View Full Version : DM Help Puzzle

2016-09-12, 07:58 AM
Hey to all

I'm looking for a story/adventure that is full of puzzles.
My group asked me to get a little more puzzles.

We are playing 5e, I looked to make a dungeon with a lot of puzzling and tips and stuff, but dont seem to be good enough to make one by my own.
Roleplaying isnt needed.

They are playing with lvl 2 and 3 characters in a group of 4.

Does anyone know such an adventure (even if its just a dungeon that will be played in 1 or 2 hours.)


2016-09-12, 08:22 AM
one of my favorite tips I've seen (i haven't gotten to use it yet) is to give actual puzzles to the party. like those wooden block puzzles. Or if you give them a cypher. Something like that. That way they have to actually figure it out OOC and it helps there character in game.

Shining Wrath
2016-09-12, 08:26 AM
Sudoku but with one of the scripts from the PHB (Elven, Dwarven, Draconic). Use the first 10 letters.

Search DM Guild for "Puzzles", there's probably quite a few "Pay what you want" or low-cost out there.

2016-09-12, 08:27 AM
also, Think dungeons of Legends of Zelda. Torches that need to be lit, switches pressed, paths to be followed exactly with the path having been drawn on the wall in another part of the dungeon. Or maybe a random monster is mumbling numbers as it is dying that relate to the answers to a riddle challenge later.

2016-09-12, 08:48 AM
any made adventure you guys have?

2016-09-12, 09:03 AM
I found this on the forum

The PCs enter a room and the doors shut behind them. The room starts slowly filling up with sand. There is a timer counting down from 30 seconds and a lever that when pulled resets the timer.

The catch is when the timer reaches zero the doors open and the sand stops falling, but the PCs don't know that and they keep resetting the timer out of fear and ignorance.

2016-09-12, 09:11 AM
The best puzzles tend to be very map / creature dependent. Here are some of my ideas:

- A giant globe of true seeing, 10' diameter and too heavy to carry. Looking THROUGH the globe allows true seeing. The dungeon is filled with hidden objects, hidden enemies, and hidden doors. The real puzzle is how to move the large globe around when it is too heavy to carry up stairs. There is an elevator that is essentially a set of large scales, a bridge that needs to be rotated, etc.

- A giant gelatinous cube (maybe 60' x 60') inhabits the inside of a large room, set 30' into the floor. The cube is basically invulnerable, and heals the moment it is hurt. Out of the center of the room (in the middle of the gelatinous cube) is the tower that they need to climb. The entire dungeon revolves around the room with several floors (all open to the room) and huge furnace of molten Magmen that can be dropped into the gelatinous cube, killing it. But then you need to take care of the massive swarms of Magmen, etc, etc.