 01:57 AM

Mr Booze
2016-09-12, 02:58 AM
I think a 5E Hexblade should be an Eldricht Knight with a Spell Selection that's more into debuffing. And instead of the other subclass-features he should get the hexblades curse which he gets to us more often and becomes stronger as he levels up.