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2016-09-13, 06:30 PM
The ground rumbles beneath the feet of the citizens of Iaun, the city once called Dytar. The young look to the ground in puzzlement, then look up in bewilderment as their elders pour into the streets, carrying their most prized possessions and dragging the infirm behind them. Then the earthquake hits, buckling the cobblestone street, toppling wooden structures left and right, and knocking anyone standing off their feet. It was the first quake to hit the city in 36 years. And compared to the effects of the ones that rocked every other city on the continent, it was remarkably tame.
A letter arrives. The parchment it is written on is of exceptionally high quality, creamy and thick. It was delivered to its intended recipient by messenger boys, small animals, and in one case carried only by the wind, but it arrived intact nonetheless. Its noble seal, glimmering with arcane magics, is one you all immediately recognize as that of an old ally in a high station. Featuring a stylized wren atop a falcon, it belongs to an elven nobleman named Silvaeus who fought alongside you in the rebellion, supplying and organizing its efforts until its final victory. And now he summons you to his side once again, to his manor in Iaun, for what he calls only 'a matter of grave importance'.

2016-09-13, 07:37 PM
Ossian "Ox" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=941366) So the time has come again! Fetch me Rocinante! What? That horse there, Rocinante! It's Rocinante if I say it is! Never you mind, I'll be gone as long as I'll be gone!
Where is the box? No not that one the box! Well get that tapestry off! Yes, I'll need provisions! What? Um... a weeks worth? No that's not when I'm coming back. As many days as they've stars in the night sky than, or as many as they are fools in this house! Don't gawk, help me with the Greaves! Yes I'm really going!
Goodbye, um....you.
Ossian "Ox" (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=941366) with "Rocinante", loaded for travel and war heads out.
An odd sight, of an old man armored like a lord ready for a tourney, yet wearing a broad brimed straw hat like a peasant to shield his eyes from the setting sun, riding alone on a horse with a shovel and iron pot fastened next to the lances, as the stars just start to come out.
Ossian's (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=941366) mutterings swing between what sounds like soft prayers and curses. Well you have enough of "Roc" in ye, and the time for new friends is past, so Rocinante ye be.
With this promise keeping, they may be some familiar faces again, and maybe at last the time to see Ma, Pa, and Gwen.
Now how did it go?
Lady of many faces,
smile on those who share your favor,
grant the harvest to those who toil for it,
beauty to those who've seen little,
comfort to the afflicted,
peace to those that need it,
war to those that bring it,
and give rest to to the Queen!

2016-09-13, 08:14 PM
The ape grabs the letter out of the claws of the eagle, looking at it upside down. She hoots excitedly, and flings herself into the branches, deeper into the warm swamp. She knows the way, flinging herself from four meters up into an upright hollow log, sliding down feet first into the warm, dark cave below. She hoots again, brandishing the letter at the prone, raggedy shape on the ground. With a grumble, the shape stands up, plucking the letter from her foot.

"A letter, Jhilla?" Ge asks the ape quizzically, looking it over. "Ah, from him? The elf? Thank you, you may go now." The man pulls at the tangles of his white, dirty beard, looking at the letter. "Hmmm. So, together again? Hopefully not."

Seconds later, Jhilla watches as the horse-sized condor wings it's way over the treetops of the swamp, towards wherever it's destination may be.

2016-09-13, 11:15 PM
Hrothgar licked his lips, but failed to moisten them. He was staring blankly at the letter in his stubby fingers, the young acolyte looking on in confusion. Send for a carriage, Jerrod. And take my armor to the smithy to get it refitted. You know my measurements. The acolyte nodded, but his confusion didn't go away as he rushed off to follow his instructions. Hrothgar hiked up his breeches under his vestments. With a determined glare, he waddled as fast as he could to his private quarters.

He deliberated for a while on what was appropriate to wear. Should he wait for his armor to be refitted? Or would that be goash? He ultimately decided his finest vestments, though without all the filigree, would be best. He went to work fixing his appearence, a habit he vaguely noted was not the norm till only a few decades ago. He was dimly aware of how much he's changed in what seemed like such a short time. A sense of unease sat like a stone on the back of his mind and fought the urge to simply shut himself and pretending he didn't receive the letter.

As he shoved himself into the carriage, sucking in to fit through the door. He mentally chided himself for his figure, but ultimately he wouldn't change his ways. Unless this clandestined meeting changed that. He hated leaving his temple after the earthquake. He was organizing the repairs and even dusted off his own tools for the smaller fixes. He searched through his robes and vestments till he came upon a small, white stone. He brought it to his lips, through his carefully trimmed beard, and whispered into it.

Patience, did you receive a letter from Silvaeus?

2016-09-14, 12:54 AM
The sleeping man's openmouthed snoring was disturbed when a letter carried by the wind found it's way right into his gaping maw.
"GAH!" *cough* *splutter* "What in blazes...!?" He exclaimed, flailing around and jumping up jerkily as he was jolted out of dreamland. Pulling the crumpled letter out of his mouth, he glared at it for a moment. "Can't a man fall into a booze addled sleep without being assaulted by errant lit'rature anymore?..." He mumbled, his gaze going around before settling on the small cave's other inhabitant, a very mortified-looking cavebear nursing a large bump on it's forehead.
The man tore the letter open and started reading it, slowly and with every word being mouthed under his breath as he fought his way through basic grammar. His reading was occasionally disrupted by his grumpy comments about unnecesessary flowery bullcrap and overuse of useless platitudes.
After a while of glaring at the reading man, the Bear eventuelle let out a strangled sound, somewhere inbetween an annoyed growl and a sad whine. It wanted the smelly old manthing out of it's Cave.
"Ah, quit yer bellyachin', you oversized bundle of mittens! I'm leavin' now. You just be happy I weren't feeling frisky last night! T'wouldn't be the first time I got drunk and sired a halfbreed that weren't meant to be..." The old man growled right back, before getting up with a grunt and staggering out of the cave. The Bear pressed itself against the wall as he walked by. While it did not understand human growlings, it's instincts Warned it quite clearly that whatever He'd said, it was highly unpleasant.

As he got outside the old man squinted in the morning light, silently cursing the Sun for being so bright. As he started walking his old body filled with more and more anticipation as he thought about what the stuffy elf's crisis could be. "Well, even if it turns out to be nuthin', I can always raid his larders. Good eatin's to be had in the capital..." He said happily as he walked down the road, his old body full of energy for the first time in years, and his long white Beard almost dragging along the ground.

Prince Zahn
2016-09-14, 06:56 AM
Patience, did you receive a letter from Silvaeus? "Yes, I received a letter from the snake in the grass who needs us to chew his meat for him. I'm going, see you there." Patience replied while packing her things, well accustomed over to being grouchy within the 25 words limit of her sending stone. She had little respect for Silvaeus, as they argued several times over the years, most recently when she first discovered Silvaeus was a vegetarian during the 30th anniversary of Iaun's liberation, when her guild was in charge of the catering. Now THAT was a disaster if there ever was one.

"Lady Patience, please reconsider–" Millennya, the caretaker, implored the aging tiefling.
"I'm going, Mill, the Natushim need me to do this for them... And even more so, I need to do this for me. "
"Well, if you must go, my lady, then...then I'm going with you." Millennya resolved. " after all, you'll need somebody to take care of you, when you need help getting up, or to cook your meals, to be cleaned up, or–"
"Alright, alright! You can go! pack your things quickly and I'll meet you downstairs..."
Thank you, my lady, you won't regret this!" Millennya rushed downstairs to prepare for the journey to the capital.
Patience grabbed her backpack, and stepped towards the window,staring at the sky. She tapped the soles of her shoes together as wings sprouted from them and lifted Patience and her things up and out the window.
"...Amateur." she sneered, as she flew south-east towards the capital.

2016-09-14, 04:25 PM
LINK (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9GYxgBbTS4vODRXV3QwVEFiSXc/view?usp=sharing)Thirty feet below the surface of Iaun: "Jamesson! Have the P.O Boys recieved any messages today?" "No, ma'am, they haven't. But the Bolts have brought so-" Jamesson loses track of what he was saying as the earthquake strikes. Mariss quickly begins barking orders, "Trudgey, Lowen! Make sure the supports are holding and get anyone out of the rooms that haven't been secured yet!" "Got it!" Already on track, miss!" They reply, vanishing into one of the tunnels branching from the room.

Soon after the earthquake stops, and Mariss is interrupted from her damage reports by a small boy barging into her office, she looks up in surprise and says: "What do you need boy? Shouldn't you be reporting to your handler?" He holds out the letter breathlessly, and Mariss' eyes catch the seal. She leans back into her stout wooden chair and sighs, "Damn, it Silvaeus, helluva time to send out reunion invitations. Give me the letter boy, and buy yourself something nice. She flicks what appears to be a wooden token at the boy, and he plucks it cleanly out of the air, as if it were made of purest gold. "Thank you ma'am, I will!" Mariss takes the letter back to her quarters and begins to pack, and when she is about to leave her quarters she is stopped by a flustered Jamesson, "Ma'am, we can't send you without a guard, you know full well many people would love to see your head roll." "And? It hasn't stopped me before, now has it? Out of the way Jamesson, or I'll put Moorsby in charge while I'm gone!"
"You can't be serious! Not after that debacle with the Lemurs and those Dwarves!" Mariss lets out a low chuckle, and then her face hardens into a fearsome glare, "I am deathly serious, now out of the way!" Jamesson steps aside, looking sheepishly at the floor. As Mariss ascends she is greeted with hoots, hollers, and the occasional salute, to which she replies in kind. Finally, she steps out into back alley near a stable, unties a horse, leaves yet another wooden token, and gallops off at full speed, towards Silvaeus' manor.

2016-09-18, 05:27 PM
Thanks to scrying, spying, and excellent planning, Silvaeus managed to send out the invitations at precise intervals to ensure that you all arrive less than an hour apart from each other. Silvaeus meets each of you at the door, and greets everyone cordially--other than Patience, who receives only a cold nod and a thick pamphlet on the benefits of healthy eating. He invites you into his parlor, furnished in the current style with plenty of hard-backed, well-cushioned wooden chairs and low, gold-trimmed tables. Just as you all sit down and Silvaeus opens his mouth to speak, Alric, as expected, busts through the front door, nearly knocking it off its hinges and sending the butler into a frenzy. With a long-suffering sigh, Silvaeus rises to collect him.
Once everyone is finally gathered, Silvaeus sits cross-legged on the nicest chair in the center of the room. He's old even by elven standards, at nearly 230 winters. However, he takes excellent care of his health and appearance. His hair has gone entirely silver, he has the barest suggestion of a paunch, and his clothes are of an even higher quality than he maintained while fighting with the resistance, but he otherwise looks much the same as he did 36 years ago. "Now that everyone's here--"
"Oh. My. Talos!" A much younger elf, or perhaps a half-elf shouts the phrase, then runs into the parlor, in his haste nearly toppling Patience from her chair. "Oh my Talos, I am so, so sorry Miss Patience! I can't believe I'm actually meeting you--"
"My nephew," Silvaeus yells above the excited youth's chattering, with a pained look on his face. "I'm training him as part of my agreement with his mother--Corellon's name, boy, stop that yammering!"
"Sorry, sorry, I'm just so excite--" Silvaeus shoots him a look that could freeze a frost giant in its tracks, and he finishes with a sheepish "Sorry, Uncle".
"If you remain quiet, Illus, you may stay. Perhaps you will even learn something. Now then, if I may finally proceed without interruption?" He glances at the ceiling, likely beseeching Corellon to make it so. "I don't know whether you are all already aware, but an earthquake recently struck Iaun. And according to the reports filtering in from elsewhere, each and every one of the other cities experienced the same event at almost exactly the same time. I think you know as well as I do what this might mean. We all knew that this might happen someday, however much we would prefer otherwise. We aren't yet certain, I caution you, but..."

2016-09-18, 05:54 PM
"But you need us to find out." Seymour says, finishing his sentence. "And why should we do this, exactly? I remember the horrors of last time as well as you do, Silvaeus. Remember; I was the one who gathered us together to fight the queen. But I knew it was the queen then. Send one of the children to find her, the pups could use more adventurers in their generation." He grumbles, sitting back in his chair. "We are old, elf. And unlike you, we age. Find a child to do your work, and then I'll consider helping fight. If it comes to that, of course."

2016-09-18, 06:39 PM
"But you need us to find out." Seymour says, finishing his sentence. "And why should we do this, exactly? I remember the horrors of last time as well as you do, Silvaeus. Remember; I was the one who gathered us together to fight the queen. But I knew it was the queen then. Send one of the children to find her, the pups could use more adventurers in their generation." He grumbles, sitting back in his chair. "We are old, elf. And unlike you, we age. Find a child to do your work, and then I'll consider helping fight. If it comes to that, of course."
"As cynical as ever, Seymour!", Mariss replies, she then turns to Silvaeus and her face turns as hard as granite, "I don't have much life left in me Silvaeus, and it is better spent being happy and drunk, rather than on another of your "errands". I didn't have the power to refuse then, but I do now. As much as I love seeing all of you again, I'd rather it be under better circumstances than a scared, elderly elf calling us together because a tremor tipped over his decorative vases."

2016-09-19, 01:46 AM
"Bah!" Alric exclaimed loudly, all the while chewing on a leg of mutation he pulled from god knows where "Lug's balls, the years've turned you into a bunch of withered old pansies. And I thought you couldn't possibly get more lily-livered..." He continued, munching away at the meat with a snort of derision. He quickly tore through the rest of the leg, throwing the bone on the floor and gracing the room with a loud belch and a wide smile, showcasing his lack of more than his teeth.
"I don't care what's happ'nin'. I'm bored, and I've been bored for years. I'll do it, if only to get the chance to punch some great evil basterd again. Why leave tha' kinda fun for the young? Ungrateful little runts have their whole lives ahead o' them. They Kin find their own damn evil to fight."

Alric then turned to glare at the old elf. "I'm in, needle-ears. But if this turns out to be nuthin' but nature, I'll punch Nature a bit and then come punch you. Got it?"

Prince Zahn
2016-09-19, 04:36 AM
Thanks to scrying, spying, and excellent planning, Silvaeus managed to send out the invitations at precise intervals to ensure that you all arrive less than an hour apart from each other. Silvaeus meets each of you at the door, and greets everyone cordially--other than Patience, who receives only a cold nod and a thick pamphlet on the benefits of healthy eating. He invites you into his parlor, furnished in the current style with plenty of hard-backed, well-cushioned wooden chairs and low, gold-trimmed tables. Just as you all sit down and Silvaeus opens his mouth to speak, Alric, as expected, busts through the front door, nearly knocking it off its hinges and sending the butler into a frenzy. With a long-suffering sigh, Silvaeus rises to collect him.
Once everyone is finally gathered, Silvaeus sits cross-legged on the nicest chair in the center of the room. He's old even by elven standards, at nearly 230 winters. However, he takes excellent care of his health and appearance. His hair has gone entirely silver, he has the barest suggestion of a paunch, and his clothes are of an even higher quality than he maintained while fighting with the resistance, but he otherwise looks much the same as he did 36 years ago. "Now that everyone's here--"
"Oh. My. Talos!" A much younger elf, or perhaps a half-elf shouts the phrase, then runs into the parlor, in his haste nearly toppling Patience from her chair. "Oh my Talos, I am so, so sorry Miss Patience! I can't believe I'm actually meeting you--"
"My nephew," Silvaeus yells above the excited youth's chattering, with a pained look on his face. "I'm training him as part of my agreement with his mother--Corellon's name, boy, stop that yammering!"
"Sorry, sorry, I'm just so excite--" Silvaeus shoots him a look that could freeze a frost giant in its tracks, and he finishes with a sheepish "Sorry, Uncle".
"If you remain quiet, Illus, you may stay. Perhaps you will even learn something. Now then, if I may finally proceed without interruption?" He glances at the ceiling, likely beseeching Corellon to make it so. "I don't know whether you are all already aware, but an earthquake recently struck Iaun. And according to the reports filtering in from elsewhere, each and every one of the other cities experienced the same event at almost exactly the same time. I think you know as well as I do what this might mean. We all knew that this might happen someday, however much we would prefer otherwise. We aren't yet certain, I caution you, but..." Patience begrudgingly grabs the pamphlet, crumpling it and electrifying it to ashes in her fist the minute Silvaeus's turned his back to greet another guest. She then wiped the ashes off her hand on his nice cupboard. Needless to say, Patience held a grudge. Still, she urged those present not to tell on her.

Alric, you big old bastard! So glad you could make it! Patience smiled, though she had hoped to herself that yesteryear's geezer would have finally wandered his way to Valhalla, she was most satisfied that Silvaeus was frustrated to see him, too. "Come join us!

"why hello there, child! It's always a pleasure to meet an admirer. I'll bet yer quite a handful for old Silly, ain't ye? Patience smiled, but Silvaeus was rather swift with silencing them. Why must you be such a stick in the mud, Silly? It's not every day the boy meets 'is heroes. Patience liked to tease Silvaeus, it was only fair, the two were rivals on the same side of justice.

Patience groaned as she listened to Silvaeus. "And I put on my good boots for this... You do realise that nature doesn't need no reason to make the ground shake, don't you?" Patience grimaced, slightly exposing her sharp teeth.

2016-09-20, 10:40 PM
Hrothgar fiddled with his reliquary, the edges had been worn and polished over the years of fidgeting with it. He purposefully avoided eye contact with the others as Silveaus talked. When the others (mostly) refuse to take action, the dwarf slammed his fist down on the table. He opened his mouth to try and light a fire under the others, but the throbbing pain in his wrist silenced him for a moment, creating an awkward silence. Realising his moment had passed, Hrothegar speaks a little more reserved, slightly embarrassed. Have you all gone soft in your old age? I know I have, but there's still a spine buried under this motioning to his girth This was no simple earthquake. Every city felt it. I have seen many signs in my years, brought both by Gods and by Fate. This is a sign, the Foul Queen has returned, have no doubt.

Hrothgar struggled to his feet, but quickly realizing he stood shorter on them then while seated. Regardless, he held his reliquary high. Here I Pledge, amongst friends and under Pelor's Sun, that I shall hunt down the Raised Queen and put her down, permanently. This, I Pledge! His reliquary shimmered and shined illuminating the room, before dieing down.

2016-09-20, 11:16 PM
"Hrothgar is right. And Alric, in his own special way," Silvaeus says, rising and placing a splayed hand upon the back of his chair. There is iron in his voice now, not the supplication he used before. "Tell me Patience, Mariss, Seymour, does this look like a 'little tremor' to you?" With that, he strides to the window and throws open the curtains, revealing the dockside of Iaun spread out below, easily visible from the top of the hill on which his manor is set. Nearly a third of the structures there are in ruins, fallen like card houses to the force of the quake.
"I'm ashamed of you three. You've all seen the city. Two of you were there for the quake, and if your druidic powers were all that you claim, Seymour, I would think you'd have felt it as well. We don't know for certain whether the Witch Queen has returned or not. But I want to find out, and you--all of you--are the best suited for the task, like it or not. You are the only ones to have fought her before, and you know her signs in ways the young simply cannot comprehend. Whatever else you may think on the matter, we cannot simply ignore an event of this magnitude." He looks at Patience as he makes his next statement. "I know we have had our differences, but Dytah has always been the force which unites us. And I, for one, would sooner burn in Pandemonium than subject my people to her reign once again."

Prince Zahn
2016-09-21, 08:46 AM
"I understand the concern. It is certainly out of the ordinary, something with great power is coming, the bloody land is fighting it, after all, but it Can't be Dytah. It just... it can't, alright? Patience tried to hide her shock and maintain her emotions from jumping to the wrong conclusion. "We sealed the Bitch Queen away forever. You all know the legend, no one from this earth that can cross the mirror, once trapped inside."

2016-09-21, 09:01 AM
"I suppose..." Seymour says reluctantly, "I suppose I don't want to know. I was hoping to never burn anything again." He raises his head. "If you insist, old friend, I will help." He turns to Patience, "After all, a little look can't hurt, can it?"

Then he turns to everyone and growls, "If any of you say; 'what's the worst that could happen,' I will make sure you get struck by lightning. Multiple times."

Prince Zahn
2016-09-21, 09:08 AM
Patience looks at everyone, shifting from face to face and becoming rather uneasy. "What?! Why are you all staring at me, for?" She defended. "fine, I'll come along, I highly doubt Dytah is behind this, but whatever it is, I'm in for saving the land from it. "

2016-09-21, 03:34 PM
"HA! Just as fiery and fierce as when we first met ye, eh Patty?" Alric laughed harshly. While he had eventually stopped calling her Tempest, quite a bit of time after she had renounced the name, he had never warmed up to her new moniker. Patty was the closest he got. The word patience just sounded unnatural to him. " By the Morrigan's feathery arse, you really have kept a lot better than the rest o' this sorry lot, haven't you? Still got those luscious curves... Ye know, my offer from when we first met still stands. In case ye feel up fer a tumble." He added with a leer. Alric had never hidden his lust for women of all sorts, and the ones in the group had not been excluded. While he never pushed for it, he did give the offer to any woman who he took an interest in.
Over the years it had become a habit for him to periodically come onto Patience. Partly because she'd been so bad at handling it when younger.

2016-09-21, 04:08 PM
As if startled by a nightmare anf waking from a dream
Ossian (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=941366)
leaps to his feet. The Queen you say?! I'm often reminded that my wits are less than they should be, but I can still, swing a sword. Point me in the direction of the Queen, and I'll cross hell to see that she returns to her rest!

2016-09-21, 05:32 PM
Mariss holds her head in her hands for a moment, as if she was pondering something and inhales sharply, as if in pain. She then sits up in her chair stiffly, "Alright, you geezers, if we're gonna go on a wild goose chase, it might as well be together so someone can at least tell a funny story or two about how the rest of us died. Also, Silly, you need to invest in more comfortable chairs, my old bones are brittle and these things are like sitting on iron.", she shuffles a little bit in the chair seeking comfort.

When Alric starts to hit on Patience, Mariss spouts "Oh Alric, you know she won't, but I will, IF you want to wrestle a dragon, that is!" Mariss then let's out an uproarious round of laughter.

2016-09-21, 09:46 PM
"Dragon wrestling? That's so cool! I mean, of course you like doing that, Master Alric, but I had no idea that Mistress Mariss enjoyed it too! Can you teach me? Is that how you beat the Black Dragon of Vilben Cove?" Illus blurts out, plainly not understanding the...subtext of the conversation (he doesn't really get sarcasm either).

Prince Zahn
2016-09-22, 10:27 AM
"eww... Not even if yer hands turned me human, Alric." Patience reiterated her usual response, she doubted that even if she said "yes", that the old fartbag could even still deliver.

She was taken aback by the naivete of the youth, however, realizing that she could have a lot of fun with this kid if he can't read between the lines.
"Right on the gold, kid." Patience grinned, knowing that her words will frustrate Silvaeus. "that's exactly how they beat the Dragon of Vilben Cove. Believe it or not, kid, their flanking tactics proved unrivaled when we encountered the legendary beast with two backs, as well."

do I need to roll deception (Charisma) for this one?:smalltongue:

2016-09-22, 02:37 PM
"Anytime, scaly. anytime." Alric answered back with another leer, not missing a beat or letting the either of the womens' words get to him.
When the youth interjected, however, he at first stared blankly at him, as if he was some sort of fascinating frog or fungus. He then started howling with laughter at Patience's teasing of the boy. After regaining his breath and drying away a tear of mirth, he looked over at Silvaeus.
"So who was the brat again? I mean, he's got yer prissy mug, but yer much too dainty to get into something so base as cavortin' so's he can't be yer son... And why's he here? Is he like a trainee? Learning from the master how to get the stick up his arse the proper way?"

2016-09-22, 02:53 PM
Silvaeus grimaces and shakes his head, much as he's been doing for the entire time that this branch of the conversation has been proceeding. "My nephew," he mutters so the youth can't hear. "I've been attempting to train him in the arcane arts. It hasn't gone well. He grasps the basics, but prefers prancing about the practice yard, hitting dummies with a sword. And, for some reason far beyond my comprehension, he idolizes all of you."
Then the elf raises his voice to address the entire room. "Speaking of which, as we have all agreed to take seriously the possibility of the Witch Queen's return, it's time for you to prepare for your journey. Those of you without lodgings here in Iaun may stay the night in my house --Corellon give me strength-- and set out in the morning." His imperious gaze moves to his nephew, the light of a sudden and fortunate idea in his eyes. "Illus will see to your needs until the dawn."

2016-09-22, 03:03 PM
"Ozzy" says, maybe the lad just needs to get away from spellbooks and work in the fields for awhile. He'll learn more about what life is like for most from a week of digging in the dirt, than from a year of staring at pages!

Prince Zahn
2016-09-22, 03:17 PM
"Thank you for yer gracious hospitality, Silly, I know we had our disputes over the years, it's hard to remember that ye're actually a pretty nice fella when you want to be." Patience tried to rise from her seat a few times, inevitably resorting to asking someone near her for assistance.

"thank you. Anyway, Silly, as gratitude I have a compromise for you that may make it easier for us both: I won't trouble you for any of yer nature food, but in return, you'll let me cook and eat in peace any bird I can shoot a bird out of the sky, sounds fair? And who knows? It might motivate yer nephew to study magic a little harder! "

2016-09-28, 11:09 AM
Silvaeus cringes ever so slightly as he realizes that he has allowed Patience into his home. Then he remembers why he phrased his offer of habitation the way he did. In his most polite and political tone, with his hands crossed behind his back, he says "Patience, surely you wouldn't want to stay here with me. You have responsibilities to your guild, which, as I recall, is located here in Iaun. So, I apologize for taking up so much of your time already, and will gladly see you to the door myself." He extends a hand to her, and gestures to Illus with the other, clearly signaling something like "Take them upstairs."

Prince Zahn
2016-09-30, 03:06 PM
"I know all that, I arranged for one of my men to watch over the guild in my absence," Patience saw the expression of fright on Silvaeus at the prospect of having her over. While it certainly amused her, a voice in her head told her that is points against being provided lodging. To be frank, Sil, I cannot return to my guild tonight. Or anytime soon, for that matter. Not while this crisis is at hand. " Patience hopes Silvaeus would at least hear her out before showing her the door.

"More than anything, Sil, I would love to sleep in my own guild house Tonight, but I could offer you several reasons why I can't tonight. My promise to return with money, being one. My scorned caretaker, whom I would not let follow me, and whom would be rather crossed with me the next time I show my face, being two, surely you know the dread of telling your family that you haven't kept your promise ..." as Silvaeus escorts her closer to to the door, Patience raises her voice in desperation. "What happened to us, Elf? We used to be friends! Comrades in arms! Can't I, simply, owe you a favor?"
Charisma check? Persuasion?

2016-10-02, 02:03 PM
Silvaeus' ears twitch at the mention of Patience's caretaker. "Now you definitely need to go back! I most certainly do not want Millenya to visit me again! My poor butler is still suffering flashbacks from the last time."
Meanwhile, Illus has surged into motion, brightly announcing "Follow me, everyone! We have room for everybody upstairs! By Talos, this is going to be so amazing! Heroes back together again! Confronting the Witch Queen and everything! I mean, I hope she isn't back and all, just like Uncle Sil, but, just, I just wish I could go with you! What an adventure! Like the raid on Ischeryon Fort, where Master Alric punched down that gate, and Master Seymour transformed into a rhino and Mistress Patience lifted him--I mean you!--So sorry, I just can't believe that you're actually here! And--and--Oh my Talos, it's just so awesome!"
He keeps chattering away until you reach the third floor, then he rushes away to grab a candle to light the lamps on each side of the hallway, stammering apologies for his forgetfulness. He returns panting and out of breath, but with a lit candle clamped in his fist (and searing his fingers with wax, which he apparently failed to notice until this moment, because he immediately drops the thing, only to grab it again, this time thankfully with his sleeve wrapped around his hand, and lights the lamps). The rooms Silvaeus provided are roughly equivalent to those you might find in an upper-class inn, with pleasantly plump pillows, soft feather mattresses, and your very own wardrobe and chamber pot.

2016-10-02, 02:09 PM
Ossian (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=941366)
Does as anyone else hear a buzzing sound?

2016-10-02, 02:14 PM
"Huh?" Illus says. "Um, no, Master Ossian. But I'm really bad at hearing things, so, I dunno. Where's it coming from?"

2016-10-02, 03:02 PM
Ossian (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=941366)
There's that sound again.

2016-10-02, 03:13 PM
"Really? What sound, Master Ossian? Wait, is this like the Doom of Vlaria, when you fought a dire bat in pitch darkness? That's so cool!'
Silvaeus sighs. "Wait, you used those boots of yours to get here, didn't you? Blast it, they're likely out of magic now, aren't they." He releases Patience's arm and abruptly turns to the right, gesturing for her to follow. "I have scrolls of Sending in my study. You can use them to contact her, then--" he pinches the bridge of his nose, where his spectacles sit when he puts them on for reading, "You can stay the night, for old times sake. I suppose it can't be any worse than hosting Alric for longer than five minutes."

Prince Zahn
2016-10-02, 04:19 PM
"Really? What sound, Master Ossian? Wait, is this like the Doom of Vlaria, when you fought a dire bat in pitch darkness? That's so cool!'
Silvaeus sighs. "Wait, you used those boots of yours to get here, didn't you? Blast it, they're likely out of magic now, aren't they." He releases Patience's arm and abruptly turns to the right, gesturing for her to follow. "I have scrolls of Sending in my study. You can use them to contact her, then--" he pinches the bridge of his nose, where his spectacles sit when he puts them on for reading, "You can stay the night, for old times sake. I suppose it can't be any worse than hosting Alric for longer than five minutes."

"I will repay you for you hospitality, Silvaeus. That is my promise to you.
"Well, if I'm going to contact Millenya, I'll need to get her off my trail. When she shows up at your doorstep, (and as you have guessed, she will) I'll write her a letter with a fake address for your butler to hand her, because she wouldn't ever leave without a lead, I taught her better than that. " as she speaks, she conjures an illusory parchment and quill small enough to float in her sharp-nailed, rose-colored palm, which disappeared in moments.

"I think one scroll of sending will suffice, but I might also require a scroll of nondetection as well, because odds are likely that the shrew is using my crystal ball to search for me. You have such a scroll, I pray?"

2016-10-02, 04:43 PM
Silvaeus steps into a room with shelves covering each wall, which are themselves full of cubbies holding dozens of tightly-rolled scrolls and mysterious codexes, and summons a ghostly blue hand which deftly extracts one branded with the word "Sending".
He returns to Patience and looks her dead in the eye. "Yes. I have a scroll of Non-Detection. My home is thoroughly warded against scrying. But I'll not let you use it," he says flatly. "And I'm certainly not about to let you involve me or my estate in any ridiculous schemes you might concoct. You are going to take this scroll," he says, handing it to her, "and you will use it to apologize, not to lie. If you truly wish to repay me, then undo this mess you're in without splattering it onto me."
He nods sternly and goes into the scroll room, which apparently is also his study, adding "I am going to do some scrying of my own. To reach your room, take the first flight of stairs on your left and go up to the third floor."

Prince Zahn
2016-10-03, 03:28 AM
Patience scowls at Silvaeus for attempting to take the moral high-ground. "After all the time that they clean up this city and work for it, You still don't know the Natushim at all, do you?" Patience defends, trying to explain to Silvaeus that his idea of "The Right thing to do" is ineffective. "We are a stubborn, cunning folk. we don't take "no" for an answer. And saying "I'm sorry" doesn't work without proof."

Patience preaches her life's lessons further. "If anything, An apology letter to Millenya will raise her suspicions, and get her here with even greater haste. Is that what you want? Frankly, it would be so much easier to just misdirect her..."

I'm not expecting Silvaeus to buy any of that, but Patience does speak truth here. If patience just says "I'm Sorry you can't come, (but/because) _____", then Millenya will be even more determined to find Patience. I'm starting to think it might not be the worst thing that could happen, if you want it to. I don't think she would actually be able to fend for herself, or have worthy combat abilities for this quest, but MAN, can she scold people, like a 12th level paladin...:smalleek:

2016-10-03, 10:37 AM
Silvaeus says, softly, "This isn't about what is easy, Patience. If it was, we wouldn't be having this conversation."
And now Patience is speaking to a closed door. A very nicely carved door, but still a closed one.

2016-10-06, 03:57 PM
"Alright lad, listen and listen close." Alric said to the nearest servant once he'd been shown to his room. "I know that yer master is a prissy lil' fruit gobbler, but I require sustenance for a proper person, no' a treehugger. So yer gonna bring me 7... no, 12 haunches of meat. Lamb, or oxen or something. No horse. Horse meat tastes like owlbear dung sprinkled with cinnamon. Blech!" he made a face of disgust as he said it, then continued on before the poor servant could get a word in edgewise.
"Oh, and I'll want some bread with it, and some cheese. And I want the good cheese. the older and stinkier the better. None of that curdled market crap. And a barrel o' mead. Don't need to bring a mug. Got it? Good, now hurry it up, I'm starvin'" He finished his order, then closed the door in front of the servant. Afterwards he looked around at the room he had been given. Most of the fine commodities got nothing more than a derisive grunt from the old savage, but his gaze stopped as it came to rest on the fine feather bed. Looking around once more to make sure he was alone, and then pulling the curtains in front of the windows for maximum privacy, he then promptly leapt over and threw himself on the matress with an almost orgasmic groan of delight.
"Oooh by the hairy balls o' all male gods, this is so damn comfyyy...." He muttered to himself as he relaxed and sank into the feathery, soft underlay. While he spurned most trappings of civilisation and loudly advocated the wild, simple life, he had one terrible secret he could never have others know: He absolutely loved sleeping on feather matresses. Nothing could compare. Though, as I said, no one could ever know.

2016-10-09, 11:04 PM
The first thing each of you hears the following morning, coming into each room in succession hardly an hour after sunrise, is Illus' voice: Brighter, louder and far cheerier than he or anyone else should rightly get to be this early in the morning. "Oh my Talos, I can't believe that Uncle Silvaeus asked me to wake you! Such an honor! If there's anything you need, let me know! Please please please let me know! But right now, Uncle Silvaeus needs you to come downstairs and have breakfast with him."
Then he rushes off to wake the next person without letting you get a word in edgewise.

2016-10-09, 11:23 PM
"UGGGGGG." Seymour groans, stumbling into the breakfast room, and collapsing in a chair. "Good gods, Silvaeus, why are we up at such an unholy hour? The morning should be for sleeping at our age."

2016-10-17, 05:07 PM
Almost as if it was by instinct and not rational thought, Illus' cheery wake up call was immediately answered by the old barbarian, suprisingly spryly and very much naked, jumping out of the bed, turning around and heaving it towards the door in a very obvious attempt at throwing it at the offending intruder. The results were alarming. The old mans bony body bulged with long forgotten musculature, and the large oaken bed actually, against all odds, rose from the floor and above his head. It was at this moment that the reminders of his age returned with a vengeance, however. Red-faced with exertion and just about to throw the furniture, Alric's visage abruptly paled as a loud crack resounded from his back. He immediately dropped the bed down beside him in a shoddy heap, only to fall flat on his stomach, howling and cursing so vilely it would make a demon redden from embarrasment.
"By all the unholy hells and their misbegotten bastard keepers, I am in so much pain! WhyyyYY am I in so much infernally owlbear fornicatin' pain!!?" His blood shot and (almost) tearful gaze of impotent fury fell on the doorway. "Yoouu, you damn pointy eared little imp humpin' son of a starved seacow! You did this! I'm gonna break you, and find a monster that eats with it's anus so I can feed you to it, just because being eaten the normal way is too good for you!"
It cannot be said that much of the cursing made much sense, which in turn made sense when considering how much pain the old man was in. But it WAS creative.

2016-10-17, 07:30 PM
Illus stands open-mouthed with shock for a moment, then claps wildly. He winces at the pop and moves as if to hurry to Alric's side, but then Alric starts cursing, and he instead whips out a quill and parchment and apparently starts taking notes, although he also turns bright red from the tips of his ears to the ends of his fingers.

Prince Zahn
2016-10-18, 10:11 AM
At Illus's wake-up call, Patience wakes up from a terrible nightmare, only to realize that she is innocent, and safe, in her room.
This wasn't her bed.
She cussed under her breath in a most infernal tongue when she realised that Elf Jr. was still talking (not as blasphemously as Alric had a few minutes prior, but she swore nastily nonetheless)
Then moments later, he was gone.
She struggled to get out of bed, when she realised that Millenya wasn't there to help her like she usually was, she tried again, but ultimately her body strength has failed her. She turned her head to the door.
"kid... Hey kid! Help me up! KID!"
She got no answer, and her blood began to boil.
"I said..."
As she screamed with fangs exposed, a flock of birds scattered from the nearby shore, as the house shook from the very foundation at her loud call.

2016-10-18, 12:04 PM
Hrothgar was already up, although in the middle of his morning routine when the young Elf came to rouse him. He dismissed him with a wave of his hand. When he heard the belly-aching of his compatriots, he sighed heavily. He thought to go attend to them, but decided against it. He couldn't be there to get them out of bed every day, now could he.

2016-10-28, 12:18 PM
dreams did not allow for much sleep. The young Elf finds him visibly red and covered in sweat. When invited downstairs Ossian tries to stand straight and unbothered, smiles and replys

Please lead the way.

Once the Elf's back is to him he winces in pain and wipes the sweat from his brow.

2016-10-28, 12:38 PM
Patience's yell brings Illus running, as might be expected from anything which was only a little less ground-shaking than an earthquake. He takes a moment to bow to Ossian before he goes, though.

"Oh My Talos Mistress Patience! I'm so sorry! But also that was so awesome!" The youth comes to her bedside and takes her arm, then stares at it like he doesn't know what to do with it.

2016-11-19, 05:34 PM
In a delusional fit,
Ossian (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=941366)
forgetting where he is and his purpose there, arms himself and rides "Rocinante" to where he last battled the forces of the Queen
You will taste steel, tyrant! .

2016-11-20, 12:32 AM
The last place Ossian faced the forces of the Queen was in the palace courtyard. Fortunately for everyone involved, the palace is just up the hill and is thoroughly deserted...at least according to what Silvaeus knows.
It's likely that Silvaeus would have stopped Ossian from leaving and corrected his delusion, but it seems that the elf simply didn't think to lock the mostly-empty stables. "Rocinante" is rather less than pleased at being roused from her slumber, but she's a fairly docile mare, so she goes along with it once Ossian bribes her with a carrot.

2016-11-20, 10:04 PM
Still delusional,
Ossian (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=941366)
after tying up the latest "Rocinante", draws his sword, and fights shadows and phantoms, amongst the ruins of the Palace, shouting:
Show yourself!
Until his heart racing, and his breathing labored, the weight of the years comes back, and he falls exhausted.
Just before he fades out of consciousness, sanity returns with the memory of what has been lost, and tears mix with sweat.