View Full Version : The End of the World IC [Global Apocalypse]

2016-09-13, 11:42 PM
Order of the Pike Chapterhouse, Logas, Isger

You are sitting a Hellknight chapterhouse, a stout, fortified stone building with heavy iron doors, shaped like a U. The stables are sitting to the left out in the courtyard formed by the two flanks of the chapterhouse, and numerous junior members of the Order of the Pike, as well as one or two full hellknights sit around the rest of the hall, as well as a few individuals of varying degrees of importance or servitude. Orderly rows of tables and benches fill the hall, the smell of bread and other food wafts from the kitchen.

You can hear siege engines in operation this close to the city walls, flinging bundles of rubble into the woods in hopes of keeping the goblin population down, and the distant snap of a tree being struck soundly by a larger rock.

The five of you are arranged on one side of a trestle table, your client sitting on the opposite side of the table, a large man in full hellknight regalia, Paralictor Rerois. His helmet sits on the table to one side, a small lockbox to the other, a map of the surrounding region is spread out between you.

"Pay attention, as I do not repeat myself." His words are clipped, in chelaxian-accented common. He indicates the city of Logas, your present location on the map. To the east and south, the Chitterwood spreads out bounded east and south by the River Keld, and by the Aspodell Mountains between yourselves and the Inner Sea. He moves his finger to the southern edge of the woods. "We have not had word from one of the logging settlements along the southern fringe of the wood for some time. Those travelling nearby report a foul smell, some reported dark smoke over the village, all have given it a wide berth, none have had the spine to investigate." He taps an armored finger on the map, irritated.

"Banditry is not the concern of our order, and they do not often stray from the main trade routes and the river." He indicates the roads leading west and south from Logas and the path of the river. If they've sacked the village, they will not likely tary there long. Were we in Cheliax, the Order of the Chain would soon be upon them regardless, but we are not in Cheliax, and we can ill afford to waste the time sending an expedition simply to learn the cause of these events, be it bandits, goblinoids or simple malfeasance by the villagers. It must be investigated, however banal the cause. The price we are authorized to pay for this service is 100 chelaxian sovreigns a man." The lockbox is opened to reveal neatly stacked rows of gold coins, and shut just as quick. "The bounty on goblinoid heads remains the same."
Rerois places the lockbox onto the bench and stares at each of you in turn.

"Do we have an agreement?"

2016-09-14, 12:04 AM
Order of the Pike Chapterhouse, Logas, Isger

You are sitting a Hellknight chapterhouse, a stout, fortified stone building with heavy iron doors, shaped like a U. The stables are sitting to the left out in the courtyard formed by the two flanks of the chapterhouse, and numerous junior members of the Order of the Pike, as well as one or two full hellknights sit around the rest of the hall, as well as a few individuals of varying degrees of importance or servitude. Orderly rows of tables and benches fill the hall, the smell of bread and other food wafts from the kitchen.

You can hear siege engines in operation this close to the city walls, flinging bundles of rubble into the woods in hopes of keeping the goblin population down, and the distant snap of a tree being struck soundly by a larger rock.

The five of you are arranged on one side of a trestle table, your client sitting on the opposite side of the table, a large man in full hellknight regalia, Paralictor Rerois. His helmet sits on the table to one side, a small lockbox to the other, a map of the surrounding region is spread out between you.

"Pay attention, as I do not repeat myself." His words are clipped, in chelaxian-accented common. He indicates the city of Logas, your present location on the map. To the east and south, the Chitterwood spreads out bounded east and south by the River Keld, and by the Aspodell Mountains between yourselves and the Inner Sea. He moves his finger to the southern edge of the woods. "We have not had word from one of the logging settlements along the southern fringe of the wood for some time. Those travelling nearby report a foul smell, some reported dark smoke over the village, all have given it a wide berth, none have had the spine to investigate." He taps an armored finger on the map, irritated.

"Banditry is not the concern of our order, and they do not often stray from the main trade routes and the river." He indicates the roads leading west and south from Logas and the path of the river. If they've sacked the village, they will not likely tary there long. Were we in Cheliax, the Order of the Chain would soon be upon them regardless, but we are not in Cheliax, and we can ill afford to waste the time sending an expedition simply to learn the cause of these events, be it bandits, goblinoids or simple malfeasance by the villagers. It must be investigated, however banal the cause. The price we are authorized to pay for this service is 100 chelaxian sovreigns a man." The lockbox is opened to reveal neatly stacked rows of gold coins, and shut just as quick. "The bounty on goblinoid heads remains the same."
Rerois places the lockbox onto the bench and stares at each of you in turn.

"Do we have an agreement?"
"Yes, Sir. I will follow your orders, immediately." Goblins were a menace to civilized society, but Lamashtunia knew they could be redeemed. With perfect posture and cadence, she did a salute and held it until the Hellknight let her know it was fine to let it down.

2016-09-14, 02:09 AM
Lestari quickly adjusts his turban to sit straighter over his concealed horns before bowing deeply, keeping eye contact with Reoris, "Yes we do, sir. 'Twould be an honour and a privelege to assist the hellknights in protecting the populace."

2016-09-14, 10:15 AM
Indeed. Shall we be about it then?

Henry the 57th
2016-09-14, 07:44 PM
"I find these terms to be agreeable," says Ernor, sitting back comfortably in his chair. Still the look of distaste he keeps giving the Hellknight is all but unmistakable.

2016-09-15, 06:46 PM

Ruben nods. The deal seemed lucrative enough. While Ruben's goal was to understand the basis of the universe, one needed to eat and experience reality. This served both of those goals. "We have an agreement."

2016-09-15, 07:12 PM
Rerois rolls up the map and places his helm on the table.
"Dismissed then. Unless you are keen to travel at night, I advise leaving immediately."

Henry the 57th
2016-09-16, 12:54 AM
"Can we get a map before we leave? I'd like a clear idea of the routes to and from our destination, as well as the surrounding terrain."

2016-09-16, 11:19 AM
"There is a cartographer serving under the quartermaster, he should be able to provide a copy of this." Rerois profers the map.

2016-09-16, 11:51 AM
Lamashtunia continues waiting patiently.

2016-09-16, 05:58 PM
"Thank you, sir. Shall we collect the map and be on our way then?" asks Lestari, turning to the party, flushing as he accidentally shifts a chair with his tail as he does so.

2016-09-16, 09:03 PM
"Then I suppose we should see the quartermaster," Luthor says with a small smile. "Could we, by any chance, impose on the quartermaster for horses, or some other type of transportation?" he continues, the smile widening. "I imagine time is not on our side, after all."

2016-09-16, 10:27 PM
Rerois stands from the table, taking the lockbox and helm. "The disposition of livestock is not my concern." He turns and leaves.

2016-09-17, 02:27 AM
"Of course not, sir," Lestari calls out to the hellknight's back. He smiles at the party before leaving to find the quartermaster, gesturing at the others to follow.

2016-09-17, 02:07 PM

Ruben smirks back at Lestari. "Yes, lets grab what we can and get moving. "

2016-09-17, 03:01 PM
The quartermaster's offices are at the other end of the U-shape, the quartermaster is marginally less abrassive than Paralictor Rerois. He offers to sell you a single horse and a wagon for 150 GP while one of his menials, a halfling, produces a rough copy of the map Rerois gave you.

Henry the 57th
2016-09-18, 01:08 AM
"Perhaps we could make a more equitable arrangement? We are going to assist your garrison with this endeavor, after all."

2016-09-18, 10:40 AM
The quartermaster refuses on principle, given that the funds would go to the chapterhouse.
You are presented with a slightly cruder version of the map Rerois gave you, though no less detailed. The halfling is chastised for taking so long.

2016-09-18, 12:06 PM
"Well, it was worth a shot, "Luthor says with a wry smile. "On foot then, I suppose. Is everyone ready to go or do we need a few minutes yet?"

2016-09-18, 12:23 PM
"I am ready!" Lamashtunia kept her back straight, and tried her best to not show her bestial side.

2016-09-18, 12:28 PM

Ruben shrugs. "I am ready, I just need to grab and pack my Mule."

2016-09-18, 02:20 PM
"I'm ready when you are."

2016-09-18, 04:28 PM
The road ahead is well used, following the south-bound river's trade route and you are passed by a pair of caravans, both large and escorted by some particularly burly individuals with sharp swords and crossbows over their saddles, presumably bound for Logas, and Druma beyond. Bandits are known to frequent the river and roads ahead, despite the efforts of Isger's laughable soldiers to keep it safe.

By the time night is beginning to fall, your path has reached a large, stone signpost, there is a small caravan encamped around it.

2016-09-18, 04:31 PM
Lamashtunia begins to relax a little after leaving where the Hellknight was. Her feet were beginning to ache a little and it smelled like the caravan was cooking something good. Stopping and pointing a meaty hand at the campers, she grinned.
"Do you think we should talk to them?"

2016-09-18, 07:49 PM

After leaving the settlement Ruben take a minute to perform a ritual to summon his companion. When Ruben is done a very odd creature appears.

The tip of his tail is red.

"Welcome back my friend."

2016-09-18, 07:52 PM

Ruben nods. "Yes we should talk to them. Safety in numbers and all of that, plus talking with others is one of the joys of life."
Ruben begins to walk towards the group. "Hail friends. We would love to share your camp and the pleasure of your company."


2016-09-19, 08:17 PM
The camp is constructed out of a series of covered wagons, and smaller carts formed into a semi-circle around a fire built against the base of the signpost (rendered mostly illegible by the smoke and soot of scores of travellers with the same idea). There is a single 'guard' standing watch well outside of the firelight, and they wave you in closer to get a look at you.


Henry the 57th
2016-09-19, 08:38 PM
"Hail and well met, fellow travelers. If it would not be too much of a burden, perhaps we might share the pleasures of of your company and your fire? The road ahead is long, and life is hard."

2016-09-20, 09:16 AM
"What they said," Luthor says while walking up to the guards, his empty hands held a little out to each side
"And further," he adds, tilting his head so the failing light shines on the symbol of Sarenrae emblazoned there, "may Sarenrae's light shine upon you."

2016-09-20, 12:30 PM
Lamashtunia stepped forward. Bearing a toothy grin, she said, "Pleased to meet you!"

2016-09-20, 12:39 PM
The guard whistles back into the camp and raps his (rather crude looking club, is it a table leg?) against the side of one of the carts. A short, heavyset man peaks his head around the side of one the carts and hops down to join you.

"Yes welcome friends one and all. The more the merrier, be you welcome in this our, humble camp." He waves an arm dramatically, gesturing you into the camp, following shortly afterwards. There are a half dozen men sitting around the fire, a stew pot hanging over it and bubbling away as they talk amongst themselves.
"Guests for supper!" Your host announces, to the apparent amusement of all.

You notice there are no bowls set out before the members of the camp already present. There is an odd smell as you pass the covered end of one of the wagons, though your host quickly ushers you onwards.

You notice that the wagons you pass by have deep ruts underneath their wheels, these are filled with mud, though there has been no rain for several days. There is also only a single horse around the camp despite this many wagons.

You catch the chuckling of the guard as you approach him, he seems to find your peaceful display and benediction amusing.

You can smell some kind of stew cooking over the fire. It smells like pork.

You manage to catch the chuckling of the guard as Luthor approaches. He seems to find something about the cleric funny.

2016-09-20, 02:13 PM
Lamashtunia was rather hungry, and she loved pork. Ignoring her rumbling stomach a second, she turned to the heavyset man. "I am Lamashtunia from the island chains off the mainland. It is an honor to meet you. What is your name?"

2016-09-20, 05:03 PM
Lestari finds the camp blatantly suspicious, and uses his divine gifts to sense the motives of the men. He slips to the back of the party and attempts to sneak off to investigate a wagon emanating a suspicious odour, keeping his hand on his sword, expecting conflict.

Using Detect Evil.
Stealth roll: [roll0]

The RNGods are with me.

Henry the 57th
2016-09-20, 10:01 PM
Ernor had to work a little to keep his expression under control. From his time as a soldier, guests randomly crashing the campfire generally were met with indifference or annoyance, not amusement. Was there merely some private joke he wasn't privy to, or was it something more? Something didn't feel quite right.

"What is for supper?" he asked politely, refraining from taking a seat just yet or walking fully into their midst. "And is there enough? I wouldn't want to impose."

2016-09-21, 05:09 AM

Reuben nonchalantly walks near a wagon and dips his finger in the muck in the wheel ruts. "Where are your horses?"

2016-09-21, 11:12 AM
"Run off or in the pot, good masters. We sent Hjord to get horses for us but we are stranded here until he returns." The rotund man makes a gesture to suggest he wishes this were not so. "We were set upon not two nights ago, and two of the horses were lamed, another broke her damned trusses and ran off into the river." His expression turns to one of delight. "At least we shan't starve."


Henry the 57th
2016-09-22, 01:55 AM
"Set upon? By what, may I ask, my good sirs?"

2016-09-22, 09:10 AM
"Yes, by what indeed? We've a bit of a ways to go, you see and we'd hate to think that the countryside here is unfriendly." Looking the man who chuckled at him in the eye Luthor carefully adjusts the fit of his belt, his right hand casually coming to rest by his morningstar.

Might as well give a an [roll0] a shot, since this seems to be heading toward hostility.

2016-09-22, 10:22 AM
"Now now good sirs and... ahem, lady. There's no call for violence, is there lads? Everyone can just have a hot meal and rest a spell." The others chuckle a little. "Wolves sir, big as you please, didn't think they grew them that size in civilized parts! Sets me knees aquivering just to think about it."

None of the group seems to have noticed you. You can see Reuben near one cart ahead of you, where the gap between carts is the widest When you lift the flap of the cart, you find it filled with dark, filthy looking rags, some shoddy looking crates are pressed right to the back. The cart's canvas cover of a roof is not high enough to stand under for anyone inside, though you could sit comfortably, given a bench or some manner of cushioning.

Henry the 57th
2016-09-23, 02:03 AM
Ernor, not particularly tacit at the best of times, decides he's had enough. He reaches down to his belt and draws his scimitar with a flourish, pointing it at the ground for now. He puts his back away from this strange group.

"How stupid do you think we are? You're stranded for lack horses but you allegedly have them in your cooking pot. You've been attacked by wolves so you sent one man out into the wilds to get help, where any half-competent pack of ordinary wolves would drag him down in minutes. You're isolated and afraid but you welcome random strangers to share in your limited food supplies. Either you are all incredibly stupid or you think that I am." His brow furrows, and his voice deepens. "The truth, now."

2016-09-23, 09:53 AM
Lamashtunia roars at the man, saying nothing else.


2016-09-23, 11:22 AM
Lestari draws his greatsword and detects evil.

2016-09-23, 08:23 PM
Reuben & Fyrdon

Reuben gestures to Fyrdon who moves forward in his alien undulating manner. Together they await an answer, Fyrdon waiting to judge the truth of what they speak.

Fyrdon sense motive [roll0]

2016-09-23, 09:43 PM
Seeing his companions draw their weapons, Luthor follows suit. Ready to back their play, but unwilling to make the first strike, in case of misunderstanding, he pulls his morningstar from the hook on his belt and holds it loosely in a two handed grip, ready to react.

2016-09-28, 10:50 AM
The group's leader shrinks back at the sound of Lamashtunia roaring, several of his men reach for weapons, the guard at the entrance with the makeshift club changes his grip on it and looks to the nearest adventurer.

"Now now there's no need for this!"

2016-09-30, 08:55 PM
In principle I agree, but Ernor over there brought up several excellent points that we've yet to hear an answer to.

2016-09-30, 09:03 PM
"Lamed horses good sirs, can't pull a cart, naught to do but put the beasts out of their misery!" The rotund man holds his hands up in an attempt to pacify you.

Henry the 57th
2016-10-01, 01:59 AM
"And if you're being attacked by monstrous wolves, why would you send only one man into the wilds?" Enor doesn't lower his sword or gaze. "Ordinary wolves would pull him down in minutes. Why aren't there sentries posted? Why are you welcoming random strangers to help themselves to limited food supplies? I was a soldier, I know what a siege looks like. And your are not acting like men under siege."

2016-10-01, 11:13 AM
"Lamed horses good sirs, can't pull a cart, naught to do but put the beasts out of their misery!" The rotund man holds his hands up in an attempt to pacify you.

Lamashtunia turns to the man again and roars even louder, ":furious: Speak the truth!"

2016-10-01, 03:16 PM

Ruben awaits the groups leader to say more.

2016-10-05, 10:32 AM
"Spare me! Spare me! We were forced!" The spokesman cries out, clutching at Luthor's clothing in a desperation and fear. "Forced good sir!"

2016-10-05, 11:32 AM
"Spare me! Spare me! We were forced!" The spokesman cries out, clutching at Luthor's clothing in a desperation and fear. "Forced good sir!"

"What were you forced to do?"

Lamashtunia steps forward threateningly, teeth bare.

2016-10-05, 08:38 PM

"And by who?"

Henry the 57th
2016-10-06, 01:12 AM
Ernor steps forward, raising his sword to eye height. "Who are you working for and who is about to ambush us? Speak quickly, I have no patience left."

2016-10-06, 08:47 AM
Luthor takes a hurried step back, disengaging himself from the suddenly groveling probable-brigand. "My patience is also waning. By the light, you shall tell us and tell us true; what is the purpose of this supposed encampment? "

I suppose someone should attempt a [roll0]

2016-10-06, 09:07 AM
"Th-They- they-"
The rotund man's stammering is cut off by a piercing scream from elsewhere in the camp.

Perception checks folks!
Also, those sense motive rolls!

2016-10-06, 09:38 AM
Perception: [roll0]
Sense Motive: [roll1]

2016-10-06, 11:18 AM
No one has to make sense motive rolls, just commenting that they're not giving you much luck, as danster's demonstrates.

You see the guard with the makeshift club being dragged further back into the darkness and around the side of one of the carvan wagons. You can also hear something rustling in the wagon you investigated.

2016-10-06, 06:38 PM

Ruben's Rolls
Perception [roll0]
Sense Motive [roll1]

Fyrden's rolls
Perception [roll2]
Sense Motive [roll3]

Henry the 57th
2016-10-06, 10:16 PM
Ernor walks determinedly right up to the man, leveling his sword directly between his eyes. "Either the next words out of your mouth are the names and everything you know of the attackers or I'll be forced to assume you're one of them." The steely glare in his eyes gives no doubt as to what the former soldier of Cheliax means.

Perception: [roll0]

2016-10-07, 02:38 PM
Sorry for being a little late on the uptake, doctor started me on a new med for my migraines and it's... an adjustment. Anyway, [roll0]

2016-10-11, 09:03 AM
Sorry for the delay, thanksgiving here.

Fyrdon catches a glimpse of something rustling the cloth in one of the covered wagons, and is looking in the right direction to see the guard's makeshift club thump to the ground, though its owner is no longer there.
You believe that what you hear is roughly the truth as this man understands it.

Your glance flickers from the subject of your ire too late to notice anything.

You catch sight of the feet of the guard being dragged off behind a wagon, and detect movement in another nearby caravan wagon.

The rotund man's eyes go wide as he sees the missing guard. He turns pale, and becomes so much dead weight, crumpling bonelessly to the ground.

2016-10-12, 02:08 AM
Lestari brandishes his greatsword aggressively and marches towards the caravan that the noise came from, growling with his pointed teeth to keep people out of his way.


Henry the 57th
2016-10-14, 12:17 AM
Ernor braces himself for attack, holding his ground and keeping a wary eye on his surroundings.

2016-10-15, 01:14 PM
Seeing the guard's feet disappearing behind the wagon, Luthor takes firm grip on his weapon and dashes toward the wagon in an attempt to see what's attacking.

Another [roll0], just in case it's needed and also a quick question; are we going to have any visualizations for battles or will this be solely a theater of the mind sort of game? Just curious because I tend to do better with visualizations.

2016-10-16, 01:57 PM
Lamashtunia takes a deep breath and looks around her surrounding one last time before hostilities broke out. First however, she wanted to see if the man was speaking the truth.


Also, I'll take 10 on perception for a total of 13.

2016-10-17, 08:23 AM
Visualisation of the map is forthcoming if this turns into a combat encouter. Replies moving this forward later today

2016-10-20, 11:24 AM
No one else is affected

Everything the rotund man has said recent is what he believes to be god's honest truth

Luthor can see nothing beyond the circle of firelight

2016-10-23, 10:09 AM
Luthor backs cautiously toward the rest of the party, his eyes darting aroung the shadows. "I can't see anything, do any of you have eyes on the enemy?"

2016-11-08, 03:00 AM
Lestari returns to the group and shouts out a challenge to whatever's there in every language he knows.

2016-11-08, 12:43 PM
Lamashtunia searched the camp.