View Full Version : Pathfinder Claiming a Tower

2016-09-12, 03:22 PM
In my most recent session of Pathfinder, my party found the tower of a long dead wizard that they had been searching for. They found it in relatively good shape, not dilapidated but it was weathered and covered in ivy with the front gate doors busted down. They found a tribe of goblins living inside who they cleared out, an a huge bunch of treasure and alchemical supplies (worth quite a bit). They decided that it would take several trips with a donkey and wagon to bring back everything to the city but when they did they would want to use the gold to fix up the tower and make it their stronghold.

I was quite excited by this as I thought it was a cool idea. I looked up some of the Pathfinder rules for building a stronghold but they didn't seem quite right as the tower is already built, it simply needs to be repaired, fortified and stocked with supplies. Also I have no idea how much labor would cost if they decided to hire some. Anyone have any ideas for this? Its a 4 floor tower. Thanks

2016-09-12, 03:49 PM
You could try to get hold of the Stronghold Builder's Guide for 3.0
Not exactly compatible with Ucam but does include detailed prices for buildings and labor.
The easier version is to just determine how ruined the tower is in terms of percentages and require that much of the base cost. E.g. the Caster's Tower costs 4750 gp (sounds very cheap to me) and is half ruined, so you need 2375 gp to fix it up to working condition.

2016-09-12, 04:07 PM
I guess Ultimate Campaign, a "Core" Pathfinder book, will answer your questions. On the following link (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateCampaign/downtime/buildingsAndOrganizations.html), you will find the price and time to build any kind of building (for the present case, maybe caster tower). To repair, just ask them to spend half the building cost, either in gp or in influence. The downtime rules are quite nice, and can deepen the involvement of your players.

2016-09-12, 04:08 PM
That seems like a good idea. The tower is not in too bad of shape but is old and weathered. I think I'll leave it up to the PCs on how much they really want to fix up and fortify it. If they just end up getting a new big double door with a big iron bar and call it a day then thats fine with me. Ill try to get my hands on that supplement thanks.

2016-09-12, 04:19 PM
Ultimate Campaign page 90 has the rule for repairing "broken" rooms - half the cost.
Page 93 has the rule for upgrading rooms, which includes a note on changing them with the DM's permission.
Page 77 has the rule for gaining capital, which includes labor, as well as for purchasing it outright rather than "earning" it using the entire downtime system.
(Yes, you have to search for the specific rules for everything, in different sections.)

If you have it, Dragon #333 had rules for refurbishing a ruined house that the PCs cleared in the first installment of the Age of Worms AP, which included information on paying for labor.

2016-09-12, 05:13 PM
Make Whole (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/m/make-whole) is a hell of a drug. If the gates are still there but damaged/destroyed, then if it's within the volume limit, this spell will fix them. Greater Make Whole heals even more, but, honestly, the weight limitation is a lot worse than the cubic volume limitation in the majority of cases.

Hammer of Mending (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/h/hammer-of-mending) is also a nice mention as if they're sufficiently high level, or buy a scroll, and gather up everything into one area, they can fix an awful lot of it since it repairs a minimum of 9d6 damage.

Otherwise, if they don't have access to those spells, I'd say they either have to use craft to mundanely repair the gates(or pay a craftsman to do it, as per the Broken condition) or just buy new gates and then spend 10% of the cost of the tower to get it in working order where it's still functional(such as a barracks where the only problem is cleaning the room and replacing the linens and mattresses) and the full cost where they basically have to replace everything (such as a destroyed library)

2016-09-13, 07:20 AM
The quick and dirty way is to charge them 500 gp to have local craftsmen repair all non-structural damage, and fit the place up with common quality furniture.
1500 gp gets them nice good quality items and some art.
6000 gp gets them something akin to royal quarters.

I just made these numbers up, YMMV.

Decide if you want to play it close to the set rules, or just make something up and move along.

Note: Maybe give them a trustworthy npc butler to take care of the place when they are away, and manage all the small details. (and to give out quests, and be taken hostage etc.)