View Full Version : DM Help Pre-Gen Campaigns

2016-09-13, 01:21 AM
Sorry if this has been done over and over but I will be first time DM for an experienced group. I was hoping to find an interesting but quick pre generated campaign with high level characters. At least 15 with a good range of classes.
Preferably something with zombies but anything is fine.
Also approx a 4-5 hour campaign
Needed for this weekend. Thanks.

2016-09-13, 02:30 AM
4-5hr campaign?! I think you're looking for an adventure.
At that point, I'd just cut-copy-paste an adventure from the end of one of the official campaigns, like Hoard. Give them a quick'n'dirty rundown of what's up so far, hand out any items they'd be assumed to have collected, and then roll off.