View Full Version : Two Questions

2016-09-13, 12:07 AM
Is using Wish to cast a spell to have its effect be as if it was cast at a higher spell slot up to 8th level a legal/safe use of Wish?

Does a Dragon Sorcerer with Elemental Affinity had to have a cast a spell of his element before spending a sorcery point to gain resistance because of "at the same time", or are those words just vernacular to mean "you also get" the ability to spend the point whenever you want?

2016-09-13, 02:49 AM
These are probably both DM's calls, but here's how I'd rule...

Is using Wish to cast a spell to have its effect be as if it was cast at a higher spell slot up to 8th level a legal/safe use of Wish?

I'd allow it, and probably let it be 'safe' as long as you weren't being a total munchkin about it. My reasoning is that other things that let you cast spells often specify what level the spell is (e.g. MM11: "and innate spell of 1st level or higher is always cast at its lowest possible level") whereas Wish doesn't have any clause like that. And it just makes sense to me that you'd be able to replicate juiced-up spells with it.

Does a Dragon Sorcerer with Elemental Affinity had to have a cast a spell of his element before spending a sorcery point to gain resistance because of "at the same time", or are those words just vernacular to mean "you also get" the ability to spend the point whenever you want?

I read it as the former; you can only spend the sorcery point if you've added the damage bonus. I can see what you mean with the other interpretation, but I doubt many people would read it that way at first glance, so you'd have an uphill struggle trying to convince a DM of it.

2016-09-13, 02:53 AM
Is using Wish to cast a spell to have its effect be as if it was cast at a higher spell slot up to 8th level a legal/safe use of Wish?

Probably. Wish is pretty DM dependent though. Sounds safe. Be careful with your wording though ;)

Does a Dragon Sorcerer with Elemental Affinity had to have a cast a spell of his element before spending a sorcery point to gain resistance because of "at the same time", or are those words just vernacular to mean "you also get" the ability to spend the point whenever you want?

Spend a point with the casting of the spell = gain resistance.

2016-09-13, 12:35 PM
Ok, thanks.

2016-09-13, 02:20 PM
Wish safely lets you cast a spell of 8th level or lower without material components. A lightning bolt cast with an 8th level slot is an 8th level spell. By my interpretation that appears to be RAW.

My interpretation of the sorcerer ability is you cast a spell of that element and spend a sorcery point at the same time. That's why I just cast a Firebolt at a rock if necessary. I wouldn't insist on make a player do that though. Seems silly.