View Full Version : [PTU, IC] big teej presents: Kanto Plus: Aftermath

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big teej
2016-09-12, 12:33 PM
Welcome to the world of Pokemon. It should feel quite familiar, but don’t get too comfortable, the road between Pallet City and the Indigo Plateau is strewn with the shattered dreams and bodies of those who came before you… and failed miserably.

You have been in Pallet City for a week, a once sleepy, unimportant dot on the map with no notable features of people aside from Professor Oak. However, in the past few years, Pallet Town has grown into a full-fledged city, made famous by being the hometown of the last 3 Grand Champions of the Pokemon League, as well as it’s involvement in what has become known as The Giovanni Incident.

You have been waiting for Professor Oak to summon this year’s batch of aspirant trainers to his lab to hand out Starter Pokemon, selected for their ideal combination of ease of temperament and care, as well as being powerful enough to keep rookie trainers alive during the first few weeks of their journey. In addition to many Trainer’s first pokemon, Official League Trainers receive a Pokedex to help them catalogue their journey as well as assist in Professor Oak’s research.

Today, is that day.
Now…. Are you a boy, or a girl?

Having completed your Ninja training, Koga has decided to further your education and skills by sending you on the traditional League Challenge. You have been sent to pallet town to register as an official trainer of the Pokemon league and be issued a pokedex by the revered Professor Oak. You may feel nervous leaving the relative safety of Fuschia city and its outskirts for the first time, but you are sure that Kasumi will be more than able to keep you safe.

You have seen this day play itself out every day for the past 8 months. Each time it happened a little differently, but the key events remained the same, sticking out in your mind as tangible experiences, as real as tending the garden every day. You applied to become an official trainer, you were accepted, and now the time has come to begin your journey. You were escorted to Pallet town by your parents and one of the junior caretakers of Pokemon Tower – a young man taking his first steps on an entirely different journey. Once you were settled in safely, your escort departed and you have been left to your own devices.

You arrive at Professor Oak’s lab amid a trickle of other aspiring trainers. You are stopped at the gate to the compound so one of the Trainers protecting Oak’s lab can check your paperwork, but you are sent through without incident. You are given strict instructions to proceed to the front door of the main building, where you can see several Scientist-looking types dressed in white lab coats standing around holding clipboards and chatting. The Trainer at the check point reminds you that if you have a pokemon with you, it is to remain in it’s pokeball for the duration of your visit.

OOC: Players are free to introduce and describe themselves as they wish. You may detail what you have done for the past week if you like, converse with the trainer at the checkpoint, etc.
Also, roll Perception and General Edu.

2016-09-13, 02:54 AM
You arrive at Professor Oak’s lab amid a trickle of other aspiring trainers. You are stopped at the gate to the compound so one of the Trainers protecting Oak’s lab can check your paperwork, but you are sent through without incident. You are given strict instructions to proceed to the front door of the main building, where you can see several Scientist-looking types dressed in white lab coats standing around holding clipboards and chatting. The Trainer at the check point reminds you that if you have a pokemon with you, it is to remain in it’s pokeball for the duration of your visit.

A young man walks through the streets of Pallet at a leisurely pace eventually finding himself on the outskirts of Oak's Laboratory. His eyes move across the faces of the trainers and pokemon that have gathered here as he approaches the Trainer stationed at the gate.

"Mornin'." I nod my head toward the Trainer. " I guess you want to see these huh?" I reach into my pocket pull out my paperwork which I hand over for inspection.

After my paperwork is returned. "So is there a reason why Pokemon aren't allowed outside of their Pokeballs here?"

After my conversation with the Trainer I walk up to the front door of the main building, keeping to the outskirts of the trainers gathered there but in a place where I can get a view of everything that's happening.

Perception: 9*

Gen. Edu.: 6*

OOC: Tyson is a 18 year old male with dark skin, short black hair, and deep brown eyes. He stands at 5'7" and has a lean/athletic build. An official Pokemon League hat colored blue, white, and black currently rests backwards on his head. He wears a blue sleeveless hoodie with white trim over a plain white t-shirt. A large stylized image of the Soul Badge engulfed in a white flame decorates the back of the hoodie. His loose fitting belt barely manages to hold up his black cargo shorts which cover the ends of his blue athletic socks where his knees begin. He sports a pair of blue, white, and black sneakers on his feet that also appear to be suited for running. (they are not running shoes mechanically)

*giantitp won't let me link my rolls until I've posted at least 10 times. Each roll can be found on orokos however.

big teej
2016-09-13, 09:59 AM
The Trainer manning the gate glances around the compound and then looks at the queue behind you, you've got a few moments before the next trainer arrives. "Security." He says flatly, then says in a gentler tone "It hasn't happened since The Giovanni Incident, but criminals, Team Rocket in particular, used to regularly take a crack at Oak's lab. Especially when we were sending off new trainers."

Now that the Trainer has mentioned it, you can't help but notice the increased security - you can see several trainers loitering around key areas of the compound, watching the skies and the incoming trainers closely. None of them stand out to you.

When you reach the clump of trainers and researchers at the door, it becomes apparent that people are being sorted. There are a handful of researchers with clipboards talking quietly with the assembled trainers, occasionally calling out a name over the conversation. The other researchers are leading small groups of trainers into the building where they quickly disappear down a hallway or through a door. It would seem that trainers are being sorted based on if they need to be given a starter and pokedex, need to register a Pokemon and receive a pokedex, or just need to acquire a pokedex as they have a registered pokemon already.

Since your pokemon was a gift, it probably hasn't been registered to you, and you need a pokedex from Professor Oak.

2016-09-13, 10:45 PM
Cassandra looks up at the guard with wide eyes as he explains the rules to her, nodding as he ends each sentence. When he says that pokemon are to remain in their pokeballs, she struggles to find her houndour's ball in the silly bag her parents had given her. What was it called again? A backpack.. yes, that was it. A silly bag that you couldn't easily access when you had it on properly.

When she finally manages to find the pokeball that had somehow fallen to the bottom of her bag, she recalls Raum, holding the white premier ball close to her chest. Cassandra has the same sorts of struggles when the trainer asks for her paperwork, attempting to keep Raum's pokeball in her hand while she rummages through her backpack. She bows formally to the guard after he checks everything, her neck and back ramrod straight as she's learned from a young age.

After the trainer gives her paperwork back, she decides to place it in the front pocket of her bag so she can't lose it again. After a brief moment of consideration, Raum's pokeball follows. She proceeds toward the Scientists.

Roll the Perceptions!: 12
Roll the General Educations!: 4

OOC: I also cannot put links into my posts...
Cassandra is an average looking 19 year old girl. Average height, average build, average brown hair pulled back into a ponytail. Her eyes, however, are what makes her stand out. One is the same chestnut brown as her hair. The other is a bright jade green. She's deeply tanned from working in the temple garden. Today, she's dressed in a light gray, long-sleeved shirt and red kapri pants. Her tennis shoes feels weird on her feet, but her mother assured her that these would be what she want to wear instead of her sandals.

big teej
2016-09-14, 09:57 AM

Noticing your confusion, the Guard again directs Cassandra to the group of researchers and mentions that she'll be sorted into a group based on what she needs.

You're not entirely sure why, but you observe that the Lab Compound is positively crawling with trainers, trainers that you know are not here to see Professor Oak, they patrol the compound with grimset faces and clenched fists, watching you and the other trainers. Several more loitering near the entrances of other buildings in the compound, and a handful are on hand ushering the incoming aspirants to the main lab. None of them stand out to you, posssessed of a uniform demeanor and temperment.

When you reach the clump of trainers and researchers at the door, it becomes apparent that people are being sorted. There are a handful of researchers with clipboards talking quietly with the assembled trainers, occasionally calling out a name over the conversation. The other researchers are leading small groups of trainers into the building where they quickly disappear down a hallway or through a door. It would seem that trainers are being sorted based on if they need to be given a starter and pokedex, need to register a Pokemon and receive a pokedex, or just need to acquire a pokedex as they have a registered pokemon already.

Since your pokemon is a family pet, it likely hasn't been registered for official league use, and you need a pokedex from Professor Oak.

The line is moving at a fair pace, and within moments your name is called by one of the clipboard wielding researchers, he quickly confirms your name and the status of your pokemon and indicates you should follow another researcher nearby, he stands off to the side, hands in his pockets, you can see 3 pokeballs on his belt (2 Basic and a Heavy) surrounded by a handful of other trainers.

The Clipboard Wielder tells this new researcher to "Go ahead and take the next group in, Auditorium 3." The researcher in charge of your group nods and gestures for you to follow him...

Once inside, he leads you through a door and down several winding hallways until finally your group reaches another plain door, there is a placard on the wall next to the door, but a cloth hangs over it. The researcher opens the door and gestures for you to proceed inside.

The room looks like a large classroom set up like an amphitheater, tables are set up in large steps down into the front of the room which is a single, open space. The room is about a quarter full of other trainers. Some turn and look at your group entering, others are too engrossed in conversation or with their own private thoughts. At the front of the room is a large table with a cloth over it, as well as a large, hexagonal machine with a spherical socket in the top of it. Standing next to the table is an older man who you immediately recognize as Professor Oak.

Behind Oak, and off to the side is another man leaning against the wall, arms crossed. He is a few years older than your cohort. He is wearing denim shorts and a black shirt with a chain vest over it. He has dark blue hair in a ponytail down his back. A Poliwrath leans against the wall next to the man, mimicking his pose. Floating over his opposite shoulder is a Koffing, both pokemon stare at the assembled trainers.

OOC: you have a few minutes to find a seat and maybe chat with another trainer if you wish, the room is empty enough that you can find a seat basically wherever. Also, second chance at General Edu.

2016-09-14, 03:01 PM
Party:The line is moving at a fair pace, and within moments your name is called by one of the clipboard wielding researchers, he quickly confirms your name and the status of your pokemon and indicates you should follow another researcher nearby, he stands off to the side, hands in his pockets, you can see 3 pokeballs on his belt (2 Basic and a Heavy) surrounded by a handful of other trainers.

The Clipboard Wielder tells this new researcher to "Go ahead and take the next group in, Auditorium 3." The researcher in charge of your group nods and gestures for you to follow him...

Once inside, he leads you through a door and down several winding hallways until finally your group reaches another plain door, there is a placard on the wall next to the door, but a cloth hangs over it. The researcher opens the door and gestures for you to proceed inside.

The room looks like a large classroom set up like an amphitheater, tables are set up in large steps down into the front of the room which is a single, open space. The room is about a quarter full of other trainers. Some turn and look at your group entering, others are too engrossed in conversation or with their own private thoughts. At the front of the room is a large table with a cloth over it, as well as a large, hexagonal machine with a spherical socket in the top of it. Standing next to the table is an older man who you immediately recognize as Professor Oak.

Behind Oak, and off to the side is another man leaning against the wall, arms crossed. He is a few years older than your cohort. He is wearing denim shorts and a black shirt with a chain vest over it. He has dark blue hair in a ponytail down his back. A Poliwrath leans against the wall next to the man, mimicking his pose. Floating over his opposite shoulder is a Koffing, both pokemon stare at the assembled trainers.

Tyson follows the researcher along with the rest of the trainers, gradually shifting to the middle of the group. Upon seeing the placard his curiosity gets the better of him.

When the researcher opens the door I slip away from the group of trainers and quickly lift the cloth to read the placard underneath.

Stealth Roll: 16

If unnoticed, I slip back into the group as the last of trainers enter the auditorium.

big teej
2016-09-14, 04:13 PM

Your actions go entirely unnoticed by the researcher or your fellow trainers. You lift the cloth and see that the placard reads AUDITORIUM 3, then, doing your ninja heritage proud, slip seamlessly back into the crowd and enter the room. It would seem you have not been mislead or sorted incorrectly, you are indeed, in the 3rd auditorium.

You are now in the room, your antics have not deprived you of the opportunity to choose a seat, converse with other trainers, or anything else you wish to do.

2016-09-14, 04:46 PM
Cassandra heads down to the front of the room, selecting a chair in the first row. She doesn't want to miss any of the important information the professor will have to say, not when she knows she's behind her peers in her knowledge of the world outside her temple.

She puts her backpack on the floor beside her chair, making sure it stay upright and out of the way of the other seat in case some else wants to sit beside her.

General Education Again!: 7

big teej
2016-09-14, 05:24 PM

You are unsure where you know him from, but after staring back at the man against the wall and his two pokemon, You finally recognize him, the blue haired man is Pallet City's Gym Leader, Serge.

2016-09-14, 06:49 PM
The room looks like a large classroom set up like an amphitheater, tables are set up in large steps down into the front of the room which is a single, open space. The room is about a quarter full of other trainers. Some turn and look at your group entering, others are too engrossed in conversation or with their own private thoughts. At the front of the room is a large table with a cloth over it, as well as a large, hexagonal machine with a spherical socket in the top of it. Standing next to the table is an older man who you immediately recognize as Professor Oak.

Behind Oak, and off to the side is another man leaning against the wall, arms crossed. He is a few years older than your cohort. He is wearing denim shorts and a black shirt with a chain vest over it. He has dark blue hair in a ponytail down his back. A Poliwrath leans against the wall next to the man, mimicking his pose. Floating over his opposite shoulder is a Koffing, both pokemon stare at the assembled trainers.

OOC: you have a few minutes to find a seat and maybe chat with another trainer if you wish, the room is empty enough that you can find a seat basically wherever. Also, second chance at General Edu.

Tyson shrugs. "Should've expected that...", he laughs as he speaks quietly to himself.

Gen. Edu.: 11

Tyson moves across the room at a measured pace. He quickly studies the people gathered in the auditorium, making note of anyone who stands out.

So if that's Professor Oak... then who's this guy? he looks at man flanked by his two Pokemon as he takes his seat in the front row.

"Hey Professor, I thought we were instructed to keep our Pokemon in their Pokeballs?"

He nods his head toward the man and his Pokemon as he leans back in his seat and kicks his feet up.

2016-09-14, 08:21 PM
Cassandra looks over at the trainer in her row with disbelieving, wide eyes. Had he really just questioned the Professor?!

big teej
2016-09-14, 09:40 PM

No sooner than those words leave your lips than you realize who the blue haired man is, you didn't recognize him without his trademark bandanna and unique weapon. This is Sergei, the Pallet City Gym Leader


Professor Oak smiles and glances at the blue haired man. "That's Correct." he says. "Applicants are required to keep their pokemon stowed away in the interest of safety and security. This requirement doesn't apply to members of my security team, nor to Sergei, who has been requested by the Pokemon League to be present for each year's New Trainer Sendoff*. At the risk of being morbid, Sergei here is my last line of defense against those who would put my research to foul ends, or steal new technology or rare pokemon from my lab."

Professor Oak shifts his attention to the back of the room and asks the researcher if this is everyone. Oak's Aide flips through some papers attached to his clipboard and then says "Yes, Professor. All other applicants were sorted into the other two groups." The aide then disappears out the door.

"Excellent, Excellent." Oak says, moving towards the center of the floor, his excitement visible in his posture and the smile tugging at his face.

"Now, normally I would bore you with a speech about hopes and dreams and the nature of pokemon and we'd go through the nerve-wracking and joyous occasion of distributing starter pokemon to each of you. However, each of you have already acquired your first partner pokemon in some fashion. So in addition to not having to sit through one of my lectures and having to endure a lottery for your starter, you'll have the added advantage of getting a brief head-start on the other two groups.... we have 2 orders of business and then we can set you off proper on your Pokemon Journey!"

Professor Oak then turns and goes back over to the table and pulls the cloth off with a flourish. Laying in neat rows on the table are shiny Pokedexes and a single clipboard. Professor Oak takes up the clipboard and a pen and moves to stand by the large hexagonal machine, which has the girth of a barrel and comes up to Oak's waist.

"All we have to do is ensure each of you are registered properly to the league, along with your pokemon, and register your pokedex to you. so if you'll bear me for a moment... As I call your name, come up front and select a pokedex and place your partner's ball into the socket, this will register you, your pokemon, and your pokedex to the Pokemon League as an Officially Sanctioned Trainer."

Oak then turns his attention back to the clipboard and reads aloud.

"Lucille" - a girl sitting about half way up on the right side of the auditorium leaps out of her seat and practically skips down the aisle to the professor. She wears a knee length skirt over black leggings, with a green long-sleeved shirt, a bright yellow backpack, and pigtails completing her ensemble. She places a basic ball into the socket and picks up a pokedex, both machines "Ping" loudly and Oak tells her to return to her seat.

more names are called, Cassandra ends up being about 10 names in, with Tyson being 7 names after that.

After everyone has been called, Professor Oak looks around the room and asks if anyone's name wasn't called. Two hands in the back go up. Sergei visibly tenses.

Professor Oak frowns and asks the two trainers to state their names.

"Morrigan Mullach" - A woman with a robust figure wearing a heavy skirt with dark purple hair.

"Irvine" - a younger boy, wearing dark glasses and what looks suspiciously like a military uniform - though bereft of any insignia or rank pins.

Oak scratches at his stubble and then flips through the papers on his clipboard "oh, here you are, quite sorry, please, come forward."

Sergei glares at Oak, but visibly relaxes.

with the last two trainers returned to their seats, Oak prepares to dismiss the group

Sergei speaks up "Professor, you're forgetting."

Professor Oak looks up from his clipboard with a blank expression before looking at Sergei and saying "hm?"

"The new thing." Sergei replies.

you see the light-bulb go off over Oak's head as he turns around, gesturing at the assembled trainers with his pen. "Quite Right. Due to an unusual spike in fatalities over the past two years, the Pokemon League has mandated that new trainers be paired off at the start of their journey. You will be required to stay with your fellow trainer until you check in at Viridian City, at which point if you wish, you are free to go your separate ways. Be Careful, however. Should you arrive in Viridian city without your partner, your Status as an official trainer will be suspended until next year, and you'll have to through this all over again."

Oak skims through the names, seemingly picking teams out at random.

"Cassandra!" He calls, looking up and around the room. Spying the young Oracle in the front row, he looks back down at his clipboard, "you are paired with... Tyson!"

before long all the other trainers in the room are paired up and you are escorted from the lab by another of Oak's aides.

You are now outside the Lab compound.... what do you do?

OOC: sorry for the massive wall of text, the space-time continuum is somewhat malleable here, if something is said or done that you feel you would have responded to, please do so. I didn't want to drag this out over multiple posts unless necessary.

*it is worth 3 trainer xp to come up with a better name for the annual sending off of new trainers on their journey through the pokemon league. but only if it sticks.

2016-09-16, 08:15 AM
After Oak tells Tyson about Sergei Cassandra suppresses a laugh when the boy in her row seems to realize who the blue-haired man is.

After Oak's speech She's a little disappointed with how short Professor Oak's speech is. She'd been hoping for a lot more information, but she'll have to make due with what she already knows.

As name after name is called, Cassandra gets more and more nervous. What if her father hadn't gotten her paperwork her in time? What if she'd filled out her paperwork wrong! Then her name is called. The Oracle finds Raum's pokeball in her bag. Her heart pound in her chest as as come to the front of the room. She can feel all the eyes on her back, as well as the Professor's and the gym leader's. As she gets to the front of the room, she bows to Sergei, then bows more deeply to Professor Oak. She picks a bright red Pokedex and places Raum's premier ball in the machine. After the machine does its thing, she returns to her seat and breathes a sigh of relief.

She doesn't really pay attention again until the Professor starts talking about having trainers partner up. She's excited to hear who she will be with. It would be nice to have a partner who knows way more about the outside world than she does. And then she hears Tyson's name. She looks up to see who that is, since he hadn't gone before her. Annnndddd it's that guy... the one that'd questioned the Professor about the gym leader of Pallet City having his pokemon out. Great.

As the Aide leads them out of the Lab and points them toward the edge of the the compound, Cassandra waits for her new partner to make the first move. She releases Raum as soon as they're outside the fence though. She'd been missing her shadow. She couldn't remember the last time she'd had to keep him in his pokeball so long.

2016-09-18, 05:41 PM

Professor Oak smiles and glances at the blue haired man. "That's Correct." he says. "Applicants are required to keep their pokemon stowed away in the entrance of safety and security. This requirement doesn't apply to members of my security team, nor to Sergei, who has been requested by the Pokemon League to be present for each year's New Trainer Sendoff*. At the risk of being morbid, Sergei here is my last line of defense against those who would put my research to foul ends, or steal new technology or rare pokemon from my lab."

Tyson's eyes light up when he realizes the man's identity but his expression quickly shifts back to a neutral state. With a small grin on his face he gives a small nod of acknowledgment to Sergei before hearing out Oak.

After the process of registration begins Tyson closes his eyes and leans back further in his seat as he waits for his name to be called.

So they even requested that the Pallet City Gym Leader be here to ensure everyone's safety... Could the lab really be in that much danger? Tyson lets out a brief sigh as he continues to sit with his thoughts. The Safari Zone in Fuchsia isn't even guarded as heavily.

His eyes open as his name is called and in one fluid motion he swings his legs off of the desk and onto the floor to stand. As he walks toward the front of the room he reaches to belt and removes a single pokeball. He gives it a small upward toss and catches in his right hand, placing it onto the machine. Shifting his focus over to the Pokedex he picks one up and looks it over before asking the Professor, "So how's this work exactly? And what can it do?" Tyson retrieves his pokeball and returns it to his belt as he awaits the Professor's response.

After listening to Oak he returns to his seat and continues to inspect his newly acquired Pokedex. Not bad...

He loses himself in thought once again until the Professor begins to speak about their journey to Viridian City and their partner.

Partner huh? Never heard of them doing this before but I guess it's not the worst that could happen. Last I checked Viridian's only a route away.

Hearing his name called, Tyson looks to the woman and gives a half-hearted salute before pocketing his pokedex.

After the Oak's Aide gathers the trainers and escorts them out of the compound Tyson moves to find his partner at his leisurely pace once again. As he approaches he sees her release a small black dog from a pokeball then comes to stop a several steps away, fingers interlocked behind his head.

"Hey, Cassandra right? If you didn't already catch it my name's Tyson, but you can call me 'Ty' if it helps any. Looks like I'll be your partner."

Tyson wears a friendly smile as he extends his right arm and presents an open palm to shake hands with.

big teej
2016-09-18, 07:07 PM
Tyson (twisting the Space-Time-Continuum)

The Pokedex you hold in your hand is a Calculator sized and shaped object that folds open like a book. It’s interior contains a small screen, a tiny speaker, and a number of buttons.

“The Mark K5 Pokedex is a self-contained communication and data storage device.” Professor Oak begins to explain with a smile. “Unlike the original, which was only capable of providing information about encountered pokemon, this version also contains information about notable locations in the region, a map, and enables text and video communication between units and hard-wired structures, service is spotty away from designated travel routes however. There is a camera on the anterior surface that will register nearby pokemon and provide information about them.”

OOC: you receive a Gen 1 Pokedex that is capable of making video calls, texting, has a map, and a handful of other assorted tools.

Cassandra (slightly warping time)

Raum looks around once he’s released from his pokeball, he sniffs the ground and around your shoes. He then looks at the lab and watches your new partner approach.

OOC: the timeline is caught up, you are now conversing in front of Oak’s compound.
Players are encouraged to frequently note in the OOC thread what pokemon they have out.

2016-09-18, 09:38 PM
Cassandra smiles and begins to bow to Tyson as he introduces himself, but stops and takes his offered hand instead. "I'm suppose to shake hands, right? It's hard to get use to when you been bowing to everyone your whole life," she says with a chuckle. "My name's Cassandra Kelani. Cassie, if you want."

She gestures to the Houndour beside her. "This is Raum. He's good with strangers, so you don't need to worry about him. I've been told some people don't trust the Houndour line."

"Are we ready to head out, Ty? Do you have anything you want to do before we leave the city?"

Cassandra is ready to go whenever Tyson is. She's already said all of her goodbyes and has nothing else she needs to purchase. She does, however, need to to be pointed in the right direction.

2016-09-18, 11:03 PM
Cassandra smiles and begins to bow to Tyson as he introduces himself, but stops and takes his offered hand instead. "I'm suppose to shake hands, right? It's hard to get use to when you been bowing to everyone your whole life," she says with a chuckle. "My name's Cassandra Kelani. Cassie, if you want."

She gestures to the Houndour beside her. "This is Raum. He's good with strangers, so you don't need to worry about him. I've been told some people don't trust the Houndour line."

"Are we ready to head out, Ty? Do you have anything you want to do before we leave the city?"

Cassandra is ready to go whenever Tyson is. She's already said all of her goodbyes and has nothing else she needs to purchase. She does, however, need to to be pointed in the right direction.

Tyson laughs in return. "Yeah, I guess it would be."

If she only knew half of it... Now then, let's see how this works.

He kneels and pulls out his pokedex, registering Houndour.

"Hey Raum, nice to meet you. Looks like we'll be traveling together for a while." He then offers his left hand for the Houndour to inspect and will pet Raum if he seems receptive.

Tyson softly shrugs his shoulders as he rises to his feet. "He seems friendly enough. Why wouldn't someone trust a Houndour? Regardless, if you trust him that's good enough for me."

He points north of Oak's Lab and looks back to Cassandra. Hmm... was her eye always so green? "Route 1 is that way."

"I haven't been in Pallet long but I've seen just about everything I there is to see here. Well, everything except for the Gym I guess. Unless you have anywhere you want to visit or anyone you still wanna say goodbye to, I'm ready to get started too."

If Cassandra has no objections Tyson will lead them outside the city and onto Route 1.

"So Cassie, you from here?" he says as he looks sidelong to his companion.

big teej
2016-09-19, 01:34 PM

The small devil dog sniffs tentatively at Tyson's hand and around his shoes.

The pokedex pings and says in an electronically rendered voice: "Houndour, A Dark/Fire Type Pokemon that hunts in packs, using barks, howls, and other vocalizations to coordinate to frightening effectiveness." An artist's rendition of Houndoom has appeared on the screen in your pokedex.

Raum tilts his head to the side and squints at the pokedex.

2016-09-20, 07:29 AM
He kneels and pulls out his pokedex, registering Houndour.

"Hey Raum, nice to meet you. Looks like we'll be traveling together for a while." He then offers his left hand for the Houndour to inspect and will pet Raum if he seems receptive.

Cassandra smiles as Tyson greets Raum. This was her and her Houndour's first time really outside the temple; they'd seen more in their short journey to Pallet City than they's seen pretty much their entire lives.

"My father told me that some people don't like Houndours and Houndooms. Something about criminal teams using them, or something?"

She follows Tyson out to Route 1, conversing with him as they walk. "I'm from just outside Lavender Town. My grandparents own a temple, which my parents help them take care of. What about you? You said you hadn't been in Pallet long."

2016-09-20, 08:29 AM
She follows Tyson out to Route 1, conversing with him as they walk. "I'm from just outside Lavender Town. My grandparents own a temple, which my parents help them take care of. What about you? You said you hadn't been in Pallet long."

"Me? I'm from Fuchsia City. Both of my parents work as Pokemon Rangers at the Fuchsia City Safari Zone." Tyson pauses to consider something for a moment. "Now that I think about it, this is probably the first time I've left Fuchsia in years."

A thought comes to Tyson as he looks to Cassandra and Raum. He reaches to his belt and stops to release Kasumi from her pokeball.

"And this is my partner Kasumi."

Tyson pulls out his pokedex and registers the Froakie. He then kneels so that Kasumi can climb onto his shoulder.

big teej
2016-09-20, 01:04 PM


Originally Posted by Pokedex

Froakie, The Bubble Frog Pokemon, it maintains a cloak of pliable bubbles on it's back for protection.

Kasumi quirks its head at Raum, allowing itself to be sniffed before hopping onto Tyson's shoulder.

Professor Oak's lab is near the edge of Pallet City, it will not take long to reach route 1 and leave civilization behind you.

OOC: The players are free to converse as much as they like before actually arriving at route 1, Players should roll perception.

2016-09-20, 05:01 PM
Professor Oak's lab is near the edge of Pallet City, it will not take long to reach route 1 and leave civilization behind you.

OOC: The players are free to converse as much as they like before actually arriving at route 1, Players should roll perception.

"This is Kasumi's first time leaving Fuchsia too."

Tyson stands and begins walking again whenever Cassandra is ready.

Perception Roll: 4

As the group walks along Route 1 Tyson becomes caught up in their conversation and the general atmosphere. Very un-shinobi...

2016-09-20, 06:10 PM
"This is Kasumi's first time leaving Fuchsia too."

"So we're all kinda of in the dark here. At least we're together for the first few days," Cassandra says.

Perception: 15

"I've never seen that kind of pokemon before." She points her new pokedex in the small blue frog's direction. "Where did you get her?"

2016-09-20, 07:02 PM
"I've never seen that kind of pokemon before." She points her new pokedex in the small blue frog's direction. "Where did you get her?"

"She was a gift from Koga. I got her about a week ago. He thought she would make for a good partner."

Tyson pets the small blue frog with a free hand.

"She can be a little mischievous but I've gotten used to it."

2016-09-20, 07:16 PM
The name Koga sounds familiar, but she can't quite put her finger on where she'd heard it before.

Gen. Education: 4

"You've only had her for a week? Seems like you've known her longer to me."

Cassandra pets her Houndour's head, scratching behind his ears just the way he likes it. "My parents got me Raum about two years ago, when I finally asked if I was allowed to have a pokemon. He was so small back then, I think he must've just hatched a few days before they brought him back to our temple."

big teej
2016-09-20, 08:57 PM

After you make the comment about Kasumi’s behavior, she blows a large bubble and pops it. Loudly.


Your pokedex pings and recites the same information as Tyson’s about the frog.

Raum growls contentedly.

As you walk, you don’t notice any pokemon, except for a tiny grey bird pecking and scratching away at the dust on the side of the Route.

You hear a rustling off to the your left, through a gap in the trees you see a circle of strange mushrooms and a shiny object floating in the middle of it… it appears to be some sort of archaic key ring. There are also several pokemon scuttling about the clearing, seemingly tending to the mushrooms.

You are unable to place the name. You feel you are missing a really big, obvious thing.

2016-09-20, 11:54 PM
"You've only had her for a week? Seems like you've known her longer to me."

Cassandra pets her Houndour's head, scratching behind his ears just the way he likes it. "My parents got me Raum about two years ago, when I finally asked if I was allowed to have a pokemon. He was so small back then, I think he must've just hatched a few days before they brought him back to our temple."

Tyson lets out a small sigh after Kasumi bursts her bubble. "Definitely feels like it..." He gives the small blue frog a look. "I'm starting to realize that raising pokemon is a lot harder than it looks."

Something catches Tyson's eye as the two walk along the route. Hmm... a pokemon?

Pokemon Edu.: 6

He pulls out his pokedex and registers the bird.

2016-09-21, 07:42 AM
Something catches Tyson's eye as the two walk along the route. Hmm... a pokemon?

Cassandra does the same thing, but in the opposite direction. She keeps her voice low so she doesn't scare the wild pokemon, but her excitement can't help but leak through. "Wow Tyson! Look at this!"

Pokemon Education: 15

big teej
2016-09-21, 09:07 AM


Originally Posted by Pokedex

Pidove, The Tiny Pidgeon Pokemon, While completely obedient to its trainer, Pidove tend fail to follow complicated commands.

Pidov are fairly common, at least around fuschia city, the flocks can put up quite an annoying racket.

OOC: Tyson may open Cassandra’s previous perception roll, now that it has been pointed out to him.


Your pokedex buzzes in your hands, the phrase “SUBJECT NOT FOUND” appear on your pokedex’s screen in blocky yellow text.

You will need to move closer to scan the pokemon.

The tiny floating object is a Klefki, a Steel Fairy with a fondness for keys. It is surrounded by several Paras tending a mushroom patch.

neither the Pidove nor the pokemon in the woods appear overtly hostile at this time, what do you do?

OOC: Players are reminded that should they enter combat, the posting requirement will increase to a minimum of once per day.

2016-09-21, 10:38 AM
Cassandra does the same thing, but in the opposite direction. She keeps her voice low so she doesn't scare the wild pokemon, but her excitement can't help but leak through. "Wow Tyson! Look at this!"

"Oh, a Pidove!" Tyson's eyes light up at the sight of the tiny bird. He quickly turns his attention to the other pokemon once Cassandra points them out.

Pokemon Edu.: 7

"I've seen Paras before but what is that?" He hears Cassandra's pokedex fail to register the unknown pokemon due to distance. "Looks like we'll have to get closer."

"But first..." He looks back to the Pidove. "I'm going to see if I can make a new friend."

OOC: Tyson wants to try and persuade the Pidove to join him. Though if Cassandra would like to try and catch it feel free. (There are plenty back home in Fuchsia)

2016-09-21, 10:41 AM
"I've seen it in a book before. The other pokemon is a klefki," Cassandra says, putting away her pokedex. "It doesn't look like they're going anywhere, so you can try to catch the Pidove, Tyson. I'll wait here."

2016-09-21, 11:39 AM
"Klefki huh? Never heard of it..."

After Cassandra gives her consent, Tyson begins moving slowly towards the Pidove.

"Be back in a sec!" he says, looking over his shoulder.

As Tyson and Kasumi approach the Pidove, Tyson reaches into his bag and pulls out small amount of his rations (a few slices of bread and a piece of fruit if possible). He hands the piece fruit to Kasumi, and begins to tear one of the slices of bread into smaller pieces. "Here. Eat this while you watch." He says to Kasumi.

When they reach a comfortable distance Tyson stops and crouches down.

"Hey! I've got some food for ya!" He tosses out a few pieces of bread a fair distance between himself and the Pidove.

If the Pidove eats the bread and moves closer he'll continue to toss out a few more pieces, gradually closing the gap until the bird stops moving closer. If it moves within arms reach as small birds are known to do he'll attempt to hand feed it.

big teej
2016-09-21, 07:51 PM

Kasumi narrows one of her eyes suspiciously at you, as if questioning your judgement. The frog then takes the fruit and hops down to observe, munching quietly.

The Pidove Squawks and hops away when you call out to it, but it quickly spots the bread crumbs and cautiously hops back over, pecking the offered food off the ground.

slowly, tentatively, with an occasional glance at the frog resting on it’s haunches behind you, the pidove hops closer and closer.

It stops just short of getting within hand-feeding distance, looking at you uncertainly, it’s gaze repeatedly darts to the bread in your outstretched hand.

OOC: Roll Charm.

2016-09-22, 01:08 AM

Kasumi narrows one of her eyes suspiciously at you, as if questioning your judgement. The frog then takes the fruit and hops down to observe, munching quietly.

The Pidove Squawks and hops away when you call out to it, but it quickly spots the bread crumbs and cautiously hops back over, pecking the offered food off the ground.

slowly, tentatively, with an occasional glance at the frog resting on it’s haunches behind you, the pidove hops closer and closer.

It stops just short of getting within hand-feeding distance, looking at you uncertainly, it’s gaze repeatedly darts to the bread in your outstretched hand.

OOC: Roll Charm.

Tyson gives Kasumi an unsure smile and shrugs. He watches closely as the Pidove draws near.

"C'mon... I ain't gonna eat ya little guy."

OOC: Spending 1 AP to add 1 to the roll

Charm Roll: 2 (haha this is my worst roll by far!)

big teej
2016-09-22, 08:51 AM

The Pidove is just beginning to lean towards the bread in your hand when you make the comment about eating the tiny pokemon.

The tiny pigeon squawks in fear, tripping over itself in it's haste, it flops along the ground like a goldeen out of water before making it's way back to it's stubby legs and prepares to take off.

you could probably peg it with a pokeball before it takes flight, otherwise Kasumi will have to try and keep it from leaving.

2016-09-22, 10:28 AM
Well that didn't go as planned...

Tyson quickly reaches into a pocket removing an empty pokeball and tosses it at the fleeing Pidove.

Capture Roll (Throw): 12
Capture Roll (Pokeball): 88

"Let's see if this works."

big teej
2016-09-22, 10:34 AM

The pokeball sails through the air, bonking the dove on the nogging and dropping to the ground.

it wiggles once!

it wiggles again!


Pidove's stats: Level 1, Female, Sassy Nature, Super Luck Ability, otherwise stock pokemon.

2016-09-22, 11:51 AM
After the pokeball stops moving Tyson walks over and picks it up. He smiles as he looks at Kasumi. "It's a start. Now let's get going." Tyson kneels to pick up the Froakie once more and walks back to Cassandra.

He attaches the Pidove's pokeball to his belt then looks to the young woman. "Your turn?"

2016-09-22, 01:42 PM
"Nice catch," Cassandra says as Tyson returns to the path. "I thought you had it with that bread trick."

She looks back over at the Pokemon on the other side of the road. "I don't want to catch any of these guys, but I do want to get them registered in my pokedex. Feel free to catch them if you want though, Ty."

The oracle instructs her Houndour to stay behind as she starts to walk toward the Klefki and Paras, pokedex out in front of her. She'll stop as soon as they get in range, as long as that's not right on top of them.

big teej
2016-09-22, 02:34 PM

You both creep off the route into the forest and approach the gathering of pokemon in the woods. when you close to within 10 meteres, both Pokedexes go off.


Originally Posted by Pokedex

Klefki, The Key Ring Pokemon. A Stele/Fairy Type Pokemon who fiercely collects keys.... it is sometimes referred to as Boo Boo Keys by trainers, regarding it's infantile appearence.

Paras, A Bug/Grass Type Pokemon that has rare mushrooms growing on it's back. Some claim that the Mushrooms can be brewed into a tea that increases longevity and vigor.

You are now standing just off of Route 1, it is approximately 10 AM.

2016-09-22, 03:10 PM
"Great," Cassandra says as her pokedex goes off. She returns to the path of Route 1. "Let's keep going, unless you wanna catch these guys."

2016-09-22, 04:45 PM
"Nice catch," Cassandra says as Tyson returns to the path. "I thought you had it with that bread trick."

She looks back over at the Pokemon on the other side of the road. "I don't want to catch any of these guys, but I do want to get them registered in my pokedex. Feel free to catch them if you want though, Ty."

Tyson laughs. "I thought so too."

After the two register the Klefki and Paras, Tyson follows Cassandra back onto Route 1.

"I'm ready whenever you are. After you." He bows in jest.

OOC: Ready to continue down Route 1!

big teej
2016-09-22, 07:00 PM

After leaving the mushroom pokemon behind, your journey proceeds uneventfully for the next few hours, you see few pokemon, mostely common birds flying by overhead, all out of range of your pokedexes....

Just Past Noon....

A small, bipedal pokemon with large ears and legs darts out into the Route. It's breathing heavily and covered in scrapes and scratches, one large one on it's thigh leaks a vile purple fluid. The pokemon looks up and down the Route before hopping further out onto the road and collapsing.

a Trio of purple, quadrupedal pokemon covered in spikes emerge from the forest. They glance around, but ignore you and approach the collapsed pokemon.

Roll -
Pokemon Edu

2016-09-22, 07:39 PM
"Hey Cassie, check it out!" Tyson quickly pulls out his pokedex while assessing the situation.

Perception: 18


Pokemon Edu.: 8


2016-09-22, 07:49 PM
"That... doesn't look good," Cassandra says, following suit. "Be ready Raum."

Perception (http://orokos.com/roll/438914): 14

Pokemon Education (http://orokos.com/roll/438916): 11

big teej
2016-09-22, 08:33 PM


An artist’s rendition of the collapsed pokemon appears on your screen – it is noticabbly less bloody and ragged than the specimen before you.

Originally Posted by Pokedex

Buneary – The Rabbit Pokemon. It typically keeps it’s ears rolled tight, they can be rapidly unfurled with enough force to shatter boulders.

The Buneary’s information is shunted off the the side by a picture of the spiky purple things.

Originally Posted by Pokedex

Nidoran, a Poison Type Pokemon. The toxicity of it’s venom is indicated by the size of the thorns covering it’s body, it’s horns are larger than it’s female counterpart.

It is readily noticeable to both you that the Buneary is in some serious trouble, and the Nidoran seem intent on finishing it off. With the absence of any more evolved pokemon going on, this is likely a territorial dispute, or the nidoran are simply cruel.

Taking a closer look at the Nidoran, one of them is noticeably larger than it’s fellows, and many of it’s body thorns are leaking a thick purple liquid.

2016-09-23, 12:48 AM
After watching the sequence of events unfold and piecing things together Tyson quickly moves from surprised to determined.

"I think we should help it..." He gives a quick look to Cassandra.

"Kasumi, you ready?"

2016-09-23, 08:25 AM
"I think we should try to target the big Nidoran first. It looks like the leader. I would also like to catch it, if that's okay with you," Cassandra says with a determined look in her eye.

Initiative for Raum: 7

2016-09-23, 10:05 AM
Tyson nods. "Go for it. We've got your back."

Kasumi's Initiative: 10

big teej
2016-09-23, 10:59 AM

Froakie smirks and leaps from Tyson’s shoulder, excited at the prospect of imminent violence.

Raum trots up next to the blue frog and barks at the Nidoran.

The Buneary pulls itself up to one knee, panting heavily and watching the trainers square off against it’s pursuers.

The Nidoran spread out slightly, kicking up dust off the road and squealing menacingly at the party. …

OOC: Tyson has Initiative.

Tyson: 15
Kasumi: 10
Buneary: 10 7
Nidoran: 7
Cassandra: 7
Raum: 7
Nidoran: 3
Nidoran: 3

Listed so players do not have to wait for the GM to tell them when to go.
Actions occurring on the same count will resolve simultaneously, regardless of posting order or narrative structure

2016-09-23, 12:47 PM
"Alright Kasumi! Move in close and use Bubble!"

OOC: If Kasumi is close enough she'll use Bubble with the intent of catching as many Nidoran within the Burst 1 as possible.

Attack Roll: 4 to hit (2 after AC)

Damage Roll: 27 Special

big teej
2016-09-23, 01:13 PM
Kasumi is able to dash into the midst of the Nidoran, catching all three of them in a torrent of acidic bubbles!

All three of the nidoran, even the largest one, are left choking and spitting after the attack.

One of the smaller ones rallies quickly and tries to clamp down on Kasumi with it's over-sized buck tooth, but Kasumi dodges the clumsy lunge with contemtable ease.

The Bunneary eyes the conflict tentatively, coughs twice and then hops closer to Raum and Cassandra.

OOC: Sweet Arceus. That Damage.

also, Cassandra and Raum's actions will resolve mechanically at the same time as this post, even though they will now happen 'after.'

2016-09-24, 08:59 AM
After Cassandra sees how much damage the small blue frog caused, she lobs a pokeball at the largest nidoran.

Hitting the big Nidoran with a pokeball! (http://orokos.com/roll/439225)- 12

Capture Roll (http://orokos.com/roll/439226)-... 97

Raum spits a small fireball at the other Nidoran that didn't try to hit Kasumi.

Raum uses Ember!

To Hit (http://orokos.com/roll/439227)- 13, AC 2

Damage (http://orokos.com/roll/439228)- 25 Special

big teej
2016-09-24, 10:39 PM

The Pokeball sails through the air, followed by a great ball of fire!

The pokeball hits the large nidoran in the shoulder and falls to the ground.

*wiggle wiggle*

*wiggle wiggle*

*wiggle wiggle*

Nidoran, Male - Level 5, Brave Nature, Poison Points Ability
SHINY This Nidoran knows Venom Drench as an Egg Move, and also has Poison Touch as a Hidden Ability.
This Pokemon may be altered further as it evolves.

The fireball explodes on the smaller nidoran's face, unable to get out of the way. The impact of the blast throws the pokemon to the ground, it doesn't get back up.

The Bunneary looks relieved, and very sickly.

The remaining nidoran looks mildly freaked out and appears ready to make a break for it.

OOC: Initiative resets, Tyson and Kasumi have Initiative.

2016-09-24, 11:26 PM
The fireball explodes on the smaller nidoran's face, unable to get out of the way. The impact of the blast throws the pokemon to the ground, it doesn't get back up.

The Bunneary looks relieved, and very sickly.

The remaining nidoran looks mildly freaked out and appears ready to make a break for it.

"Nice catch!" Tyson looks from Cassandra to the remaining Nidoran. "I'd start running if I were you... Kasumi! Hit'em with bubble if he gets any closer."

OOC: If Kasumi can hold an action she'll do so and only attack the Nidoran if it remains hostile. Otherwise she'll let it flee.

Tyson quickly moves over to the Buneary if he has enough movement and will attempt to use an antidote on it. "Hey, don't run. I'm going to try and help you, okay?"

If the Buneary attempts to run Tyson will drop the antidote and try and catch it with his bare hands.

big teej
2016-09-24, 11:35 PM

The Nidoran takes a few hesitant steps backwards, and seeing nobody pursue him, turns and disapears into the brush, leaving his fainted and captured companions behind.


The Buneary flinches away from you, but doesn't run. It squeals pitifully.

OOC: Initative Ends

2016-09-25, 01:15 AM
Cassandra lets out a small, high-pitched squeal when the pokeball clicks, then turns bright red. It wasn't like her to have an outburst like that. But she couldn't deny that her first real battle and capture was exciting.

Once the last nidoran high-tails it, she calls Raum back to her side and goes to collect her new pokemon. She's pretty sure Tyson can handle the injured Buneary, but if he needs her help, she'll assist.

2016-09-25, 01:20 AM

The Buneary flinches away from you, but doesn't run. It squeals pitifully.

"Hold still and drink this. It's going to make you feel better, I promise." Tyson will try to administer the antidote to the Buneary. Afterward he'll inspect the pokemon and attempt to diagnose it's overall condition.

Medicine: 10 (Spent AP to boost roll by 1)


As Tyson tends to the Buneary he gestures for Kasumi to come over and join him. He looks back to Cassandra as he plays doctor. "Not bad Cassie! You and Raum looked great! Made it look a lot easier than my catch from earlier." he looses a laugh.

2016-09-25, 01:37 AM
"Kasumi did all the work though. Raum and I just cleaned up," Cassandra replies with a smile.

She walks over to Tyson as he attempts to diagnose the Buneary. "How does it look? The nidoran really seem to have beat up on it."

big teej
2016-09-25, 02:05 AM

Raum ignores you and trots over to the pokeball and sniffs at it. He happily follows you back over to Tyson.


The Bunneary struggles against you, but in it's weakened state it can't stop you from force feeding it the antidote. the purple sludge leaking from it's leg hardens almost immediately once the pokemon swallows some of the antidote.

The pokemon seems to have an especially tender spot on it's right shoulder and on it's back over it's kidneys, but is competely covered in scrapes and bruises, in time, it'd likely make a full recovery, if something doesn't finish what the nidoran started in the meantime.

The Buneary was Poisoned, has suffered 2 injuries, and has each of it's stats lowered by multiple stages.

Kasumi hops back over and can't hide a smug smirk when it hears Cassandra's compliment.


You are currently on Route 1, it's about 2 in the afternoon, there is a Fainted Nidoran a half dozen yards away, and a crippled Buneary, quite literally within your grasp.
Raum and Kasumi's stomach's growl loudly. The Pokemon share a glance and then look away.

2016-09-25, 10:20 AM
"Looks pretty beat up but I think it'll make a full recovery given enough time." He looks over to the fainted Nidoran and back to the Buneary. "But honestly I'm not sure if it'll make it out here much longer..."

He pauses for a moment before pulling out an empty pokeball. "Don't worry, you're gonna be alright." He smiles at the Buneary before he taps it with the pokeball.

big teej
2016-09-25, 12:17 PM
"Looks pretty beat up but I think it'll make a full recovery given enough time." He looks over to the fainted Nidoran and back to the Buneary. "But honestly I'm not sure if it'll make it out here much longer..."

He pauses for a moment before pulling out an empty pokeball. "Don't worry, you're gonna be alright." He smiles at the Buneary before he taps it with the pokeball.


The Pokeball vibrates briefly in your hand before clicking shut. Bunneary was Caught!

Buneary, Female, Level 1, Desperate Nature, Klutz Ability

Kasumi hops onto you and crawls back up onto your shoulder. looking dubiously at the newly filled pokeball.

OOC: It is worth noting that I didn't call for a roll because Bunneary's capture number was sitting somewhere in the 130s, but I would normally still require one.

2016-09-25, 04:27 PM

The Pokeball vibrates briefly in your hand before clicking shut. Bunneary was Caught!

Kasumi hops onto you and crawls back up onto your shoulder. looking dubiously at the newly filled pokeball.

"We're gonna see if we can get her treated at a pokemon center. Whether she comes with us or not will be up for her to decide." Tyson attaches the Buneary's pokeball to the left side of his belt. Then gently rubs Kasumi's head. "You made that battle look easy! I guess we'll have to find you stronger opponent's huh?" He smirks.

"Now let's get this guy out of the way and eat some lunch. I'm dyin'!"

Tyson walks over to the fainted Nidoran, picks it up, and moves it off of the route and places it underneath some shrubbery where it can't easily be seen.

"I think he'll be safe there for now. This way he'll have a chance to recover." He walks back toward Cassandra. "Lunch sound good to you Cassie?"

2016-09-25, 06:16 PM
"Be careful not to prick yourself on it's spines," Cassandra says when Tyson picks up the unconscious Nidoran. "You don't wanna end up like the Buneary."

When he mentioned lunch, her stomach growls loudly, as if on command. "Lunch sounds really good to me. Let's see if we can find somewhere close to the road that we can rest and eat."

When they find a suitable place, the Oracle puts down her backpack and gets out a couple dry bars made of fruit and oatmeal. She pours a bowl of pokemon food for Raum to eat.

2016-09-25, 10:33 PM
When he mentioned lunch, her stomach growls loudly, as if on command. "Lunch sounds really good to me. Let's see if we can find somewhere close to the road that we can rest and eat."

When they find a suitable place, the Oracle puts down her backpack and gets out a couple dry bars made of fruit and oatmeal. She pours a bowl of pokemon food for Raum to eat.

Tyson will follow suit and finds a place to sit with Kasumi. He finds some pokemon food and lets the Froakie have her fill while he eats some trail mix from a bag.

"So... we having fun yet?" Tyson smiles as he eats his trail mix. He keeps an eye on Kasumi, making sure she doesn't eat too much.

big teej
2016-09-26, 09:49 AM

You easily find a small clearing off to the side of the route to have lunch in.

Once you’re settled in, Raum alternates between devouring his food and walking around the edge of the small clearing you are sat in. Kasumi is content to swipe a single mouthful of Raum’s food when the dog isn’t looking, but otherwise simply watches the devil dog with a slightly bemused expression.

You hear a swish in the trees just outside the clearing, followed by a hollow thud.

OOC: players, and their pokemon, should roll perception.

The Story So Far (I.E. unless you have information I don't, this should account for all of your exp for the game so far.
Encounter with Nidoran and Bunneary: 22 EXP to participating pokemon.

Catching 1 New Pokemon - 1 Trainer EXP
Creating an Alternate Milestone - 5 Trainer EXP
Finding Error in TM document - 1 Trainer EXP

Catching 2 New Pokemon - 2 Trainer EXP
Creating an Alternate Milestone - 5 Trainer EXP

more freebie exp can be found on the obsidian portal under Extra Curriculars
- before taking advantage of the EXP from getting your character sheet up, let me get an example posted (should happen sometime this week)

2016-09-26, 11:46 AM
You easily find a small clearing off to the side of the route to have lunch in.

Once you’re settled in, Raum alternates between devouring his food and walking around the edge of the small clearing you are sat in. Kasumi is content to swipe a single mouthful of Raum’s food when the dog isn’t looking, but otherwise simply watches the devil dog with a slightly bemused expression.

You hear a swish in the trees just outside the clearing, followed by a hollow thud.

"I'll make sure to replace that..." Tyson laughs as he watches his Kasumi's antics.


Tyson's Perception: 7


Kasumi's Perception: 9


2016-09-26, 07:38 PM
"So... we having fun yet?" Tyson smiles as he eats his trail mix.

"This is the most exciting thing I've ever done," Cassandra replies. She grins at Tyson. "I haven't been outside the temple walls since I was a little girl. Until about a year ago, I'd never even thought about battling pokemon, or doing the league challenge. This will be a great journey for the both of us Tyson."

The oracle sees the small blue frog swipe a handful of food and laughs. "You don't need to worry about it."

Cassandra's Perception (http://orokos.com/roll/439801): 13

Raum's Perception (http://orokos.com/roll/439803): 6

big teej
2016-09-27, 09:04 AM

Perhaps too distracted by his pokemon’s antics, our bleeding heart ninja boy does not notice anything unusual. Kasumi, in turn, is too busy keeping an eye on Raum and Raum’s food.


Raum begins digging at the ground at the edge of the clearing.

On the opposite side of the clearing, you notice a slight quiver in a bush, and then an apricorn appears… it has feet. And eyes. Those eyes look between the devil dog, the tiny frog, and the laughing ninja.

The apricorn then very slowly, takes a long, exaggerated step out into the clearing, and then another. It is creeping towards Raum’s unattended food bowl. It seems unaware of you, or the fact you've noticed it.

2016-09-27, 11:22 AM
Cassandra looks intently at something across the clearing. She reaches down slowly into her bag and pulls out her pokedex.

Pokemon Education (http://orokos.com/roll/439981): 8

2016-09-27, 11:36 AM
Cassandra looks intently at something across the clearing. She reaches down slowly into her bag and pulls out her pokedex.

Between mouthfuls of trail mix Tyson asks, "Uh... you alright Cassie?"

big teej
2016-09-27, 01:12 PM

You don't remember what it does, or what it's called, but you know from time to time your parents would have the gardens cleared of these creatures, they were smaller, and many looked like normal apricorns - even though the garden didn't have any apricorn trees.


Following Cassandra's intent gaze, you see a large apricorn... with eyes.... and feet. Taking careful exaggerated steps towards Raum's food bowl. It's eyes are locked on the pokemon food. It appears unaware that you have noticed it. OOC: roll poke edu

2016-09-27, 04:53 PM

Following Cassandra's intent gaze, you see a large apricorn... with eyes.... and feet. Taking careful exaggerated steps towards Raum's food bowl. It's eyes are locked on the pokemon food. It appears unaware that you have noticed it. OOC: roll poke edu

Pokemon Edu.: 4


Hmm...? What's with the walking apricorn?

Tyson mimics Cassandra and slowly reaches into his pocket and pulls out his pokedex to register the pokemon. After doing so he'll pocket the pokedex once again before shoveling another handful of trail mix into his mouth.

big teej
2016-09-27, 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by Pokedex

Seedot, The Acorn Pokemon. This Grass Type Pokemon is known for scaring unwary travelers by leaping suddenly from the branches of trees. It hangs from tree branches, absorbing nutrients, until it becomes to heavy and falls off.

Both Kasumi and Raum turn at the sudden noise and glare at the Seedot. Raum barks excitedly and Kasumi braces itself to leap upon the smaller pokemon.

The Seedot, mere feet away from the pokemon food, freezes at the idenfitying pinging of your pokedices. It's eyes bug out as it realizes it's been spotted and it turns to run away.

OOC: The entire party has intiative on the Seedot if they wish to interact with it, otherwise it will sprint away into the brush.

2016-09-28, 01:03 AM
"You can let it go Kasumi. I think it's just hungry?." Tyson says as he looks on in amusement.

2016-09-28, 02:31 PM
If Raum starts to look like he'll attack the Seedot, she'll call him back over to her, otherwise she'll let him investigate if he wants.

"It probably wouldn't have liked Raum's food anyway. It's sour-flavored."

big teej
2016-09-28, 06:44 PM

The Seedot successfully escapes into the woods. the remainder of your meal passes uneventfully....

2016-09-28, 06:57 PM
Once they finish eating, Cassandra will pack up her things and will resume her and Tyson's journey. While they wal she'll keep her eye out for anything.

Pickup Ability Roll (http://orokos.com/roll/440580): 5

2016-09-28, 07:36 PM
Tyson packs his things back into bag, picks up Kasumi, and follows Cassandra and Raum back onto Route 1.

"Hey Cassie, you mentioned before that you lived in a temple, yeah?"

OOC: "We're on the road to Viridian City!"

2016-09-28, 11:35 PM
"I did," Cassandra answers. "It's just outside Lavender Town. My grandparents run it."

Even only a few days into her journey she couldn't deny that she already missed grandparents. Her grandfather was a strong stoic type who never minced his words. He would indulge her, his only grandchild, however, with stories of the past; most of them revolved around princes fighting dragon-type pokemon, but every once in while while grandmother wasn't listening he'd sneak one in that was a little darker, involving ghost and dark types. He'd say they were just stories, but Cassandra guessed there were probably told to him by his own grandfather, who passed them down from his grandfather. His stories were what had first made her interested in learning the art of throwing bones.

Her grandmother was gentle and considerate, a stark contrast to the Gengar that lived in her shadow. It loved to play pranks on her. It's favorite thing was to come through the mirror in her bedroom making creepy noises while it did so. But the ghost-pokemon would sometimes play with her as well, letting her chase it through the gardens, or play a not-out-to-scare-Cassandra version of hide-and-seek.

2016-09-29, 12:27 PM
"I did," Cassandra answers. "It's just outside Lavender Town. My grandparents run it."

"Lavender..." Tyson pauses in thought. "That's not too far from Fuchsia. If we're both taking on the League Challenge I'd imagine we'll be passing through Lavender at some point. Think we could visit the temple sometime? I've never been to one."

2016-09-29, 06:13 PM
"Of course we could visit!" the oracle replies. She smiles, happy that anyone would want to visit other than the riff-raff looking to challenge her grandparents for control of the temple.

Cassandra just hoped her grandmother hadn't manage to kill the entire garden she'd so painstakingly maintained in the time they made it there.

big teej
2016-09-30, 08:56 AM

Back on Route 1, your journey continues uneventfully for several hours, you occasionally hear the cries of pokemon out in the woods off the trail, but nothing that wanders out onto the Route or anything.

Kasumi begins experimenting with how large a bubble she can form before it pops.

Raum is completely fascinated by everything and covers about 2 miles for every mile his trainer does with the extra zig-zagging and back-and-forth he does over the route snuffling constantly.

it is approximately 7:00 PM.

OOC: Roll Perception.

2016-09-30, 01:44 PM
"Of course we could visit!" the oracle replies. She smiles, happy that anyone would want to visit other than the riff-raff looking to challenge her grandparents for control of the temple.

"Then it's settled! We'll visit the temple on the way to Lavender Town and when we visit Fuchsia I'll take you on a tour of the Safari Zone. Only fair right?"

After several hours pass...

Perception: 14


2016-09-30, 11:04 PM
"Then it's settled! We'll visit the temple on the way to Lavender Town and when we visit Fuchsia I'll take you on a tour of the Safari Zone. Only fair right?"

After several hours pass...

"Sounds good to me Tyson," Cassandra replies.

Perception (http://orokos.com/roll/441555): 12

OOC: That was a bad roll for me XD Why Orokos?!

big teej
2016-10-03, 11:08 AM

A strange snuffling sound draws your attention into the brush on the side of the route. A brown and yellow bipedal creature is standing over a small pink quadraped with what looks like a flower growing on it's forehead. a few feet away is a small black and grey pokemon resembling a fox.

both of them appear to be fast asleep. As you watch, the yellow and brown creature leans over them and inhales deeply, making that snuffling noise that you heard before, a purple haze can be seen emerging from the sleeping creatures' noses and disappearing into the larger one's snout.

Behind you there is a ruckus in the trees, sounds like two birds having a disagreement. An impression confirmed when a rotund blue pokemon comes gliding out of the trees in a huff and alights upon Cassandra's head, looking for all the world like a blue fluffy hat.

a 2nd bird appears in the branches of the tree, preening itself with a smug expression, it has a dark blue back and white belly.

2016-10-03, 12:11 PM

A strange snuffling sound draws your attention into the brush on the side of the route. A brown and yellow bipedal creature is standing over a small pink quadraped with what looks like a flower growing on it's forehead. a few feet away is a small black and grey pokemon resembling a fox.

both of them appear to be fast asleep. As you watch, the yellow and brown creature leans over them and inhales deeply, making that snuffling noise that you heard before, a purple haze can be seen emerging from the sleeping creatures' noses and disappearing into the larger one's snout.

Behind you there is a ruckus in the trees, sounds like two birds having a disagreement. An impression confirmed when a rotund blue pokemon comes gliding out of the trees in a huff and alights upon Cassandra's head, looking for all the world like a blue fluffy hat.

a 2nd bird appears in the branches of the tree, preening itself with a smug expression, it has a dark blue back and white belly.

As the party comes across the first scene Tyson reaches for his pokedex to help assess the situation.

Pokemon Edu.: 7 (Spent 1 AP to boost roll by 1d6, and I'm still an idiot!)


He'll try to register the birds after the blue one roosts on Cassandra's head.

2016-10-03, 09:59 PM
Cassandra follows suit and pulls out her own Pokedex to figure out what Pokemon are hiding in the bushes, because she had absolutely no idea what they are off the top of her head.

Pokemon Education (http://orokos.com/roll/442389):.... 9, Spent 1 AP to add 1d6

Speaking of the top of her head, she squeaks a little when the blue bird lands on her. It weighs almost nothing and it's warm and fluffy. "Hi silly bird. Did that other one chase you away?" she asks it.

big teej
2016-10-04, 09:37 AM

Perhaps overcome by the number of pokemon in front of you, nobody recalls any useful information beyond what is provided by their Pokedex.

(Spoiler: Pokedex info)

Originally Posted by Pokedex

Drowzee – The Hypnotic Pokemon, said to feed on the dreams of humans and pokemon sleeping nearby.

Deerling – The Season Pokemon, Deerling and it’s evolved form change with each season.

Zorua – The Tricky Fox Pokemon. Zorua frequently disguise themselves as small human children and other pokemon.

Swablu – The Cotton Bird Pokemon, Swablu enjoys roosting on peoples’ heads and cleaning things with it’s cotton-like wings.

Taillow – A Flying Type Pokemon that refuses to back down from any opponent, however, it becomes weak and whiny when hungry.

The Swablu chirps indignantly at Cassandra’s question and ruffles it’s cotton wings.

The Tailllow puffs out it’s chest and keeps preening.

2016-10-04, 11:45 AM

Perhaps overcome by the number of pokemon in front of you, nobody recalls any useful information beyond what is provided by their Pokedex.

The Swablu chirps indignantly at Cassandra’s question and ruffles it’s cotton wings.

The Tailllow puffs out it’s chest and keeps preening.

Tyson can't help but laugh at Cassandra and the Swablu.

"There's no shame in running away little bird." Tyson says to the Swablu. His attention shifts back over to the Hypno and two sleeping pokemon. "Cassie, you interested in any of those pokemon? I think I might try and catch one of those sleeping pokemon... maybe another bird too." He says with a grin.

OOC: That's a lot of pokemon! Tyson is interested in catching Zorua, Taillow, and Deerling in that order. Does Cassie want any of those pokemon or have any preferences?

2016-10-04, 01:28 PM
"Tell you what, Swablu. You come with me and I'll make you strong enough to take on any bird that tries to chase you around."

Charm (http://orokos.com/roll/442533): 11. Spent 1 AP for 1d6 boost

OOC: Cassandra is only interested in the Swablu. She be happy to help battle the Drowzee if the need arises though.

big teej
2016-10-04, 02:22 PM

The Swablu shifts around on Cassandra's head, mussing up her hair as it settles in. It glares at the Taillow before nodding determinedly at Cassandra's proposition.


You and Kasumi have initiative on the wild pokemon.

The Drowzee has turned, noticing your conversation, it smacks it's pudgy claws together, glaring at you.

2016-10-04, 02:31 PM
Cassandra gets a pokeball out of her bag and taps the Swablu's soft, cotton-y wing with it.

Catch Roll (http://orokos.com/roll/442543): 78

OOC: Cassandra is Trainer Level 1 and is using a normal pokeball.

If the bird is caught, Cassandra will release it back on top of her head and let it sit there.

big teej
2016-10-04, 02:38 PM

The blue cotton bird pecks at the ball in curiosity. It vibrates maddly in your hand for a few seconds and you nearly drop it.

The ball stops vibrating, buzzes slightly, almost like a shrug, and...

CLICK! Swablu agreed to be caught!
Swablu is level 3, Male, and has a Serious Nature and the Natural Cure Ability.

Once let loose again, Swablu perches on you once again, glaring at the Taillow. Raum barks at your new hat.

2016-10-04, 06:08 PM
You and Kasumi have initiative on the wild pokemon.

The Drowzee has turned, noticing your conversation, it smacks it's pudgy claws together, glaring at you.

"Okay, let's rumble!"

Tyson will toss a pokeball at the sleeping Zorua.

Pokeball Throw: 5


Pokeball Capture: 94 (If it even hit?)


"Kasumi, run some interference and use Bubble!"

Attack Roll: 13


Damage Roll: 28 Special


big teej
2016-10-05, 09:43 AM

The Pokeball sails through the air on a course for the dark fox.... only to land next to it.

The burst of Acidic bubbles pop-pop-pop's throughout the woods and the Drowzee recoils slightly. It shakes its head and waddles up to Kasumi and brings it's fist down on the frog's head!

Wild Drowzee uses Pound!
Kasumi takes 18 Damage!

2016-10-05, 11:50 AM

The Pokeball sails through the air on a course for the dark fox.... only to land next to it.

The burst of Acidic bubbles pop-pop-pop's throughout the woods and the Drowzee recoils slightly. It shakes its head and waddles up to Kasumi and brings it's fist down on the frog's head!

It wasn't even moving... Tyson thinks to himself after watching his pokeball sail through the air.

His focus returns to Kasumi just as she receives a Pound to the head. Tyson pulls out a potion from his bag before issuing his next command. "Not bad... Hang in there Kasumi! Hit it with another Bubble!"

Bubble Attack: 14


Bubble Damage: 29


big teej
2016-10-05, 12:05 PM

the thrown pokeball rests against the Zorua's head.

When the bubbles clear, the Drowzee is swaying unsteadily on it's feet, but determinedly raises its fist again and brings it crashing down on Kasumi.

Drowzee uses Pound!
Kasumi takes 18 Damage!

didn't we just do this?

2016-10-05, 12:56 PM

the thrown pokeball rests against the Zorua's head.

When the bubbles clear, the Drowzee is swaying unsteadily on it's feet, but determinedly raises its fist again and brings it crashing down on Kasumi.

Tyson assesses the battle and quickly takes to actions. He pockets the potion and uses his movement to reach the pokeball touching the Zorua with it. Switching his focus to battle he gives his Froakie another command.

"It's weak Kasumi! Hang in there and finish it with another bubble!"

Bubble Attack Roll: 9


Bubble Damage Roll: 31


Zorua Capture Roll (Throw): 19


Zorua Capture Roll (Capture): 43


big teej
2016-10-05, 01:06 PM

The Wild Drowzee staggers away, claws over it's face. It falls to its knees and then flat on it's face.


The ball vibrates once and clicks shut. Zorua has been caught!
Level 3, Male, Patient Nature, Illusion Ability

Kasumi hops over to Tyson, jumping onto the Drowzee as it goes. It looks up at Tyson and sighs heavily, blowing and popping a bubble.

2016-10-05, 05:15 PM

The Wild Drowzee staggers away, claws over it's face. It falls to its knees and then flat on it's face.

Kasumi hops over to Tyson, jumping onto the Drowzee as it goes. It looks up at Tyson and sighs heavily, blowing and popping a bubble.

Tyson laughs and smiles at Kasumi as she makes her way over to him. He crouches, picks Zorua's pokeball and then turns to Kasumi.

"A lot stronger than it looked huh?" He glances over at the Drowzee. "The same goes for you. You deserve a good rest after a fight like that."

Tyson offers to return Kasumi to her pokeball or place her on his shoulder (He'll let Kasumi make the decision). Afterward he'll move over to the sleeping Deerling and shake it gently until it wakes up and will let it run away. Then he'll drag the knocked out Drowzee under a tree before returning to Cassandra and Raum.

"So that was harder than I thought it was gonna be..." he says with a laugh.

big teej
2016-10-05, 07:16 PM

Kasumi raises up her forelimbs, rather reminiscent of a toddler asking to be picked up.

The deerling wakes with little effort and bolts into the woods, bleating in panic.

2016-10-07, 10:32 AM
Cassandra sees the purple bruise that's beginning to form on Kasumi's head and agrees. "Are we ready to keep going? Or should we find a place to camp? It is starting to get dark..."

2016-10-08, 05:26 PM
Cassandra sees the purple bruise that's beginning to form on Kasumi's head and agrees. "Are we ready to keep going? Or should we find a place to camp? It is starting to get dark..."

"Setting up camp might not be a bad idea..." Tyson laughs and looks to the Taillow in the tree. "Looks like you lucked out bird! There's a sleeping bag with my name on it so you'll have to wait until tomorrow if you're lookin' for a fight."

Tyson will follow Cassandra's lead and look for a place to set up camp.

big teej
2016-10-09, 10:30 AM

The Taillow squawks loudly at Tyson's statement, less self-assured trainers would swear the pokemon was laughing at them...

You return to Route 1 without incident to search for a campsite away from the busy clearing you were in.

You have approximately 2 hours of light left.

OOC: Party should roll survival

2016-10-09, 11:11 AM
Survival (http://orokos.com/roll/443920): 5

Cassandra starts leading, but quickly realizes that she has absolutely no idea what she's doing. She'll let Tyson take over.

2016-10-10, 09:30 AM
Survival: 11 (Spent 1 AP to boost)


Tyson helps survey the area for an ideal campsite, his aimless wandering seeming to become more focused as night falls.

big teej
2016-10-10, 09:49 AM

You are eventually forced to return to Route 1, not successfully finding a safe place off the trail. You stop when you come to an area of hard-packed earth with a small divot in the middle of it... it looks somewhat like a campsite used by someone else. However, there are no foraging opportunities nearby, and if the weather should turn foul you would have no protection.

It is getting very dark, it would be difficult, but not impossible to keep searching and find something better.


Raum seems to be visibly tiring from the long day, there is less spring to his step and he no longer goes out of his way to sniff at every puddle, bush, and rock in the road, instead plodding along at your side, head low.


Kasumi rode along quietly on your shoulder for a good while, but eventually crawled around and has crammed itself between your backpack and your head and seems to be snoozing.

2016-10-11, 10:51 AM
"Does this look okay to you Tyson?" Cassandra asks.

Her feet hurt. Her shoulders hurt from carrying her heavy backpack. To be honest, she could probably could fall asleep right on the hard ground. Raum was obviously tired as well.

If Tyson says that this spot is okay, Cassandra will set her backpack down and get out her flashlight, then take her Houndour and find some firewood.

2016-10-11, 11:41 AM
"Does this look okay to you Tyson?" Cassandra asks.

Her feet hurt. Her shoulders hurt from carrying her heavy backpack. To be honest, she could probably could fall asleep right on the hard ground. Raum was obviously tired as well.

If Tyson says that this spot is okay, Cassandra will set her backpack down and get out her flashlight, then take her Houndour and find some firewood.

"Looks good to me, let's crash here for tonight."

Tyson sets his backpack down and removes his sleeping bag, placing his Froakie on top of it.

"Did you want to set up a tent? I could build yours while you're out looking for firewood?"

2016-10-11, 11:53 AM
"Are you sure? I would really appreciate it. I've... never built a tent before..." Cassandra nods determinedly. "Tomorrow we'll have to stop before it gets too dark and you can show me how's it's done."

2016-10-12, 11:02 AM
"Yeah, no problem! It's the least I can do. Besides I think I'm just gonna sleep under the stars tonight."

Tyson will start setting up camp as Cassandra and Raum leave to gather firewood.

big teej
2016-10-14, 02:56 PM

Kasumi rolls over onto her back and begins snoring loudly, each snore forms a large bubble that then pops, echoing through the forest.

Raum, determined to be more helpful than the dozing frog, trots over to a fallen log and grasps it by a still attached branch and begins to pull.

The Tree is as big around as a man's thigh, and twenty feet long. It does not budge.

2016-10-17, 06:17 PM
Cassandra laughs ant the devil dog's antics, then calls him to her. She shows him a stick about a foot long and a quarter inch around. "This big Raum. We don't need to drag the whole tree back with us."

"Hat, do you wanna help too?" she asks the Swablu.

With her pokemon's help she gathers firewood, enough that she thinks it should last for one night, and returns to the campsite.

big teej
2016-10-20, 08:38 AM

...At Length, the pair of aspiring trainers set up a serviceable campsite, complete with a healthy fire.

The night passes uneventfully, and you are both woken up by the morning calls of varying flying type pokemon.

It's a New Day! Full of Adventure and Excitement!

you are approximately 2 days travel from Viridian City

2016-10-24, 08:04 AM
From the moment Cassandra wakes up, she's ready to train. As much as her feet and shoulders hurt, she wakes up her pokemon and begins to train them. The first she wants to do is work on their agility. She gets Raum to show her two new pokemon the drills she and the devil dog have been working on the last couple of months, then spends time individually training her Swablu and Nidoran, learning what moves and abilites they have.

After their training session, she'll begin to make a quick breakfast.

OOC: Agility Training activated for all three of her pokemon, and Hat and Reks get 5 EXP for training.

2016-10-25, 02:39 AM
Early to bed, late to rise... Our ninja boy and his pokemon kunoichi happily sleep in until they are woken up by the sounds of training.

After getting dressed and checking on Kasumi's condition Tyson will find an area to let out his three new pokemon, one at a time. First Pidove, second Buneary, and Zorua third. He'll take the time to assess each pokemon's temperament and how they react to him and Kasumi.

big teej
2016-10-25, 09:14 AM

Tyson Gains 3 xp for defeating the drowzee
Cassandra Gains 1 exp for catching Swablu
Tyson Gains 1 exp for catching Zorua


Raum eagerly moves through your normal training routine, however, you notice that Reks has a tendency to be…. Over competitive? And play a little rough with other pokemon during training. Hat initially objects to the indignity of getting worked into a lather, but quickly complies. Afterwards, he roosts on your head again.

Reks, you notice, seems to constantly ooze a thin film of a purple, treacly fluid from his spikes and pores, your pokedex recognizes this as an example of having the Poison Touch Ability, but Nidoran are not on record as having it.
Also, after mild prompting, Reks moves away from the group and shakes itself violently, drenching a wide area around him with venom… the grass around where it lands and the trees visibly wither.

Raum and Reks remain almost deliberately underfoot while you fix breakfast, the former begging for scraps and the latter demanding them.

You wake early enough to observe Cassandra’s Nidoran spew poison all over the woods.

Your Pidove stares back at you blankly when it’s released. At length, it perks up when Cassandra begins cooking and hops over to join the crowd of pokemon trying to steal y’all’s food.

The Bunneary is visibly tense when it notices it’s tormentor on your partner’s team, and seems eager for a fight, but remains by your side holding onto your sock.

The Zorua, for it’s part, seems initially confused by its new surroundings, but quickly acclimates to you and Kasumi. It circles Kasumi repeatedly until disappearing into the woods… a Froakie then hops back out of the woods on onto your other shoulder.

The Kasumi on your left shoulder blows a bubble and pops it. the Kasumi on your right blows a smaller bubble and pops it, then a larger one.

The Kasumis then begin blowing and popping bubbles at the same time, trying to sync up.


It is approximately 9:00 AM after training and examining pokemon and the like.

What do you do?

2016-10-28, 09:14 AM
Cassandra offers Tyson breakfast after she gives all of her pokemon have food, watching the Nidoran to make sure that he allows Hat and Raum to eat.

After breakfast, she pack up her cooking utensils and then attempts to pack up her tent, managing to messily fold it. It won't fit where she had it before.

The Oracle is ready to leave when her partner is. She'll leave Raum and Hat out to travel with them.

big teej
2016-10-28, 12:09 PM

Reks tries to crowd Raum out of the food bowl, causing them to circle it like a prickly, furry, flame and venom spewing pinwheel.

both pokemon end up getting breakfast and a 3 mile walk at the same time.

Hat roosts on your noggin, and soon begins to snore quietly.

Raum waits for Tyson to get his stuff together so the group can head out, wandering around the route and sniffing at everything.

2016-11-01, 12:47 PM
"Alright you two, cut it out..."

Tyson picks up both Froakie and places them on the ground in front of him. Then he crouches low so that he can gently remove the Buneary from his sock.

"Relax, there's nothing to worry about." He says to the cotton ball, softly rubbing it's head.

After corralling his Pidove he'll move to an open area away from Cassandra so that she can cook in peace and begin to train Kasumi. He encourages his other pokemon to follow suit but will keep an eye on any pokemon that don't seem receptive to it, letting them do as they please.

After a short training session Tyson returns to the campsite and happily takes up Cassandra's offer. He makes sure that each member of his team is fed and eats no more than their fair share.

When breakfast is over Tyson helps clean up camp, packs up his sleeping bag, changes into his normal clothing, and returns everyone but Kasumi to their respective pokeball.

"Alright, let's get this show on the road!"

Tyson will follow his partner back onto Route 1.


- Agility Training applied to any participating party pokemon
- XP Training applied to Kasumi (8 xp), Pidove (5 xp), and Zoura (6 xp)

big teej
2016-11-02, 09:40 AM

The Buneary nuzzles against the petting, clearly enjoying itself.

The Pidove takes only minor coaxing away from the food, seeming to forget all about it as soon as you pull it’s attention to you for a second.

Kasumi and the Buneary get with the training program immediately. Pidove stares at them at first, seemingly oblivious before attempting to mimic their actions.

The other Kasumi studies the proceedings and then begins to perfectly copy Kasumi’s every move. One of the Kasumies seems unnerved by this.


The morning passes relatively uneventfully. You haven’t seen any other trainers since you left Pallet City, but you’ve seen plenty of evidence of how heavily traveled Route 1 is. About an hour after you leave your makeshift campsite behind, you find what looks like a purpose-made camp-site, complete with picnic tables, some hard packed dirt, a fire pit, and a rusting grill driven into the ground. you also see other places that look like they were cleared by trainers for use for a single night.

It seems the woods around you woke up at least as early as you did, you can hear pokemon cries deeper within the woods and far overhead.

Roll Perception if you wish to have an encounter. If no rolls are posted by tomorrow, I will advance the party to the next scene.

2016-11-02, 10:50 AM
"If we would've walked a little farther, we could've met up with some other trainers, and had a real campsite." Cassandra sighs and adjusts her backpack.

"Have you ever spent more than a night out camping, Tyson?" she asks her partner. "Because I don't see how people do it. The ground isn't very comfortable, even with a seeping bag."

Perception (http://orokos.com/roll/452558): 12

2016-11-02, 06:52 PM
"If we would've walked a little farther, we could've met up with some other trainers, and had a real campsite." Cassandra sighs and adjusts her backpack.

"Have you ever spent more than a night out camping, Tyson?" she asks her partner. "Because I don't see how people do it. The ground isn't very comfortable, even with a seeping bag."

"Looks like it..." He says, making note of Cassandra's sigh. "Maybe we'll catch up to them today?"

Tyson lets a laugh escape as he answers the question. "True, the ground doesn't even come close to a bed but I've gotten used to it. My parents would occasionally take me with them during their watches at the Safari Zone. We would spend anywhere from one to three days at a time out there."

Perception Roll: 10


big teej
2016-11-03, 09:23 AM

The trees start to thin out as you walk, according to your map, you should be within a few hours of reaching the great rocky plains that make up the rest of the trip to Viridian City.

you hear an elaborate and acoustically pleasing bird call from the trees, you quickly locate the source, three small red pokemon roost in a cluster of branches. Their head and chest are red, with a gray body and white wingtips, their tail feathers make a pronounced V shape with white markings.

The bird on the lowest branch has the lowest pitch to it's song, the one on the highest branch has the highest pitch, with the one on the middle branch being in between.

Raum barks to get the humans' attention and starts sniffling towards a floating pink blob with what looks like tiny green wings coming out the top.

Roll Poke Edu or consult the Pokedex to identify the creatures if you wish.

2016-11-05, 08:05 PM
Cassandra take out her pokedex and points it at the pink and green... thing, then checks out the adorable birds hanging out in the tree.

"What do you think Tyson? Do we need another flying type?" she asks her partner.

[QUOTE=big teej;21363089]

The bird on the lowest branch has the lowest pitch to it's song, the one on the highest branch has the highest pitch, with the one on the middle branch being in between.

Pokemon Education (http://orokos.com/roll/453729) to figure out what this means: 11

If Hat wants to battle, she'll send in Raum and have the Swablu observe.

big teej
2016-11-07, 10:32 AM

you realize that the birds, either by happenstance or design, seem to have arranged themselves by pitch. almost like a choir or a Capella group.

Hoppip - The Cottonweed Pokemon, Hoppip is as light as a feather and can be lifted and carried for miles by even a gentle breeze.

big teej
2016-11-10, 09:48 AM
As you stare at the curious floating Pokemon and the singing birds, a breeze picks up and the Hoppip is carried away into the forest.

shortly after, you hear a loud snap in the woods, like a large branch breaking, the Fletchling get spooked and dart away as well.

The Moment passed, your march to Viridian begins once more, passing by uneventfully. At length, you leave the woods behind you. You have reached the rocky grassland that should, according to your map, extend almost all of the way to Viridian City. Perhaps startled by your presence, or an unseen predator, a flock of spearow arise from a relatively close tree and begin to swarm and tumble through the air… you’ve heard horror stories of flocks of spearow shredding aspiring trainers who’ve just begun their journey.

What do you do?

2016-11-10, 12:17 PM
Cassandra jumps when the flock alights from the tree. She freezes after that though, afraid the Spearow would be attracted to movement. "Do you think we should get down? Try to make ourselves as small of a target as possible?" she whispers to her partner.

big teej
2016-11-10, 01:32 PM

Raum barks once in surprise at the appearance of the flock, then whines and hides behind your legs. Hat flinches on your head and covers its eyes with it's wings.

2016-11-15, 01:56 AM
Cassandra jumps when the flock alights from the tree. She freezes after that though, afraid the Spearow would be attracted to movement. "Do you think we should get down? Try to make ourselves as small of a target as possible?" she whispers to her partner.

As the Spearow take to the sky Tyson assesses his surroundings for any sort of cover or camouflage the grassland might provide the two.

"Let's not take any chances. Either of us could take on a single Spearow no problem, but a horde is a different story."

OOC: Sorry for the inactivity, now I'm back on track!

big teej
2016-11-15, 11:05 AM

as the spearow flock begins to circle and spiral overhead, Tyson's glance around for cover turns up nil. the closest thing would be the deep woods a few hours back down Route 1, or the tree the flock just vacated.

if you wish to simply try and sprint past the flock, trusting to out run/maneuver them, roll both Acrobatics and Athletics.

if you wish to try and sneak past, roll stealth.

if you wish to try a different option, or quantify how you wish to pursue these options, the skills involved may change, as might the DC.

2016-11-18, 11:28 AM
Cassandra reaches down to her belt and clicks the recall button on Hat's pokeball, praying that the red flash doesn't attract the furious birds. "I'm not seeing any other options, Tyson. I'm gonna make a run for it." (Unless she gets a sudden vision or something)

She trusts that Raum will understand and will stay with her.

Run from the Birds! (http://orokos.com/roll/457187): 8
Dive out of the way from the Birds! (http://orokos.com/roll/457188): 10

Raum running (http://orokos.com/roll/457189):11
Raum diving (http://orokos.com/roll/457190): 11

2016-11-18, 01:57 PM
Tyson nods in affirmation. "Gotcha, I'll watch your back from that tree over there. If you can get past those Spearow I don't think I'll have a problem catching up. Let's split!"

Tyson recalls Kasumi and makes a break for the tree which the Spearow vacated.

If he's able to climb the tree he'll attempt to find a spot to hide while keeping Cassandra in view should things go south for the Oracle.

Stealth Roll: 18


big teej
2016-11-21, 11:00 AM

Fear lends you the strength to spring at top speed past the flock. As you accelerate into the field, the angry birds grow louder, and a portion of the flock breaks off and dives at you and Raum. Your world becomes a kaleidoscope of feathers, pecking beaks, squawking, scrabbling claws, and intermittent glimpses of sky and earth.

Perhaps guided by The Sight, or through sheer, dumb luck, you manage to stay out of the way of any serious injuries, a broad network of cuts and scrapes tears holes in your clothes and leaves you covered with painful, but non-damaging injuries...

2 of the spearow, however, manage more solid hits.

Attack Vs. Modified Evasion!
Hit 1 - 24 vs. Defense
Hit 2 - 21 vs. Defense

Raum, perhaps being a smaller target, manages to completely avoid serious harm, though he too is covered in a distressing number of scrapes and scratches.

eventually, the flock seems to lose interest, perhaps satisfied with the amount of blood spilled, or your distance from their tree, the flight that attacked you spiral back up into the air, squabbling amongst themselves as they rejoin the main group.


Your Ninja skills seem to serve you well, especially with the added distraction of Cassandra and Raum sprinting across the clearing. You make it to the tree and the flock gives no indication they have noticed you.

OOC: Roll Perception twice.


Cassandra is approximately a mile up the road from Tyson, covered in scrapes, minor cuts, bruises, and scratches, as is her pokemon.

Tyson is currently up a tree with a Spearow flock overhead.

What do you do?

2016-11-21, 01:56 PM
When the Spearow finally lose interest, Cassandra takes a few more step forward and then collapses on her knees. Tears well up in her eyes as every scrape and bruise begins to throb, but a low whine from Raum gets her back on her feet. She wipes the tears from her face and makes her way to the edge of the road, finding a tree for some shade while she settles down to take care of her and her pokemon's injuries while she waits for her partner to make his way there.

The Oracle gets out here first-aid kit and takes care of her and Raum's injuries as best as she can. She'll also release Reks and Hat for some company while she waits for Tyson. Once she feels like she's done what she can, the tears start again. She can't hold them back this time. Cassandra bawls her eyes out for a few minutes, her breath catching in her chest. We could've died, she thinks.

It takes about ten minutes, but she manages to pull herself together, vowing that she will become stronger, that she wouldn't allow something like this to happen again.

OOC: Cassie is at 26 HP. Yikes xD

big teej
2016-11-21, 02:10 PM
Raum mostly cooperates in sitting still while you clean and bandage his wounds.

Hat lays his cottony wings on Raum briefly and titters quietly before lofting up to your noggin.

Reks curiously sniffs around your more serious injuries and Raum. He walks a few yards away and sits down, facing the spearow flock. he growls at them.

A rustling in the branches overhead draws your gaze up. A segmented green worm with tiny spherical feet is perched on a branch, a large leaf dangling from it's mouth. it stares at you and squeaks quietly.

OOC: if you sustained an injury from the HP lost (or 2, if you took massive damage and hit 50%) roll a d6. Remember, injuries lower a random combat stage

1 lowers Attack
2 Lowers Defense
3 Lowers Special Attack
4 Lowers Special Defense
5 Lowers Speed
6 Lowers a stat of your choice.

2016-11-21, 02:31 PM
Cassandra pays no mind to the worm, other than pinging it with her pokedex unless it decides it wants to fight.

She only sustains one injury from hitting half HP.

OOC: I rolled a 6 (http://orokos.com/roll/458084) so I get to choose what's hurt. And I will go with Attack. So Cassandra has a rather nasty gash on her left arm, I suppose.

big teej
2016-11-21, 03:14 PM

Caterpie - The Worm Pokemon, this pokemon uses the suction cups on the bottom of its feet to climb trees and gorge itself on leaves larger than it's own body.

The worm squeals again when your pokedex chimes and begins undulating towards the tree trunk and then down towards you. It pauses every few few to look at your pokemon and you. It emits a noise something between a squeal and a whine. It is now approximately 5 feet above your head handing partially off the tree, clutching at it with it's lower suction cups, staring at you and your pokedex.

2016-11-22, 08:46 AM
Cassandra sighs, then looks up at the adorable worm. "Hi, Caterpie. What'cha doin?"

2016-11-23, 07:41 PM
Tyson lets out an audible sigh of relief once he sees Cassandra escape the flock of Spearow.

"Ha! She made it! Now... let's get out of this tree."

Perception Roll #1: 13


Perception Roll #2: 10


big teej
2016-11-28, 10:16 AM

The Caterpie whines again and pulls a nearby leaf off a branch. It continues to stare at you as it begins chewing. Raum is sniffing around the base of the tree and looking up at the worm.


The Spearow flock seems to be settling down, they're crying less, and seem to be losing altitude and landing in small groups over the hills, out of your sight. It's probably safe to descend from the tree.

You spot a rustle of movement in the tall grass and a quick glimpse of something blue.
two other rustling trails of movement ripple through the grass and converge on the original spot. you hear arcing electricity and see what looks like a tail with a starburst on the end emerge from the brush.
you feel that if you'd been on the ground, you would have completely missed this.


OOC: Holiday break is over! what do you do?!

2016-12-01, 08:05 PM
Cassandra put her backpack against the tree to serve as a makeshift pillow.

"Please keep a lookout for Tyson," she tells her pokemon. "Wake me up if you see him."

She will then attempt to take a nap.

2016-12-03, 05:05 PM
You spot a rustle of movement in the tall grass and a quick glimpse of something blue.
two other rustling trails of movement ripple through the grass and converge on the original spot. You hear arcing electricity and see what looks like a tail with a starburst on the end emerge from the brush.
you feel that if you'd been on the ground, you would have completely missed this.

Hmm... What's that about?

Tyson finds his way down from the tree and looks over the field back to the tall grass.

"Couldn't hurt to check it out."

He walks over to the grass to investigate the movement.

Perception: 11


big teej
2016-12-05, 09:56 AM
OOC: mwuahaha, you thought it was safe to go to sleep and let another player catch up to you. but instead IT'S DREAM TIME

You are in Lavender town, you can't see it, everything is an inky black, not even blocked off against the world around it. The only things that stand out in the black are Pokemon Tower, and the temple your grandparents watch over.... surely, this can only be Lavender Town? Both buildings are a stark white, like paper contrasting the black ink of the world, the details are picked out in that same shadow.

your feet do not move, but you approach Pokemon tower, faster, faster, faster than your legs could ever carry you, faster than any pokemon could carry you. Just as you're about to slam into the wall and add your own personal color to this black and white world, your movement shifts, climbing the side of the tower just as quickly. you stop outside the tallest window of the tower, it's panes paper-white, it's frame ink black.

your enter the window....

and emerge into your grandparent's temple, you are whole, it seems, you are dressed in your traveling clothes, a glance over your shoulder reveals the doors rapidly closing behind you, the world is in full color.

This Ninja boy you travel with, Tyson, is with you. you don't see him, but you know.

you hear your grandmother calling to you from a back room. you slide one of the panel doors back and step into another blackened space. this time, instead of an all consuming black, there are greys and purples mixed in giving the world definition. a large, black crystal juts up from the ground, splintering the wood floors around it. it emits a black, un-light that illuminates and at the same time conceals the room and it's occupants.... Tyson has approached this crystal and stands before it, hand held to touch it.

the crystal immolates, a black, lightless flame roiling around it in response....

You Wake Up...

You feel rested, Hat has gone to sleep on your head, snoring softly, Raum is laying at your feet, he picks his head up and looks at you. Reks is exactly where you left him, perched a few yards away on a rock, staring intently at the tree where the Spearow flock was roused from.

OOC: I'll give sneaking up on them to you for free as a left-over from your stupidly high 'spearow can't see me' roll.

you creep through the tall grass, making less sound than a passing Ekans, the sparking of electricity becomes mixed in with the blunt sound of bodies hitting the earth and a juvenile roar.

you find a small open patch, no more than ten feet across, and observe three pokemon. two of them are wrestling in the dirt, the third stands off to the side and watches them with a bored expression.

each pokemon has light blue fur on the front half of their bodies, and black hair on the posterior, they also have a shaggy black mane, and yellow bands around their forelimbs near the paws. their whip-like black tail ends in a yellow four-pointed starburst.

they do not seem to have noticed you.

2016-12-07, 02:58 AM
This must be what spooked all those spearow...

The ninja boy sizes up the three pokemon and begins to reach for his pokedex, then reconsiders.

On second thought, making noise right now probably isn't the greatest idea. I'd like to make it out of here in one piece.

Tyson moves from the clearing as quietly as possible and once he's made it far enough away his pace increases to a jog. He'll try to make his way in the direction Cassandra ran off, while seeking where he can in the open plains.

big teej
2016-12-07, 10:01 AM

Tyson stumbles out of the tall grass almost right on top of the tree Cassandra was dozing under. After reuniting and making sure everyone was intact, the pair set off to try and make their way back to Route 1 and Viridian City.

You made good time, not needing to detour around any wild pokemon along the way. several hours after your encounter with the Spearow flock, you come to a river. A presumably simple but sturdy, rope and plank bridge used to cross the swift-moving waters. But it's been torn to shreds, it looks like it was chewed up by bugs, an impression only strengthened by the yellow, horned worm crawling up one of the support posts.

Thankfully, this river is really little more than a glorified creek that takes itself very seriously. However, the speed of the current could still prove to be problematic.

a series of boulders within a tantalizing leaping distance of each other starts at the shoreline and disappear into the middle of the river.

a tree with thick branches rests just on the other side, maybe a dozen yards from the riverbank.

you could try to move up or down river and find a shallower place to cross, or you could have a go at it here and hope for the best.

you could try something else.

2016-12-07, 01:05 PM
Cassandra looks at the destroyed bridge and then the Weedle in distaste. "Caterpie are so much cuter..." she mumbles mostly to herself.

She hefts her backpack higher on her shoulders. "It looks a little too fast to me. Do you think we should try to find a place to ford it?"

2016-12-12, 05:15 AM
Tyson looses a sigh after taking a look at the bridge.

"Just our luck huh?" he says with a half-hearted smile. "Looks like the bugs got to it first."

"I doubt I could cross it either and Kasumi isn't strong enough of a swimmer to get us across. Guess we'll just have to find a way around it? Should we go up or down? ... I'm thinkin' up."

big teej
2016-12-12, 10:23 AM
OOC: In the interest of moving things along, I'm going to go ahead and assume you move up-river until you find a shallower/slower place to cross.

Your detour takes you an hour or three and a few miles out of your way, but brings you into what seems to be a pokemon hot spot for the area. You're not even out of sight of the destroyed bridge when two, tannish rock-looking things come floating down the river, bumping into each other and submerged rocks. A blue, club-like appendage protrudes from the rear of each one, and you can hear a grumbling noise from the two stones as they pass.

About half an hour after passing the floating stones, the river gets wider, on the far bank, a large, pink quadruped has it's tail dipped in the water, it has a blank look on it's face. A Magikarp flops in the mud nearby, unable to flop back into the water.

An hour later, the river narrows again, and you can see the bottom through the bright, clear water. you'll get wet, but even the deepest part of the river shouldn't come up past your waist, and it's much slower here. Arguing in the mud a few dozen yards away on the opposite bank are a small, oddly colored frog-looking thing and a small black and yellow sphere, it has markings on it's face that resemble music notes, and two bulbous protrusions on the sides look almost like giant headphones. The pokemon seem to be arguing over a pile of mud nearby.

on the near bank, a massive insect hovers over a small sleeping purple pokemon, consisting of a somewhat spherical body, two legs, and a tuft of large leaves coming out the top. the large insect is drooling and slowly descending on the other pokemon.

past both of these examples of the cycle of life, up the river, floating lazily towards you, is what looks like an oversized lily pad with an Egg on it.

OOC: you may interact with as many of these pokemon as you like without appreciatively hampering your progress/detour.

roll Poke-edu to identify any given pokemon without resorting to the pokedex.
roll Acrobatics for crossing the river safely.

2016-12-12, 10:54 AM
"Wow Tyson!" Cassandra says in almost a stage whisper. "Look at all of these pokemon! This is so cool."

Just seeing all of the different kinds of pokemon and being out on the bright sunshine while walking leisurely next to a beautiful river is enough to lift Cassie's spirits back to the high that they were at when she started her trip. Her face hurts from all the smiling she's done in the past few hours.

Pokemon Edu to figure out what the things in my quoted spoiler are (http://orokos.com/roll/465522): 9

small, oddly colored frog-looking thing and a small black and yellow sphere, it has markings on it's face that resemble music notes, and two bulbous protrusions on the sides look almost like giant headphones. The pokemon seem to be arguing over a pile of mud nearby.

on the near bank, a massive insect hovers over a small sleeping purple pokemon, consisting of a somewhat spherical body, two legs, and a tuft of large leaves coming out the top. the large insect is drooling and slowly descending on the other pokemon.

Pokemon Edu for the egg (http://orokos.com/roll/465523): With an AP boost- 17

OOC: The thing Casandra is most interested in is the egg. Especially if it seems to be in any danger. Were there any rapids we saw while we were walking up-river?

big teej
2016-12-12, 11:33 AM

The only pokemon you recognize without consulting the pokedex is the sleeping Oddish, a grass/poison type pokemon that seems to be relaxing in the cool mud, and blissfully unaware of the bug floating above it... getting closer.... closer...

The body of the egg is black, with a red cap and a jagged silver stripe around the body, you recognize the egg for what it is. it contains a Pawniard, a Dark-Steel pokemon with lots of sharp blades protruding from it's body. you can... feel that this one is special somehow. While intently studying the egg, you realize that the lilipad it's floating on is actually attached to a pokemon. a Lotad - typically a pokemon that prefers ponds and lakes to rivers. The egg lolls gently back and forth on the lotad, and doesn't seem in any danger of pitching over into the water. You remember that there were rocks and the river was moving at a fair clip back at the destroyed bridge.

2016-12-12, 12:07 PM
Cassandra gently prods Hat awake on top of her head. "Alright buddy, you see that egg over there? I want you to fly over there and land on that lilly pad as gently as you can, then wait for my signal, okay?"

Once Hat flies off, Cassandra will take off her backpack and wade out to the center of the river and wait for the Lotad to get closer. When it's close enough that she thinks she can get the egg, try to grab it. If the Lotad resists, she'll have Hat use Astonish and auto-flinch the Lotad of it's unaware of Hat's presence and grab the egg from the lilly pad, then get back to shore as quickly as she can.

Athletics to wade into the river and stand there: (http://orokos.com/roll/465549) 8
Acrobatics to grab the egg? (http://orokos.com/roll/465550):Spending 1 AP to boost- 9

Hat's Stealth (http://orokos.com/roll/465551): 14

big teej
2016-12-12, 01:08 PM
Hat lands on the lotad without incident, not even disturbing it's wake or causing a ripple as it floats on.

The lotad doesn't react to you removing the egg from it's pad, and though you slip a bit on the return trip, you reach the shore without incident. The egg is lighter than you'd expected, given how heavy the pokemon it will hatch into will be..

2016-12-12, 02:37 PM
Once the Oracle is safely back on shore, she'll call for the Swablu to come back. She pats his head with her free hand as she says, "Good job, Hat. He didn't even feel you land on him."

Cassandra inspects the red and black egg for any damage, turning in gently over in her hands. "You were a lot easier to get than I thought you would be. I wonder if that Lotad even knew you were on him."

big teej
2016-12-16, 10:06 AM

As you slosh back onto the shore, the large red insect hovers down onto the Oddish, clamps its legs and jaws around it, then speeds off, the oddish begins shrieking and struggling, but cannot escape the other pokemon's grasp.

Across the river, the Headphone-sphere and purplish frog grow loudly at each other. then the frog belly flops onto the mud mound, it thrashes, flinging mud everywhere. the Headphone- sphere bounces its way into the water and works up a lather.

The egg appears intact, although it's slightly damp where it'd been leaning against the water-logged lotad, the egg doesn't feel fragile, like you'd expect.

Having stood in the river long enough to bump the lotad out of the way and collect your egg, you feel confidant that you could wade across here with little risk aside from getting soaked

2016-12-17, 06:06 PM
"Wow Tyson!" Cassandra says in almost a stage whisper. "Look at all of these pokemon! This is so cool."

Tyson laughs. Looks like someone's in good spirits.

"Yeah, they're everywhere huh?"

Tyson pulls out his pokedex to register the pokemon in the surrounding area.

After Cassandra and Hat have secured the egg Tyson will call out, "How's the water?" He lets Kasumi out of her pokeball and directs her toward the river.

big teej
2016-12-19, 10:27 AM


Squirtle, the Tiny Turtle Pokemon, during battle, this pokemon hides in it's shell and sprays water at it's opponent at every opportunity.

Slowpoke, the Dopey Pokemon, it is said that there is a five second delay between sensory stimulus, and a reaction in slowploke's brain

Croagunk, the Toxic Mouth Pokemon, Croagunk has poison in its cheeks and can spray poison from its fingertips. It also makes noise by expanding its poison sac.

Tympole, this small tadpole like pokemon can communicate by vibrating it's cheeks, creating sound-waves imperceptible to humans.

Yanma, the Clear Wing Pokemon, it's capable of moving its wings fast enough to generate a shock-wave that can shatter windows

Lotad, the Water Weed Pokemon, typically inhabits lakes and ponds, it is known to sometimes ferry other pokemon that can't swim across on it's incredibly buoyant lilipad shaped head

Oddish, this small grass type pokemon is typically found wandering through forests, scattering pollen as it does so.


After Cassandra has her egg settled, the pair of you easily cross the slow-moving river, only slipping once or twice on the rocky bed. The Croagunk waffles around in the piled up mud until it's rolled over and facing you, reclining in a the seat it's made for itself in the mud. The water has been churned to froth around the Tympole that still glares at it from the river, although it seems somewhat distracted by your crossing.

2016-12-19, 02:44 PM
"It's a little cold," Cassandra says as they cross the river. "But not unbearable."

When they're on the other bank, the Oracle will release Raum from his pokeball once again, and set off with Hat back on her noggin.

big teej
2016-12-21, 10:44 AM

Raum sniffs around and then heels to Cassandra, he sniffs at her damp clothing and then looks up at her, head quirked to the side.

You stand on the Viridian side of the creek now. The Tympole has nudged itself up onto the bank again, and the Croagunk has stood up on the mudpile, it's puffed itself up and it's cheek-pouches are full of air as they stare at you both.

You have approximately 5 hours of traveling light left...

what do you do?

2016-12-21, 04:20 PM
"Looks like crossing here wasn't a bad idea."

Tyson's eyes meet the Croagunk's and he looks to his pokedex to look over it's entry.

Hm, could be useful...

He reaches for a pokeball on his waist and let's Pidove out of it's pokeball.

"Alright Pidove, time to put in some work! Don't worry, this will be over in a flash Cass."

big teej
2016-12-21, 06:22 PM

when Tyson's Pidove comes out, both the Croagunk and the Tympole tense up.

The Tympole springs into action first, bouncing its way in front of the Pidove and vibrating wildly. the mud dimples around it, and the menacing growl of a much larger pokemon can be heard in the vibrations. Pidove visibly cowers away from this display.

Croagunk closes on the Pidove, obviously trying to take advantage of Tympole's distraction. It scampers up next to it and leaps in it's face, it's face darkened and scary!

Tympole uses Growl!
Pidove's attack is lowered!

Croagunk advances on Pidove, Pidove is flanked!
Croagunk uses Astonish!
Pidove takes 18 Damage!

Pidove has initative!

Cassandra may enter the combat on the next round at any time (contested Acrobatics to interrupt)

2016-12-21, 07:58 PM
After seeing the Croagunk's menacing display Tyson is surprised when it seems to have no physical effect on Pidove.

OOC: Not sure if you meant to use a Ghost move on a Normal type pokemon?

"Don't give up before we even start Pidove! Now blow it back!"

Pidove uses Gust on Croagunk:

Attack roll: Critical Hit on an 18! (Super Luck)


Damage roll: 37 Special (Uh... I may have overdone it a bit?)


big teej
2016-12-21, 09:49 PM
OOC: I may have misremembered Astonish as a Dark type move :smallredface:

The Croagunk is buffeted by the wind and falls back on it's bud, splorking in the mud. It's eyes are wide in pain and confusion.

Tympole bounces up and down, and then a burst of water gushes up out of the mud, soaking the bird.

Croagunk is knocked prone, but is still conscious!
Tympole uses Bubble, it deals 26 damage to Pidove vs. Special Defense

Cassandra and Pidove have initiative!

2016-12-21, 10:05 PM
"Alright Reks, let's see what we can do to help out," Cassandra says as she tosses out the Nidoran's pokeball.

Once the Nidoran sees that he has opponents the spikes covering him raise and begin to drip a purple fluid.

"Get in close and hit the Tympole!"

Reks uses Peck!
To hit (http://orokos.com/roll/469001)- 18
Damage (http://orokos.com/roll/469005)- 25 minus Defense

OOC: Woo! Max damage!

Reks surges forward and bites the tadpole, leaving an angry red welt on its face.

big teej
2016-12-21, 10:32 PM
The tympol winces in pain and bounces away, slithering in the mud as it rights itself. It glances between the oozing nidoran and the water.

OOC: Top of Round 3
Tyson: 15
Tympole: 9
Reks: Effective 9
Croagunk: 7
Cassandra: 7

2016-12-21, 10:53 PM
The Croagunk is buffeted by the wind and falls back on it's bud, splorking in the mud. It's eyes are wide in pain and confusion.

Tympole bounces up and down, and then a burst of water gushes up out of the mud, soaking the bird.

Pidove reels back from the impact of the water bubble but manages to keeps standing.

"Nice work Pidove!", Tyson says in an attempt to reassure the tiny pigeon. "And thanks for the assist Cass!"

Tyson will throw a pokeball at the prone Croagunk.

Throw: 8


Capture: 11


big teej
2016-12-21, 11:07 PM

Tyson's pokeball hit's the writhing Croagunk and it disappears into the ball. The ball plops down into the mud.


CLICK! Croagunk was caught!

Level 5, Male, Careful Nature, Anticipation Ability

The Tympole, seeing it's buddy disappear, wails in despair and leaps into the river and disappears down river.


you are now standing on a muddy river bank, with a pokeball half-buried in mud.

Raum barks excitedly and then sprints away, plowing nose first into the mud-pile the Croagunk and Tympole had been arguing over. it emerges, sliding, caked in mud. it barks happily, shakes itself and trots back over to Cassandra.

You have approximately 5 hours of traveling light left.
Raum has a Mud Coat until he is cleaned or struck by an electric move.

what do you do?

Tyson's Pidove extends it's wings and puffs itself up. The looks around, confused.

OOC: Reks and Pidove recieve 5 exp each, Tyson receives a trainer exp

big teej
2016-12-22, 03:12 PM

After collecting your pokemon and your new catches. You proceed back towards Viridian, trying to make the most of your remaining daylight.

on your way back to Route 1, you pass by the Slowpoke again, the magikarp is gone....

setting foot back on the packed earth of the Route, you see a spherical, slightly translucent green blob near some mushrooms at the treeline. you feel a slight buzzing at the base of your skull.

three hours later, a pack of Ratttata scurry across the road. there looks to be about twenty of them in total, most of them move on into the brush, a handful, no more than 5, stop and look at you.

at length, the sun begins to set, you press on, hoping to reach viridian before dark. you crest a hill and see the twinkling lights of Viridian before you...

it's a least another three hours away... and night is falling, there's barely enough light to make a decent campsite by.

you could press on to viridian through the dark, or camp and get there first thing in the morning.

what do you do?

2016-12-23, 09:23 AM
"We should probably stop for night. I don't think we're gonna make it," Cassandra says, hiking up her backpack.

Survival (http://orokos.com/roll/469417)- 6

OOC: Woooo... maxed xD

2016-12-24, 01:12 PM
Tyson will immediately begin to look around when the buzzing begins to find it's source. If he spots the green blob then he'll investigate but from a cautious distance. There's no reason to get any closer than one has to.

As the pack of Rattata pass by Tyson will take out his Pokedex to register one that stops to look but will wait for them to pass.

"No need to bother the wildlife anymore than we have today right?" looks to Cassandra and laughs.

"We should probably stop for night. I don't think we're gonna make it," Cassandra says, hiking up her backpack.

"Yeah, looks like you're right. Let's call it quits and find a place to rest."

Survival: 9 (Even spent 1 AP to boost!)


big teej
2016-12-24, 06:44 PM

Keeping your distance, you examine the green blob and observe that it is mobile, within the blob is a pale-green sherical body with a crease dilenating it into two hemispheres. Each hempisphere has a small black oval on it, and the body is broken up by a large pink triangle... a corkscrew shaped yellow appendage extends from one hemisphere.

as you observe, the blob envelopes one of the mushrooms, the buzzing in your skull solidifies into vaguely intelligilible speech, a toddler-like foice very clearly says in you skull.

the blob shifts and begins to envelope another mushroom. "Haaaaaaa-ohm."

the blob does not react to your presence.


You camp, for safety, just off of the packed earth of the road, barring tragedy or unforeseen catastrophe, you should be able to reach Viridian City within a few hours of setting out in the morning.

from there, you will have the opportunity, if you wish, to branch out on your own, confront other trainers, and challenge your first gym.



big teej
2016-12-30, 08:35 PM
Welcome Back...

Three Days Ago...
It's finally here... after years of study, and months of waiting, fingers crossed... You have been approved to begin your Pokemon Journey. It begins here, at Oak's Laboratory in Pallet City. You are admitted to the compound without incident, and lead to an auditorium where Oak and a trainer you recognize from last year's league championship: the current Pallet City Gym Leader: Sergei.

A boy in the front row who's clothing bears the markings of the Fuchsia City gym mouths off at the professor, prompting Sergei to identify himself. His theatrics aside, the registration process passes without incident and you are issued a shiny new pokedex from Professor Oak. immediately afterward, he informs you that you'll need to be paired off with another trainer for your safety - this is a safety measure enforced by the league itself, at least until you reach Viridian City, after that you are free to proceed however you wish.

Oak skims through the names on his clipboard, seemingly picking teams out at random. "Ken!" Oak says, looking up and scanning for you. He points at a blonde opposite the aisle and says "You'll be paired with Lucille."

You don't really pay attention after that, to busy sizing up your new partner. She looks to be the youngest one here, dressed in slim-fit jeans and a tawny brown jacket with a fur-lined hood. she nods at you in acknowledgement and then stares at the front of the room, over Oak's head. her left leg is bouncing, she's obviously ready to get moving.

before long all the other trainers in the room are paired up and you are escorted from the lab by another of Oak's aides.

Once outside, back in the compound, she nods at you again and introduces herself. "Hey, I'm Lucille Brightside. Don't call me Lucy. You ready to head out?"

over the next three days, on the road together, you quickly learn just how driven Lucille is. she sets a punishing pace, you quickly leave every other team behind and press on past what might be the best time to stop for the night. Lucille catches a handful of Pokemon on the trip, but is pretty clear that she just wants a full team of 6 so she can strike out on her own in greater safety afterwards, the only Pokemon she seemed genuinely interested in catching was a Tympole that attacked you while crossing a river.

When your idolization of Blaine and Fire-Types becomes apparent, she chides you for it. "Look, Fire types are great and all, and Blaine's done almost as much for the world of Pokemon research as Professor Oak, but I don't get why you'd shackle yourself to one type and doom yourself to failure like that." she shrugs "I mean, I guess it makes sense, if you're going to claim Moltres flew out of the mist and personally saved your wrinkled keester, you owe the type right?" she laughs.

she looks into your eyes and calmly tells you "I'm training up to be the best. ever. not just better than anybody before me, but better than any other trainer, anywhere, from the earliest organized leagues til the end of time. everyone is going to know my name."


You're currently waiting at the Pokemon League Check-in window in the Viridian City Pokemon Center, the person who's supposed to be manning the window seems to be missing. On the bright side, you seem to have beat every other team of trainers by at least half a day.

Lucille hasn't made any real mention of sticking together after the Check-In, but she hasn't been vocal about heading off on her own either. You could probably convince her to stay as a team if you wanted, if you could put up with her drive and keep pace with her on the road.

Three Days Ago...
well... here it is, the first day of the rest of your life. Your application to be a trainer was rejected almost immediately. You'd been told all throughout the process to allow for 2 or 3 months for processing. two days later, a second envelope arrived. it was your original application with a nice big VOID stamped over the reject notice. at the top, in a nice, disgusting green. APPROVED. Enclosed was a handwritten letter addressed to you.

Dear Lysandra,

Oh. My. Gosh. I can't believe you gave up touring with the Liepards to become a Pokemon trainer! You were so cool. I have all of your albums and my room is covered floor to ceiling with LL Posters. I saw your name on the application in the rejection pile and asked my boss if it was, you know, you, THE Lyssandra Ferre. and he was goin on about how his kid kept playing the music too damn loud and I was like 'oh heck no.' and I fixed it for you!

I'm gonna miss seeing you perform, but I know you're going to be an even more amazing Pokemon trainer! go knock em dead.
love you bunches
- a fan.

a month later and it was time to travel to Pallet City to register your Pokemon with Professor Oak. Teeth, despite having been with you his whole life, had never needed to be registered for official battling. You were admitted into the compound without incident. your lead guitarist, sorry, former lead guitarist had always insisted on heavy security at every performance. The heaviest you'd ever seen was a gig you played in Celadon, they might as well have been a 'keep out' sign compared to Oak's Lab.

you're escorted inside without incident and fidget all the way through the brief orientation. Some knucklehead in the front row - a Fuchsia native, judging by his clothes, mouths off at the professor and as a consequence you're all informally introduced to Sergei, Pallet City's Gym Leader and runner up for Kanto League's Grand Champion.

The big takeaway from the orientation is a new rule the Pokemon League has put in place for this year. You're required to be paired up with another trainer until you reach Viridian. after that, you're free to march to your own drum, but you HAVE to make it to viridian with whoever they shackle you with.

enough names get called ahead of yours that you start to wonder if you're even on the list. at length, yours is called and Professor Oak says to you with a smile. "Ms. Ferre, you'll be traveling with Elliot, who up until his application was approved was one of my assistants here, please take good care of each other you two."

Elliot, or as he introduces himself outside, Elliot Rowan Racine the Fourth, is a somewhat shabby, somewhat crazed looking dork in a lab coat, button up purple shirt, thick glasses, and unkempt hair that hangs to his shoulders. Over the next few days as you travel to Viridian, you learn that the boy, not really a boy, he's at least as old as you, is an absolute stickler for caution and analysis. He's also more than a little condescending with you when he talks, but you can't tell if that's because of your history, or if he's just an arrogant jerk to everybody.

Credit where it's due, not that it makes him less irritating, but his brains and his Pokemon come in handy more than once on your trip to viridian. He's added almost a half day's time to your trip... but you've arrived in one piece, and with decent starting roster.


You're currently waiting at the Pokemon League Check-In window at the Viridian City Pokemon Center.... but the schmuck who's supposed to be stamping your hand ain't here yet... Elliot is muttering to himself, he seems to be listing every known type interaction interspersed with reasons the flunky could have been delayed.

He's not said anything one way or another, but you feel like you could convince him to continue as a team if you wanted.... and you could put up with his increasing pedantry and arrogance. He hasn't really shared his goals with you during your trip.

OOC: you are both waiting to spawn at the check-in station. Please wait for Tyson and Cassandra to arrive before you begin posting.


Next Morning....
As you figured, it only took about three more hours of walking to make it to Viridian City. When you reach the outskirts of town, your pokedex chitters at you, informing you that you need to check in at the Pokemon Center. It's hard to miss, it's easily the largest building in town. a massive hemisphere building with a Caduceus and a massive Red-Cross stamped across it.

There's a small crowd inside the Center. you recognize several faces from Oak's lab, so you must be in the right place. there's a shorter line of people standing at the main reception desk, speaking with a team of twins with very pink hair arranged into looped pigtails. To the left of the main reception desk, in the corner are a bank of video-phone kiosks for anyone wanting a higher-quality call home than the pokedex can offer. on the right are sliding glass doors that open up into a hostel-type area.

All Players may now Post... Play nice kiddies. :nale:

2017-01-01, 01:37 PM
Early to bed, early to rise. Such is the way of the Ace Trainer (In theory). After an early training session and subsequent breakfast Tyson is ready to set off for Viridian City.

OOC: Experience Training applied to all pokemon in party via Train the Reserves. 1 AP spent to activate "Ace Trainer". During Training Tyson will take the time to familiarize himself with Croagunk and introduce it to his other pokemon.

"So this is the famous city of eternal green?" Tyson smiles as he and Cassandra reach the outskirts of town "We finally made it! Never thought the trip from Pallet would be this long though." Kasumi and Pidove ride on the boy's shoulders as the group enters town.

When his pokedex chitters Tyson pulls it from his pocket and reads over the message. "Looks like our first stop is gonna be the Pokemon Center."

Unless Cassandra wishes to make a detour Tyson will head directly to the Pokemon Center as instructed (record this moment for posterity as it's unlikely to happen again).

"So who were we supposed to check in with exactly?" he asks Cassandra.

2017-01-01, 02:53 PM
When Tyson comes out of his tent, Cassandra is already awake, cooking a simple breakfast of oatmeal and dried fruits. She offers him some after his training session, and then trains her own Pokemon. She's ready to set off after she checks to makes sure the eggs is still wrapped up and secure in her backpack.

OOC: Experience training applied to Reks and Raum. Agility training activates for everyone though.

"It is very green," Cassandra agrees as the enter the town. Raum and Reks follow at her heels. The two have been roughhousing a bit on their walk, but it seems mostly like just play. The Oracle follows Tyson to the Pokemon Center, drinking in the sights and sounds of so many people.

She'll point out the line to the two pink-haired twins when Tyson asks. "I think we're suppose to see them," she says. She goes and stands in line.

2017-01-01, 03:34 PM
"Well we made it! Guess this is where we part ways or stay as a team if you like. Had actually planned to go out alone after this or maybe meet some of the other trainers from the Lab. What about you?"

Ken tries to appear sincere but makes no attempt to at convincing Lucille to stay as a team. Instead he looks around to see if there is anyone he would want to speak to. Maybe that one Fuchsia City guy might be interesting to talk to. Cinnabar and Fuchsia are somewhat close. He begins to look around to see what all Pokemon each trainer has out, taking care to look for anyone with a fire-type since that would start a decent conversation. He doesn't think he can stand being around Lucille for much longer, he was thinking about grabbing some headache medicine if he had to. And just like that he turned around and saw the pair walk into the center.

"Well then, actually I'm going to go off on my own. Good luck at being the best Lucy!" Ken walks off towards the Oracle and Fuchsia City native. "Guess it's time we try to make some new friends huh Zippo?" He reaches into a pouch on his belt with his left hand and pulls out a small snack for the Cyndaquil riding on his right shoulder, patting its head as it eats. As he walks up he recognizes the Pokemon following the Oracle. That's a Houndour and a Nidoran! he begins to think to himself, feeling the need to pet the devil dog.

"Hi! It's nice to meet you two, my name's Ken! This here is my partner Zippo." He points to the Cyndaquil on his shoulder. He also holds out his hand for a handshake. "What are your names? Also may I pet your Houndour? Wonderful fire Pokemon!"

He waits for permission from the trainer.

OCC: Ken is an 18 year old male, with an average build, light tan skin, medium length black hair, and light brown eyes. He stands 5'8". The bright crimson vest stands out with a volcano badge emblem on the left breast with a white background. Underneath he wears a plain black tee-shirt, appearing to be tucked into the black cargo pants held up by a dark brown belt with a small pouch on the side. His red and white tennis shoes stand out against the black clothing. He also sports black leather fingerless gloves on each hand.

2017-01-01, 05:45 PM
He also holds out his hand for a handshake. "What are your names? Also may I pet your Houndour? Wonderful fire Pokemon!"

He waits for permission from the trainer.

At the mention of "pet", Raum trots over to the trainer and raises up on his hind legs, resting his front paws on the trainer's thigh. His tongue lolls out of his mouth as he waits for "pets".

"Hi Ken," The Oracle says with a wave. "I'm Cassandra. That's Raum," she giggles, pointing to the devil-dog. "And this is Reks."

At the mention of his name, one ear twitches slightly on the Nidoran, but he otherwise doesn't react. He's watching the crowd, spines raising and lowering as he sees each new Pokemon. Seeing this, Cassie returns the Nidoran. "I'm still working with him," she says.

"Are you here from Pallet for the check-in?" she asks, adjusting her backpack.

2017-01-01, 05:58 PM
"Hello Cassandra, and hello Raum and Reks!"

Ken lowers his hand to pet Raum, and nods at Reks. "At least he's very protective!" he laughs. "Yep just finished actually. Me and that girl Lucy," he points to the girl who is wearing the slim-fit jeans and tawny brown jacket, "We just got here maybe about half a day before everyone else. She just wouldn't stop!" He thinks for a minute while still petting Raum's head. "Actually I forgot, she doesn't like to be called Lucy but she was rather rude at one point. Full name is Lucille Brightside but the attitude seems to be lacking in bright side unless she's ahead of everyone."

He looks back at the line. "Shouldn't be too long of a wait. Actually would it be alright if I walked out with you both when you're finished up? If not that's alright, still getting used to not having the ocean nearby. Oh I'm from Cinnabar Island. You guys?"

2017-01-02, 04:25 AM
Tyson follows Cassandra and takes his place in line. When approached by the new trainer he looks him over quickly and takes note of the Volcano Badge he sports on his clothing.

"Yo! The names Tyson." He gives a mock salute with two fingers. He'll reach out and shake Ken's hand.

"This is my partner Kasumi," he says looking at his Froakie, "and this is... Well she doesn't have a name yet. I'm still workin' on it." Tyson shifts his focus to the Pidove perched on his other shoulder who appears to be interested in the sights and sounds of the within the Pokemon Center.

He pulls out his Pokedex as Ken speaks and registers Cyndaquil. When Ken mentions his partner will look in Lucille's direction.

Perception check to see if Lucille is attractive: 14 (Yes, I just did that)


"Sure, I don't see why it would be a problem." Tyson looks to his Cassandra for a second opinion. "Cinnabar Island huh? I'm from Fuchsia City."

2017-01-02, 11:08 AM
"Hello Tyson and Kasumi! With his free hand Ken takes out his Pokedex to register the Pokémon on Tyson's shoulders. "Figuring out names can be rough sometimes. Took until getting here to pick one for my other Pokémon!" Ken chuckles.

At the O.K. from Tyson, Ken stops to think for a moment, realizing he had gotten excited about the Houndour and forgot part of the question he meant to ask.

"Actually what I meant to ask is if you guys had planned to continue adventuring together, would it be alright if I joined up? I'm sorry I sometimes forget to ask the full question when I get excited. Really love fire types." Ken explains with a bit of embarrassment. "Also sorry for just springing that on you both just arriving. Fuchsia City? Not too far off from Cinnabar. Well sort of."

big teej
2017-01-02, 12:09 PM
Before you walk off, Lucille growls at you to remember that she prefers Lucille over Lucy. Then wishes you 'good luck' in a distracted tone. She looks around and seems to be drifting closer to the as of yet still unoccupied Check-In Window.

Elliot has become a bit more talkative as the wait has dragged on. "It would seem that most of the aspirants are seeking to team up, as it were." he blows a stray lock of hair out of his face. "I suppose I shouldn't think of you all as aspirants any more, I mean you've all had your applications approved... and if the League Official ever shows up, we'll all be officially sanctioned trainers, free to challenge the league and pursue our own agendas... what do you think? do you plan on recruiting a traveling companion or two?"

he looks around at the assembled, his expression equal parts boredom and disdain, for once it doesn't seem directed towards you.

Tyson, Cassandra, and Ken:

Lucille (https://kantoaftermath.obsidianportal.com/characters/lucille-brightside) is a short girl with a petite frame. Her blonde is cut short and her eyes are green. She favors slim cut jeans and a brown jacket with a fur-trimmed hood. Instead of a backpack, she carries most of her traveling gear in a messenger’s satchel, she travels notably lighter than a typical trainer. She wears black and white stripped sweatbands on her wrists.

she looks at least a year or two younger than every other trainer from Oak's lab.

As the three of you chat, you overhear numerous similar conversations going on around you, a few trainers here and there are insisting on striking out on their own, but most trainers seem to be congregating in groups of 3 or 4... you overhear snippets of conversation that indicate that most of them want to stay grouped up for safety, or at least companionship on the road. Judging by the more anxious amongst the crowd, the number of trainer fatalities don't actually decrease after pewter city, they just get more spread out.

2017-01-03, 09:20 AM
Chills start to creep up Cassandra's spine as she overhears the other trainers talking around them. After the Spearow flock attacking her on the way to Viridian, and now hearing that the road before them is still exceptionally dangerous, she's thrilled to have someone else offering to travel with them.

"We'd be happy to have you Ken," she says, bowing to him. "I'm from just outside Lavender Town. I think I actually passed by Cinnibar on my boat ride to Pallet City. It was beautiful, if I'm remembering the right place." She blushes a little. "I'm still a bit clueless when it comes to the outside."

2017-01-03, 05:24 PM
As Ken overhears the various conversations, he realizes why there would always be some extra trainers that stayed the night close to his parents' camp during fossil hunts. Makes sense now that I think about it, course I should have realized sooner. When Cassandra tells him he can come along he stops petting Raum and about jumps straight up managing to keep the thought ALRIGHT! NEW FRIENDS! mostly in his head. Of course he still wants to make sure both are good with him tagging along before letting the thought out.

"Lavender Town? That's where the, uh..... Dang what was it?"

Gen. Edu Roll for Lavender Town: 11

"It's on the tip of my tongue. But yeah Cinnabar was the one with the giant volcano. It's awesome!" He bows as well thinking about it. "You'll figure out most everything in no time, we could probably find a decent survival guide or map somewhere if need be!" Ken gives a thumbs up. He then turns around to see if the official has returned to the window. "Guess when the official comes back I'll have to go check in with Lucy since mandatory partners have to check in together like Prof. Oak said to. They've been gone a while now, would have thought they'd be back by now." He turns back to Cassandra and Tyson. "I'd introduce you both to my other Pokemon but I'm not sure if I can actually let them out while inside."

Perception Roll: 7

OOC: Will link the rolls when it lets me start, sorry!

2017-01-03, 08:21 PM
"Never been to Cinnabar but I remember passing it on the trip to Pallet from Fuchsia too. Maybe we were on the same boat Cass?" He looks to Ken after Cassandra accepts his request to join to the party. "A new friend on a new adventure. Sounds good to me."

Even after overhearing the talk about safety and trainer fatalities Tyson's disposition doesn't seem to change, but his attention has shifted from the current conversation to the check-in window and reception desk of the Pokemon center.

"I'll be back in a second." Tyson says to Ken and Cassandra.

The boy leaves his two companions to chat and nonchalantly moves to the front of the line formed at the reception desk interposing himself between the trainer at the front and the nurse on the other side.

Stealth roll: 16 (Spent 1 AP Boost, Pretty bad roll)


"Hey, sorry to interrupt, but do you know how long it's gonna take for Oak's assistants to arrive for Check-in?"

After the nurse's response he'll walk away casually, eventually finding himself standing next to Lucille. He'll give her a sidelong glance before speaking.

"So... How'd your trip from Pallet go? Lucille right?"

Kasumi looks curiously at the shorter trainer and blows a bubble, letting it pop in valley girl fashion.

big teej
2017-01-04, 10:25 AM

having paid the slightest bit of attention to the world. you know, in relative terms, where Lavender Town is, as well as it being the location of Pokemon Tower, the traditional final resting place for fallen pokemon.


more than one of the people in line takes issue with your jumping in line, the twins frown when you arrive at the desk ahead of everyone, but glance at each other when you ask your question. One of them gestures you off to the side while the other continues helping people in line. "We're really not sure." she says to you. "They were scheduled to open up like half an hour ago... hopefully he's just running behind." she shrugs and moves back to the line of trainers waiting to have their pokemon healed.

one trainer in line is glaring at you as you walk back past the line. He's an oversized brute in leathers with a fur-trimmed vest and a shiny shaved head. he sticks his hand out in front of you and takes a half step in line. "You got alotta nerve jumpin' front of us boy." he growls at you.

after navigating that particular interaction....

Lucille looks you up and down when you speak to her, her eyes hover for a few moments on the Fuschia markings on your clothes.

"It went okay, slower than I'd expected, much slower than I'd planned... I thought I could make it here in two days." she looks past you at Ken and Cassandra. "I was wrong." she looks back at you. "So.... are you from Fuschia, or just a fan of Koga's work?"

Ken and Cassandra:

Tyson disappears in the crowd, but a slight grumbling by the reception desk helps you find him, it looks like he's made some new friends, one of them in particular is a large brute with a shiny head and a fur-trimmed jacket.

2017-01-04, 12:54 PM
"ALRIGHT! See Zippo plus 2-" Ken stops and counts the Pokémon as well, "make that at least 6 friends!" Zippo starts to chitter in what seems to be excitement. "Oh yeah Lavender town, the Pokémon Tower! How did I almost forget that?"

When Tyson walks away Ken will return to petting Raum. "Really hoping the Professor's assistant is alright. Should we call the Professor and see where the aide was coming from?" Ken pats Zippo's head and attempts to get him acclimated to everyone.
"Zippo's a little bashful." He laughs as he remembers introducing him to his parents. "I actually got him as an egg from Blaine about three years ago on my fifteenth birthday. When did you meet Raum?"

As the commotion from Tyson's adventure in line cutting reaches Ken and Cassandra, Ken turns to see what happened. "Looks like he made a new friend just now!" He laughs.

2017-01-04, 02:53 PM
One trainer in line is glaring at you as you walk back past the line. He's an oversized brute in leathers with a fur-trimmed vest and a shiny shaved head. he sticks his hand out in front of you and takes a half step in line. "You got alotta nerve jumpin' front of us boy." he growls at you.

after navigating that particular interaction....

Lucille looks you up and down when you speak to her, her eyes hover for a few moments on the Fuschia markings on your clothes.

"It went okay, slower than I'd expected, much slower than I'd planned... I thought I could make it here in two days." she looks past you at Ken and Cassandra. "I was wrong." she looks back at you. "So.... are you from Fuschia, or just a fan of Koga's work?"

Tyson sidesteps the roughneck's outstretched hand and reaches out his own hand to shake it. "Oh... sorry about that." He looses a short laugh. "Guess I should explain huh? I'm not exactly supposed to tell any of you this but..." Tyson takes a half step closer and pretends to look around the room for something or someone. "I'm actually one of 7 trainers sent by the gym leaders of the Kanto League each year to ensure the safety of this years challengers and that the challenge itself runs smoothly. We try not to draw too much attention to ourselves during our work and in order to do that we take on the challenge alongside you all as "greenhorn" trainers; with new partners of course." He tilts his head towards Kasumi.

"I'm from Fuchsia, sent by Koga himself if you didn't already guess. And the guy standing there with the Cyndaquil..." He points to Ken, "He's from Cinnabar. I have no idea who Pallet's gym leader sent, if he even sent anyone, but there are more of us here and I shouldn't say much more than I already have; the best place to hide is in plain sight afterall. Also, the nurse told me that Oak's aide was supposed to be here over half an hour ago..." Tyson feigns a sigh. "Which means someone has to go find them now."

"Now if you'll excuse me, I've got a researcher to find. Oh and you might wanna take a few steps forward." He thumbs toward the front desk (to which I assume the line has advanced). "Wouldn't wanna lose your spot in line after all right?" He smirks.

The ninja boy begins to walk away as if nothing had happened. "Nice vest by the way. Wanted to get one for myself after visiting Cycling Road." he says over his shoulder.

Guile Roll: 16 (Spent 1 AP to boost. I'm spending points left and right today)


after navigating that particular interaction....

"Two days seems ambitious after making the trip myself. Looks like mostly everyone made it here in about three anyway." He scans the crowd looking for any indication that Oak's aide has arrived. "Regardless we're all stuck here waiting now."

"And what gave you that idea? Couldn't be the Soul Badge on my back right?" he laughs to himself. "Yeah, I'm Fuchsia born and raised. Even got the opportunity to study under Koga himself before leaving on my journey. You?"

big teej
2017-01-04, 03:33 PM

The Roughneck:

"Now you listen here you lil..." the cueball trails off as your explanation becomes more elaborate and detailed. When you point out Ken, he becomes unsure of himself. "oh... well then." his shiny pate is sweating. "yeah, have uh, have a good one."

it is worth noting that Cueball there is not one of your fellow newbie trainers.

after navigating that particular interaction....

Her eyes narrow and she looks past you at Ken again. "I could've done it in two by myself." She says darkly. at the mention of being stuck here, she purses her lips and becomes more pensive. "You might have a point, I wonder if they had anyone here yesterday." she glances over at you when you mention you trained with Koga, a smile playing around her lips.

"I'm from Saffron originally, I'm looking forward to getting back home and kicking Sabrina's butt. She's gotten soft, she's been soft." She clears her throat, and continues in a more excited tone. "you trained with Koga? what's he like? I heard he lost some of his best pokemon keeping Fuchsia safe, has he replaced them? do you know if he still only wants to use poison types? what kinda stuff did your training cover?" she looks you up and down again, that smile still tugging at her lips.

You know that Koga, did in fact lose a few pokemon keeping Team Rocket out of Fuchsia, specifically, his Venomoth and Crobat, he also lost a Toxicroak. You are not privy to his personal training, he still uses mostly the same pre-war team for gym battles, depending on the challenger's capabilities, a Koffing, a Grimer, and a handful of others, or their evolved forms if necessary.

Her pupils have dilated

also, perception check or not, have a Trainer XP for the sheer audacity and inventiveness of your lie to the cueball

2017-01-04, 07:07 PM
Lysandra lazily checks the time. In the end, the numbers didn't matter. The aide was late. She half listens to Elliot prattle, half telling herself that it couldn't hurt to make new acquaintances. Half telling herself that company was a bother.

She couldn't help but feel out of place, here amongst all these younger trainers. She had never really considered her age much before, too busy dealing with more important things.

Now there wasn't enough to do.

"Yeah, sure, maybe," she answered Elliot. It wasn't a real answer, she couldn't even remember what he asked, but it sounded mild and broad enough to probably suffice.

Matted, bristly fur rubbed against her ankles like cheap cashmere. Her Poochyena, Teeth stuck to her leg like wool on velcro. Several smaller, less predatory inclined Pokemon looked at him warily. And he looked back in just as much terror, half the time scampering behind her feet when he thought there something jumping at the shadows, regardless of whether or not there were. He looked tough, as his species both demanded and dictated, but was as shy wild Wimpod.

"Hey now, nothing'll get'cha boy," Lys mumbled distractedly, letting the tips of her Lurantis scythe pink nails tickle Teeth's ears. It'd long become habit by now to reach over and comfort the pooch in set intervals, and the trek through Route 1 did neither of them no favors in that regard.

Her mind wandering further, she plucked a Pokeball from her belt and turned it this way and that under the sunlight. It was unremarkable and she'd seen a dime a dozen, but it was the first in years since she'd bothered with one. Afterall, Teeth had always stayed home whenever she was out and about. For a moment, she considered letting the fresh caught creature inside out. But then saw Elliot continue to mumble almost autistically to himself about the growing bestiary in his brain. And instead decided against it.

"Wonder when that aide or whatever will show," she sighed, tossing her head half of Venoshock purple braids and half Clawitzer cannon blue mane.

A few people gave her looks: some curious, most disdainful.

Maybe it was time to drop the look...

big teej
2017-01-04, 08:22 PM

Almost as if summoned by some unknowable mysterious power, a rather harried looking fellow with short-cropped hair, thick glasses, a bulging folder and a clipboard materializes in the window. He waves frantically at the pink-haired twins at the main reception desk. Eventually he catches one of their eyes and she presses a button behind the counter and picks up a mic. There's an electronic chime (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXhb596PlgI) that cuts across the general hubbub of conversation and then a slightly distorted voice from the PA.

"Attention Please, will all trainers from Pallet City please proceed to the registration window to the right of the reception desk. Again, if you are a new trainer from Pallet City, please proceed to the registration window to the right of the reception desk, the League official is ready to see you."

the crowd sifts and undulates, approximately three-quarters of the trainers in the building start moving towards the registration window, the remaining quarter either remains where they're loitering or moves out of the way to avoid getting caught up in the newbie press.

"Well, that's our cue, hope to see you soon ninja boy." Lucille finally treats you with that smile she's been clamping down on and rushes over to Ken. "Hey, Ken, hurry up, I don't want to be stuck waiting in line for the next three hours!" She grabs him by the sleeve and starts dragging him through the crowd towards the registry window.

Your chat with Cassandra about puppy-type pokemon and Lavender town is interrupted by the chime, and then by someone shouting at you... ---stuck in line for the next three hours!" Lucille says rather too loudly as she grabs you by the arm and starts pulling you bodily towards the registry window.

The Chime goes off and the crowd starts moving towards the registry, Raum takes the opportunity to sniff around all the unfamiliar shoes, Tyson is somewhere in the press, be careful not to lose Raum in the forest of legs.

Elliot pushes up his glasses with a finger when the chime goes off "Showtime, as your people would say." He gestures for you to follow him to the registry window. His eyes are more focused on the crowd than you. "I believe it's time for some impromptu networking if you wish to travel with a group from this point forward." He observes. There's a girl in yellow shouting and hauling a boy dressed in Cinnabar clothing through the crowd. She seems.... over eager?

2017-01-04, 08:31 PM
"Okay okay I was coming that way anyway. Stop screaming please?!" Ken wrestles his arm out of Lucille's grip. "Geez Lucille you act like the entire thing is my fault. What did I even do to you? Aside from calling you Lucy after you chided me for my dream." A serious look passes over Ken's face as he keeps a hold on Zippo. Lucille's sudden pulling almost knocked the little Cyndaquil off his shoulder.

Ken speaks loud enough for Cassandra and Tyson to here him, "Guess we don't have to go find him after all huh guys?!"

As he and Lucille approach the window and check in that they have indeed made it to Viridian City together and in one piece, Ken begins to wonder on what could have kept the assistant. "Hey! Are you alright sir?" he questions the harried man.

After checking in, Ken turns to Lucille. "Well there ya go, catch you later Lucille!" He then waits for Tyson and Cassandra to finish their check-in, holding Zippo in his left arm so that the tiny Cyndaquil doesn't get lost.

2017-01-04, 09:44 PM
Teeth pants happily at the sight of so many people he could play fetch with. Then immediately cowed at realizing that there were enough to drown him in rubber balls if they all threw one at the same time. He whimpers and runs back behind Lys' ankles again.

"Look. If you're saying you're ditching me, then just say it."

She reaches over to pick up Teeth in one arm. He snuffles anxiously.

"Won't hurt my feelings."

Regardless, she keeps around Elliot. At least until this was all done with. And then they can find some other folk to team up with, or something like that.

It'll be fine, she tells herself. Just think of it like finding a drummer. Or a bassist. Some folks who like to do what she can't but also needs. People who can be cool to be around.

Maybe kick her out in the end.

"No point thinking like that Lys," she growls to herself through her teeth.

A kid carefully increases the distance between himself and her.

Oh right, she remembers. That isn't "appropriate" anymore.

Teeth wags his tail and leaves a large, slobbery lick over her face.

2017-01-04, 10:22 PM
Perception: 9 (Spent 1 AP to boost, no dice!)


Tyson raises an eyebrow at Lucille after processing her barrage of questions. Someone's curious...

"Slow down Suicune, one question at a time! It's not like we're in any rush..." he says in jest.

Just as he opens his mouth to answer the sound of the electronic chime followed by the voice of one of the nurses rings throughout the lobby.

"Or maybe we are?" His eyes dart from the front desk to the check-in window then back to Lucille.

"Well, that's our cue, hope to see you soon ninja boy." Lucille finally treats you with that smile she's been clamping down on and rushes over to Ken. "Hey, Ken, hurry up, I don't want to be stuck waiting in line for the next three hours!" She grabs him by the sleeve and starts dragging him through the crowd towards the registry window.

"Yeah, see you around." He follows up with his usual mock salute watching as the smaller trainer drags Ken through the crowd.

She's definitely, uh... spirited? Yeah, that's it.

Tyson returns Pidove to it's pokeball and quickly pockets it. He picks up Kasumi with a single hand and places her atop his head so that she rests on his hat. "We should probably get going too, don't wanna keep Cass waiting."

Tyson attempts to make his way to Cassandra wading through the crowd as quickly as possible. Once he reaches Cassandra he'll incline his head as to bow and gesture toward the check-in window. "After you... and you of course." he smiles at the oracle and her devil-dog.

2017-01-04, 11:19 PM
Cassandra waves at Ken again as he's dragged away by Lucille. "Bye Ken! Meet up with us outside, okay?"

She notices that Raum begins to wander away and scoops him up in her arms before he can get too far. "Stay close you silly dog. Don't want you getting lost." She'll put him back at her feet as Tyson appears in a hole in the crowd. She'll follow him to the check-in window, sticking close so they don't get separated, and keeping an eye on Raum. If the crowd gets too crazy for the Houndour to follow, she'll pick him up again.

big teej
2017-01-05, 12:27 AM

"Please, please people, don't push, form an orderly mob line and I'll get with you just as soon as I can." The harried flunky cries out to the gathering crowd.

pair by pair, trainers make it to the flunky, who has a machine that looks almost like an old fashioned cash-register, it's got two large slots in it.

"Names please?"

the pair of trainers in front of him are a woman with a robust figure wearing a heavy, ground length skirt with dark purple hair and a boy about the same age that's wearing dark glasses even though he's indoors and what looks... suspiciously like a military uniform - though bereft of any insignia or rank pins.

"Morrigan Mullach" the woman identifies herself.

"Irvine Holbach" the boy offers.

The flunky scans his clipboard "Uhm... oh yes, here you are. go ahead and slip your pokedexes in the slots there, doesn't matter which." he opens his folder and pulls out a document seemingly at random and stamps it in four places before replacing it.

"you're all set! go get em!" he says.

and so the process is repeated with each other surviving set of trainers, it looks like everyone from your orientation made it, but your cohort only seems to make up about a quarter of all the applicant trainers.

eventually your turn comes and goes, you've been approved and are free to begin your pokemon journey in earnest!


hearing the bitterness in your voice, Elliot turns to you with a mildly surprised expression. He shrugs, "It is not so much that I desire to be rid of you, as much as people tend to desire to spend as little time as possible in my company."

After Check-In/Once outside....


most of the trainers from inside seem to have grouped up and moved out before you were finished, the remaining score of them are standing around in ones, pairs, trios, and quartets. The groups seem to either be planning, or watching the doors of the pokemon center, perhaps waiting for other trainers to join them. Most of the solitary trainers are fidgeting nervously, watching the forming groups around them with growing concern. A small few are relaxed, either taking way too much of a lollygag to eyeball the competition, or the rest of their group is still inside.

Off to one side of the Pokemon Center's plaza, a trio of trainers are ... energetically discussing their planned route. Even more than the volume of their discussion, their clashing attire draws you to them. One is dressed in a graphite grey jeans and a black leather jacket with a few hundred extraneous zippers, buckles, spikes, grommets, and studs. Her hair is oiled up into a chess-board dyed mohawk that stands up at least a foot off of her otherwise shaved head. The other girl is a little bit shorter than the punkette, her black hair is up in a artfully messy bun and held together with what look like steel spikes. she's a bit more sensibly dressed for the road in jeans, hiking boots, and a purple hoody. Rounding out the trio is a fair skinned, red headed boy in bright red pants and coat with a black shirt underneath, he's wearing a red and white pokemon league hat. An albino vulpix is nuzzling against the boy's leg.

Shouting from the far end of the plaza draws your attention to Lucille (you recognize the coat) and two other trainers disappearing into the city, she appears to be dragging them by their collars. the two boys are wearing identical clothing

the get-ups the boys are in are the uniform of the Hite Pokemon Academy, one of the most prestigious academy's in the region, if not the world. It's location is top secret so criminal orginizations (and trainers who can't hack it there) can't find it.

The two trainers that "weren't" on Prof. Oak's list, Irvine and Morrigan haven't teamed up with anybody, but they're standing apart from the other trainers, looking around as if they're expecting someone... at length, a big man in a maroon long-coat and a high peaked cap stalks out from behind the pokemon center and approaches them. they talk for several minutes and then they turn and leave, heading past the pokemon center...

a heavily muscled boy in a martial arts gi, one of the singles, turns and follows them.

You are currently outside the pokemon center... Ken is waiting outside, one of the nervous singles... Cassandra and Tyson will emerge on their next post, Lyssandra is currently outside with Elliot, who has not (yet) ditched her, although she could ditch him on her next post if she wished.

....What do you do?

Party dynamics aside... attractions/things to do in Viridian city include....
check out the local gym*
wander around town looking for stray/wild pokemon
wander South or East of town looking for wild pokemon
head north to Viridian forest
go shopping

The party is NOT limited to these items, they may pursue (almost) any course of action they wish.
*roll Gen Edu TN 7

2017-01-05, 12:55 AM
Standing outside the center, Ken puts Zippo back on his shoulders and takes a basic poke ball off his belt. "Guess we should wait until the others come out to let Aria or Needle stretch their wings or legs huh?" He pats the Cyndaquil on the head again and gives him another piece of Pokemon food. "What do you think we did to Lucy?"

Zippo holds his piece of food and nibbles at it, chittering a bit as Ken talks to him. He sets his pack down, cross-body straps are nice and keep the bags close but they can get a little uncomfortable after a while. I wonder what Pokemon might be around the city. Ken's mind races with the possibilities while he waits anxiously for his new found friends. While he was used to being surrounded by people he didn't know, this time it felt different. Who knows maybe because he was in a new place full of unknowns. That didn't stop him from enjoying the sun and time free of Lucy though. "Hey at least there won't be much fuss over not moving fast enough or over needing to stop for the night right buddy?" Ken chuckles and Zippo lets out a happy peep.

"We should probably take note of some of the trainers though. Could come in handy if we run into them on the road." Ken takes a look around at the other trainers. "Wonder what else there is here." Ken's voice trails off as he takes a seat.

Perception Roll for Notable Trainers: 9 http://orokos.com/roll/472283

Gen Edu Roll: 7 http://orokos.com/roll/472284

Ken will also take out his Pokedex to register the one trainer's Vulpix. "I've never seen one quite like that."

2017-01-05, 02:20 PM
Once the aide scans her pokedex, Cassandra says to Tyson, "I'll wait for you outside, okay?"

The press of the crowd is almost too much for her after being out in the wilderness for a couple of days and being raised in a secluded temple. A headache was starting to form over her right eye. People were so loud!

Once she's outside the center she pulls her canteen out of her bag and takes large swig, then offer some to Raum. He loudly laps it up as she pours it for him.

As she re-stoppers her canteen, she sees Ken talking to his Cyndaquil. "I was worried about you Ken," she says with a teasing grin, walking over to him. "I thought Lucille was gonna drag you away off to Pewter."

Perception (http://orokos.com/roll/472455): 14
Gen. Education (http://orokos.com/roll/472458): 7

2017-01-05, 05:27 PM
Once the aide scans her pokedex, Cassandra says to Tyson, "I'll wait for you outside, okay?"

"Got it, I'll be there in a sec'." Tyson replies as he inserts his Pokedex into the slot to be scanned.

After a minute or so the audible sound of a bubble popping can be heard as Tyson emerges. He walks at a leisurely pace, fingers interlaced behind his head. His eyes move across the crowd of trainers that have gathered in the plaza, looking for any that stand out from the others.

Perception: 12


General Edu: 9


"You look like you're enjoying yourself?" he says with a grin to Ken after he joins the group. He looks from one trainer to the other, genuine curiosity filling his eyes, "So... What now? We can officially start our league challenge! I was thinking we could take a grand tour of Viridian while we're here; See everything there is to see ya know?"

2017-01-05, 06:01 PM
As the two approach Ken, he and Zippo both turn to face them. Throwing their arms upwards in the air almost with exaggeration, "You came back!" He starts to laugh as they get Cassandra and Tyson get closer.

"I thought she was was going to take my arm with her, she has a mean grip." Ken starts to massage his shoulder. "Yep we've just been taking in the fresh air, catching a break to get some food in Zippo and enjoying not running!" A toothy grin follows the statement. "Speaking of, did you see that Albino Vulpix over there? Never seen one like it."

Ken stands back up and slings his pack back on. Then he picks up Zippo and places him back on his perch of the right shoulder. "A grand tour sounds awesome! Get to know the lay of the land and where we're going. What kinda Pokémon you think love around here?"

Ken then turns to Tyson. "So, what exactly did you tell that guy in the vest to make him leave you alone?"

2017-01-05, 06:10 PM
Lysandra raises an eyebrow.

"You know," her voice notably softer, "Maybe it's not cause folks don't want to be around you. Maybe they think you don't want to be around them. Self-fulfilling prophecy, y'know?"

All the while, Teeth comically starts chewing on a snoutful of some of her braids. It was a bad habit, and she should really be stricter about these things. But she let him anyways.

8 orokos.com/roll/472530

As she spoke, Lys couldn't help but notice Miss Monochrome Mohawk. Strange would probably be one of the first words the typical person would call the human spectacle, but Lys ran her teeth against the piercing on her bottom lip and couldn't help but feel a little less out of place. Or at least, she wasn't the only multicolored sore thumb trouncing around here.

8 orokos.com/roll/472531

2017-01-05, 10:35 PM
"So... What now? We can officially start our league challenge! I was thinking we could take a grand tour of Viridian while we're here; See everything there is to see ya know?"

Cassandra's eyes light up. There were so many new things to see and do here; she was glad someone else wanted to walk around the city too. "I would really like that. And we need to buy rations so we can make it through Viridian Forest anyway."

She slings her pack off to check on the egg, making sure that its still nestled and secure in its nest of blankets after being jostled by so many people in the Pokemon Center. Satisfied that it's okay, she closes the canvas top again, then releases Hat.

The bulbous blue bird chirps a greeting everyone present, then alights on Cassandra's head.

"I'm ready when you guys are," she says, petting the Swablu's fluffy wings.

Pokemon Edu to figure out what we could find in the city (http://orokos.com/roll/472594):13

2017-01-06, 12:46 AM
"Hey a Pokemon hat!" Ken chuckles as the blue bird lands on Cassandra's head. He scans the bird with his Pokedex while he still has it out. "Interesting Pokemon all around this group. Getting some more supplies wouldn't be a bad idea. Gotta be prepared!"

Thinking about how much he decided to place in his pack, Ken voices his though without thinking about it. "Actually that should probably be our last stop, that way we don't have to lug everything from the beginning."

Ken adjusts his gloves slightly. "Which way first?"

Pokemon Edu : 14

big teej
2017-01-06, 09:52 AM

the barest hint of a smile flickers across Elliot's face. "Your postulate could have merit." He concedes, "But. I' have known E.R. Racine longer than you have, so I think there might be a bit more to it."

He looks around at the gathered trainers, then at you. "well, I am going to go requisition more supplies and then head north, are you coming, or are you going to pursue a different course of action?"

Ken and Cassandra:

Several kinds of pokemon have readily adapted to living in the artificial urban environments created by humans. Many common flying and field type pokemon can be found, pidgey, spearow, pidove, ratatta, that sort of thing. Fighting Types and Ghosts seem almost drawn to urban environments, as well as Electric types, due to the abundance of electricity to feed off. (Tynamo and elekid infestations are occasionally highly problematic and dangerous)

when you also factor in strays and abandoned pokemon, there's no telling exactly what you could run into in the city.

2017-01-06, 02:13 PM
"I thought she was was going to take my arm with her, she has a mean grip." Ken starts to massage his shoulder. "Yep we've just been taking in the fresh air, catching a break to get some food in Zippo and enjoying not running!" A toothy grin follows the statement. "Speaking of, did you see that Albino Vulpix over there? Never seen one like it."

Ken stands back up and slings his pack back on. Then he picks up Zippo and places him back on his perch of the right shoulder. "A grand tour sounds awesome! Get to know the lay of the land and where we're going. What kinda Pokémon you think live around here?"

Ken then turns to Tyson. "So, what exactly did you tell that guy in the vest to make him leave you alone?"

Tyson rubs the back of his head, "Can't say I've ever seen anything like it either..." There's a brief pause before a playful grin forms on his face.

"Kasumi take five 'kay?" He rubs the tiny frog on the head before he returns the Froakie to it's pokeball and releases his Zorua. He takes a knee and scratches the fox behind the ear. "Hey little guy, wanna play?" leaning in closer he points to the white Vulpix and continues in a whisper, "Can you make yourself look like that pokemon over there? If you need to get a closer look go over there and then come back to me when you're done. Got it?" He pets Zorua on the head, waits and watches.

"Looks like I'm not the only one who wanted to see all Viridian has to offer! No idea what Pokemon are native to Viridian but would you guys mind if we stopped by Viridian Gym while we're here? Or what's left of it at least..."

At the mention of the Roughneck, the ninja boy laughs. "Oh that guy? I told him that you and I were two of seven trainers sent by the Pokemon League to watch over the trainers participating in this years league challenge. Oh! And that I liked his vest. Hope you don't mind roping you into that without you knowing?" He looks to Cassandra, "I even thought about saying that you were from Celadon but I thought that'd be pushing my luck. Either way it was enough to convince him to let me go." he says as he shrugs his shoulders.

big teej
2017-01-06, 02:26 PM

Your as of yet Unnamed Zorua looks at the vulpix. it turns its head to the side and narrows its eyes, sizing up the pokemon and it's trainers. The fox scampers a few steps out from your group, and then sprints across the plaza before circling back around behind the group. The trainers are still engrossed in their argument about where to go first. The Vulpix is sitting next to its trainer, leaning against his leg, looking up at the ruckus. Your Zorua creeps closer.... closer.... closer.... closer...... stops!

it stares intently at the vulpix for several heartbeats and then runs across the plaza into a decorative planter, the bushes rustle for a moment, and an albino vulpix with a vicious expression emerges and trots over to you.

2017-01-06, 02:43 PM
As the tiny fox Pokemon comes out, Ken once more scans it. When a second albino Vulpix comes back to the party, Ken has to voice his thoughts. "Ok as much as I love Fire types, I think I may want to find one of those."

As Tyson tells Ken about the Roughneck, Ken can't help but bust out laughing, causing echoes across the plaza. Zippo has to hop back onto the bench because Ken doubles over holding his sides. "I think Koga and Blaine would be proud of that one!" He can barely get the words out between the bought of laughter. Then looking at Cassandra, "Actually that might have worked if she had a Grass type with her at the time."

Ken remembers what he had read a while back on urban area Pokemon. "If I'm remembering right, it'll mostly be Flying and Normal types, kinda like we would have run into in fields. Some Electric types too, since they like to feed on the electricity. If they have an infestation we might be able to help out with it. Who knows we may even see some Ghosts!" Ken lets Zippo return to his perch. Half thinking aloud, "Maybe something will fit for the fire team..." Then realizing he said that aloud, "Oh, so I should probably get this part out of the way since it caused some trouble before, part of why I have issue with Lucille. I want to specialize in Fire types, and surpass Blaine. He's kind of my hero as a trainer and researcher."

"It would be good to see how the gym is holding up, see what'll be waiting for us."

2017-01-06, 08:56 PM
"Could you believe I found the little guy sleeping in the middle of the woods?" Tyson picks up the Vulpix and raises it above him in the air. "Not half bad!" he brings the fox closer to inspect it. "I'm proud of ya! You learn quickly." A thought comes to mind. I hope you don't have a mother out there looking for ya... He shakes it from his mind and continues. "Think we can find a place that sells bandannas? Gotta get something to tell this one apart from other pokemon."

He listens to Ken explain the Pokemon that can be found around Viridian as he pets his Vulpix. "Electric types? ...and Ghosts huh? Sounds like fun!" he looks down at the pokemon in his arms.

"Why's that? She have a grudge against Fire types?" For the first time his tone becomes a bit serious. "I think that's a legitimate goal."

When the party is ready to leave, Tyson will place the Vulpix on the ground and begin heading toward Viridian Gym (or in the direction he thinks the gym is). "Hey little guy, let's play a game of tag!" He takes off in a light jog, fox in tow.

2017-01-06, 09:19 PM
"Wow, okay that's an awesome transformation!" Ken inspects the fox alongside Tyson. "Asleep in the woods huh? Maybe we'll find some more in the forest later on." Ken starts to look around a bit. "Shouldn't be too hard to find a place that sells them."

At Tyson's response to his goal, Ken rubs the back of his head. "Thanks! I don't know what her deal was but after she got done chewing me out, then laughing she said her goal was to be the best ever. As in there will be no one before or after her that becomes better." Ken shrugs. "Who knows what her deal is with Fire types. I did notice the only Pokemon she got really interested in was a Water type. Tympole I think it was."

When the party is ready, Ken will open a map on the Pokedex to figure out which way to go.

big teej
2017-01-06, 10:17 PM
Cassandra, Ken, and Tyson:

You arrive at Viridian City Gym (https://kantoaftermath.obsidianportal.com/wikis/viridian-city-gym)...

Or at least what's left of it.

The gym is a burnt out ruin, the roof is gone, presumably making up a portion of the carpet of rubble surrounding the place, it certainly looks like there's a healthy number of ceiling tiles. the front and left walls have toppled over, inexplicably, one seems to have fallen in, while the other has fallen out. the surviving back and right walls are holed in several places and covered in graffiti.

The general buzz of the city seems to die away as you walk through the chain-link fence that surrounds the property. the fence was covered in 'condemned', 'collapse hazard' and 'keep out' signs, but the front gates were wide open, and nobody was around. the only thing that looks like it recieves any care or maintenance is a steel sign-post that's been driven into the ground just inside the fence, on it is a brass placard sketching out the general history of the gym, Giovanni's contributions to the community, his exposure as leader of Team Rocket, and how the the gym was destroyed during the final phases of the conflict between the Pokemon League and Team Rocket.

OOC: Roll Perception

As Elliot summarizes his intended course of action, you observe that most of the other trainers in the plaza seem to be dispersing into the city.

The Punkette's group had gotten your attention, along with their albino Vulpix... but now it seems that two of them are running around.

The Fuchsia City kid (the mouthy boy who challenged Sergei back in Oak's lab) seems to have acquired a white fox as well. He's accompanied by a kid dressed in clothes marking him out as being from Cinnabar Island, and a young girl who has a sky blue hat with a white ruffle for a brim.

the over-eager girl Elliot pointed out earlier disappears the quickest, dragging other trainers in her wake.

Elliot seems to take your silence for being lost in contemplation. "If you need some time to make a decision, you can go wander around and clear your head, I can be convinced to delay my departure for a short time."

2017-01-06, 10:34 PM
"Man, I bet this would have been some sight before it got wrecked like this." Ken muses and begins to picture how the gym would have looked. Nothing like Blaine's of course but then again there's no volcano here. "Still sort of impressive, hiding in plain sight and all."

"At least it's a bit quieter now, without that massive crowd." Ken chuckles a bit trying to lighten the mood around the gloomy ruin. "Guess most wouldn't want to come to the place where it all went down."

Ken turns to Zippo. "What do you think little buddy?" Zippo chirps a couple times then starts to turn shy again. He was getting used to Cassandra and Tyson by now, which was fast for the little Cyndaquil. Guess he really can't be too shy around new people we're traveling with now. Ken manages to keep this thought inside and smiles a bit at it.

Perception: 9 (Spent 1 AP to boost)

2017-01-06, 10:53 PM
"Wow," Cassandra breathes as she reads the signpost. "I can't believe that the gym is this bad off. I'd read about this a little bit, but I'd never realized that they completely destroyed this place."

"It is quiet," she agrees. "I definitely prefer this to the crowds."

Raum sniffs around the trainers' feet. For once his small tail has stopped wagging and is tucked firmly between his legs. The Oracle picks him and pats his head until his tongue is lolling out his mouth again and then puts him back on his feet. Though he stays close to the group, the devil-dog once again has his nose in everything.

Hat is... Unperturbed.

Perception (http://orokos.com/roll/472929): 19 after spending an AP to boost.

2017-01-07, 02:47 AM
Lys blinks in surprise at Elliot's comment.

"Oh. No. It's fine. I'm going nowhere."

She puts Teeth back onto the ground, where he starts pawing at some scruffy weeds poking up through the street.

"What about that Viridian gym? I heard it's got some significance or another."

It wasn't hard to sound innocent about it. Everyone knew a little about Viridian's gym. The details were another thing altogether. But she'd always thought something fishy had gone on there. If anything, it was a place to take a look.

Only now did she realize that she was tapping her foot to a rhythm. It was one she'd rehearsed with for hours not too long ago.

Frowning, she quickly shoved the tempo out of her mind and got up.

"I dunno. Seems as good of a place as any to me."

8, they're really loving me...lucky 8s... orokos.com/roll/473006

2017-01-07, 03:16 AM
The Vulpix begins to tug on one Tyson's socks after he comes to a stop in front of Viridian Gym. "Okay, okay! You got me this time..." he says distractedly as he ruffles the fox's hair.

As his eyes study what remains of the former Viridian Gym, Tyson can't help but wonder what the gym looked like in it's prime and the whereabouts of it's former leader.

"Looks like this place went through the ringer... I'm surprised the building's even standing. Must've been pretty impressive back in the day." When he notices the Oracle reading the signpost he adds, "It may just be a rumor but I've heard that Giovanni was skilled enough to be considered Kanto's strongest gym leader during his time, maybe ever." A pause,"Kinda makes you wonder why a trainer with so much talent never chose to go straight?" he finishes pensively.


big teej
2017-01-07, 01:47 PM

Elliot purses his lips. "This would not constitute an unacceptable delay... by all means, lets go then. I'm given to understand it's..." he glances around for landmarks. "that way." he nods. "Actually, this could prove quite illuminating, I've had few chances to observe the sort of collateral damage a pokemon can inflict on the works of man."

The two of you arrive at Viridian City Gym (https://kantoaftermath.obsidianportal.com/wikis/viridian-city-gym)...

Or at least what's left of it.

It looks like the trio consisting of the Fuchsia and Cinnabar boys and the mystery girl beat you here, they're clustered around a tourist-placard that's been driven into the ground just inside the chain link fences.

Elliot seems totally preoccupied with the burned out shell of the gym. "Interesting..."

You see a somewhat malnourished looking purrloin peeking out of an alleyway near the trio of trainers.


You didn't really notice them at first, but there are a fair number of small, black feathered bird pokemon floating around. A cluster are perched on the still-standing walls of the gym, the rest are scattered about the rubble, most are watching your group.

observes all the things... :smalleek:

Open all other player's spoilers, + the following...

across the rubble, rooting around in some abandoned garbage cans, is a small tan and blue, flat faced dog-pokemon about the size of Raum. it seems happy enough, if malnourished. Some of the bags of trash seem to be trying to subtly move away from the pokemon, all by themselves.

despite the utter devestation of the gym, the surrounding buildings are intact, if a bit... neglected. you notice a bundle of leaves hanging out from a tree is actually a pokemon of some sort, at least to your knowledge, trees don't have eyes.

two people, you think you recognize them from the pokemon center, come out from the alleyway you arrived from a few dozen yards away... one is Oak's Assistant who left with the group to become a trainer, the other is a girl with blue and purple hair and a small, angrier, less devilish looking version of Raum... it's body is grey and black, and it doesn't have the skull-like markings that Houndour do... what could it be?

out in the middle of the rubble, just a flicker, you almost miss it... you're not even sure you saw it until it starts to ghost in on the edges of your vision... you recognize the signs and deliberately look away from the spirit, letting it congeal in your peripheral vision. a black orb, blacker than night, blacker than pitch, surrounded by a purple mist that somehow seems more solid than the orb.

a gastly has chosen this rubble pile as it's haunt, it seems.


Open Ken's results + the following,

deep in the shadowed corner of the remaining two walls, you see a cardboard box. you can't see inside the darkened interior, but hanging out in the light you see a yellow tail with a brown stripe and a 3 clawed yellow arm that, presumably, belongs to the same creature as the tail.

Party, OOC:
Players are reminded that they are not required to post on weekends, although obviously encouraged to do so.
Players are reminded that they are required to post at least once per day during combat (does not apply during weekends)
Happy Hunting!

2017-01-07, 03:17 PM
Lys let Elliot muse to himself in the background. Instead she crouches down and waggles her fingers beckoningly towards the Purrloin.

"Fsk, fsk. Hey there fella."

Teeth looks worriedly between his trainer and the creeping cat. On one hand, it could be a friend. On the other, it could scratch its nose off. He settles on a pitiful whine.

2017-01-07, 03:24 PM
"Looks like we're not the only ones here..."

Tyson pulls out his pokedex and registers one of the birds perched on the walls of the gym. His eyes move about the building and surrounding debris until they focus in on a cardboard box concealed inside the shadows of the walls.

That's gotta be another pokemon. He looks down to his Vulpix who seems to be enchanted with the fallen structure.

"Hey, let's get a closer look." He begins to move toward the cardboard box following the outer walls of the building. "Stay close." he instructs the Vulpix.

Tyson: 10

Zorua: 12

big teej
2017-01-07, 04:08 PM

You creep up on the box, you can hear a faint snoring, sounding like something a small child might make.... unfortunately, some of the rubble had not completely settled, and despite your best efforts, you were not Dead Silent... the snoring stops, and the yellow limbs disappear. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8sZnEYtn664)


The purrloin narrows its eyes at you and tenses.

OOC: Roll Charm.

2017-01-07, 04:11 PM
"Those don't look like Aria do they Zippo. Let's check them out!" Ken will take out his Pokedex and scan the birds. Turning to Cassandra and Tyson, "Hey I'm going to scout around for a few minutes to see what I can find."

Survival: 6 (not my best roll thus far)
Perception: 4
Stealth: 5

2017-01-07, 04:51 PM
Better late than never to start finding ghosts, Cassandra thinks when she pinpoints the Gastly. She prods Hat awake with a finger. "Your turn."

The Swablu yawns and floats up from her head. He chips in acknowledgement when she points out his target.

"Let's go."

big teej
2017-01-07, 05:53 PM
I totally didn't forget to put this in the last post.

Elliot doesn't notice that you've become preoccupied and mumbles something about inspecting the ruins more closely. "Please excuse me, I need to ascertain if the damage was caused by some sort of incendiary element or simple physical impact. It should be the work of mere moments with a proper vantage point." He crawls through a hole in the fence and heads toward the building.


Originally posted by Pokedex

Murkrow - The Darkness Pokemon, many people believe that if you see one at night it will bring you bad luck.

you circle around the remaining walls of the gym, but you don't see any other pokemon in the area.


The Gastly's focus seems to shift from trainer to trainer, observing everyone, but it doesn't move or make an attempt to interfere... when Hat perks up and gets set before it, it takes greater interest, hovering closer to the blue bird.

OOC: you have initative.

2017-01-07, 05:57 PM
"Alrighty nothing else around here I can see." Ken eyes a Murkrow looking towards him and Zippo. "Time to get some training in for you buddy. I'm all fired up!"

Zippo will hop down and prepare for a fight.

2017-01-07, 06:41 PM
"Alright Hat, get in there and use Astonish," Cassandra says.

The Swablu flies in and slaps the Gastly with one fluffy wing.

Hat used Astonish!
To Hit (http://orokos.com/roll/473130): 17- Gastly Flinches!
Damage (http://orokos.com/roll/473131): 24 minus Defense

OOC: I already calculated type effectiveness

2017-01-07, 07:29 PM
Vulpix climbs over the debris and circles around the cardboard box. It springs into a playful stance, it's six tails wagging back and forth as it faces the opening of the box. Vulpix's ears fall and it's tails stop when there's no pokemon to be found.

"Damn... looks like I wasn't as quiet as I thought." He moves over to inspect the box and the surrounding area. "Whatever it was it couldn't have gone too far. Let's see if we can find it. Think you can help me out?" he asks the inquisitive fox currently investigating the scent left by the missing pokemon.

Tyson: 14 (Spent 1 AP to boost)

Zorua: 6

big teej
2017-01-07, 10:02 PM

Hat's face is completely obscured by it's rotund body as it strikes at the roving ball of gas, based on the gastly's expression, this is for the best. it floats away from the hit, bobbing drunkenly in the air. it idles to a stop, eyes transfixed on the tiny swablu, it blinks twice in disbelief. it flickers and seems almost to breaking apart.

You've seen this before, an inability to maintain a cohesive form is a sure sign in most ghost pokemon that they've nearly reached their limits.


The single murkrow tilts its head to the side, looking at you and Zippo closely. it's eyes narrow as it recognizes the challenge in your posture and Zippo's flames growing higher. it caws twice.

All of the murkrow turn and look directly at you.

CAW (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0C933p8gxV0)

The whole group takes flight, most take to the sky and begin circling, putting up a fearful racket, the restswoop down at you and your new friends! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBNcjvxLfFc)

three of the murkrow swoop down at you and Zippo, the rest break off and go after everyone else

all of a sudden ANGRY BIRDS EVERYWHERE!!! The Murkrow that had been perched quietly around the ruins of the gym swoop down in a flurry of feathers and sharp beaks.

Murkrow 1 used Peck on Zippo
- hit: 12
- damage: 23 vs. DEF!

Murkrow 2 used Peck on Ken
- hit: 9
- damage: 22 vs. DEF!

Murkrow 6 used Peck on Zippo
- hit: 15
- damage: 29 vs. DEF!

Murkrow 3 used Peck on Zorua
- hit: 17
- damage: 31 vs. DEF!

Murkrow 5 used Peck on Cassandra
- hit: 6
- damage: 28 vs. DEF!

Hat has initiative

since your character would have resolved their interaction with the Purrloin before this started, it can't/won't run away til you've made/failed your charm roll. after that, you're continued interactions, one way or another, will have the delightful background of a murder of murkrow.

Murkrow 1: 15
Tyson: 15
Murkrow 2: 14
Murkrow 6: 14
Zorua: 13
Raum: 12
Murkrow 3: 12
Murkrow 5: 12
Hat: 11
Teeth: 11 - not participating
Murkrow 4: 10
Zippo 8
Ken 7
Cassandra 7
Lysandra: 5 - not participating
Gastly: 0 - Flinched!

Tyson is refunded 1 AP

Players in fear of their lives are reminded of How Pokemon are Controlled (https://kantoaftermath.obsidianportal.com/wiki_pages/kanto-aftermath-house-rules)
- Players are reminded that pokemon entering the field after their initiative count has already passed act immediately

Players are reminded that, regardless of the narrative or posting order of turns that occur on the same initiative, all actions take place simultaneously.

Players are reminded that Injuries inflict -1 Combat Stage to a random stat

2017-01-07, 10:29 PM
When he hears the terrifying noise of the flock, Hat retreats back to Cassandra. "It's fine, Hat. Good job!" She recalls her bird, then lobs a pokeball at the ball of gas that is barely holding together.

Hit the Gastly with a pokeball! (http://orokos.com/roll/473184)- 1

The Oracle's aim is spoiled by the vicious pecking whirlwind of black feathers and the red and white ball doesn't get the distance it needs. It rolls to a stop in front of the ghost.

OOC: Messed with the timeline a little here so I didn't have to post twice. Cassandra and Hat's turns are done.

2017-01-07, 10:36 PM
Seeing the purple puss tense, Teeth similarly tenses. So much that one would think the two were mirrored if one wasn't a cat and the other a dog. Lys absent-mindedly pats him between the ears with her free hand as she continues to try to coax the Purrloin out.

8 (I swear to god I'm not hacking...) orokos.com/roll/473186

2017-01-07, 11:29 PM
A Murkrow swoops down and drills into the Vulpix with a Peck sending the fox reeling. In a puff of dark energy it transforms back into Zorua, it's fur ruffled quite a bit, but the trickster still stands.

Tyson's eyes narrow as he quickly sizes up the bird. Drawing the ninjato from his bag, he lunges at the bird striking it with the blunt side of the weapon. "You're not the only one who can throw cheap shots!"


Which misses automatically due to it's AC of 4! The karma!

After missing his strike Tyson interposes himself between the black bird and his Zorua. "Tch! That was just a warning shot..." He stares down Murkrow.

When Zorua acts it uses it's trainers attack to launch a Scratch at the Murkrow, landing just behind the black bird.

Attack: 9 (7 after AC)

Damage: 22

"Don't like that do ya'!?" Tyson eggs on the Murkrow, grinning after the bird is struck.

2017-01-07, 11:31 PM
Ken realizes he made the mistake of challenging the bird too late. After the two swoops down on Zippo he quickly recalls the Cyndaquil to his Pokeball. "Zippo get back!" He then throws a basic ball, "Needle come out!" As he throws the Pokeball he unsheathes his knife.

A male Nidoran enters the battle, almost looking as though his nap had been disturbed. "Needle use Peck on that one! It's going to need more than a burn heal!" Ken points to the Murkrow that hit Zippo last.

To Hit: 5 http://orokos.com/roll/473191
Damage: 19 http://orokos.com/roll/473197

big teej
2017-01-08, 12:08 AM

keeping a weather eye on Teeth, the cat slinks out of the alley, it's dingy, and it's ribs show through it's coat, it sniffs at your finger tentatively.


The murkrow squawks at your flailing miss, it's laughing at you, you can feel it.
then it feels Zorua's claws sinking into it's flank and it's laughter turns into a chirrup of rage. it flutters a little less easily now, glaring at the two of you.

A second Murkrow swoops down, beak first, into your head for another 23 damage!


Needle is easily able to leap up to the Murkrow who'd been too lazy to gain more altitude and clamp it's buck teeth into it's leg. the murkrow falls back to the ground with the Nidoran, flailing to get itself free. it scrambles to its feet in a flurry of feathers and hops away from the poison type.

Raum has bristled up his short hair and is growling at the murkrow perched on an elevated piece of rubble, ready to fight, but waiting for your order.

Murkrow 1: 15 - (Fighting Needle), (Burned)
Tyson: 15
Murkrow 2: 14 - (Fighting Ken)
Murkrow 6: 14 - (Fighting Needle), (Not Burned, Flame Body is 1/Scene)
Zorua: 13
Raum: 12
Murkrow 3: 12 - (Fighting Tyson/Zorua),
Murkrow 5: 12 - (Fighting Cassandra/Raum/Hat)
Teeth: 11 - Not Participating
Murkrow 4: 10 - (Fighting Tyson/Zorua)
Ken: 7
Needle: 7
Cassandra: 7
Lysandra: 5 - not participating
Elliot: 5 - Not Participating
Gastly: 0 - Flinched

Initiative Resets!
Round 2!

The Murkrow that Zippo burned before being knocked out makes a pass at Needle, but the bristling spikes on the pokemon put the bird off and it misses!

Tyson has initiative!

2017-01-08, 12:41 AM
Tyson takes a step to the side and steadies himself after taking a Peck to the head. Using a free hand he quickly removes his hat and lightly tosses it so that it rests atop a large piece of rubble. Can't go getting my hat dirty. He smirks, "So now it's a two on two? Alright then, let's rumble!"

Tyson feigns launching an attack at the first Murkrow and begins to circle them moving at seemingly inhuman speed. The trainers movements are so quick there appears to be two of him.

OOC: Tyson activates Double Team

Zorua leaps at the first Murkrow (#3) leaving it with another Scratch and places itself behind Tyson after it's movement.

Attack: 19

Damage: 22

2017-01-08, 12:44 AM
Moving slowly so as to not startle it, Lys pulls out a bit of ration. Teeth eyes it with a little bit of envy as Lys holds it out for the Purrloin.

"Time's been tough for you too, eh fella?"

Squawks and caws punctuate her words. Teeth yelps and cowers close to her feet.

"Now what," Lys growls under her breath.

big teej
2017-01-08, 01:01 AM

The murkrow menacing you comes in for another peck at you, taking a piece of your shirt and your shoulder with it as it pass by you.
OOC: 24 Damage vs. DEF

The other one comes back around, perhaps having figured out Needle's spikes aren't long enough to impale itself on, it pecks at the poison type, dealing 25 damage vs. DEF


the purrloin's eyes grow as big as saucers when it sees the food, it drools all over your hand as it consumes it. it is purring loudly.

looking out at the ruined gym, the trio of trainers seem to have disturbed a group of black-feathered avian pokemon. Elliot is nowhere to be seen.

OOC: Raum has initiative

2017-01-08, 01:11 AM
"Hit it with some fire Raum," Cassandra orders before the bird can take off again.

Raum growls and liquid fire dribbles from his open mouth. He spits the red hot embers at the Murkrow.

Raum used Ember!
To Hit with Ember (http://orokos.com/roll/473271): 14
Damage (http://orokos.com/roll/473273): 29 minus Special Defense on Murkrow 5

big teej
2017-01-08, 01:26 AM

The first murkrow who came over to pick a fight with you glances at your copies and at the fox and then begins to flap harder, trying to gain altitude and get away (you can smack it with an AoO struggle if you wish)

The latter comes at you again, only to be fooled by one of your copies and fly beak first at top speed into the brick wall! it slumps to the ground, dazed. (Murkrow is Slowed and Vulnerable)


The murkrow winces in pain from the flames washing over its body, it hops down from it's rubble and across to Raum jabbing it in the noggin with it's crooked beak, dealing 25 damage vs. DEF

Ken and Needle have initative

2017-01-08, 01:40 AM
"Good thing I have a spare shirt!" Ken yells as he takes a swing at the Murkrow using his knife.

To Hit: 15 http://orokos.com/roll/473298
Damage: 20 http://orokos.com/roll/473303

Coming back down from his swing, Ken turns to Needle. "Get him again Needle!"

To Hit: 3 http://orokos.com/roll/473304

2017-01-08, 01:49 AM
Seeing a small opening, Cassandra lobs another pokeball at the dazed Gastly.

Throwing a Pokeball... Again: (http://orokos.com/roll/473307) 4

Once again, her pokeball sails wide, though she's sure she clipped a bit of its gaseous form. She stomps her foot in frustration and says some choices words that aren't quite curses. "Are you kidding me? Whatever. Reks, come on out so we can finish this."

Cassandra tosses the Nidoran's pokeball up, and Reks appears in a flash of red light. He looks around and realizes what's happening immediately. His spines raise as he takes his place at the side of the devil dog, obviously rearing to go.

big teej
2017-01-08, 01:50 AM

your blow connects solidly, but doesn't put the murkrow to flight. Meanwhile, the first one that zippo burned must have decide it's tired of the taste of poison and flies off (Needle can make an AoO Struggle if you wish)

Tyson has initiative


2017-01-08, 02:22 AM
"You're not getting away that easy!" Tyson swipes at the bird with the ninjato and connects with the dull side of the blade.

Attack: 16

Damage: 22

Seeing the other Murkrow left defenseless he calls out the the fox. "Get'em while he's down!"

Attack: 9

Damage: 33

The tiny black fox instinctively pounces on the bird and claws at it viciously. It passes over the Murkrow, flanking it with it's trainer and watches the bird intently, anticipating it's prey's next move.

big teej
2017-01-08, 02:20 PM

your wild swing catches the murkrow in the wing and sends it back to the ground, it doesn't get back up. Zorua's assault on the bird who went beak to brick with the wall shocks it back to it's senses, blood oozing from a nasty gash down it's flank, it's trying to gather itself to fly off.


scorched feathers fall away from the Murkrow as it hops away from your devil dog, apparently having zero intention of ending up flame-grilled and plucked on someone's table, it takes off, fleeing the dog (Raum can AoO struggle if you wish)

when you glance at the gastly, you see that it's disappeared completely, your two pokeballs lay in the rubble, scuffed but undamaged.

Murkrow 1: 15 - (Fighting Needle), (Burned) fleeing
Tyson: 15
Murkrow 2: 14 - (Fighting Ken)
Murkrow 6: 14 - (Fighting Needle), fleeing
Zorua: 13
Raum: 12
Murkrow 3: 12 - (Fighting Tyson/Zorua), KO'd
Murkrow 5: 12 - (Fighting Cassandra/Raum/Hat) - fleing
Teeth: 11 - Not Participating
Murkrow 4: 10 - (Fighting Tyson/Zorua) - fleeing
Gastly: 10
Ken: 7
Needle: 7
Cassandra: 7
Lysandra: 5 - not participating
Elliot: 5 - Not Participating

Ken, Needle, and Cassandra have initiative

the only murkrow who hasn't noticed that it's buddies are fleeing is the one attacking Ken.

2017-01-08, 02:34 PM
Ken stares down the Murkrow. "I'd rather not hurt you anymore than I already have." He turns to Needle, "You're up again buddy. Peck attack!"

To Hit: 13 http://orokos.com/roll/473427
Damage: 19 http://orokos.com/roll/473428

2017-01-08, 02:40 PM
"Alright Raum. One more time!" Cassandra calls out to the dog.

The Houndour once again readies the liquid fire in his mouth. The ball of flames he spits barely connects, but it's enough.

Raum uses Ember!
To Hit (http://orokos.com/roll/473403): 5, AC 2
Damage: 23 minus Special Defense.

big teej
2017-01-08, 03:24 PM

The Murkrow attempting to flee from Cassandra and Raum is overwhelmed by the spitball of flame crashing into it's chest, it topples over into the rubble, smouldering.

Needle's incessant buck-toothed pecking finally does the trick, the last murkrow squawks in panic, looking around and seeing it's the last one.

OOC: Ken and Raum can make an AoO struggle, otherwise the final murkrow flees the battle.

the echoes of the struggle fade away into the surrounding alleys, and the same eerie quiet descends upon the rubble of Giovanni's gym once more.

Oak's assistant appears on top of one of the walls, a tape measure in one hand, notepad in the other, and muttering to himself. Most of the rubble shows various indications of.... , interesting.... the blast radius is far in excess of... this is truly fascinating... nothing like this in the original reports... easily reaching temperatures of.... but nothing fits there, it's simply missing.... He does not seem to have noticed the skirmish.

each trainer gains 31 XP to divide among their participating pokemon in any manner they wish.

2017-01-08, 03:39 PM
"Needle that was awesome!" Ken exclaims as he picks up the Nidoran, being careful of the spines. "We need to get Zippo taken care of though real quick. you deserve a good rest." Needle appears to be enjoying the time out of the Pokeball, opting to stay out while Ken tends to Zippo. He gives Needle a potion to bring up his health some more.

Turning around to face his new friends. "Are you guys alright? I'm sorry about that!" He places his knife back in the sheath behind his back. "I'm going to go back to the Pokemon Center and have Zippo taken care of." Ken waits to make sure everyone is in one piece before heading back to the center.

2017-01-08, 06:47 PM
Cassandra looks longingly at the spot she last saw the Gastly. She sighs, and pets both Raum and Reks. "You guys did a great job."

They follow her over to the newest addition of their group. "Are you okay Ken?"? She asks. "Just don't... do that again," she says with a small smile. "Raum needs healing too, and I'm sure Tyson's Zorua does as well. It would be a little crazy to go into Viridian Forest with injured pokemon."

2017-01-08, 07:04 PM
"Yeah I'm good, now I know why most people leave Murkrow alone." Ken looks around to make sure they flew off. "Oh this is Needle! Not as big as Reks but still tough." He smiles towards the Nidoran.

Needle keeps a watch over the trainers, and looks at Reks. "Maybe these two were part of a pack?" Ken muses. "And promise. Yeah the forest is going to be crazy as is."

On the walk back to the Center, Ken will ask his friends, "So any specific Pokemon you guys interested in finding?" Needle keeps right beside Ken the entire walk until he has to return to his Pokeball for healing.

2017-01-08, 07:23 PM
As the last Murkrow takes off Tyson looses a sigh as he resheathes the ninjato and places it back into his bag. "That was unexpected..."

Zorua growls as it watches the black bird flies away. It's eyes fixed on the sky. "Easy now little guy, they won't be bothering us any time soon.", he reassures the fox. I think. "You did great for your first fight!"

Tyson takes several steps and picks up his Zorua, nuzzling it, receiving several licks in return. "Let's get you patched up 'kay?" He walks over to his hat and places it back onto his head.

When he hears Ken call out he responds, "Yeah! We're alright. How are you guys holdin' up?"

Overhearing the muttering of Oak's Aide, Tyson will call out. "Yo! You on the wall! Yeah you! How long have you been there?" his tone more curious than angry.

OOC: The assistant's response will determine my next course of action.

big teej
2017-01-09, 10:54 AM

The guy in the lab coat stops scribbling and turns to face you, the sun catches his glasses and makes them opaque. He frowns and hoists up his sleeve and consults his watch. "Elapsed time of studies, closest approximation of course, is.... Nine minutes, 37 seconds... I have likely tarried here long enough, I informed my colleague, err, companion, that this would not be a delay. He sighs. "perhaps later."

The notepad and the tape measure disappear and the boy hangs and drops into the rubble. He lands and crumples onto his keester. oof... not as easy as they make it appear.

He doesn't seem any worse for wear, he picks himself up and dusts himself off, puts his hands in his pockets, and saunters across the rubble pile towards the gate.

2017-01-09, 12:58 PM
Tyson looks on in confusion, his Zorua's head tilted in a state of curiosity. The two look on as the... scientist? Yeah, scientist, descends from the falling as he does so.

Who is this guy? He looks... familiar?

"Hey, don't just walk away! I'm not finished yet!"

He quickly moves across the debris to cutting the scientist off. Tyson now stands a few yards away from the man. "So you're telling me you've been here for ten minutes and didn't even bother to help when the Murkrow attacked?"

big teej
2017-01-09, 02:06 PM
Cassandra and Ken:

Reks glares at the smaller nidoran, it's quills raising and oozing a treacly purple sludge.

Needle shifts slightly, placing Ken's leg between him and the bully.


He looks at you, a confused expression screwing up his features. "As I'd just explained, I was busy studying the remains of the gym, unless sufficiently provoked, murkrow pose little threat to humans, and most importantly, I had no meaningful way of coming to your assistance. Now if you'll excuse me, I see my colleague is in the process of acquiring a new specimen, and I would be lax in my duties not to give such a malnourished creature a proper examination."

He attempts to go around you, his expression and posture have not changed.

2017-01-09, 02:25 PM
Watching the two Nidoran, Ken kneels down to pat Needle's head. "Oh yeah they look like they know each other. It's ok buddy, they're friends now." He looks over at Cassandra, Reks, and Raum. "Well those two are really nice and friendly." He says with a smile pointing at the Oracle and devil dog.

Hearing Tyson arguing with someone, Ken will walk over. "Not this guy's fault, I stirred them up without thinking. This is on me." Ken looks down at Zippo's cherish ball then back up. "I'm sorry for that."

Ken looks at the scientist. "Are you alright?"