View Full Version : Barding the new ranger beastmaster companions

2016-09-13, 08:09 PM
The new ranger revamp talks about adding your proficiency bonus to the beastmaster's companion. The players handbook also talks about Barding (p. 155).

Do you think these should stack? For example, bard out an ape with a half plate for an AC of 17 (15 + 2 dex modifier), then add a level 3 rangers proficiency bonus to get AC 19...

2016-09-13, 08:16 PM
RAW they stack, but is the companion proficient in the armor?

2016-09-13, 08:39 PM
If you allow ASIs to be replaced by feats, then you companion could take lightly armored, moderately armored and/or heavily armored...

2016-09-13, 08:45 PM
I would say an ape, or any animal listed, could probably wear some light armor, or maybe breastplate. But it will take some serious argument to get any animal in heavy armor.

As for feats, all the ones that are useful for an animal, an animal could have. That being said, feats on animals? I'm not quite ready for that can o' worms.

2016-09-15, 02:26 PM
I would say an ape, or any animal listed, could probably wear some light armor, or maybe breastplate. But it will take some serious argument to get any animal in heavy armor.

As for feats, all the ones that are useful for an animal, an animal could have. That being said, feats on animals? I'm not quite ready for that can o' worms.

Barding are special type of armor made for Animals, so... if the animal is strong enough, they could use a Heavy Armor barding, that's why they are so hard to make (and expensive)

Note: I don't think feats should apply to animal companions

2016-09-15, 02:33 PM
I can see limiting predatory animals to barding that does not impose penalties on Stealth - especially if they have Stealth.

Animals more like a war horse (mule, boar?) can wear barding similar to that of a warhorse.

The Ape and Bear could go either way.

2016-09-15, 02:37 PM
It seems like since the PHB doesn't say one way or the other, it would be a DM call or in my opinion they simply don't require proficiency.

2016-09-15, 03:07 PM
I'd say yes for the most part, with training (you took animal handling for a reason right?), though it may be tough to find someone to make ape-shape full plate

2016-09-15, 03:21 PM
I would say yes. Barding (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barding) already exists in the real world, so why wouldn't it in D&D?

I could see limiting Stealthy type animals to non-heavy armor, but I think that should be up to each individual DM.

2016-09-16, 09:07 AM
I'd say yes for the most part, with training (you took animal handling for a reason right?), though it may be tough to find someone to make ape-shape full plate

I think this is the challenge players should find, getting someone to make that armor.