View Full Version : 3rd Ed Medium to high level non-magical items

2016-09-12, 11:15 AM
Yo! I'm playing a level 10 grappler with antimagic field. What items can I use that will work in my antimagic field? I already know of some grafts, like feathered wings and the grappeling tentacle.
All sources allowed, preferably not homebrew but dragon magazine is allowed. The power level is pretty high so you can give strong suggestions.
I'm going black blood cultist so I have some DR already. I'm not using weapons nor armor.

2016-09-12, 11:21 AM
You can still use special materials - for example, Baatorian greensteel will give your weapon a +1 enhancement bonus to damage while remaining non-magical. As a grappler, this may not be useful for you, depending on how you deal damage. Armor spikes or a light weapon can be made of greensteel, but if you are using Improved Grab and Constrict to attack, they won't help too much.

Similarly, special armor materials are your friend. The damage reduction you get from adamantine armor might actually be worth it to you, since you will get hit for small amounts of damage from grapple victims.

2016-09-12, 11:36 AM
Shapesand is alchemical, not magical. You could also get gear from a lantan artificer. None of the stuff they make is magical but it simulates spells.

2016-09-12, 01:35 PM
Shapesand is alchemical, not magical.

2,200 jugs of shapesand (220,000 GP) would get you a fully-loaded F-16C Fighting Falcon.

2016-09-12, 01:40 PM
Creatures function in antimagic fields, so you can use symbionts, such as a living breastplate (medium armour, +8 AC, max dex 5, 2 ACP, 15% ASF, grants DR 10/byeshk), although its telepathy, Share Spells, Enhance Constitution, and Stabilize Host abilities would be suppressed.

Also have a look at Dragon #358's Master's Forge article, for nonmagical improvements to weapons and armour. There's a Dragonlance class that gets the ability to craft nonmagical +5 items, and the infamous TO-enabled device from Ravenloft. You can also use really fancy materials, such as riverine, obdurium, or glassteel (the good RoF version, not the crappy CoV version, although the latter is the more recent).

2016-09-12, 02:17 PM
A few options off the top of my head, though these are probably more in the spectrum of low-level than medium to high level...

Eggshell Grenades: Theoretically, the dust variant of eggshell grenades from Oriental Adventures might help you. If you can make the ranged attack roll with them, it's blindness with no save, and blindness reduces AC which should make grapple checks easier. I can see it being easy to break eggshell grenades during a grapple, though, so it might not be practical to have more than one at a time.

-Green Air Bramble: nonmagical +2 typeless bonus on Fortitude saves against airborne illnesses and inhaled poisons that tragically dies after being exposed to poison (but not illness) and needs a modest "keep it in moist soil for a few hours every week" upkeep commitment. 80 gp is a *bit* more than I'd want to pay for it, but it might be handy if you have to grapple a troglodyte or other super smelly creature.

-Gut Mites: Generally speaking, you can't grapple your way out of being swallowed whole by something. For just 50 gp, though, you can have a bottle of hideous parasites that will, if opened, make a creature that's swallowed you make a DC 20 Fortitude save (arguably easy for a creature of this size, but not always) or else it immediately vomits up the contents of its stomach (including you and any other swallowed creatures). The best part is that it will be incapable of using its Swallow Whole ability for at least one minute, and maybe a few more. The jar of gut mites will last for about a week before you need to buy a new one (or at least before you need to figure out how to replenish the nutrient solution that it lives off of in the jar.)

-Dagger: Have you ever said "Gosh, I wish I had something that was easier to carry than a jar of hideous parasites that can also get me out of a monster's stomach if it swallows me?" Wonder no more, for the future of not-being-swallowed is parasite free if you use a Dagger. Carve your way out of a monster's gullet 2.5* hit points at a time, and know that you won't have to pay 50 gp a week in parasite maintenance and replenishment costs. Available in many kinds of metals and colors wherever fine weapons are sold.

*Average damage value only, unmodified by strength damage or other multipliers.

2016-09-12, 03:56 PM
Creatures function in antimagic fields
Ah, of course!

Intelligent items are creatures, meaning that you could have any item you wanted function in an AMF for just the +1000gp it costs to upgrade an item with the simplest level of intelligence.

2016-09-12, 04:18 PM
Depending on your resistance to fire, amount of hit points, and/or stupidity you could do what I did once as a barbarian grappler, and drench your body in alchemist's fire before grappling.

2016-09-12, 11:53 PM
The Create Device feat from Ravenloft can allow you to craft an item to mimic any other magical item. Costly and needs a battery which is a pain to install, but you asked so I thought I may as well share.

Extra Anchovies
2016-09-13, 12:32 AM
Depending on your resistance to fire, amount of hit points, and/or stupidity you could do what I did once as a barbarian grappler, and drench your body in alchemist's fire before grappling.

If an on-fire character grapples a not-on-fire character, is there a chance that the fire spreads to both characters? I feel like there's a rule on this somewhere.

Now I want to make a Barbarian archetype that sets themselves on fire (and gains fire resistance 5) when they rage. "I EMBRACE THE FLAME! (http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/borderlands/images/6/6c/OF_Laught.ogg/revision/latest?cb=20140111101909)"

2016-09-13, 08:36 AM
If an on-fire character grapples a not-on-fire character, is there a chance that the fire spreads to both characters? I feel like there's a rule on this somewhere.

Now I want to make a Barbarian archetype that sets themselves on fire (and gains fire resistance 5) when they rage. "I EMBRACE THE FLAME! (http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/borderlands/images/6/6c/OF_Laught.ogg/revision/latest?cb=20140111101909)"

I'm not sure if it's actually a rule, but my DM allowed it one time. I tend to play casters or rogues, but this barbarian was a fun experience.

I ended up using that tactic twice, the most memorable one was when we spotted a goblin village, so I drenched myself in alchemist's fire and ran towards them, forgetting that they might have traps or guards. I ended up at the bottom of a 10ft. spiked pit trap on fire, and had to climb out whilst still flaming and raging. For being only level one or two, it's a miracle I managed to survive. I proceeded to bear hug goblins and get really close to their huts to burn everything on the inside.

The campaign was a bit of a one shot, but my alignment shifted anyway. That was a really fun experience.

2016-09-16, 10:48 AM
Thanks for the great advice guys! Now I'm feeling much more prepared in my attempts to wrestle the globe!