View Full Version : DM Help Rebuke Undead help

2016-09-12, 03:33 AM
I have a player who made a Dread Necromancer in my current game with a pretty high Charisma for his level. Going by the chart a relatively average roll will allow him to rebuke a creature of his level +2 and affect roughly 3 times his level in HD. Rebuke seams vastly more powerful than turning. Turning at least they run so you have to chase them or potential lose what ever they may have that you may want/need. As I understand it he basically rebukes something that actually required no resource expenditure other than a turn attempt of which he has 9 can auto win encounters with things that are supposed to be CR+2-4. Am I missing something or is this working as intended. If so does anyone have a more reasonable way to run Rebuke? I was thinking that intelligent undead should maybe get to break out if attacked or at least flee but I don't know thoughts as always are appreciated.

2016-09-12, 05:48 AM
Yes, Rebuke Undead is strong. Congratulations on finding that out.

Perhaps the duration of command could be greatly shortened, maybe to a minute or so? It's still dangerous to undead foes, but at least now it doesn't give permanent minions.

2016-09-12, 07:40 AM
Yes, rebuke undead is cool. But, sadly, it's weak sauce compared to, say, a diplomancer.

Rebuked undead simply cower for 1 minute. The rebuker has to be double their effective HD in order to actually command them.

At higher levels, it is, sadly, a fairly useless ability, as undead HD increase far faster than characters' turning ability.

So let them have fun while they can!