View Full Version : The worst part about the new buffed beast ranger...

2016-09-13, 01:01 AM
It's only a matter of time before people begin naming their ape companions Harambe.

2016-09-13, 01:42 AM
if you gave even one person reading this thread the idea, i would have to change your alignment to CE

2016-09-13, 08:21 AM
My girlfriend always plays a ranger and she's obsessed with that meme. SAVE ME.

2016-09-13, 08:29 AM
It's only fair, he died for all of us! :P

Elite Hatter
2016-09-13, 08:31 AM
Did you guys hear about the naming contest at the Chinese zoo for the baby gorilla?

2016-09-13, 09:21 AM
I am still undecided if calling it Gawrila, Shimpanidze or Aaron Gutan.

2016-09-13, 09:31 AM
I am still undecided if calling it Gawrila, Shimpanidze or Aaron Gutan. Aaron Gutan would be my suggestion.

2016-09-13, 09:36 AM
Caesar, Milo, or Aldo.

Then eventually your enemies will be screaming "Get your hands off me you [expletive] dirty ape!"

2016-09-13, 11:51 AM
I must be old. I figured everyone would make Any Which Way But Loose builds and try to figure out the best way to pick up tool proficiency (land vehicles).

2016-09-13, 01:31 PM
Did you guys hear about the naming contest at the Chinese zoo for the baby gorilla?

Harambe McHarambeface?

2016-09-13, 01:35 PM
Harambe McHarambeface?

That name was actually not used by the zoo.

2016-09-14, 09:10 AM
Is it cruel that i think that the best thing that Ape could have do is die? (I mean... most likely thanks to it the other animals or the zoo are getting more attention -cause the media is all over the place, etc...- )

2016-09-14, 09:28 AM
Aaron Gutan would be my suggestion.

A Jew Ape shall be.

2016-09-14, 06:48 PM
I must be old. I figured everyone would make Any Which Way But Loose builds and try to figure out the best way to pick up tool proficiency (land vehicles).

It's a funny movie, but if anyone ever mentions what happened the the orangutan who worked on those films trust me, it will kill whatever buzz you have in the room.

2016-09-14, 07:06 PM
My girlfriend always plays a ranger and she's obsessed with that meme. SAVE ME.

Get rid of her, she isn't worth it.

2016-09-14, 07:13 PM
Grodd, like seriously Grodd. Either that or Ultra-Humanite
Edit: Or Marvel's Gorilla-Man, or even Overwatch's Winston :P

2016-09-14, 07:40 PM
It's only a matter of time before people begin naming their ape companions Harambe.

I'm running a 3.5e game right now with an Arcane Heirophant (druid/wizard) whose now-super-intelligent ape is named Grodd. If that weren't enough, I made the mistake of letting him commission a custom amulet that has a continual Speak With Animals spell, so now the bloody thing can talk.

2016-09-14, 08:06 PM
Why is no one bringing this one up?

Wood elf beastmaster ranger with the Mobile and Crossbow expert feats, dual wielding hand crossbows weaving in and out of combat dealing chip damage.

Your gorilla companion puts all his ASI's in Int. Refluff the rock throw as an arcane blast.

Tracer and Winston.

Bonus points if you get your DM to let Winston take the Magic Initiate feat for Shield, Shocking Grasp, and another wizard cantrip.

Bonus points if you speak in an obnoxious British accent.

2016-09-14, 09:02 PM
Why is no one bringing this one up?

Wood elf beastmaster ranger with the Mobile and Crossbow expert feats, dual wielding hand crossbows weaving in and out of combat dealing chip damage.

Your gorilla companion puts all his ASI's in Int. Refluff the rock throw as an arcane blast.

Tracer and Winston.

Bonus points if you get your DM to let Winston take the Magic Initiate feat for Shield, Shocking Grasp, and another wizard cantrip.

Bonus points if you speak in an obnoxious British accent.

Winston has no range though, he is all melee range cause telsa nonsense.

2016-09-14, 11:07 PM
Why is no one bringing this one up?

Tracer and Winston.

Oh, I'd go with Smith and Wesson. ;)

2016-09-15, 01:04 AM
So now that we have a more mechanically interesting ranger, I want to explore some of the options that we have, starting with beast companions, for those who decide to follow that path

For me it's pretty simple: if i want to build a ranged ranger, get an ape. it throws rocks, and has a +5 to attack rolls out the gate. You lose value on the 5th level feature if your plan is to have both sit back and do ranged attacks, but it's still fine to have Harambe run in while you shoot arrows from the back row. For a melee build, a wolf would probably take the cake, dealing significant damage by having advantage basically all the time, while my PC would probably dual wield for an extra swing. I know, dual wielding is soooooooo bad, but it's the best damage you'd get for a melee dex fighter.

ha ha #JumpOffABridge4Harambe

2016-09-15, 01:50 AM
It's a funny movie, but if anyone ever mentions what happened the the orangutan who worked on those films trust me, it will kill whatever buzz you have in the room.

If it did happen it wasn't to the orangutan from Any Which Way but Loose. It would have been the one from the sequel who doed of cerebral hemorage shortly after filming the movie.

It is also possible that the information about its death is misinformation, because while ot did die, I haven't been able to find actual information about the circumstances that may have lead to the CoD.

2016-09-15, 08:24 AM
It is also possible that the information about its death is misinformation, because while ot did die, I haven't been able to find actual information about the circumstances that may have lead to the CoD. The more inane of the animal activism sorts have never let facts get in the way of their preferred narrative.

Back to the topic: it seems to me that the weapons proficiency fit for a primate or simian companion is a missile weapon mechanic for flinging poo (http://www.flamewarriorsguide.com/warriorshtm/howlers.htm).

Shining Wrath
2016-09-15, 05:15 PM
The more inane of the animal activism sorts have never let facts get in the way of their preferred narrative.

Back to the topic: it seems to me that the weapons proficiency fit for a primate or simian companion is a missile weapon mechanic for flinging poo (http://www.flamewarriorsguide.com/warriorshtm/howlers.htm).

Clearly the poo atl-atl is waiting to be invented by a Gnome Beastmaster.

2016-09-15, 07:01 PM
Clearly the poo atl-atl is waiting to be invented by a Gnome Beastmaster.

An atl atl is to simplistic for a gnome. It would be a miniature poo auto firing arm mounted catapult that also serves icecream. The health concerns were only latter realized.

2016-09-16, 11:59 AM
If it did happen it wasn't to the orangutan from Any Which Way but Loose. It would have been the one from the sequel who doed of cerebral hemorage shortly after filming the movie.

It is also possible that the information about its death is misinformation, because while ot did die, I haven't been able to find actual information about the circumstances that may have lead to the CoD.

Huh. I knew the beating happened in the sequel, but did not know it was a different Orangutang.

As for sources, the earliest I could find was a Mother Jones article (http://m.motherjones.com/politics/1997/01/animal-celebrities-its-jungle-out-there) from 1997 which gives specific details about the company which managed Clyde, Gentle Jungle, and the fact that the company had been under investigation for animal mistreatment.

Googling "Gentle Jungle" brought up an excerpt from "Visions of Caliban: On Chimpanzees and People" which, among other stories of animals in Hollywood, goes into great detail (https://books.google.ca/books?id=-CvJnqkHaAYC&pg=PA145&lpg=PA145&dq=%22gentle+jungle%22+any+which+way+you+can&source=bl&ots=DCljmITqOM&sig=p58vx3BJE8qIGUczbV_-vCpw7v0&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj_yKW-qZTPAhXGJx4KHePjCGMQ6AEIJDAE#v=onepage&q=%22gentle%20jungle%22%20any%20which%20way%20you% 20can&f=false) on the incident, giving the names of the trainers involved and their testimony on how it happened.

The story definitely went through the game of "Internet telephone" over the years, but I think it's safe to say that an orangutang got killed by his trainers.

2016-09-16, 12:52 PM
Grodd, like seriously Grodd. Either that or Ultra-Humanite
Edit: Or Marvel's Gorilla-Man, or even Overwatch's Winston :P



2016-09-16, 01:23 PM
It's only a matter of time before people begin naming their ape companions Harambe.

If that's the worst part, then this is the best class ever created for any edition of D&D, hands down.

2016-10-15, 10:39 PM
I must be old. I figured everyone would make Any Which Way But Loose builds and try to figure out the best way to pick up tool proficiency (land vehicles).This oldtimer saw it in the theatre, and I also saw "Every Which Way You Can", as well.
I also don't who (or what) Harambe, Tracer and Winston are (and I'm afraid to find out).

2016-10-15, 11:09 PM
Halfling riding their ape, get some ape barding... Master Blaster

2016-10-15, 11:13 PM
Halfling riding their ape, get some ape barding... Master Blaster
I got that reference!.

2016-10-16, 10:03 PM
Richards out for Harambe.

2016-10-19, 11:36 AM
This oldtimer saw it in the theatre, and I also saw "Every Which Way You Can", as well.
I also don't who (or what) Harambe, Tracer and Winston are (and I'm afraid to find out).

Long story short: Tracer and Winston are characters from the inexplicably popular new game Overwatch, Blizzard's first original franchise since World of Warcraft. Harambe was the name of a gorilla which panicked when a young child fell into his enclosure at the zoo, began beating the child, and was shot. Both are common internet memes at the moment.

2016-10-20, 10:21 AM
Long story short: Tracer and Winston are characters from the inexplicably popular new game Overwatch, Blizzard's first original franchise since World of Warcraft. Harambe was the name of a gorilla which panicked when a young child fell into his enclosure at the zoo, began beating the child, and was shot. Both are common internet memes at the moment.Thanks!!!!!!

2016-10-20, 11:03 AM
People that hate on the Harambe meme don't get it.

The point is that, with all these "manufactured outrage" articles being produced by the news today, you had people get mad about Cecil the Lion (the one on the nature reserve that got killed by a rich white guy) and then forget about it two weeks later. The Harambe meme isn't just about a gorilla, or making light of an animal being slain. It's about the attention span of America these days, it's about the 2-week news cycle and how you can do something completely outrageous, but people will forget about it within 3 months. The animals are just an example - but I'm not going to use any political examples or anything like that. Just fill in the blank with any moral outrage you want, and think about how long it was until you and/or most of the people you know forgot about it. Did you ever hear any resolution, or did you only hear about the moral outrage & then the media allowed you to forget about it?

There's also some BLM & racist undertones, but I fear I'm already talking about the real world too much so I'm gonna let you draw your own conclusions there.

Basically, in my opinion, Harambe is a poignant satire of people's memory span these days, and that's why the meme has lasted for so long. In my opinion, people who dismiss it or are tired of it fall into that pool.

2016-10-20, 03:30 PM
Ranger's couldn't have Ape companions... back when Harmabe was alive. :smallcool:

2016-10-20, 06:39 PM
People that hate on the Harambe meme don't get it.

The point is that, with all these "manufactured outrage" articles being produced by the news today, you had people get mad about Cecil the Lion (the one on the nature reserve that got killed by a rich white guy) and then forget about it two weeks later. The Harambe meme isn't just about a gorilla, or making light of an animal being slain. It's about the attention span of America these days, it's about the 2-week news cycle and how you can do something completely outrageous, but people will forget about it within 3 months. The animals are just an example - but I'm not going to use any political examples or anything like that. Just fill in the blank with any moral outrage you want, and think about how long it was until you and/or most of the people you know forgot about it. Did you ever hear any resolution, or did you only hear about the moral outrage & then the media allowed you to forget about it?

There's also some BLM & racist undertones, but I fear I'm already talking about the real world too much so I'm gonna let you draw your own conclusions there.

Basically, in my opinion, Harambe is a poignant satire of people's memory span these days, and that's why the meme has lasted for so long. In my opinion, people who dismiss it or are tired of it fall into that pool.

So, it's true irony - Harambe memes exist to show that Americans are short sighted, and yet the memes linger on in perpetuity... is it the exception that proves the rule, or are hipsters finally becoming relevant?

2016-10-20, 07:00 PM
Long story short: Tracer and Winston are characters from the inexplicably popular new game Overwatch, Blizzard's first original franchise since World of Warcraft. Harambe was the name of a gorilla which panicked when a young child fell into his enclosure at the zoo, began beating the child, and was shot. Both are common internet memes at the moment.

1) The inexplicable term you're looking for is called "Fun".

2) Harambe didn't beat the child in question, but the possibility of harm was deemed too great to take the risk of using sedatives and then having to wait for them to take effect, hence the use of lethal force. If a gorilla hit an adult human, it would at the very least break bones, if it hit a child even once it would, unquestionably, kill them.

2016-10-20, 08:58 PM
Long story short: Tracer and Winston are characters from the inexplicably popular new game Overwatch, Blizzard's first original franchise since World of Warcraft. Harambe was the name of a gorilla which panicked when a young child fell into his enclosure at the zoo, began beating the child, and was shot. Both are common internet memes at the moment.

World of Warcraft is an original franchise?

2016-10-20, 09:36 PM
A Jew Ape shall be.
Does he have a bat like Inglorious Bastards?

2016-10-21, 10:52 AM
World of Warcraft is an original franchise?

An Original franchise, with a lot of taken ideas, that's mostly how it works

2016-10-21, 10:55 AM
People that hate on the Harambe meme don't get it.

The point is that, with all these "manufactured outrage" articles being produced by the news today, you had people get mad about Cecil the Lion (the one on the nature reserve that got killed by a rich white guy) and then forget about it two weeks later. The Harambe meme isn't just about a gorilla, or making light of an animal being slain. It's about the attention span of America these days, it's about the 2-week news cycle and how you can do something completely outrageous, but people will forget about it within 3 months. The animals are just an example - but I'm not going to use any political examples or anything like that. Just fill in the blank with any moral outrage you want, and think about how long it was until you and/or most of the people you know forgot about it. Did you ever hear any resolution, or did you only hear about the moral outrage & then the media allowed you to forget about it?

There's also some BLM & racist undertones, but I fear I'm already talking about the real world too much so I'm gonna let you draw your own conclusions there.

Basically, in my opinion, Harambe is a poignant satire of people's memory span these days, and that's why the meme has lasted for so long. In my opinion, people who dismiss it or are tired of it fall into that pool.

The problem is that it is not used with that in mind, its just used for the sake of it without any meaning behind (that's why its annoying) but yeah, you're right, anything can be easily forgotten or, to be more precise, ignored, cause its not like people don't remmember, is just that is not relevant anymore for them

2016-10-21, 11:07 AM
An Original franchise, with a lot of taken ideas, that's mostly how it works

I think he was more referring to the original Warcraft RTS games being the original one, making that Overwatch statement not accurate. A more apt statement would've been "the first original game since Starcraft" since that came after both Diablo & Warcraft.

But yes, you are correct... Many (if not most) of the themes & plots used in World of Warcraft are taken from other media. Like Arthas, his story is basically identical to Darth Vader, for instance. And Icecrown (the seat of the Lich Kings power) is essentially Mordor but with snow, and his citadel looks almost exactly like Barad-Dur

2016-10-21, 11:47 AM
The problem is that it is not used with that in mind, its just used for the sake of it without any meaning behind (that's why its annoying) but yeah, you're right, anything can be easily forgotten or, to be more precise, ignored, cause its not like people don't remmember, is just that is not relevant anymore for them

Indeed. The supposed point of news media is to bring new information to the masses and, much as we may loathe to acknowledge it, reminding everyone of an animal rights case without any compelling updates is not news, it is "olds". Lighting the fire under people's butts for further investigation to make it "news" again is not in that mission. The information was released, it is up to the public and interested organizations to follow up on it.

2016-10-21, 12:05 PM
Indeed. The supposed point of news media is to bring new information to the masses and, much as we may loathe to acknowledge it, reminding everyone of an animal rights case without any compelling updates is not news, it is "olds". Lighting the fire under people's butts for further investigation to make it "news" again is not in that mission. The information was released, it is up to the public and interested organizations to follow up on it.

But it's not that they're supposed to keep mentioning Harambe every day. It's the fact that they capitalize and encourage outrage, and never offer any resolution.

Sure you could go and probably find out what happened later if you go search for it, but the way that the 2-week news cycle works, you wouldn't hear about it unless you went out of your way. Does anyone know what the results of the Harambe outrage was? Did anyone lose their job? Did they pay reparations to the worldwide gorilla fund? Or did the zoo just wait until people STFU about it and then move on with their lives? That's the point.

And regardless of whether you think the media is acting correctly by getting all their money reporting on sensationalism rather than giving you a full story, the meme also is calling out the attention span of the every day person. You're being constantly reminded of Harambe to point out your own inadequacy - the fact that you will go on facebook & talk about how terrible it is that an animal was slain, and then within 2 weeks you don't give a damn. That's not to say that people can't feel outrage without having to go and become a full-time activist against it (or anything, for that matter) but if all you do is get caught up in clickbait & manufactured outrage, then you're part of the problem.