View Full Version : Binder build

2016-09-12, 08:22 PM
So finally able to be a player in a game, and I wanted to play something that was a good bit different than usual, so I was thinking binder/soul weaver (spheres of power)/anima mage. I was going to go a good bit into the death sphere to get a decent sized army. I know I'll be taking practiced spellcaster and improved binding at some point, but not really sure when I should do that. If you were to play this combination, how would you build it?

I'd like to be more of a support character than "I win the game on my own" character. The other players are a treant necromancy, and a minotaur barbarian. I was hoping to get a lot of synergy with both of them.

Most books are allowed, 3.p game.

The Viscount
2016-09-13, 02:14 PM
I'm not familiar with what Soul Weaver is, so I can't help you too much in that department, but I can help with binder.

When to take improved binding is as soon as you can. Jumping up in vestige level is very helpful, because some vestiges who are OK when they are granted regularly get notably better when granted 2 levels earlier. Ignore special requirement is a pretty good feat to get (since several vestiges have highly difficult or irritating requirements), I'd nab it from binders bonus feat if you take enough levels of it.

Definitions of support vary, of course, but the primary thing is to identify gaps in the party and fill them. Does the party need healing? Buer gives bottomless healing. Does your party need spying? Malphas makes no risk reliable spying/scouting.

The important part of being a binder, especially in a support role, is knowing fully your vestiges and their capabilities. In addition to the vestiges in Tome of Magic, there is one in Dragon Magic (Ashardalon) who may have some uses but I don't care for personally.
There are two vestiges in this web enhancement (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20070307a) that add some use and are pretty fun.
This article (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/dd/20060407a) has the obscure but quite useful Vanus, mostly for that FoM effect.
There are three psionic vestiges (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20070119a) but pretty much only the Triad is worth binding if you want to do something with exotic weapons.
Finally, for completeness, this article (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/frcc/20070718) has the mighty Zceryll. Use caution when using Zceryll if you bind her, because she is intensely powerful and can overshadow. Nonetheless, access to all the SLAs from summons adds lots of usefulness.

For fast reference Crake has made this great list (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?358392-The-new-quick-vestige-list) which has every vestige, including the ones above, and a breakdown of their abilities.

2016-09-13, 09:53 PM
Class can be found here (http://spheresofpower.wikidot.com/soul-weaver) if it makes any difference.

2016-09-14, 01:15 AM
If you're playing a PF game why not use the pathfinder 'binder' from Radiant house? I was a backer so I know the book is out... And it absolutely rules

2016-09-14, 04:14 AM
The rule we play with is if there's a 3.5 version of a class, that's what is used with a few notable exceptions (fighter, unchained monk, unchained rogue).