View Full Version : d20legends Development, aka Off-Topic discussions: Ask Ashiel Anything: The Askening

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Klara Meison
2016-09-14, 06:05 PM
Greetings, visitor. My name is Klara. If you are reading this thread, you probably know who Ashiel is and why this thread is here and no longer on the Pathfinder forums(here (http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2rxtz&page=72?-Ask-Ashiel-Anything#3551)). If you don't, d20legends is an upcoming RPG system based on Pathfinder(which, in turn, is based on DnD 3.0/3.5) that a forum user Ashiel has been developing for a while, and that seeks to fix various well-known problems currently known about Pathfinder ruleset. There was a thread on paizo.com where she posted her progress, but since some unfortunate circumstances perhaps best classified as an "act of god" lead to that thread being locked, I propose we continue our civil discussion here.

Information relating to this system could be found in a variety of places:in the old Ask Ashiel Anything (http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2rxtz&page=72?-Ask-Ashiel-Anything#3551) thread, in this folder (https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/0B_fLcwY-g_0PUUE0Q0J3ampGNjA) on my google docks where I have copied all posts I found to be d20legends-relevant from the old thread, in the links Ashiel provided (you could find her a bit below this post. Check the signature), and later on in this thread.

Topic of this thread is to discuss anything and everything that relates to the d20legends system Ashiel is currently developing, including, but not limited to, mechanics of the aforementioned system, Ashiel's preferences that could influence the development of the system, ideas others have that could influence Ashiel's development of the system, worldbuilding of Alvena world the game will likely feature, and so on and so forth.

Please be civil and talkative.

EDIT:relating to the aforementioned act of god, this discusison (https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_fLcwY-g_0PSzRsbmJWT1hpa0E) happened and was later on deleted by a moderator for reasons that aren't clear to this day. It currently looks like this (http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2rxtz&page=69?-Ask-Ashiel-Anything). Forum user Ashiel was later on banned from the forums entirely for, again, indeterminable reasons.

2016-09-14, 08:18 PM
Welp, I'm here

2016-09-14, 10:58 PM
Reserved for future updates. :smallamused:

Words cannot describe the love I feel for you guys. :smallredface:

2016-09-14, 11:03 PM
I made a post in the website feedback page. We'll see what plucky answers I get.

2016-09-14, 11:22 PM
I'm here too. Icehawk in the Paizo forums, but the name is taken here. So back to my usual one heh. Though the old thread doesn't seem to be locked now?

2016-09-14, 11:28 PM
Awesome. Well, I was officially banned from the Paizo forums. So many years... :smallannoyed:

Well, no worries. Just going to use this to focus.
Though first my brother wants me to play WoW with him before he goes to bed so I'ma do that for a bit. :smallbiggrin:

ALSO, FINALLY, real formatting!

2016-09-15, 12:30 AM
Awesome. Well, I was officially banned from the Paizo forums. So many years... :smallannoyed:



I can't view your account....

:smallannoyed: That was rather uncalled for.

EDIT: hey, and I got my custom avatar to work.

This is looking better than the Paizo forums already.

2016-09-15, 12:42 AM
Well, the original thread is unlocked. Not that it does much good.

2016-09-15, 12:44 AM


I can't view your account....

:smallannoyed: That was rather uncalled for.
Tell me about it.

Here's the e-mail exchange. I'ma bold a certain part to draw attention to it.

Hi Ashiel,

I am reaching out to you because I can see from the posts in Website Feedback and your own “Ask” thread that the actions taken by myself and our moderation team have caused you distress, and would like to provide more insight into the situation from our side. Out of the respect for the privacy of other accounts on our forums, I cannot divulge further information than what was provided in Website Feedback regarding the posts that caused us to remove the chain of conversation, or actions taken on their account. I would again like to extend an apology if any ill-will was perceived by these post removals, and have included the removed posts from your account below, with the exception of the attributed quotes.

If you have any other questions or concerns, please let us know.

Respect to what privacy? Do you have any idea how hostile your moderation practices come off as? I cried today because I my voice to talk about issues that concern me and people like me was taken away, for no reasons given. We cannot follow rules we do not know. What drama were we perpetuating? How does removing our posts respect someone else's "privacy"? I've received messages in my inbox today where friends are leaving the Paizo forums because of what looks like outright tyranny and unexplained censorship.

We are hurting, Chris. In desperation after being constantly, consistently, and conclusively shut down over and over and over, I've taken to contacting other members of the Paizo staff in effort to get help against what a lot of people are seeing as a gross misuse of power. This cannot continue to go on like this. We still don't understand why this has happened or why things like this have continued to happen. If it was because Rysky threw a tantrum over a misunderstanding (which everyone else in the thread confirmed was a misunderstanding) you are hurting many people in an effort to alleviate the tantrums of a few.

We need to know why we are being treated this way. It's not alright.
Repeatedly silencing our questions and concerns and then offering vague apologies in private are not enough. I do not feel safe and secure on the Paizo forums anymore and I've been here since the Pathfinder Alphas. Every day I worry that I'm going to be suddenly banned for reasons I'll never even be told.


You have been provided with answers to these questions and have been provided with the text of your removed posts for reposting as you see fit. That you are dissatisfied with the answers provided is not indicative of any conspiracy or “censorship.” Our moderators use their best judgement for given situations, and yes, since they are human, it’s possible to not get it right all the time, or to make everyone happy with those decisions.

Over the course of the last 4 years, our team has corresponded with you about how to post appropriately to our website. I’m sorry that it seems that we cannot seem to reach an understanding where you will be satisfied. It seems that the community environment that you are seeking is not the environment that we facilitate, as evidenced by this current issue, past removed posts and notifications, as well as a previous temporary suspension. At this time we feel that it’s for the best for us to part ways, and will be suspending your “Ashiel” account.

If you’d like to ever return and continue participating on our forums again, you will need to request that the suspension be lifted, and show to us that you have intentions of interacting in good faith and in a non-inciteful manner on our website.

Chris Lambertz

Paizo has only ever contacted me, once, concerning anything I've ever posted. That was also when I got the "temporary suspension", which was a 24 hour ban. What was it for, one might ask? In a thread where another poster and I were having a disagreement, the poster avoided reading anything in my posts (as was called out by several other posters as it was extremely obvious they weren't reading any of them before responding). After about 6+ attempts, I finally got flustered and coyly said "It looks like we're going to need some professional help (https://www.hookedonphonics.com/) for this discussion to continue". Got a 24 hour ban for it. Worth it. :smallamused:

2016-09-15, 12:47 AM
EDIT: hey, and I got my custom avatar to work.

This is looking better than the Paizo forums already.
I always wished they'd make the Paizo forums more like GitP's. This forum is sexy. :smallbiggrin:

Well, the original thread is unlocked. Not that it does much good.
Yeah it's pretty salty. Oh well, I'm happy to see everyone here. ^.^
I need to e-mail Lemmy. :smallsmile:

2016-09-15, 12:56 AM
Wow. Well, guess that's that then. What a joke.

"We're silencing you because reasons that we can't say cus it'll interfere with someone else's privacy." "You didn't post how we like so off you go." Well whatever. Their loss. Guess I won't need paizo forums anymore then.

Mystic Muse
2016-09-15, 12:56 AM
This would probably be better suited for one of the RPG boards, just for future reference.

Based on what I've heard of the Paizo forums, I can't say I'm exactly surprised by their conduct.

Honestly, I don't actually know anything about this, but you've garnered my interest. Do you have a link to more details, or anything that gives a better description of what you're actually trying to accomplish?

You can avoid getting in trouble on these boards by doing 2 things.

1. Reading the forum rules several times
2. Any time you think something could break the rules, ask in the board/site issues area, or just don't do it at all.

The rules here are clearly spelled out, and I've never experienced the mods giving me a warning or infraction for something that wasn't a clear violation of the rules.

If you have any questions about aforementioned rules, feel free to PM a mod, or ask in the board/site issues area. In general, wait for a mod's judgment on any questions you have about the rules.

Hope you enjoy these boards. :smallsmile:

2016-09-15, 01:05 AM
This would probably be better suited for one of the RPG boards, just for future reference.

Based on what I've heard of the Paizo forums, I can't say I'm exactly surprised by their conduct.
I'm not as surprised as I really wish I was. :smallconfused:

Honestly, I don't actually know anything about this, but you've garnered my interest. Do you have a link to more details, or anything that gives a better description of what you're actually trying to accomplish?
Yep. I'm working on a heavily revised version of the d20 system for my own use, and on my AMA thread on the Paizo forums a spark of interest in the project emerged with some of the other posters as questions got asked and stuff got answered. Because of the interest that was building, I intend to release it to the public. It's a very slow process though (it's my baby and I'm working on it on my own time, between job hours, keeping friends, etc) but I'm all the more anxious about it.

EDIT: Oh, and also an AMA thread. I was often getting asked about lots of random things in PMs so a friend suggested an AMA thread. This is also a continuation of that thread, where people can ask or discuss anything they want. :)

You can avoid getting in trouble on these boards by doing 2 things.

1. Reading the forum rules several times
2. Any time you think something could break the rules, ask in the board/site issues area, or just don't do it at all.

The rules here are clearly spelled out, and I've never experienced the mods giving me a warning or infraction for something that wasn't a clear violation of the rules.
Yeah, I used to post on GitP a lot a long time ago. However, most of the last 6+ years was spent on the Paizo forums. Recently they've decided that there are a set of invisible rules that they refuse to tell or post because people will try to rules-lawyer them (I couldn't make this stuff up :smallfrown:).

If you have any questions about aforementioned rules, feel free to PM a mod, or ask in the board/site issues area. In general, wait for a mod's judgment on any questions you have about the rules.

Hope you enjoy these boards. :smallsmile:
Already feeling at home again. :smallsmile:

EDIT: I'll also try to update my signature soonish to link to stuff produced of relevance (all the little pdfs and fun stuff I posted on the Paizo forums, as well as documents for the system).

2016-09-15, 01:10 AM
I've been fairly livid once I've gotten to see Paizo reaction to this situation. There are few things that rile me up more quickly than when a trans person gets attacked by SJW's for pointing out that their portrayals of trans people are bad. Especially since I've been in that situation myself and know just how terribly it feels.
I find it really disappointing and distasteful that this happened.
On another note - while I'm not too familiar with their practices myself, I've heard GitP moderation tends to also be rather harsh, so choosing another website for this thread might be a good idea.

2016-09-15, 01:26 AM
I've been fairly livid once I've gotten to see Paizo reaction to this situation. There are few things that rile me up more quickly than when a trans person gets attacked by SJW's for pointing out that their portrayals of trans people are bad. Especially since I've been in that situation myself and know just how terribly it feels.
I find it really disappointing and distasteful that this happened.
Hey there Mashallah! ^-^
Yeah, I'm usually really thick skinned (I pride myself on being chill in fact). I didn't expect it to mess with me so much but I broke down in tears this morning. I collected myself but it was the first time I've ever had that reaction to any conversation on the internet. I feel a bit silly in hindsight. :smalleek:

On another note - while I'm not too familiar with their practices myself, I've heard GitP moderation tends to also be rather harsh, so choosing another website for this thread might be a good idea.
Well the natives here seem friendly. :smalltongue:
And it's the home of an epic webcomic. :smallbiggrin:

EDIT: Fixed a broken quote tag.

2016-09-15, 01:56 AM
Yeah know how silly one can feel after that first hand. But you never know what might hit you in an odd spot. While I certainly can't know what factors led to you getting that upset overall, I can certainly say you've the right to be in this case. I've been annoyed with the mods for a bit, and this just is kinda insulting. And it's not even directed at myself! I've been a mod before, and a global mod before. And while they are right, mods are human and can make mistakes, you don't ban other people for mistakes you made.

As I said, it's their loss ultimately. If d20legends takes off, you can have your own proper forums and such and have your own mods.

2016-09-15, 02:03 AM
Yeah know how silly one can feel after that first hand. But you never know what might hit you in an odd spot. While I certainly can't know what factors led to you getting that upset overall, I can certainly say you've the right to be in this case. I've been annoyed with the mods for a bit, and this just is kinda insulting. And it's not even directed at myself! I've been a mod before, and a global mod before. And while they are right, mods are human and can make mistakes, you don't ban other people for mistakes you made.
Ditto? :smalltongue:

As I said, it's their loss ultimately. If d20legends takes off, you can have your own proper forums and such and have your own mods.
That would be beyond epic. I'm most excited about seeing people play with the multiclassing. :smallcool:

Goblin Scribe
2016-09-15, 02:28 AM
Hi, KC here.

I promised myself I wouldn't pursue this, but it's eating me up a lot. I'm not going to take any sides or send any emails or anything like that with only half the story, but Ash, what was the conversation that led to this? I heard there were some screenshots floating around of the deleted posts. Could you maybe send them over, if they exist? If you'd rather not, that's a hundred percent cool.

Regardless of whose "fault" it is, we'll miss you, Ash! Maybe the ban'll get lifted someday. If not, hey, the Playground's an okay place to crash. :smallwink:

Klara Meison
2016-09-15, 02:36 AM
This would probably be better suited for one of the RPG boards, just for future reference.

Based on what I've heard of the Paizo forums, I can't say I'm exactly surprised by their conduct.

Honestly, I don't actually know anything about this, but you've garnered my interest. Do you have a link to more details, or anything that gives a better description of what you're actually trying to accomplish?

You can avoid getting in trouble on these boards by doing 2 things.

1. Reading the forum rules several times
2. Any time you think something could break the rules, ask in the board/site issues area, or just don't do it at all.

The rules here are clearly spelled out, and I've never experienced the mods giving me a warning or infraction for something that wasn't a clear violation of the rules.

If you have any questions about aforementioned rules, feel free to PM a mod, or ask in the board/site issues area. In general, wait for a mod's judgment on any questions you have about the rules.

Hope you enjoy these boards. :smallsmile:

Given the general amount of off-topic conversations that were seen in the last thread, I thought putting it in the least on-topic place would make more sense. As for links, I wanted to include some in the first message, but new forum users can't do that. If you search for "Klara Meison" on paizo boards, you could find my account, and I have most of that stuff favourited.

>what was the conversation that led to this? I heard there were some screenshots floating around of the deleted posts. Could you maybe send them over, if they exist?

Sent to you in PM. I'll edit them into the top post of the thread as soon as I'll get the ability to do so.

2016-09-15, 02:48 AM
Hi, KC here.

I promised myself I wouldn't pursue this, but it's eating me up a lot. I'm not going to take any sides or send any emails or anything like that with only half the story, but Ash, what was the conversation that led to this? I heard there were some screenshots floating around of the deleted posts. Could you maybe send them over, if they exist? If you'd rather not, that's a hundred percent cool.

Regardless of whose "fault" it is, we'll miss you, Ash! Maybe the ban'll get lifted someday. If not, hey, the Playground's an okay place to crash. :smallwink:
Hey there! :D

I don't really care if anyone takes sides. Good to see you either way.
Klara sent me a pdf'd copy of most of the posts. Here's the link (http://puu.sh/rbcR0/e4e49124f7.pdf).
Also, here's the posts which Chris did return sans formatting (so I appreciate that). The first of these are seen in the pdf that was made before everything got scrubbed. Also, all the text here lacks any quotations from previous posts and were made over multiple posts responding to different posts (which is why there's some conversation about a dragon and antimagic field in there, because it was a side discussion we were having over size-changing things, which stemmed from a conversation involving Swallow Whole and feather token: tree items. :P
> I've never liked the way they were written in wrath of the righteous. It feels too forced and inorganic to me. I mean they supposedly fall madly in love with each other on the way back to town (cheap and superfluous). Or how something like Anevia's gender dysphoria is shuffled aside as "appearances" (so much is devoted to this aspect of her character but is then described as mere appearances), repeated again in Irabeth's stuff where it describes her as knowing "she was a man" but not "judging by appearances" (ironically her appearance was that of a woman >_>).
> These characters have grated my psyche every time I read about them in the first AP of WotR. They've always felt cheap to me, and since I've got a "dog in that fight", I wouldn't want to run them like that.
> EDIT: And while it probably should go without saying, the reason Sarenrae the tyrant would have to be adjusted is because I'm not going to have any "good" character assaulting the party because they didn't like their attitude. That's something that I would do to show how grossly unhinged villains are, not someone who's supposed to be a goddess of love, peace, goodness, etc.
> My mistake. We'd been talking about Sarenrae and her militant extremists so I slipped and wrote the wrong goddess. Same deal though. Good deity being an evil butt.
> Oh boy, a whole month. Send out the wedding invitations. >_>
> Yeah, and as I said, I'm not particularly impressed by it. The characters overall feel very shallow to me, and the way it handles Anevia's gender dysphoria doesn't strike me as particularly interesting or authentic. It feels cheap to me and I don't like that.

> A month isn't enough time to even become deep friends, let alone lifelong partnership kind of relationships. "We fell in love on the trip back to town" just doesn't strike me as particularly believable (unless they're foolish), and made it felt more like they were made a couple simply to be a couple (which doesn't help since it already feels really weird to me).
> But if this is all about the trans thing, well, we could talk about that too.
> They felt very token to me because, to me, they read as SJW slash fiction. They have a just-add-water true love, her gender dysphoria is major enough to make it the most defining feature about her, yet innocuous enough that 'Beth thinks nothing of it at all and chalks it up to mere appearances. 'Beth's backstory was basically "I was awesome but racism", etc, etc.
> YMMV of course (though Amber Scott's public declaration that she writes these characters into her stuff not to be characters but to push inclusiveness probably doesn't sooth my rash with it at all).
> Also, for the record, it's all opinion. I just don't like the way it was written and I'd do something different. As I said, I've got a dog in that fight and it feels off to me. Even if I don't like it, you're of course super welcome to enjoy it, praise it, or anything else that makes you happy. And, y'know, if you'd like to talk about characters that are transgendered or homosexual or bisexual or whatever, I'd be down for that conversation as well.
> In fact, I had wanted to discuss those types of things a while back in some of the other threads, but it got shut down because it "triggered" people when discussing the imperfections of things like the elixir of sex shifting so I gave up on it. It felt really weird to get treated that way but it's what it is.
> Well, that got heated.
> Suffice to say that I understand what Klara is saying and agree with it for the most part. We're less than 1% of the population, and yes, we are technically a poorly understood subject, with a lot of ongoing studies trying to figure out why we exist in the first place. Some studies suggest that it could be due to birth defects caused by hormonal imbalances at certain stages of pregnancy, others social, while other studies suggest that our brains are a bit different from normal men and women. It can be a stressful condition and the suicide rates aren't for the lulz.
> When you're less than 1% of the population, most wouldn't understand it, let alone be used to it unless for some inexplicable reason it's far more common in the fantasy world than not, and if it is, it likely stops being a point of interest. When such an oddity (and we are oddities) pop up but are then promptly ignored by the people in the setting, it does feel very...out of place.
> And as for "wasting time acknowledging they exist", that's not what Klara was saying at all. To draw a parallel with what I think she was saying, in my most recent long campaign with Aratrok and Raital there was a vampire named Victoria (aka Victor). She was transgendered. However, they have both remarked that she felt a lot more "real" than the character in Wrath of the Righteous. I think a lot it had to do with how she was a person first. Maybe Aratrok or Raital can chime in about their experiences with Victoria.
> Anyway, my brother is yelling at me to play WoW with him so I'll have to get back to this later. (^~^);
> No where was it implied that transgendered people do not have the right to exist. What was said is that it doesn't matter to the story unless it does. For example, queen Illosea and Sabina (two women) have a sexual relationship going on in CotCT which is part of the reason Sabina is so loyal to the queen (because she's not just her queen, she's her lover). Their sexual orientation only matters as far as it actually matters.
> However, when I read Anevia's bio, she is almost wholly defined by her sexual dysphoria. She's noted as being socially crippled by her dysphoria from a young age (which would in fact be a mental defect caused by her gender dysphoria, and interestingly, a feature I haven't seen in myself or any of my transgendered friends). Little to nothing about her exists in her biography other than how she's transgendered (no interests aside from "raised to have an appreciation of freedom to speak and love of art", little to nothing about her personality or character quirks, etc).
> So if the goal is to be treated much the same, a terrible job is being done here. The NPC is near wholly defined by what she is rather than who she is. Imagine, if you would, Illosea and Sabina again, and if the information on their bios droned on about how as children when all the other girls were becoming interested in boys, they were becoming interested in girls, yadda-yadda. It would feel really bizarre. Their orientation is only mentioned as far as it either...
> A) Applies to the story.
> B) Adds a character trait that can manifest something about the character (and it will always be a memorable trait since homosexuality is rarer than heterosexuality and so the human takes note).
> However, with Anevia, it goes much further. As written, Anevia is primarily defined by being transgendered. That the two characters' collective biography reads like a bad SJW lemon-fic to me probably doesn't help me appreciate the characters either (A story about a transgendered man who is rescued by a woman, who is out adventuring because she was denied promotion due to racism, who instantly accepts them for who they are, they fall in love in less time than it takes to get three paychecks at your average 9-5 job, one hawks their greatest memento from their recently butchered parents so that the other they've known for a few weeks can have a real vagina and they can live happily ever after as lesbians).
> That aside, let's go back to why they probably should be treated as different in context of the world. Assuming that the demographics are about the same, transgendered people are rare, and Golarion's information distribution has reached the printing press but no further. Golarion doesn't have the internet or tv talk shows or any real way to spread lots of information about the conditions of an extremely small group of people. In a world where the primary mode of transportation is by horse, it's exceedingly likely that a transgendered person would never even see another transgendered person in their lifetimes (and even then may not even know they are if they do).
> Most fantasy worlds are not utopian bastions of modern sensibilities and social ideologies. They're filled with dirty, superstitious, bigoted peasants who throw tomatoes at stuff that is odd out, like tieflings and half-orcs. The fact that in Anevia's biography it was easy enough to hide her by having her live and dress as a girl suggests that it would have been bizarre enough that her pursuers wouldn't have even considered that she might have been the he they were looking for.
> Because of these facts, the idea that it should be treated as normal when it is the farthest from creates a cognitive disconnect. Suspension of disbelief is shattered, in much the same way suspension of disbelief would be shattered if exotic features of an otherwise normal human - such as a draconic sorcerer with claws and dragon-like features - were shrugged off as being totally normal by peasants (though it would feel less immersion breaking if the campaign world had them walking around constantly, reducing the rarity of people with dragon-blood).
> There is a lot that can be explored concerning transgendered characters in a fantasy world like this, but only if it fits. If transgendered people are in fact so commonplace that it's not something that the characters of the world would consider weird, then it likewise no longer becomes worth mentioning in the first place. If it's normal in name only but the world doesn't reflect that, it feels off. Likewise, if it's abnormal in name only but the world doesn't reflect that, it feels off.
> This loosely reminds me of one of the most hilarious events that happened in a game I ran as a teenager. My group wanted to do a 20th level game but they had no experience with high level play (so they got wrecked by a bunch of stuff around CR 11-13). One of the PCs asked to play a big dragon that was CR 20 and I gave him the okay. He traveled through the dungeon in human form.
> At one point, unsure of what to do, the cleric player randomly decided to cast antimagic field. She ended up getting her and the dragon stuck good and tight in this narrow corridor. She was stuck, he was stuck, and so they were just like this big cork in the hallway while the rest of the party did battle with all the badguys in the main room. The dragon cursed as he couldn't even spit fire down the hallway (it's supernatural so couldn't work while he was in the field).
> It was embarrassing for everyone. :P
> That's entirely true, but perhaps unfortunate. Pretending something doesn't exist has never solved anything in the history of ever (that I know of at least). X-Men wouldn't have been the positive influence that it was for many people if bigotry wasn't a defining feature (and having characters that had experienced bigotry for other reasons be more sympathetic to the mutants for having "been there" to an extent is all the more humanizing).
> For example, the vampire I mentioned from my campaign - Victoria - had to deal with her dysphoria. It wasn't normal and people considered her weird. She was most uncomfortable around people that knew her as a man, and her parents didn't understand her weirdness. She felt most right when she was out in places where people didn't know her male self and she passed as a woman. It wasn't always easy, and there was frustration because part of her wanted to be anywhere but home, but she still loved her family and such and wanted to be part of their lives.
> A monkey wrench was thrown into that machine when she was turned into a vampire and whisked away elsewhere, where her life became more complex in some ways and less complex in others. However, her experiences served to shape her into the person who at one point tried to kill the party, and at a later point was nearly killed protecting the party, and who ultimately had a happy ending when she once again had a real family and freedom from the vampire lord. One of the PCs even secretly worked on the side to make her wish a reality, and so Victor finally became Victoria in mind and body.
> But most of that was a side-thing. Aratrok actually noted to me that Victoria was one of his favorite NPCs from that campaign, because she was interesting, felt like a real person, had a lot of cool stuff going on about her, and her unique situation (primarily her ongoing relationship with the vampire lord) had a compelling story arc that had a satisfying conclusion with the help of the PCs. He said that her being transgendered felt like part of her as a person, rather than defining her as a person.
> I was happy. :)

Klara Meison
2016-09-15, 02:57 AM
So you alright then as of now, Ashiel? You seemed quite miffed yesterday.

2016-09-15, 03:04 AM
Hmm... well, I'm here now too. Not sure if I'll ever go back to Paizo. They've pretty thoroughly ruined me as a customer of theirs for the foreseeable future, if ever again. I've already not bought most of their products over the last few years, this is kind of one of those "final straw" things, for me.

2016-09-15, 03:09 AM
So you alright then as of now, Ashiel? You seemed quite miffed yesterday.
Yeah, I'm feeling tons better. I feel like I won't be missing my friends (the biggest loss of being banned from the Paizo forums! What would I do without all my beloved cultists!?), and I've had a bit of time to let reason retake the wheel. Looking back on it, I think the reason I got really upset was because...
I don't normally talk about the transgendered thing. The Paizo forums were the first place I ever actually acknowledged being transgendered in public. Aside from my closest friends and my brother, I just don't talk about it with people because it always opens up a can of worms, and it's made all the more difficult these days because we're getting thrust into the spotlight and used to beat people over the heads, like the crap with North Carolina (my home state actually, talk about awkward). But I quickly learned to avoid the LGBTQ thread on the Paizo forums because I just didn't fit in there and couldn't express any thoughts there without feeling like I was walking on eggshells. So I just stopped posting and eventually stopped reading the thread. Now, in the thread that was explicitly about asking me about my thoughts, when welcomed to give them, I was getting shut down. And for what? I still don't understand what happened. I still don't know what rule was broken.

I was banned after I was told to voice any concerns by Chris, for voicing my concerns. I'm okay now but still pretty dumbfounded.
But it's just a thing. All things pass and I'm just going to channel my frustrations towards trying to be more productive. I feel like that would be the best thing I can do.

Klara Meison
2016-09-15, 03:10 AM
Hmm... well, I'm here now too. Not sure if I'll ever go back to Paizo. They've pretty thoroughly ruined me as a customer of theirs for the foreseeable future, if ever again. I've already not bought most of their products over the last few years, this is kind of one of those "final straw" things, for me.

Well, theoretically this could lead to paizo's moderation practices being reviewed if this sudden drop in customers is brought to the attention of whomever deals with money in that company.

2016-09-15, 03:12 AM
Hmm... well, I'm here now too. Not sure if I'll ever go back to Paizo. They've pretty thoroughly ruined me as a customer of theirs for the foreseeable future, if ever again. I've already not bought most of their products over the last few years, this is kind of one of those "final straw" things, for me.
Tels! *hugs*
How's the Alaskan yardwork coming? :smallsmile:

Klara Meison
2016-09-15, 03:16 AM
Finally, I think I should be able to add links into the top post now. Should be up soon enough.

2016-09-15, 03:21 AM
Well, theoretically this could lead to paizo's moderation practices being reviewed if this sudden drop in customers is brought to the attention of whomever deals with money in that company.

In my experience, Paizo has only changed on issues like this if the community makes a huge stink about. For example, the Ice Tomb Hex went years without getting errata'd to not be crazy powerful, or the "Paizo get your house in line" thread by the infamous Ravingdork. Seemingly, anytime someone is nice or polite about things, it gets brushed under the rug.

But... that's just reflective of humanity. We only change when people force unpleasantness into our face and repeatedly rub our face in it.

2016-09-15, 03:25 AM
Tels! *hugs*
How's the Alaskan yardwork coming? :smallsmile:

Yard work is done, at least at this point.

Family is in a rough patch though. My grandfather passed away not too long ago, and just tonight, my father's oldest friend, the man who took him under his wing, mentored him, and taught him everything he knows about mechanical things and welding, to the point my father is the highest paid welder in Alaska (possibly one of the highest in the world for his field), and the man who was like a second father to him, died today in a river accident. He was crossing a river in an ATV when a sandbar collapsed, causing his vehicle to roll and carry him downstream. He fought to stay alive for over an hour before succumbing and drowning.

My Dad is really upset, as he is supposed to return to work on the platform tomorrow, and when he comes back from work, we are leaving for my sister's wedding in New Zealand. So its very likely he'll miss the funeral.

2016-09-15, 03:27 AM
Yard work is done, at least at this point.

Family is in a rough patch though. My grandfather passed away not too long ago, and just tonight, my father's oldest friend, the man who took him under his wing, mentored him, and taught him everything he knows about mechanical things and welding, to the point my father is the highest paid welder in Alaska (possibly one of the highest in the world for his field), and the man who was like a second father to him, died today in a river accident. He was crossing a river in an ATV when a sandbar collapsed, causing his vehicle to roll and carry him downstream. He fought to stay alive for over an hour before succumbing and drowning.

My Dad is really upset, as he is supposed to return to work on the platform tomorrow, and when he comes back from work, we are leaving for my sister's wedding in New Zealand. So its very likely he'll miss the funeral.

Damn. Sorry to hear that.

2016-09-15, 03:32 AM
My friend Raital Latral was also banned from the Paizo forums. She told me that she had to call customer support earlier and that they're supposedly going to help her plead her case to people above Chris.
i called customer service, and talked to them, i explained my situation, and how i'm scared of the community people, so he said to e-mail [email protected] instead to circumnavigate them, so i am.
sent this email:

Today I called customer support and explained that I'm experiencing an issue with the paizo forums.

I'm really inexperienced with the forums, and don't really understand everything that's going on (I only have a few posts). Long story short, a friend of mine was discussing in their AMA thread about Transexual & Transgender individuals.

I myself am a Transexual individual, and was asked to voice my opinion and feedback as a trans individual. Before I could, several pages of posts were deleted. I still made my post, but also added on to it, explaining my perspective as a trans individual, and how its scary to me that a moderator could potentially silence my voice without anyone ever knowing, and how that fear was contrary to the seeming safe-space that was attempting to be made. And so I was trying to give feedback that it didn't make me feel safe, but rather it frightened me.

I was very polite, very respectful, and even had the post reviewed by multiple of my friends who frequent the forums, and they assured me that it wouldn't break ToS.

My post was removed and my friend was banned. I had no idea what was going on, and I'm super confused, so I asked what the proper channels were to ask about what is going on.

I was directed to the feedback forum, where I made a post. A copy of the post is found at the below URL (At this point I was worried because all my posts were disappearing, so I took a picture).


If my post was in some way rude, it was never part of my intention, I was confused and trying to be thorough in explaining what I thought was happening from my perspective. Before I could even go back to the feedback thread to make sure it posted, it was missing again, so I asked one of my friends, and they said they think its deleted for some reason. I wasn't sure why, or what was going wrong, I mean i was supposed to ask questions and give feedback in the feedback forum, right?

So I made a 2nd post, explaining what happened to my previous post and expression my confusion and asking for help so I could understand what was going on. (Again I took a picture because my posts were disappearing and I had no idea what was going on.)


This time, I managed to get back to the feedback forum fast enough to know and see that it was there and did exist.


But again, withing a minute, it too disappeared, leaving me confused and frustrated, but this time I couldn't post anymore.


I asked a friend what was going on, trying to figure it out, and they said I had been banned. I had no idea what was happening or why, and whoever did this felt like they just didn't like me for some reason, so I called the customer support line and explained my situation. The very kind gentlemen told me to write and send this e-mail, so I have.

I explained that I was scared of the community people, and wanted to bypass them since they seemed to dislike me for some reason, so he gave me this e-mail instead so that it would bypass them completely.

I'm not sure what's going on, or why me or my friend (who I think has over 10k posts now) would be banned, but I really like you guys and want to get this figured out.

Please help me out! T_T You're my only hope!

Ms. Latral
This bugs the heck out of me. I'm the one who got her to join the Paizo forums because of an ongoing promise to link her to every thread where I mentioned her characters or stuff from any of the campaigns she was in, or tg stuff like this (she's kind of my rock when it comes about having a real heart to heart about the great unknowns about things like the choice to pursue treatments and stuff).

2016-09-15, 03:34 AM
Yard work is done, at least at this point.

Family is in a rough patch though. My grandfather passed away not too long ago, and just tonight, my father's oldest friend, the man who took him under his wing, mentored him, and taught him everything he knows about mechanical things and welding, to the point my father is the highest paid welder in Alaska (possibly one of the highest in the world for his field), and the man who was like a second father to him, died today in a river accident. He was crossing a river in an ATV when a sandbar collapsed, causing his vehicle to roll and carry him downstream. He fought to stay alive for over an hour before succumbing and drowning.

My Dad is really upset, as he is supposed to return to work on the platform tomorrow, and when he comes back from work, we are leaving for my sister's wedding in New Zealand. So its very likely he'll miss the funeral.
Ouch. My condolences. Losing a parent is something I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. Give your dad a hug for me. :smallfrown:

2016-09-15, 03:38 AM
Yeah, I'm feeling tons better. I feel like I won't be missing my friends (the biggest loss of being banned from the Paizo forums! What would I do without all my beloved cultists!?), and I've had a bit of time to let reason retake the wheel. Looking back on it, I think the reason I got really upset was because...
I don't normally talk about the transgendered thing. The Paizo forums were the first place I ever actually acknowledged being transgendered in public. Aside from my closest friends and my brother, I just don't talk about it with people because it always opens up a can of worms, and it's made all the more difficult these days because we're getting thrust into the spotlight and used to beat people over the heads, like the crap with North Carolina (my home state actually, talk about awkward). But I quickly learned to avoid the LGBTQ thread on the Paizo forums because I just didn't fit in there and couldn't express any thoughts there without feeling like I was walking on eggshells. So I just stopped posting and eventually stopped reading the thread. Now, in the thread that was explicitly about asking me about my thoughts, when welcomed to give them, I was getting shut down. And for what? I still don't understand what happened. I still don't know what rule was broken.

I was banned after I was told to voice any concerns by Chris, for voicing my concerns. I'm okay now but still pretty dumbfounded.
But it's just a thing. All things pass and I'm just going to channel my frustrations towards trying to be more productive. I feel like that would be the best thing I can do.

If I may chip in my two cents: it's an issue I feel is alarmingly common lately, far from only the Paizo forums - I've been harassed, branded "transphobic", or even banned for criticising SJW's and their views on various websites, despite being trans myself. The SJW crowd tends to be overtly hostile to anyone who voices disagreeing opinions, even if it's, say, a LGBTQ person talking about LGBTQ issues. And they tend to prefer curbing speech over arguments, which is ever more upsetting.

2016-09-15, 03:41 AM
If I may chip in my two cents: it's an issue I feel is alarmingly common lately, far from only the Paizo forums - I've been harassed, branded "transphobic", or even banned for criticising SJW's and their views on various websites, despite being trans myself. The SJW crowd tends to be overtly hostile to anyone who voices disagreeing opinions, even if it's, say, a LGBTQ person talking about LGBTQ issues. And they tend to prefer curbing speech over arguments, which is ever more upsetting.
I think I would describe it as scary, actually. :smalleek:

Though I gotta say, Milo makes it sound like there's hope (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DiA0P9iELAA&feature=youtu.be&t=5006) for tomorrow. :smallsmile:

EDIT: By the way, have you ever seen Blaire White on youtube?

2016-09-15, 03:53 AM
I think I would describe it as scary, actually. :smalleek:

Though I gotta say, Milo makes it sound like there's hope (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DiA0P9iELAA&feature=youtu.be&t=5006) for tomorrow. :smallsmile:

EDIT: By the way, have you ever seen Blaire White on youtube?
No, this is the first time I hear of Blaire White. What about it?

2016-09-15, 03:58 AM
No, this is the first time I hear of Blaire White. What about it?
She's a really cool lady I found surfing youtube, but you reminded me of her when you were talking about the troubles with having differing opinions to the SJW-standards while being trans. She has a really cool youtube series where she tends to tackle SJW stuff. She was recently on the Rubin Report (here's a link to the video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1NpA6MyosI)). I think she's pretty cool. :smallcool:

2016-09-15, 04:04 AM
Before the Great Silencing, I was gonna ask, have you ever watched Critical Role or heard of it? If you haven't, it's a series involving well known voice actors playing 5E D&D. They converted over from Pathfinder, it seems, largely so that they could simplify the game for the streaming audience. I just recently started watching it, and while the players all seem to be new to TTRPGs, or at least very new to 5E, it's been a real pleasure to see them all voicing out characters with different voices and personalities.

2016-09-15, 04:06 AM
She's a really cool lady I found surfing youtube, but you reminded me of her when you were talking about the troubles with having differing opinions to the SJW-standards while being trans. She has a really cool youtube series where she tends to tackle SJW stuff. She was recently on the Rubin Report (here's a link to the video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1NpA6MyosI)). I think she's pretty cool. :smallcool:
Cool, I'll see more about her.
Also, a small note: I'm somewhat afraid of the potential pendulum backswing and reactionary tendencies after the SJW house of cards collapses.

2016-09-15, 04:09 AM
Before the Great Silencing, I was gonna ask, have you ever watched Critical Role or heard of it? If you haven't, it's a series involving well known voice actors playing 5E D&D. They converted over from Pathfinder, it seems, largely so that they could simplify the game for the streaming audience. I just recently started watching it, and while the players all seem to be new to TTRPGs, or at least very new to 5E, it's been a real pleasure to see them all voicing out characters with different voices and personalities.

I have heard of it but I haven't checked it out myself. My friend Justice told me about it a few months ago, and it sounded cool, but it often takes me a long time to get around to checking out stuff for fun. :smalltongue:

Klara Meison
2016-09-15, 04:11 AM
My friend Raital Latral was also banned from the Paizo forums. She told me that she had to call customer support earlier and that they're supposedly going to help her plead her case to people above Chris.
i called customer service, and talked to them, i explained my situation, and how i'm scared of the community people, so he said to e-mail [email protected] instead to circumnavigate them, so i am.
sent this email:

Today I called customer support and explained that I'm experiencing an issue with the paizo forums.

I'm really inexperienced with the forums, and don't really understand everything that's going on (I only have a few posts). Long story short, a friend of mine was discussing in their AMA thread about Transexual & Transgender individuals.

I myself am a Transexual individual, and was asked to voice my opinion and feedback as a trans individual. Before I could, several pages of posts were deleted. I still made my post, but also added on to it, explaining my perspective as a trans individual, and how its scary to me that a moderator could potentially silence my voice without anyone ever knowing, and how that fear was contrary to the seeming safe-space that was attempting to be made. And so I was trying to give feedback that it didn't make me feel safe, but rather it frightened me.

I was very polite, very respectful, and even had the post reviewed by multiple of my friends who frequent the forums, and they assured me that it wouldn't break ToS.

My post was removed and my friend was banned. I had no idea what was going on, and I'm super confused, so I asked what the proper channels were to ask about what is going on.

I was directed to the feedback forum, where I made a post. A copy of the post is found at the below URL (At this point I was worried because all my posts were disappearing, so I took a picture).


If my post was in some way rude, it was never part of my intention, I was confused and trying to be thorough in explaining what I thought was happening from my perspective. Before I could even go back to the feedback thread to make sure it posted, it was missing again, so I asked one of my friends, and they said they think its deleted for some reason. I wasn't sure why, or what was going wrong, I mean i was supposed to ask questions and give feedback in the feedback forum, right?

So I made a 2nd post, explaining what happened to my previous post and expression my confusion and asking for help so I could understand what was going on. (Again I took a picture because my posts were disappearing and I had no idea what was going on.)


This time, I managed to get back to the feedback forum fast enough to know and see that it was there and did exist.


But again, withing a minute, it too disappeared, leaving me confused and frustrated, but this time I couldn't post anymore.


I asked a friend what was going on, trying to figure it out, and they said I had been banned. I had no idea what was happening or why, and whoever did this felt like they just didn't like me for some reason, so I called the customer support line and explained my situation. The very kind gentlemen told me to write and send this e-mail, so I have.

I explained that I was scared of the community people, and wanted to bypass them since they seemed to dislike me for some reason, so he gave me this e-mail instead so that it would bypass them completely.

I'm not sure what's going on, or why me or my friend (who I think has over 10k posts now) would be banned, but I really like you guys and want to get this figured out.

Please help me out! T_T You're my only hope!

Ms. Latral
This bugs the heck out of me. I'm the one who got her to join the Paizo forums because of an ongoing promise to link her to every thread where I mentioned her characters or stuff from any of the campaigns she was in, or tg stuff like this (she's kind of my rock when it comes about having a real heart to heart about the great unknowns about things like the choice to pursue treatments and stuff).

This is swiftly moving from "Silly and completely unnecessory" to "Frankly ridiculous". I wonder when(if ever) will paizo admit they made a mistake.

2016-09-15, 04:14 AM
Cool, I'll see more about her.
Also, a small note: I'm somewhat afraid of the potential pendulum backswing and reactionary tendencies after the SJW house of cards collapses.

You probably should be. The collectivist behaviors that allow injustice of the individual in order to benefit the group are increasingly pushing people to the more extreme elements of the right, just because they're offering an alternative.

Now I don't believe everything the right has to say is bad or wrong or any amount of ists. You have those on either side. But there's actual neo-fascist parties who are openly so gaining real credible ground after years and years of being a joke because people are sick of the injustices of the other side. And that is scary.

That said, I don't think that North America will experience that stuff. We've traditionally been very isolated from the world at large and their problems and it gives us a blind spot to outer issues, and unfortunately, a lack of immunity to certain ideas. But I don't think that you'll see a sudden upswing in fascists. I suspect you'll get a lot of yelling and screaming, and a slight upswing in violence for a bit and then we'll get back to where we are now, just the polarity will be reversed again to one I find more familiar with the right curtailing freedoms and the left defending them. They seem to cycle back and forth.

2016-09-15, 04:17 AM
Cool, I'll see more about her.
Also, a small note: I'm somewhat afraid of the potential pendulum backswing and reactionary tendencies after the SJW house of cards collapses.I feel like that's a legitimate concern. Hurting people lash out hardest so when you've been pressing people for a long time, the pushback can be really bad. It's one of the reasons SJWs whacking people over the head with us upsets me a lot. I know a lot of people in my state that have never met a transgendered person and knew it, and in recent years I've started coming out to people because I feel obligated to show people something different than they're expecting and talk to them in real terms. They're often surprised, even more so when I'm not fitting the preceding reputations. My dad still doesn't know though (I'm really not sure how he would take it and while I'm sure he'd love me either way, it's not something I'm comfortable with at the moment. My mom probably would have understood or expected it more easily since she had to sit down and explain to me as a child that even if I prayed really, really, reeeeeeaaaally hard, I probably wouldn't magically turn into a girl; which was probably an awkward conversation to have with your 5 year old). :smallconfused:

Klara Meison
2016-09-15, 04:18 AM
You probably should be. The collectivist behaviors that allow injustice of the individual in order to benefit the group are increasingly pushing people to the more extreme elements of the right, just because they're offering an alternative.

Now I don't believe everything the right has to say is bad or wrong or any amount of ists. You have those on either side. But there's actual neo-fascist parties who are openly so gaining real credible ground after years and years of being a joke because people are sick of the injustices of the other side. And that is scary.

That said, I don't think that North America will experience that stuff. We've traditionally been very isolated from the world at large and their problems and it gives us a blind spot to outer issues, and unfortunately, a lack of immunity to certain ideas. But I don't think that you'll see a sudden upswing in fascists. I suspect you'll get a lot of yelling and screaming, and a slight upswing in violence for a bit and then we'll get back to where we are now, just the polarity will be reversed again to one I find more familiar with the right curtailing freedoms and the left defending them. They seem to cycle back and forth.

Not everyone here is from North America.

2016-09-15, 04:23 AM
Not everyone here is from North America.
A lot of scary things are happening throughout the world right now. :smalleek:

2016-09-15, 04:25 AM
Not everyone here is from North America.

Pfft.. Ha! Like there is anyplace else in the world other then North America! /s

Here in North America, we do things two ways... all the way to one side, or all the way to the other. We don't "do" middle ground.

2016-09-15, 04:27 AM
Pfft.. Ha! Like there is anyplace else in the world other then North America! /s

Here in North America, we do things two ways... all the way to one side, or all the way to the other. We don't "do" middle ground.

I always think balance makes the best play. :smallbiggrin:

2016-09-15, 04:28 AM
Not everyone here is from North America.

North America is the only continent.

Pics or it didn't happen.

I know, but I am from there. Those who are in Europe may be in for a bad time. France in particular it looks like. I think UK will manage fine, but the rest are in an awkward position. I don't think it's a relevant issue to Africa, Asia or South America, but I'm not nearly as familiar with their situations to state that as a fact. But I suspect they have more pressing social problems that they'll want tackled first.

Honestly I'm not sure it'll actually swing back in Canada. This stuff is in our highest office. And we don't have the Right to Free Speech. We've something sorta like that but it's not a right. It can be revoked, and it's not nearly as protected overall. We have censorship bureaus.

Klara Meison
2016-09-15, 04:31 AM
Already missing the "favourite" function...

O well. Getting back to the topic, who is your favourite Order Of The Stick character?

2016-09-15, 04:34 AM
Already missing the "favourite" function...

O well. Getting back to the topic, who is your favourite Order Of The Stick character?

Xykon. :smallamused:

2016-09-15, 04:34 AM

2016-09-15, 04:39 AM

Good choice. :smallsmile:

Klara Meison
2016-09-15, 04:40 AM
Mine is probably either Vaarsuvius, but only in the OP BS EPIC magic arc, or Red Cloak.

2016-09-15, 04:48 AM
I think the reason I really like Xykon is because he's funny with a sense of deadpan humor / sarcasm, and he was immortalized in the scene where mega-vaarsuvius (probably super misspelled that) and he are dueling and he makes the speech about power. That speech resonates in a lot of my character building. When I was playing in Aratrok's Reign of Winter campaign, I had to sit out a session because I had a work obligation that I couldn't reschedule and so he was just going to NPC my Psion Agatha. To his surprise, something like 80% of her powers were defensive or utility based. However, she always seemed to be very powerful when the need arose (when thrown into a frigid river, she ended up with a climb speed and cold resistance, for example).

It's that being prepared thing. That not being too focused thing.

Also when he was "Pretty good actually" about having set extra traps. :smallamused:

2016-09-15, 04:58 AM
I think the reason I really like Xykon is because he's funny with a sense of deadpan humor / sarcasm, and he was immortalized in the scene where mega-vaarsuvius (probably super misspelled that) and he are dueling and he makes the speech about power. That speech resonates in a lot of my character building. When I was playing in Aratrok's Reign of Winter campaign, I had to sit out a session because I had a work obligation that I couldn't reschedule and so he was just going to NPC my Psion Agatha. To his surprise, something like 80% of her powers were defensive or utility based. However, she always seemed to be very powerful when the need arose (when thrown into a frigid river, she ended up with a climb speed and cold resistance, for example).

It's that being prepared thing. That not being too focused thing.

Also when he was "Pretty good actually" about having set extra traps. :smallamused:

I like him for those reasons too. Well besides the Reign of Winter part anyways heh. We never finished that either.

Evidently the reason we can't just get bunch of people to beat up the witch who for some reason is trying to freeze the world, is that for one, she has a back door into the dancing hut only she can use and can bring people in with and the ritual is happening in there, and the ritual doesn't end if she dies so only Baba Yaga can end it. So even if you did rally the people, you still needed Baba Yaga.

I like Vaarsuvius because of his character arc. It's definitely something I can see happening very easily, and the way they deal with the situations. They screw up. Repeatedly. And hard. Their hubris is significant. Yet not only do they in the end make the hard decisions, they don't just hide them away either, they bring it to the attention of someone. And they're still trying because they still have trouble but they are finding their way. It's done quite well in my eyes.

2016-09-15, 05:01 AM
I think the reason I really like Xykon is because he's funny with a sense of deadpan humor / sarcasm, and he was immortalized in the scene where mega-vaarsuvius (probably super misspelled that) and he are dueling and he makes the speech about power. That speech resonates in a lot of my character building. When I was playing in Aratrok's Reign of Winter campaign, I had to sit out a session because I had a work obligation that I couldn't reschedule and so he was just going to NPC my Psion Agatha. To his surprise, something like 80% of her powers were defensive or utility based. However, she always seemed to be very powerful when the need arose (when thrown into a frigid river, she ended up with a climb speed and cold resistance, for example).

It's that being prepared thing. That not being too focused thing.

Also when he was "Pretty good actually" about having set extra traps. :smallamused:

I was just about to reply with the same thing. "Power equals Power" has always been the most memorable quote for me (outside of joking references, like Elan yelling, "I ROLLED A 4!" for his stealth check). Elan has always been great too, he's shown a lot of growth over the years.

2016-09-15, 05:05 AM
Gonna head to bed. Can't wait to see how Paizo responds to the posts in the morning! /s

2016-09-15, 05:06 AM
Inb4 everyone is banned.

2016-09-15, 05:08 AM
My internet is acting up and I'm dead tired so I'm going to go to sleep. See everyone tomorrow. ^-^

Klara Meison
2016-09-15, 05:09 AM
>she has a back door into the dancing hut only she can use

Can't you just nuke the hut with a magical equivalent of a nuclear laser (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_pumped_laser) so that "hut" turns into a "hot pile of plasma" and ritual stops being a problem?

2016-09-15, 05:10 AM
Gonna head to bed. Can't wait to see how Paizo responds to the posts in the morning! /s

Responds to the posts in the morning?

2016-09-15, 05:26 AM
>she has a back door into the dancing hut only she can use

Can't you just nuke the hut with a magical equivalent of a nuclear laser so that "hut" turns into a "hot pile of plasma" and ritual stops being a problem?

Not really, cus it's an artifact. Plus you basically just blow up your only way inside, you don't touch the 50 million demiplanes inside it. One of which contains the ritual site. And it's being done with another artifact.

Klara Meison
2016-09-15, 06:38 AM
Hillarity continues as Paizo deletes the "User Ashiel Banned for questioning moderators removal of messages from their Ask Me Anything thread" thread.

2016-09-15, 06:39 AM
Wow... They even banned Ash. :smallfurious:

I had no intention to go back to Paizo, but now I'm sure I won't do it. I can tolerate strict moderation, but unfair and tyrannical modding... That I can't bear.

Paizo forum has a history of very selective about what and who they punish. Jessica Price is particularly hostile and eager to accuse anyone who disagrees with her, and we all know SKR. Hell! ciretose was allowed to stalk and harass Ashiel for months, maybe years, and even doxx her with impunity. It was only when he insulted a mod that he got banned.

Paizo lost me as customer and as member of their community... And I actually feel relieved.

2016-09-15, 06:41 AM
Hillarity continues as Paizo deletes the "User Ashiel Banned for questioning moderators removal of messages from their Ask Me Anything thread" thread.
Hah! The same thread where the usual members of Paizo Defense Force were defending the mods and saying "there's no censorship going on here, guys! It's all the fault of the people who were banned."

Oh.... The irony.

It'd be funny, it it wasn't revolting.

Klara Meison
2016-09-15, 06:46 AM
Oh, no, nevermind, they just moved it to Website Feedback.

2016-09-15, 07:06 AM
Burying it in a desolate forum that is never visited isn't much better...

I'm disappointed with some of the posts in that thread... But I guess I should've expected the Paizo Defense Force to remain blindly loyal no matter what.

Kurosama Huroka
2016-09-15, 07:06 AM
Hello Ashiel, Klara, and everyone else from the Paizo forums! I went to go check on a release date and saw the thread about you getting banned. I was somewhat confuzled and thought to myself, "Sweet little Ashiel got banned? WUT?!". Yet here we are.

It has felt like ages since I was last on their website for anything other than checking for new book releases since my banning years ago on my account for breaking the terms of service by having a contrary opinion on a political thread, despite wording things respectfully and clearly stating my intentions for posting it.

After that fiasco, I rolled up on Roll20 for a time before the shortage of adventurous PBP gamers lead me here a few weeks ago. I am finding the community much friendlier and the mods do not seem as quick to smack people upside the head with that ban hammer. I still miss my friends from the Paizo messageboards, but find this a much more agreeable community.

In any case, it is good to know that some of you are here on these forums and I can socialize with you all again! ^_^

All the best to you and yours. And don't worry, I will come back later with some fun questions!

Klara Meison
2016-09-15, 07:11 AM
I think that one of the reasons paizo's moderation feels so rough is because their weakest stick is editing posts, so they go from no response straight to strong responses. There is no proper escalation (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5Ye_dAge-4&ab_channel=Lindybeige) there, no "weak" moderation options, like a calm "guys, please stop" before moderation begins. Or, at least, i have never seen them use those weaker options.

Hello Ashiel, Klara, and everyone else from the Paizo forums! I went to go check on a release date and saw the thread about you getting banned. I was somewhat confuzled and thought to myself, "Sweet little Ashiel got banned? WUT?!". Yet here we are.

It has felt like ages since I was last on their website for anything other than checking for new book releases since my banning years ago on my account for breaking the terms of service by having a contrary opinion on a political thread, despite wording things respectfully and clearly stating my intentions for posting it.

After that fiasco, I rolled up on Roll20 for a time before the shortage of adventurous PBP gamers lead me here a few weeks ago. I am finding the community much friendlier and the mods do not seem as quick to smack people upside the head with that ban hammer. I still miss my friends from the Paizo messageboards, but find this a much more agreeable community.

In any case, it is good to know that some of you are here on these forums and I can socialize with you all again! ^_^

All the best to you and yours. And don't worry, I will come back later with some fun questions!

Hello to you as well.

2016-09-15, 07:21 AM
The problem is that they are not honest about their rules. There are secret rules and guidelines that are not mentioned anywhere.

These includes:

- Never disagree with a mod's political/social views.
- Never mention all the unfair bull**** you've seen.
- Never doubt any accusation.
- Sexism and racism is okay against "acceptable" targets.

...And more!

I learned it the hard way. But I learned it well. I have no desire or intention to ever go back to Paizo forums.

2016-09-15, 07:27 AM
The problem is that they are not honest about their rules. There are secret rules and guidelines that are not mentioned anywhere.

These includes:

- Never disagree with a mod's political/social views.
- Never mention all the unfair bull**** you've seen.
- Never doubt any accusation.
- Sexism and racism is okay against "acceptable" targets.

...And more!

I learned it the hard way. But I learned it well. I have no desire or intention to ever go back to Paizo forums.
The worst part is that the "never disagree with a mod's political/social views" unspoken rule applies even if said mod isn't participating in the discussion.

2016-09-15, 07:34 AM
I think I would describe it as scary, actually. :smalleek:

Though I gotta say, Milo makes it sound like there's hope (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DiA0P9iELAA&feature=youtu.be&t=5006) for tomorrow. :smallsmile:

EDIT: By the way, have you ever seen Blaire White on youtube?
If you're looking to Milo Yiannopoulos (http://www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/?s=Milo) for inspiration, you need to re-evaluate your life.

2016-09-15, 07:47 AM
If you're looking to Milo Yiannopoulos (http://www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/?s=Milo) for inspiration, you need to re-evaluate your life.
I may be wrong, but I unfortunately believe most people present in this thread would prefer not having wounds salted with links to an SJW witch hunting website, as things like that devolve into nasty arguments quickly. Could you please not?

2016-09-15, 08:02 AM
Talonhawke here Trying to catch up on the Paizo thread before it's gone will be back to catch up here after.

2016-09-15, 08:04 AM
There's not much room for a discussion to "devolve" after people start praising neo-nazis.

2016-09-15, 08:09 AM
The problem is that they are not honest about their rules. There are secret rules and guidelines that are not mentioned anywhere.

These includes:

- Never disagree with a mod's political/social views.
- Never mention all the unfair bull**** you've seen.
- Never doubt any accusation.
- Sexism and racism is okay against "acceptable" targets.

...And more!

I learned it the hard way. But I learned it well. I have no desire or intention to ever go back to Paizo forums.

I'll still be around them but what you posted above is exactly why I tend to stick to rules and PFS rules discussions. I have seen people be attacked over their religion/gender/sexuality by one of the Paizo staff before and nothing vanish. However dare to respond the them in the same way and if your lucky enough not to lose post half the boards will ravenously attack you.

Klara Meison
2016-09-15, 08:10 AM
There's not much room for a discussion to "devolve" after people start praising neon-nazis.

Personally, I think that neon colors are completely counter to the general theme nazi uniforms seemed to be conveying, but everyone has different tastes. They aren't terribly historical either, I think original designs only had basic colors-black, red, white, that sort of thing. Are you sure you are in the right thread? I don't believe we have been discussing historical re-enactment before.

2016-09-15, 08:15 AM
Personally, I think that neon colors are completely counter to the general theme nazi uniforms seemed to be conveying, but everyone has different tastes. They aren't terribly historical either, I think original designs only had basic colors-black, red, white, that sort of thing. Are you sure you are in the right thread? I don't believe we have been discussing historical re-enactment before.

Something like this? (http://img05.deviantart.net/d25b/i/2015/126/2/e/neon_nazi_by_front_a_little-d1cjgnj.jpg)

2016-09-15, 08:36 AM
There's not much room for a discussion to "devolve" after people start praising neo-nazis.
Hey there, Teron. :smallsmile:

The small segment of the show I linked (the last few minutes), I did because he gives a pretty positive view about the potential to overcome a strangling hold on people with ideological shackles. Just a short speech on a single subject that resonates with a number of people. No matter how anyone feels about Mr. Yiannopolus, I did like that speech. Even if he was really bad (I don't really think he is), that doesn't mean that 100% of his ideas or tastes would be bad by proxy, y'know?

But I'd like to say that you are welcome to ask or discuss anything you like in this thread. You won't offend me, and there won't be any hard feelings. My getting upset over the Paizo forum stuff is a far outlier to my usually thick skinned nature (looking back, it was a perfect storm of frustrations). Having identified what led to it, I'll be less likely to let it get the better of my emotions in the future (so in a sense this was a good thing, I'll just grow as a person).

If you want, we can even discuss Milo. Or we could discuss something else, like Pizza. I'd like to just say to everyone that I don't mind if people are challenging anything in my thread here. I'm A-OK with that, and wouldn't want it any other way. Heck, that sort of nonconformity will be necessary when playtesting begins. :smallbiggrin:

Klara Meison
2016-09-15, 08:40 AM
If Daleks caught you and forced you to choose what flavor of pizza they would exterminate from the face of the universe, what would be your choice?

2016-09-15, 08:45 AM
Hah! The same thread where the usual members of Paizo Defense Force were defending the mods and saying "there's no censorship going on here, guys! It's all the fault of the people who were banned."

Oh.... The irony.

It'd be funny, it it wasn't revolting.
That thread is actually still up, but for how long I don't know. Anyway, hello peeps.

2016-09-15, 08:47 AM
Where are my minions? :smallmad:

2016-09-15, 08:54 AM
Wow, just...wow.

Last thing I wanted to see this morning was Ashiel getting banned, but I guess it doesn't surprise me, either. It's always easier to make problems go away than address them, even easier if you are in a position of power.

Anyhoo, there's been no response to my thread, but I think it's only a matter of time until your friend's is closed, Ash, if not deleted.

On (current) topic:
1) I havent read OOTS so, I dunno who my fav would be,
2) Made it to page 3 until "Milo is teh debil". I'm amazed :P
3) Any pizza that uses ranch dressing for the sauce can be nuked, really.

2016-09-15, 09:01 AM
That thread is actually still up, but for how long I don't know. Anyway, hello peeps.I take it you posted this reply before seeing the next two posts. :)

2016-09-15, 09:01 AM
Guess I'm moving to GitP, then. Hey, Ashiel. I'm a fan, but I think the only direct interaction we've ever had was a nice discussion of Unsanctioned Knowledge and magic items for paladins.

2016-09-15, 09:02 AM
If Daleks caught you and forced you to choose what flavor of pizza they would exterminate from the face of the universe, what would be your choice?

Cucumber Flavored. :smallamused:

2016-09-15, 09:03 AM
If Daleks caught you and forced you to choose what flavor of pizza they would exterminate from the face of the universe, what would be your choice?
Ashiel is very smart and all... But she is no valid source when it comes to taste in pizza!

She likes pineapple and honey in her pizza! PINEAPPLE AND HONEY!!!

The horror!!!

2016-09-15, 09:03 AM
That thread is actually still up, but for how long I don't know. Anyway, hello peeps.

Guess I'm moving to GitP, then. Hey, Ashiel. I'm a fan, but I think the only direct interaction we've ever had was a nice discussion of Unsanctioned Knowledge and magic items for paladins.
Hey guys, happy to see you! (^.^)

2016-09-15, 09:07 AM
Ashiel is very smart and all... But she is no valid source when it comes to taste in pizza!

She likes pineapple and honey in her pizza! PINEAPPLE AND HONEY!!!

The horror!!!

Wait, like, at the same time?

2016-09-15, 09:07 AM
I take it you posted this reply before seeing the next two posts. :)
yeah. :smallsmile:

Klara Meison
2016-09-15, 09:08 AM
Guess I'm moving to GitP, then. Hey, Ashiel. I'm a fan, but I think the only direct interaction we've ever had was a nice discussion of Unsanctioned Knowledge and magic items for paladins.

Hello. Always good to see more friendly people.

Cucumber Flavored. :smallamused:

You clearly have never tried properly fried cucumbers.

Ashiel is very smart and all... But she is no valid source when it comes to taste in pizza!

She likes pineapple and honey in her pizza! PINEAPPLE AND HONEY!!!

The horror!!!

Pineapples are actually quite great on pizza. Never tried honey, so can't say about that.

2016-09-15, 09:09 AM
Cucumber Flavored. :smallamused:

You know you dun ****ed up when I have to make an account to call you out!

Lebanese manouche with cucumbers is a gift from the gods! Is it actually pizza...maybe. But enough joking, best of luck buddy and olives are little black rings of death upon my pizza.

2016-09-15, 09:09 AM
Ashiel is very smart and all... But she is no valid source when it comes to taste in pizza!

She likes pineapple and honey in her pizza! PINEAPPLE AND HONEY!!!

The horror!!!

Guilty as charged. :smallredface:

Also, my internet is suffering really bad right now. I'm up really early 'cause my dad asked me to call Tech Support. They're stumped as to why the line is so unstable but the earliest they can get a technician out is tomorrow, so my internet is going to keep dropping and reconnecting until it stabilizes for a while. So my responses are going to be a bit spotty. :smalleek:

2016-09-15, 09:18 AM
Pineapples are actually quite great on pizza. Never tried honey, so can't say about that.Oh, gods.. IT'S SPREADING!!! HUMANITY IS DOOMED!!! DOOMED!!!

2016-09-15, 09:19 AM
Where are my minions? :smallmad:

Here sir just unsure if I can do an alias or if so how to do so.

2016-09-15, 09:20 AM
My favorite kind of pizza has sweet barbecue sauce in place of tomato sauce, topped with pineapple, ham, and onions.

Although I'll freely admit my sense of taste might be out of whack from years of eating overly spicy food.

2016-09-15, 09:21 AM
Here sir just unsure if I can do an alias or if so how to do so.
Well there's a signature system. :smallwink:

2016-09-15, 09:22 AM
My favorite kind of pizza has sweet barbecue sauce in place of tomato sauce, topped with pineapple, ham, and onions.

Although I'll freely admit my sense of taste might be out of whack from years of eating overly spicy food.

Yeah the pinapple and honey Lemmy is talking about is actually spicy honey sirracha sauce. It's got some kick to it but my goodness do I love it. :smallbiggrin:

EDIT: Speaking of signatures, I updated mine with links to the usual stuff (like the guidebook and revised marilith and stuff).

2016-09-15, 09:24 AM
Yeah the pinapple and honey Lemmy is talking about is actually spicy honey sirracha sauce. It's got some kick to it but my goodness do I love it. :smallbiggrin:

Ah. That sounds significantly less gross that what I was thinking of (pineapples plus straight up honey).

Edit: I don't mind a little kick, either. Actually, that's an understatement. One of my go-to snacks is Carolina Reaper jerky.

2016-09-15, 09:27 AM
Ah. That sounds significantly less gross that what I was thinking of (pineapples plus straight up honey).

Edit: I don't mind a little kick, either. Actually, that's an understatement. One of my go-to snacks is Carolina Reaper jerky.

I liked it a lot. However, it's got waaaaaay more kick when it's used as chicken nugget sauce. :smalleek:

EDIT: Carolina reaper jerky? Oh lord, I've been afraid to try 'em. I usually just eat habaneros (spelling?) on my pizzas and those tend to be hot enough. :smalltongue:

2016-09-15, 09:30 AM
I love spicy food (mostly because my mom is from a region where if you don't eat extra spicy food, you don't eat at all). I'm pretty my mother coated my pacifiers and baby bottles in red hot pepper when I was a baby. :smalltongue:

It's really the pineapple that offends me... I've tried "californian pizza" or whatever it's called... And it's a sin against all that is good in the world! :smallbiggrin:

2016-09-15, 09:30 AM
I liked it a lot. However, it's got waaaaaay more kick when it's used as chicken nugget sauce. :smalleek:

Ouch. Ever had Dave's Insanity Sauce? I typically use it as a chili seasoning, but I once made the mistake of applying it directly to a slice of pizza.

2016-09-15, 09:30 AM
Edit: I don't mind a little kick, either. Actually, that's an understatement. One of my go-to snacks is Carolina Reaper jerky.

Yes love that jerky and really wish i could recreate it at home to save some cash. But you can keep the pineapples on the pizza Ashiel......in fact you can have my share of the pineapples.

2016-09-15, 09:36 AM
Yes love that jerky and really wish i could recreate it at home to save some cash. But you can keep the pineapples on the pizza Ashiel......in fact you can have my share of the pineapples.
I love pinapples (I can eat a whole pinapples, and usually the only reason I stop is because eventually the acid buildup forces me to), so I'd be fine with that. :)

Actually we make our own jerky at my house because we'd stay broke if we didn't. My younger brother has some sort of strange diet where he seems to subsist almost entirely on jerky and mountain dew if you let him. Crazy thing is, somehow he has all of his teeth and his body looks like he was carved out of marble. :smallconfused:

Klara Meison
2016-09-15, 09:39 AM
Have you ever tried mixing honey and mustard? It's really tasty.

2016-09-15, 09:43 AM
Have you ever tried mixing honey and mustard? It's really tasty.

Not directly but one of my favorite things to put on sandwiches I make is a combination of thousand island dressing and honey mustard dressing.

Oh, and I forgot to answer your question from the original AMA thread, about what my PCs drink when they go to taverns.

Most commonly either tea, flavored water (cleaned and flavored with prestidigitation or similar effect), wine, or blood (I've had a few vampire PCs using custom vampire templates). The blood's usually on the down-low though. :smallredface:

2016-09-15, 09:44 AM
Have you ever tried mixing honey and mustard? It's really tasty.

I like to make my own mustard. The recipe I use is sweet initially, but if you leave it on your tongue too long it stabs you in the mouth.

2016-09-15, 09:46 AM
I like to make my own mustard. The recipe I use is sweet initially, but if you leave it on your tongue too long it stabs you in the mouth.
There's some sort of joke about kobolds in here, I just need to figure out how to extract it.

2016-09-15, 09:47 AM
After 12 years, I think I finally understand why Americans don't eat actual meals during lunch time. :smallbiggrin:

2016-09-15, 09:54 AM
Something sad has come to my attention. I received an e-mail saying Liz Courts left Paizo yesterday (totally unrelated to anything going on here of course). I loved Liz, she was cool. Some of the oldies on the Paizo boards might remember her alias Lilith who passed out the internet cookies. I wonder what stuff she'll be up to now.

If Erik Mona passes the flag and Jason Bulhman ever pass the torch, there would hardly be any of the classic Paizo staff left for me to recognize.

EDIT: Well it might not be sad actually. Things change and often lead to the better.

Except war. War never changes. :smalltongue:

2016-09-15, 10:03 AM
After 12 years, I think I finally understand why Americans don't eat actual meals during lunch time. :smallbiggrin:
Humorously it's actually a great idea to eat six half-sized meals per day rather than 3 full sized meals per day. :smallsmile:

2016-09-15, 10:07 AM
Hey guys, happy to see you! (^.^)
I figured I would drop by. :smallsmile: :smallsmile:

2016-09-15, 10:11 AM
There's some sort of joke about kobolds in here, I just need to figure out how to extract it.

The typical Kobold Joke extraction threshold is roughly 200 PSI which can usually be obtained via press or ogre without too much trouble.

2016-09-15, 10:18 AM
I figured I would drop by. :smallsmile: :smallsmile:
You're more than welcome. It's always been fun reading your posts.
EDIT: And without you, I'd never have posted a re-written simulacrum on the forums.

The typical Kobold Joke extraction threshold is roughly 200 PSI which can usually be obtained via press or ogre without too much trouble. This amuses me probably more than it should. Somehow I imagine an ogre turning a gear on a machine poopin' out kobolds.

EDIT: Hmmm, now I kind of think an ogre modeled after the tinker from Warcraft 3 producing clockwork kobolds could be kinda amusing.

2016-09-15, 10:26 AM
Humorously it's actually a great idea to eat six half-sized meals per day rather than 3 full sized meals per day. :smallsmile:
Theoretically, yes...

But short meals encourage people to eat the aptly-named "fast food" rather than healthier meals.

Eating smaller meals doesn't help when they are all composed of extra-greasy cheeseburgers and extra-large sodas.

2016-09-15, 10:30 AM
Theoretically, yes...

But short meals encourage people to eat the aptly-named "fast food" rather than healthier meals.

Eating smaller meals doesn't help when they are all composed of extra-greasy cheeseburgers and extra-large sodas.

Yeah that's potentially a problem for sure. I wonder if maybe making little snack boxes might be a cool idea? Maybe a container filled with little half-sandwiches and such you can make all at once easily and carry them around with you throughout the day. I might have to look into this 'cause I could afford to lose a few pounds if only for the health benefits.

Klara Meison
2016-09-15, 10:34 AM
You could buy Soylent if you are into that.

2016-09-15, 10:35 AM
You could buy Soylent if you are into that.
This is the first I've heard of it (I've heard more about soylent green which is a bit different :smalltongue:). I wonder if it tastes any good. Ever tried any?

Klara Meison
2016-09-15, 10:45 AM
No, but I believe you could order it (https://www.soylent.com/) in the US. I read their math, it seemed sensible. But I am not a doctor, so...

2016-09-15, 10:48 AM
You could buy Soylent if you are into that.
But is it people?

2016-09-15, 10:48 AM
there, no "weak" moderation options, like a calm "guys, please stop" before moderation begins. Or, at least, i have never seen them use those weaker options.

I've seen plenty of those, but not in some time.

2016-09-15, 10:48 AM
No, but I believe you could order it (https://www.soylent.com/) in the US. I read their math, it seemed sensible. But I am not a doctor, so...
This is pretty interesting to me purely because of how sci-fi it seems. I mean when we were kids we got to watch stuff like the Jetsons and seeing people kicking back tiny meals of shakes or pills and stuff that had all the nutrients, and over the course of just a short time we've got tech that reflects or even surpasses stuff we saw in fiction 20-30 years ago. It's kinda cool because sometimes it feels like we're living in the future. :smallamused:

2016-09-15, 10:50 AM
I've seen plenty of those, but not in some time.
Nicos! *hugs*
Good to see you again. :D

How's everyone finding their way over here? :smallconfused:
Not that I'm complaining! :smallsmile:

2016-09-15, 10:51 AM
I'll still be around them but what you posted above is exactly why I tend to stick to rules and PFS rules discussions. I have seen people be attacked over their religion/gender/sexuality by one of the Paizo staff before and nothing vanish. However dare to respond the them in the same way and if your lucky enough not to lose post half the boards will ravenously attack you.

That have to be interesting readings.

2016-09-15, 10:55 AM
But is it people?
Perhaps humorously, being people wouldn't really bother me if they weren't murdered to make it. I don't really see dead bodies as anything more than a defunct vessel that once contained a person but now exists as a pile of calcium and proteins. Because of this, I've never really seen much difficulty in answering the "what ifs" like "if you were in a planewreck on a deserted island, would you eat the bodies of the dead to survive?". Sure, go for it.

This might influence my appreciation for Necromancy & the Undead. Without a soul, a body is just a pile of meat. Waste not, want not. :smallwink:

2016-09-15, 10:58 AM
Humorously it's actually a great idea to eat six half-sized meals per day rather than 3 full sized meals per day. :smallsmile:

Eh. it's not that important. In fact, depending on what you eat, you could have high insuline rates all day long by eating constantly.

2016-09-15, 11:03 AM
That have to be interesting readings.
I've seen a lot of that actually. The catch is, the vast majority of any evidence gets removed by the moderators. A more honest and transparent thing would be for a mod to edit the post and explain the infraction and leave it to show what wasn't acceptable. However, I've seen a lot of people in the past get shut down and any evidence of the discussion wiped.

If you recall Artemis Moonstar (a pretty cool poster), he and his girlfriend (who he invited to the forums) wanted to better understand stuff about being transgendered (this was in a different thread a year or two ago) because she was curious (and it's a really freakin' rare condition, even if you see someone, getting a chance to have an open Q&A sessions is pretty rare and awesome chance). However, she didn't ask the right questions and she was driven off the forums by moderators. It was really upsetting and that's the reason Artemis and his girlfriend are gone. She was so upset how she was treated that they just stopped coming. I saw the posts before they were removed and talked to them in PMs when they were saying their goodbyes.

I stayed out of the LGBTQ thread myself because it made me realize that it was a hostile place I wanted no part of. I didn't fit into it, even if I technically fall somewhere within that definition. I never expected stuff like that in my AMA thread but perhaps I was too naive. :smallfrown:

2016-09-15, 11:05 AM
Nicos! *hugs*
Good to see you again. :D

How's everyone finding their way over here? :smallconfused:
Not that I'm complaining! :smallsmile:

There's a helpful link in the feedback thread made to complain about your ban.

2016-09-15, 11:09 AM
There's a helpful link in the feedback thread made to complain about your ban.

Clicks AMA bookmark...

...Oh sweet Arcane Knowledge. He's getting the biggest hug next time I see him. :smallredface:

Begins reading the associated threads...

2016-09-15, 11:13 AM
This is the first I've heard of it (I've heard more about soylent green which is a bit different :smalltongue:). I wonder if it tastes any good. Ever tried any?

You could ask Treppa about it if you are friendly with her. She's mentioned it over in Fawtl.

2016-09-15, 11:16 AM
You could ask Treppa about it if you are friendly with her. She's mentioned it over in Fawtl.
I don't think I've ever met Treppa, or if I have, my memory is failing me. :smallconfused:

2016-09-15, 11:25 AM
Nicos! *hugs*
Good to see you again. :D

How's everyone finding their way over here? :smallconfused:
Not that I'm complaining! :smallsmile:

Lemmy ended up banned for questioning the decision to ban you, and we didn't want to stop playing in the game he was running, is the short answer. So you'll probably be seeing Scavion around too.

I personally have been tired of Paizo's crap since SKR started spamming my e-mail and temp banning me at every opportunity, but it's gotten even WORSE since he left somehow, so having an alternate forum is nice.

I have also been Sundakan recently, in case that had slipped by. =)

2016-09-15, 11:32 AM
Lemmy ended up banned for questioning the decision to ban you, and we didn't want to stop playing in the game he was running, is the short answer. So you'll probably be seeing Scavion around too.

I personally have been tired of Paizo's crap since SKR started spamming my e-mail and temp banning me at every opportunity, but it's gotten even WORSE since he left somehow, so having an alternate forum is nice.

I have also been Sundakan recently, in case that had slipped by. =)
Rynjin! I'm beginning to see all my favorite posters here. It's like a great Paizo-forum family reunion. :smallbiggrin:
I <3 Scavion too. This has turned out to be the exact opposite of demoralizing. People I care about keep poppin' up like daisies. :smallbiggrin:

2016-09-15, 11:35 AM
Lemmy ended up banned for questioning the decision to ban you, and we didn't want to stop playing in the game he was running, is the short answer. So you'll probably be seeing Scavion around too.

I personally have been tired of Paizo's crap since SKR started spamming my e-mail and temp banning me at every opportunity, but it's gotten even WORSE since he left somehow, so having an alternate forum is nice.

I have also been Sundakan recently, in case that had slipped by. =)

I always wanted to ask why your other account was perma baned but it was too lazy to pm you.

2016-09-15, 11:48 AM
Lemmy ended up banned for questioning the decision to ban you, and we didn't want to stop playing in the game he was running, is the short answer. So you'll probably be seeing Scavion around too.

I personally have been tired of Paizo's crap since SKR started spamming my e-mail and temp banning me at every opportunity, but it's gotten even WORSE since he left somehow, so having an alternate forum is nice.I always wanted to ask why your other account was perma baned but it was too lazy to pm you.
It would be really helpful if we got stuff like "User was banned for this post for reason". Instead people just disappear and nobody knows why. Would you believe that when I found out that Ciretose was banned, I was actually upset about that? As crazy as our relationship on the boards were, he never got banned for stuff like stalking, baiting, and doxing me, but he got banned for disagreeing with a dev during one of the playtests (to my knowledge).

I'll tell ya, as many times as I'd have liked to get into some real fisticuffs with Ciretose, I didn't like that was the circumstances for his sudden absence from the forums. I actually wonder if it may have hurt the forums overall. As insane as it was in a thread with us, a lot of really good content tended to come out of that forge. :smallconfused:

EDIT: In fact, thinking about it, a lot of my best mechanical breakdowns came about during debates. A lot of information that I think was useful to people after you brushed off the ashes. They became references for future conversations. I've had a surprising number of people remark to me about how our conversations often made them rethink everything they thought about balance within the game. To say things like "Allowing players to 'abuse' planar binding for wishes to fill out there inherent modifiers is actually good for game balance" would probably have never even come up if I didn't have to defend my stance against the scrutiny of others.

2016-09-15, 11:52 AM
I always wanted to ask why your other account was perma baned but it was too lazy to pm you.

I called out Crystal Frasier on asking a very leading question, but ended up deleting it. A Paizo employee I'd never heard of before quoted the deleted post and went off on a tirade about it, I explained what I meant by it, I got banned.

Mind you they had warned me about 3 months beforehand that I got no more warnings, so it wasn't exactly out of the blue, but similar to Ashiel the decision to ban wasn't borne by anything I'd actually DONE that time more than it was they saw it and decided "Yeah he'll probably make trouble again at some point may as well ban him".

They sent me an e-mail basically telling me my new account was on probation soon after I made it. Which is fair enough, honestly.

Their handling of my account post-SKR was a lot more fair than the reason I read about what Ashiel got. "Hey yo apparently we have different opinions about what the community should be so even though you haven't done anything wrong, you're fired wait I mean banned due to irreconcilable differences" :rolleyes:

It's pretty clear that people are getting tired of walking on eggshells over there, especially since the censorship and removal of hostile posters is not at all universal. Gorbacz and Hiding in Your Closet still being around is proof of that.

It would be really helpful if we got stuff like "User was banned for this post for reason". Instead people just disappear and nobody knows why. Would you believe that when I found out that Ciretose was banned, I was actually upset about that? As crazy as our relationship on the boards were, he never got banned for stuff like stalking, baiting, and doxing me, but he got banned for disagreeing with a dev during one of the playtests (to my knowledge).

I'll tell ya, as many times as I'd have liked to get into some real fisticuffs with Ciretose, I didn't like that was the circumstances for his sudden absence from the forums. I actually wonder if it may have hurt the forums overall. As insane as it was in a thread with us, a lot of really good content tended to come out of that forge. :smallconfused:

I only learned about the doxxing thing today, but that was a huge WTF moment. I remember ciretose as being kind of a prick, but we got along well enough in a game we played together. I had no idea he was that psycho.

2016-09-15, 11:56 AM
I called out Crystal Frasier on asking a very leading question, but ended up deleting it. A Paizo employee I'd never heard of before quoted the deleted post and went off on a tirade about it, I explained what I meant by it, I got banned.

Mind you they had warned me about 3 months beforehand that I got no more warnings, so it wasn't exactly out of the blue, but similar to Ashiel the decision to ban wasn't borne by anything I'd actually DONE that time more than it was they saw it and decided "Yeah he'll probably make trouble again at some point may as well ban him".

They sent me an e-mail basically telling me my new account was on probation soon after I made it. Which is fair enough, honestly.

Their handling of my account post-SKR was a lot more fair than the reason I read about what Ashiel got. "Hey yo apparently we have different opinions about what the community should be so even though you haven't done anything wrong, you're fired wait I mean banned due to irreconcilable differences" :rolleyes:

It's pretty clear that people are getting tired of walking on eggshells over there, especially since the censorship and removal of hostile posters is not at all universal. Gorbacz still being around is proof of that.

I only learned about the doxxing thing today, but that was a huge WTF moment. I remember ciretose as being kind of a prick, but we got along well enough in a game we played together. I had no idea he was that psycho.

I miss that lovable bag of teeth. I think he probably hated me, but that's okay. I loved his snark. If you check his posting history, I'd dare bet that many of the posts he's poking fun at me are likewise favorited by me. :P

Klara Meison
2016-09-15, 11:58 AM
Could someone explain what's cicero and what happened with it to people who know this not? Much appreciated)

2016-09-15, 12:02 PM
He (Gorbacz) was actually the one that flagged most of the posts in question, or so he told me.

2016-09-15, 12:02 PM
I only learned about the doxxing thing today, but that was a huge WTF moment. I remember ciretose as being kind of a prick, but we got along well enough in a game we played together. I had no idea he was that psycho.
Yeah it was kinda creepy. Basically, he insisted that the reason people paid any credence to anything I was saying was because everyone just sort of assumed I was a girl. I think he thought everyone was white knighting for me and if he showed that I was male then I would lose all of my support. So he basically found stuff about my personal life and started posting it on the forums (this was before I ever came out about being transgendered so it wasn't any sort of trans shaming or anything so I'd like to not imply anything that wasn't).

He succeeded, of course, but people just went back to calling me by whichever pronoun they liked. I said I didn't care because the value of our thoughts is irreverent to the meat vessels we're riding around in. The doxxing post was scrubbed by Ross Byers (the moderator at the time) but the adventure continued for a long time after that.

I'd still tell him I'm sorry he got banned later. As many stress headaches as he caused me, TOZ liked him, so that's gotta account for something. :smallamused:

2016-09-15, 12:02 PM
I called out Crystal Frasier on asking a very leading question, but ended up deleting it.

My curiosity is still not satisfied. But well whatever, it seems that Ashiel enjoys the emoticons in here and we only need to Bribe/blackmail/torture lemmy into continue Gming.

(also the autosave of the unposted posts is quite nice)

2016-09-15, 12:05 PM
I'd still tell him I'm sorry he got banned later. As many stress headaches as he caused me, TOZ liked him, so that's gotta account for something. :smallamused:

I wouldn't count it for much. He and I had similar styles, although being a volunteer coordinator has forced me to...I guess 'censor' is the right word for how I've had to behave these past couple years.

Edit: I actually wrote that with Gorb in mind, but it fits ciretose fairly well too. :D

2016-09-15, 12:06 PM
He (Gorbacz) was actually the one that flagged most of the posts in question, or so he told me.

Ciretose was a weird ban, because the discussion got heated on both sides and I think nobody else got banned.

2016-09-15, 12:07 PM
Oh, so that's where Ashiel Defence F(a)orce went.

Anyway, Gorbacz here, I got hit by a temp ban over some shenanigans related to Ashiel's thread and the infamous gypsy thread. So, you know, Paizo lackeys and fanboys are not immune to occasional thwack on the back of the head, sorry to break your conspiracy theories folks!

And carry on, I'll have some kicks out of this thread while I sit my Paizo boards time out.

2016-09-15, 12:10 PM
Could someone explain what's cicero and what happened with it to people who know this not? Much appreciated)Ciretose was a poster on the Paizo forums waaaaay back when. Back before the cult started. We were like Batman and Joker and I'm not entirely sure which was which on any given day. Since my profile on the Paizo forums is invisible (I think?), you might be left with the general forum search to find some of our old content but we tended to butt heads a lot. I would talk about stuff like game balance, and quite often, where some things that seemed like "breaking" the game actually made the game more playable (like wish factories granting inherent modifiers, which actually opens up an affordable way to keep your stats relevant for high level play and it made it harder to neuter martials since it meant your saves were better), and he would try to discredit anything I said. Of course, that meant that I just began piling mountains of evidence, examples, mechanical breakdowns, statistics, and piles and piles of counter argument.

Hence why I say a lot of good stuff came out of those threads. Especially since back in those days, the Fighter vs Ranger vs Barbarian vs Paladin thing was not as clear cut as it has been in recent years. It helped to establish a sort of common knowledge of mechanics and serve as a reference point for others to compare and critique things, and was available for challenge if someone took issue with it.

Not to be confused with the poster Cirno, who was made of win. I think he got banned way back though, around the time of the Ultimate Combat playtests (which incidentally is when I stopped even looking at the playtests).

2016-09-15, 12:11 PM
Just stopped in to offer my support for Ashiel - started following the thread Arcane Knowledge on the Paizo forums.

All I could think of was "Ashiel got banned?" WTF?

Most of the time I lurk, rather than post, so I'm probably not well known to most. But I almost always made a point of reading Ash's posts (as well as a few other regulars on that forum).

So - guess I'll have to start lurking here now too. And I'll be following what Paizo chooses to do over this with interest. I'm not one to support censorship and bannings.

All the best Ashiel - cheers, Drac

2016-09-15, 12:11 PM
So how many people are we up to on bans over this now?

Edit: also the the complaint thread is on a Temp lock atm.

2016-09-15, 12:12 PM
I feel like I push the boundaries of being a PDF member now and then, but most of my uncensored commenting happens on the Den and Facebook. Tailor the message to your audience and all that...

Gorb, it just isn't the same without the toothy bag.

2016-09-15, 12:12 PM
Oh, so that's where Ashiel Defence F(a)orce went.

Anyway, Gorbacz here, I got hit by a temp ban over some shenanigans related to Ashiel's thread and the infamous gypsy thread. So, you know, Paizo lackeys and fanboys are not immune to occasional thwack on the back of the head, sorry to break your conspiracy theories folks!

And carry on, I'll have some kicks out of this thread while I sit my Paizo boards time out.

Omagerd, it's the bag of teeth! Now I really feel like I'm home. :smallamused:

2016-09-15, 12:12 PM
Anyway, Gorbacz here, I got hit by a temp ban over some shenanigans related to Ashiel's thread and the infamous gypsy thread. So, you know, Paizo lackeys and fanboys are not immune to occasional thwack on the back of the head, sorry to break your conspiracy theories folks!Oh, yeah... Completely fair and equal treatment.

Paizo Fanboy Defense Force: Stalking, harassing and doxxing: A-Okay! Until you insult a mod, that is...

Everyone Else: Disagreeing with a mod's political/social opinions: Insta-ban!

Truly a marvel of fairness and equality...

2016-09-15, 12:14 PM
I feel like I push the boundaries of being a PDF member now and then, but most of my uncensored commenting happens on the Den and Facebook. Tailor the message to your audience and all that...

Gorb, it just isn't the same without the toothy bag.

This account comes from the days where I thought that having a different nickname on every forum was a good idea. It wasn't! If it was, how could I sniff out Rynjin's and Lemmy's second accounts? :)

Klara Meison
2016-09-15, 12:14 PM
Heh, I am reading the rules that govern this forum, and I like how they are set up. Seriously thought-through. They even have an "External/Personal Baggage:Each thread should exist in a vacuum, free from outside influences—especially those outside of these boards." clause, which I haven't seen anywhere else so far.

2016-09-15, 12:15 PM
Just stopped in to offer my support for Ashiel - started following the thread Arcane Knowledge on the Paizo forums.

All I could think of was "Ashiel got banned?" WTF?

Most of the time I lurk, rather than post, so I'm probably not well known to most. But I almost always made a point of reading Ash's posts (as well as a few other regulars on that forum).

So - guess I'll have to start lurking here now too. And I'll be following what Paizo chooses to do over this with interest. I'm not one to support censorship and bannings.

All the best Ashiel - cheers, Drac
Hey thanks. I hope to see you around. Arcane Knowledge is getting all the hugs from me later. I might cry for a completely awesome reason today. XD

2016-09-15, 12:16 PM
I will say though have learned of bans today that at least now I know where some of my favorite arguing buddies ended up. Now to just find out what happened to AM Barbarian PHD.

2016-09-15, 12:19 PM
Gorb, it just isn't the same without the toothy bag.As long as he's filled with snark, he'll always be my little bag of teeth. :D

Seriously, Gorbacz is like the most interesting thing about bags of devouring. Mostly because I actually think of the infinite mouths of the eldritch abomination on the other side as being this snarky, sarcastic, fellow. Like a cursed magic item you really just want around for the fun.

2016-09-15, 12:19 PM
Heh, I am reading the rules that govern this forum, and I like how they are set up. Seriously thought-through. They even have an "External/Personal Baggage:Each thread should exist in a vacuum, free from outside influences—especially those outside of these boards." clause, which I haven't seen anywhere else so far.

Uh oh. Looks like we're breaking the rules. :P

2016-09-15, 12:24 PM
Man... Seeing the editing options here makes me wonder why I ever moved to Paizo forums... Sure, I'll miss the aliases and "favorite" button, but by all gods... Typing and formatting your post here is so much freaking better!

I can actually select a word and turn it bold, italic and/or underlined with a single click instead of typing annoying codes.


2016-09-15, 12:25 PM
Uh oh. Looks like we're breaking the rules. :P
Y'know, given the context of the examples, I really was thinking that was more concerned about having a debate in another thread and rehashing old grudges. I feel like the only baggage we're carrying is the toothy bag and he's great. :smalltongue:

2016-09-15, 12:27 PM
All my bags should be toothy. :smallbiggrin:

2016-09-15, 12:27 PM
Yep however I do miss aliases though. Can't be Wraithstrike minion #1 or LeroyJenkinsbat

2016-09-15, 12:29 PM
This site is actually usable on mobile devices, too!

2016-09-15, 12:29 PM
Man... Seeing the editing options here makes me wonder why I ever moved to Paizo forums... Sure, I'll miss the aliases and "favorite" button, but by all gods... Typing and formatting your post here is so much freaking better!

I can actually select a word and turn it bold, italic and/or underlined with a single click instead of typing annoying codes.

Yeah it's awesome. And as Nicos pointed out, it autosaves your posts periodically to help prevent patience training acts of God. :P

2016-09-15, 12:29 PM
Holy cow!!! They have a contact list now!!!

I'm in freaking love!!!

2016-09-15, 12:32 PM
Holy cow!!! They have a contact list now!!!

I'm in freaking love!!!
Sure enough! :o

And if you think that's cool, you can actually edit your posts after 1 hour, so doing things like updating guides and stuff is actually a thing we can do here without it being buried on the 9001st page of a thread. That's why I reserved my first post in the thread since at some point I'm going to need to start putting some links up there. :smallsmile:

2016-09-15, 12:35 PM
Ahem... In any case...

Ash, have you decided how weapons will work in d20Legends?

Will it be something like Pathfinder's stupidly long weapon list or, say, something more versatile and elegant (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VJNynrpwteY3NLoXRMrPXkEdUZMJJxZokWidA16ef_w/edit?usp=sharing)?

(A little bit of self-promotion, I admit, but I'm honestly curious about how weaponry in general will work). :smallbiggrin:

2016-09-15, 12:38 PM
Sure enough! :o

And if you think that's cool, you can actually edit your posts after 1 hour, so doing things like updating guides and stuff is actually a thing we can do here without it being buried on the 9001st page of a thread. That's why I reserved my first post in the thread since at some point I'm going to need to start putting some links up there. :smallsmile:
Ah, yes, I remember that (it's even mentioned in my signature :smallbiggrin:)

Heh... IIRC, one of my first homebrew threads in the Paizo forums had a "reserved" post, but then someone told me we can't edit after 1h, and my dreams were shattered...

But, hey! Paizo's awful editing system did give me the healthy habit of writing stuff in google.docs instead, so there's some good that came from the bad. :smallbiggrin:

2016-09-15, 12:46 PM
Ahem... In any case...

Ash, have you decided how weapons will work in d20Legends?

Will it be something like Pathfinder's stupidly long weapon list or, say, something more versatile and elegent (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VJNynrpwteY3NLoXRMrPXkEdUZMJJxZokWidA16ef_w/edit?usp=sharing)?

(A little bit of self-promotion, I admit, but I'm honestly curious about how weaponry in general will work).
That's a pretty sexy writeup Lemmy.

Actually I've determined how they will work for the most part but the document covering the gist of it was actually the first thing I started writing for d20 legends (I guess I was thinking about teh martialz). I'm not going to have simple, martial, and exotic weapons. Rather, the core factors as to how good a weapon is stems from its tech scale and your skill with the weapon itself (I was thinking a scaling proficiency system). I was intending to sort weapons into groups, and you would be able to customize your individual weapon with special weapon perks (such as whether a weapon has reach or not).

Mostly because I find it silly to try to create some sort of variance between hundreds of different kinds of swords (then we end up with silliness like the falcata being this weird super weapon but you gotta use a feat for it, even though that sword had fallen out of favor by the time the longsword was a thing, and was literally just a sword, no funky training needed).

Instead, if you want to make say an axe with a wide beard that's good for hooking legs and tripping people or disarming stuff or whatever, you can just do that. If you want a sword that has particularly nasty critical hits, or deals consistently more damage, or is really good at disarming, you can just do that. What sort of weapon mostly becomes an aesthetic choice. Some weapons would have specific quirks (x-bows and 'lock firearms reload super slow for example, but in d20 legends that's not the end of the world 'cause there's an action that can let you deliver a fat payload in a single shot).

I still need to adapt a lot of it to conform with design choices that have been made more recently and tweak a bunch of stuff, but that's the gist of it.

Klara Meison
2016-09-15, 12:47 PM
Ahem... In any case...

Ash, have you decided how weapons will work in d20Legends?

Will it be something like Pathfinder's stupidly long weapon list or, say, something more versatile and elegant (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VJNynrpwteY3NLoXRMrPXkEdUZMJJxZokWidA16ef_w/edit?usp=sharing)?

(A little bit of self-promotion, I admit, but I'm honestly curious about how weaponry in general will work). :smallbiggrin:

I may be treading on Ashiel's turf here, but it will be more elegant.

Relevant link 1 (http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2rxtz&page=25?-Ask-Ashiel-Anything#1250)

Relevant link 2 (http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2rxtz&page=26?-Ask-Ashiel-Anything#1257)

Relevant link 3 (https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1xywEW58IoLVXhJVUdsZjhJbzg)

2016-09-15, 12:47 PM
But, hey! Paizo's awful editing system did give me the healthy habit of writing stuff in google.docs instead, so there's some good that came from the bad. :smallbiggrin:
I've learned that adversity is like fertilizer. It often stinks but it helps us grow.

2016-09-15, 12:51 PM
This account comes from the days where I thought that having a different nickname on every forum was a good idea. It wasn't! If it was, how could I sniff out Rynjin's and Lemmy's second accounts? :)

TBF, Lemmy's wasn't exactly a trick to sniff out. =p

Sundakan is my usual backup for the rare occasions Rynjin is taken (some chinese guy snapped it up on Google/Youtube/PSN. And yes, it's the same guy for all 3).

2016-09-15, 12:58 PM
I dunno if I'll get banned. The attitude from some of the posters got my feathers in a ruffle. The "my opinion is fact" kind of arrogance is especially aggravating...

2016-09-15, 12:59 PM
I may be treading on Ashiel's turf here, but it will be more elegant.

Relevant link 1 (http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2rxtz&page=25?-Ask-Ashiel-Anything#1250)

Relevant link 2 (http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2rxtz&page=26?-Ask-Ashiel-Anything#1257)

Relevant link 3 (https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1xywEW58IoLVXhJVUdsZjhJbzg)
Removing Natural Armor bonuses... Scaling weapon proficiency.

I literally have a sketch for the same armor changes in one of my google.docs... And I even have a small prototype of scaling weapon proficiency to add to my Custom Weapon Generation homebrew. It's like Ash's stealing my mind from the future! :smalleek:

(Far more likely, she just thought of it much earlier, faster and in more depth than I have, but I'll go with the "stolen thoughts from the future" story anyway). :smallbiggrin:

2016-09-15, 01:01 PM
TBF, Lemmy's wasn't exactly a trick to sniff out. =p

Sundakan is my usual backup for the rare occasions Rynjin is taken (some chinese guy snapped it up on Google/Youtube/PSN. And yes, it's the same guy for all 3).

Good to see you again

2016-09-15, 01:03 PM
I'm glad to see everyone here, even the snarky tooth bag. and TOZ.
You guys have often made my day with a quip here or there, even if it was at my expense.

And thanks (everyone) for supporting Ash, even if you're ok with Paizo's decision, ultimately.

Means a lot.

2016-09-15, 01:05 PM
I dunno if I'll get banned. The attitude from some of the posters got my feathers in a ruffle. The "my opinion is fact" kind of arrogance is especially aggravating...

To be fair I get accused of believing all my opinions are facts. I do try to provide a sound argument for why I believe in those opinions though. :)

Removing Natural Armor bonuses... Scaling weapon proficiency.

I literally have a sketch for the same armor changes in one of my google.docs... And I even have a small prototype of scaling weapon proficiency to add to my Custom Weapon Generation homebrew. It's like Ash's stealing my mind from the future!

(Far more likely, she just thought of it much earlier, faster and in more depth than I have, but I'll go with the "stolen thoughts from the future" story anyway).
Two minds pondering solutions to the same problems may frequently tread the same roads, yeah? :)

EDIT: My brother's asked me to play some WoW with him before he goes to work in a few hours so I'll be slower to respond. I'm not leaving though and I love watching your banters. :)

2016-09-15, 01:09 PM
I'm glad to see everyone here, even the snarky tooth bag. and TOZ.
You guys have often made my day with a quip here or there, even if it was at my expense.

I try to make sure the quip is directed at your words and not your person. Sometimes I'm not so good at that, sometimes I get very frustrated, sometimes I really don't like the person. But I do try, even when I'm thinking things about the person very hard. :smallsigh:

2016-09-15, 01:17 PM
I try to make sure the quip is directed at your words and not your person. Sometimes I'm not so good at that, sometimes I get very frustrated, sometimes I really don't like the person. But I do try, even when I'm thinking things about the person very hard. :smallsigh:Seems like a good practice. I'll be honest, I've always enjoyed your witty one-liners and I've never felt you were the slightest bit hostile so...working as intended? :smallsmile:

2016-09-15, 01:21 PM
Two minds pondering solutions to the same problems may frequently tread the same roads, yeah? :)Don't you try to justify your time-travelling mind-stealing ways! :smallbiggrin:

2016-09-15, 01:22 PM
Indeed, TOZ. I've never gotten hostility from you, just the snark :P
Whether you thought bad thoughts whilst doing so, is ok. I may not be the easiest person to get along with at all times :P

2016-09-15, 01:23 PM
Don't you try to justify your time-travelling mind-stealing ways! :smallbiggrin:
You caught me. I'm an illithid. :smallcool:

2016-09-15, 01:24 PM
To be fair I get accused of believing all my opinions are facts. I do try to provide a sound argument for why I believe in those opinions though. :))

It's the second part that is key to not being an *******.

2016-09-15, 01:24 PM
Seems like a good practice. I'll be honest, I've always enjoyed your witty one-liners and I've never felt you were the slightest bit hostile so...working as intended? :smallsmile:

Indeed, TOZ. I've never gotten hostility from you, just the snark :P
Whether you thought bad thoughts whilst doing so, is ok. I may not be the easiest person to get along with at all times :P

Oh, there are some who I have been very hostile towards, and it led me to spill much digital ink in futile arguments. No one here, I think. wraithstrike maybe. :smalltongue:

2016-09-15, 01:40 PM
Oh, there are some who I have been very hostile towards, and it led me to spill much digital ink in futile arguments. No one here, I think. wraithstrike maybe. :smalltongue:
In Ashiel-land, an attempt at a good argument is one of the highest forms of respect. :smallamused:

2016-09-15, 01:49 PM
Oh, there are some who I have been very hostile towards, and it led me to spill much digital ink in futile arguments. No one here, I think. wraithstrike maybe. :smalltongue:

Really?. I almost never see you using hostily, maybe because I don't wander in the dark corners of the paizo's forum or because one can never know you.

Klara Meison
2016-09-15, 02:02 PM
Have you seen the final episode of the "Let's take a look at Durlag Tower" series? I remember that it wasn't yet up at the time when I recommended it to you.

2016-09-15, 02:02 PM
Really?. I almost never see you using hostily, maybe because I don't wander in the dark corners of the paizo's forum or because one can never know you.
I think it's 'cause TOZ is a ninja. He's only seen if he wants to be. :)

2016-09-15, 02:15 PM
See, I told you there'd be an upsurge in people coming here once your ban was known. And this isn't even counting lurkers and such.

Soon, soon we will reach critical mass, and Ashiel will reach their final form!

Then we will get Taquitos.

2016-09-15, 02:31 PM
Really?. I almost never see you using hostily, maybe because I don't wander in the dark corners of the paizo's forum or because one can never know you.

Most of them get removed. I even flag them myself because I know exactly what I'm doing when it happens. Generally speaking, alignment and paladin threads are the tinder, and certain posters ignite the inferno.

2016-09-15, 02:35 PM
Most of them get removed. I even flag them myself because I know exactly what I'm doing when it happens. Generally speaking, alignment and paladin threads are the tinder, and certain posters ignite the inferno.Heh... Not much after I joined Paizo forums, I made myself a rule about never again participating in a Paladin/alignment thread...

When I broke that rule, I got banned... :smallannoyed:

2016-09-15, 02:39 PM
Paladin threads, alignment threads, politics threads, socjus threads and undead not being mindless murder machines worse than demons threads seem to be notorious for the ban hammer. Not that surprised honestly.

2016-09-15, 02:40 PM
Heh... Not much after I joined Paizo forums, I made myself a rule about never again participating in a Paladin/alignment thread...

When I broke that rule, I got banned... :smallannoyed:

I am honestly shocked I am still there after all the threads I have been in that have been locked with post of mine deleted. And not just the ones where we went so far off topic even a mythic level 20 druid couldn't find the path back.

2016-09-15, 02:42 PM
Paladin threads, alignment threads, politics threads, socjus threads and undead not being mindless murder machines worse than demons threads seem to be notorious for the ban hammer. Not that surprised honestly.

Does a paladin fall if he creates and alignment thread? :tongue:

2016-09-15, 02:54 PM
Now, back on topic: what are your favourite youtube channels, and why?

2016-09-15, 02:57 PM
RoosterTeeth for RWBY Chibi.
WhatCulture Wrestling for British commentary on WWE and the indy promotions.
Jonathan Young for ridiculous metal covers.

2016-09-15, 02:57 PM
Does a paladin fall if he creates and alignment thread? :tongue:

No I think his falling creates the alignment thread. It's like an echo effect.

Also I think Ashiel might like this comic. I do. Certain char reminds me of one of my own a little.

Now, back on topic: what are your favourite youtube channels, and why?

Don't think I've favorites. I just look at things discussing topics I'm interested in or playing games I want to watch.

Klara Meison
2016-09-15, 02:58 PM
Now, back on topic: what are your favourite youtube channels, and why?

How can you be back on topic if there is no topic?

2016-09-15, 03:01 PM
I'm off-topic? You're off-topic! THIS WHOLE THREAD IS OFF-TOPIC!

2016-09-15, 03:01 PM
How can you be back on topic if there is no topic?
The topic is clearly "Ask Ashiel Anything".
Technically, this makes Ashiel's replies to such questions off-topic.

2016-09-15, 03:03 PM
The topic is clearly "Ask Ashiel Anything".
Technically, this makes Ashiel's replies to such questions off-topic.
Heh... It's posts like this that make me miss the "favorite" button. :smallwink:

2016-09-15, 03:08 PM
Heh... It's posts like this that make me miss the "favorite" button. :smallwink: Agreed I keep trying to hit it only to fail.

2016-09-15, 03:23 PM
See, I told you there'd be an upsurge in people coming here once your ban was known. And this isn't even counting lurkers and such.

Soon, soon we will reach critical mass, and Ashiel will reach their final form!

Then we will get Taquitos.
:smallredface: Haha. :3

I will have to work very hard to honor the hype. :smallsmile:

EDIT: Internet is being lame again. I need to scroll up and check all the stuff I missed. I was trying to post this for like a half-hour.

2016-09-15, 03:35 PM
Heh...I posted this:

Let's say you manage a restaurant. You have a table of 6 people sitting and talking about various things. Someone walks by and misshears a statement. They decide to call out the person they misunderstood, while getting heated, while the table, for the most part, tries to explain that they misunderstood, and they need to stop, and do not get heated. Person relents, and walks away (then possibly complains to management).
Table goes back to discussion.

Do you:
1) Let it be, as it's obviously over;
2) Talk to the person that disrupted the table;
3) Ban a person at the table who's complained about service in the past.

Klara Meison
2016-09-15, 03:37 PM
I'm off-topic? You're off-topic! THIS WHOLE THREAD IS OFF-TOPIC!

That's right, says so right in the title.

2016-09-15, 03:39 PM
:smallredface: Haha. :3

I will have to work very hard to honor the hype. :smallsmile:

EDIT: Internet is being lame again. I need to scroll up and check all the stuff I missed. I was trying to post this for like a half-hour.

Move to Canada. Our Internet is always bad. You'll fit right in!

2016-09-15, 04:11 PM
Thread not dead yet there is no ETA on releasing it but a promise that at least for now it will be unlocked.

comrade ostag
2016-09-15, 04:18 PM
I'm amazed it takes them 4 hours to moderate a 3 page thread. I would think the vast majority is done already seeing as how about half the third page was removed.

2016-09-15, 04:20 PM
Thread not dead yet there is no ETA on releasing it but a promise that at least for now it will be unlocked.
An I the only one cynic enough to think Paizo burying the thread in the desolate "website feedback" forum, then "temporarily" locking it just their way of waiting the dust to settle without technically deleting the thread after being accused of censorship?

2016-09-15, 04:25 PM
An I the only one cynic enough to think Paizo burying the thread in the desolate "website feedback" forum, then "temporarily" locking it just their way of waiting the dust to settle without technically deleting the thread after being accused of censorship?

No I'm sure others (myself included for once) share that thought. Problem is this time it might not work out so well. I believe they got asked about it and that's why we got an update otherwise they would have hoped to let it drift off page one eventually.

2016-09-15, 04:26 PM
Well I would never assume malice where incompetence is an adequate explanation without further evidence. Nevertheless it is rather unpleasant but even if this does fade away, it just means stuff we do won't be there, it'll be elsewhere.

2016-09-15, 04:29 PM
Primitive Technologies, Lindsey Stirling and Malukah are the only channels in which I watch all of their content. I enjoy Epic Rap Battles, and aspects of other channels, like DeathBattle, After Hours, Game/Film theory etc, but I don't watch all of the content on those channels.

As an aside, I think the only thing I will maintain contact with from the Paizo forums is Ravingdork's Crazy Character Emporium. I've been a prolific poster on that thread, and I've always enjoyed what new thing Ravingdork comes up with next.

2016-09-15, 04:33 PM
Have you seen the final episode of the "Let's take a look at Durlag Tower" series? I remember that it wasn't yet up at the time when I recommended it to you.

Actually yes, I watched it the very next day when it was posted. I liked it. I hope they do more floors.

2016-09-15, 04:35 PM
Well I would never assume malice where incompetence is an adequate explanation without further evidence.I always keep that in mind... But It doesn't seem like an adequate explanation this time.

Nevertheless it is rather unpleasant but even if this does fade away, it just means stuff we do won't be there, it'll be elsewhere.True. This whole ordeal is seeming more and more like a blessing in disguise to me. I'm once again motivated to post in a vastly superior forum and no longer have to deal with... Well... This (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=21204939&postcount=68).

I actually felt relief. So I created an account to say bye to a few friends and left. :smallcool:

2016-09-15, 04:36 PM
Move to Canada. Our Internet is always bad. You'll fit right in!

Alaskan here, Article Circle internet is the best at being terrible!

2016-09-15, 04:40 PM
Alaskan here, Article Circle internet is the best at being terrible!

I'm actually quite close to your border, so we probably share it. Though admittedly I'm only close because of that british ruling way back that gave Alaska a big chunk of our coastline.

Huh. Y'know there's a long history of us losing or giving up land to the US. Never really thought about it before.

2016-09-15, 04:42 PM
Now, back on topic: what are your favourite youtube channels, and why?
That's a good question. Gimme a bit to sort them by interests and I'll post again.

2016-09-15, 04:43 PM
Primitive Technologies, Lindsey Stirling and Malukah are the only channels in which I watch all of their content. I enjoy Epic Rap Battles, and aspects of other channels, like DeathBattle, After Hours, Game/Film theory etc, but I don't watch all of the content on those channels.
I wish Lindey Stirling would post more often... :/

I dropped After Hours because the show wasn't worth seeing all of Cracked's SJW BS on my timeline. DeathBattle is another one I check from time to time, but unsubscribed because ScrewAttack kept flooding my timeline with crappy videos I couldn't care less about. :smallmad:

2016-09-15, 04:48 PM
Alaskan here, Article Circle internet is the best at being terrible!

Tels based off your post in the mark seifter thread leaving or banned?

2016-09-15, 04:49 PM
I wish Lindey Stirling would post more often... :/

I dropped After Hours because the show wasn't worth seeing all of Cracked's SJW BS on my timeline. DeathBattle is another one I check from time to time, but unsubscribed because ScrewAttack kept flooding my timeline with crappy videos I couldn't care less about. :smallmad:

Oh god, I don't subscribe to most things I watch cause I can't stand all the nonsense they flood through their channels. I just exclusively go to the channel itself and binge watch any episodes I haven't seen from time to time.

2016-09-15, 04:50 PM
Posting over here during The Great Break on the thread to say that I am unhappy that Ashiel and others were banned. It is a loss to the conversation and the game whenever that happens. I dislike this sort of drama between posters and mods .. it just results in chaos on the forums and a lot of hurt feelings.

Regardless, I'll be following the boards here as well because I treasure the good ideas that Ashiel has posted and I want to keep reading them.

2016-09-15, 04:52 PM
Tels based off your post in the mark seifter thread leaving or banned?

Leaving. I'm in the process of "hiding" every thread I've ever posted in or visited that I don't care to keep following after leaving. Pretty much Ravingdork thread, N. Jolly's Kineticist stuff, and Mr. Vergee's CotCT campaign journal.

[Edit] You know, morbid thought, it I think recent happenings is going to be one of the few times Tacticslion won't favorite a bunch of posts.

[Edit] This is what my forum page loomsike now. (http://m.imgur.com/UfqtyIe)

2016-09-15, 04:56 PM
I'm only hanging around because I want to see what becomes of the feedback thread.

2016-09-15, 05:06 PM
I'm only hanging around because I want to see what becomes of the feedback thread.

Which will be interesting, my bet we get a lengthy non-explanation over the whole thing and it goes to perma-lock.

Klara Meison
2016-09-15, 05:11 PM
Leaving a copied "Ashiel Banned" thread pre-moderation for posterity purposes here (https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_fLcwY-g_0PUFFBLXhvUkQ3S3M).

2016-09-15, 05:11 PM
I'm only hanging around because I want to see what becomes of the feedback thread.

Oh, I'm going to see what happens, but regardless of what they do, i won't be buying any of their products or using their store ever again. I've disagreed with their design policies for a while, and their moderation has been none to pleasant in recent years and this is just the final straw.

Klara Meison
2016-09-15, 05:16 PM
Which will be interesting, my bet we get a lengthy non-explanation over the whole thing and it goes to perma-lock.

Quite probably. I hope they would at least review their moderators, but it seems like a foolish hope.

2016-09-15, 05:21 PM
Oh, I'm going to see what happens, but regardless of what they do, i won't be buying any of their products or using their store ever again. I've disagreed with their design policies for a while, and their moderation has been none to pleasant in recent years and this is just the final straw.
You know... What really annoys me about their game deisgn is the scam they call "errata". Ruin something you already bought, then try to sell you a new product that does exactly the same. Over and over and over again...

Because why should they care if the product you bought is a good one? They already have your money, anyway.

2016-09-15, 05:23 PM
[Edit] This is what my forum page loomsike now. (http://m.imgur.com/UfqtyIe)

That's beautiful. I've got too much invested there to abandon ship.

2016-09-15, 05:26 PM
You know... What really annoys me about their game deisgn is the scam they call "errata". Ruin something you already bought, then try to sell you a new product that does exactly the same. Over and over and over again...

Because why should they care if the product you bought is a good one? They already have your money, anyway.

One of the several reasons I still haven't gotten in to PFS. The other main one is the fact that after the errata everyone who was using the option was a munchkin who should have known better.

2016-09-15, 05:30 PM
One of my favorite games in on the boards there still, so i won't be leaving totally.

Klara Meison
2016-09-15, 05:40 PM
You know... What really annoys me about their game deisgn is the scam they call "errata". Ruin something you already bought, then try to sell you a new product that does exactly the same. Over and over and over again...

Because why should they care if the product you bought is a good one? They already have your money, anyway.

Personally, I don't have a problem with the idea of erratas as periodical fixes to the rules. Sometimes you could be missing a problem in the rules for years, and it could really need a fix.

I do have a problem with nonsensical erratas, like the one they released lately about Quick Runner's Shirt or Sleeves of Many Garments. Or that one about jingasa that gave +1 luck AC. Whoo, I guess that 5% miss chance was completely wrecking the game. So overpowered, much fix necessary.

2016-09-15, 05:40 PM
Leaving a copied "Ashiel Banned" thread pre-moderation for posterity purposes here (https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_fLcwY-g_0PUFFBLXhvUkQ3S3M).

Ah, they deleted my Sad Toz joke. Now I am sad.

2016-09-15, 05:49 PM
That's a good question. Gimme a bit to sort them by interests and I'll post again.

Art Tutorials
Ahmed Aldoori (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDyqxplQ3PQcCJhEW-GLgXg): His art tutorials are wonderful and super helpful. He's such a good teacher.
Sycra (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5dyu9y0EV0cSvGtbBtHw_w): Same here. Different teaching style but he's helped me come a very long way in a very short time with minimal practice.

Gaming Interests
Brodual (https://www.youtube.com/user/Brodual): These guys do absolutely fantastic videos for Skyrim modding. Entertaining and helpful.
Gopher (https://www.youtube.com/user/GophersVids): See above.
Swifty (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6idiEhlPEreqzCWfQ_GiLw): A big reason I became enamored with WoW PvP.
ExtraCreditz (https://www.youtube.com/user/ExtraCreditz): Fantastic channel discussing games and game theory.
LewdGamer: I'm not linking to this, get your own links. :P

Isosine (https://www.youtube.com/user/isosine): His mixes are great. My favorites are ClarityCraft (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMJ6KfB_GLc) and the 2013 mashup (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ACeQXmqF1LE).
Malukah (https://www.youtube.com/user/malufenix): Just listen to her.
xKito (https://www.youtube.com/user/nyuualiaslucy): I tend to like a lot of the music found here.
MrSuicideSheep (https://www.youtube.com/user/MrSuicideSheep): I like a lot of the music found here too.
331Rock (https://www.youtube.com/user/331Erock): I like the rock covers here.
GeekyFanDubs (https://www.youtube.com/user/geekyfandubs): I'm nuts about the Cruel Angel's Thesis (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5cz0V18_7s).
FamilyJules (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCt9ez6CnUQCFEUnxeBGlR9w): Much like 331rock. Found him because of Sargon of Akkad's outro theme (which is a Ken Masters theme cover).
Lindsey Stirling (https://www.youtube.com/user/lindseystomp): Can't believe I forgot this one. :smallredface:
Random miscellaneous channels. :o

TeamFourStar (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsvazPPlhZlch0-Z3wPByeg): If you don't know this, you should.
Hellsing Abridged (https://www.youtube.com/user/takahata101): Because that was a 70 inch plasma screen tv, and I love cannons.
RoosterTeeth (https://www.youtube.com/user/RoosterTeeth): Because that Ruby girl is really, really cool...andIwannabeherfriend.
SomethingWittyEntertainment (https://www.youtube.com/user/SWEabridged): Mostly because they took a show I couldn't watch deeper than three episodes, added 300% more character, and made me love it.

Rational Thinking
Wisdom with Sowell (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDB63DC5963DF0931): I can listen to him for hours and not get bored.
CriticalThinkingAcademy (https://www.youtube.com/user/PhilosophyFreak): It's like Inspire Competence for your brain.

Social Commentary / Alternative News (this is where I start making enemies :P)
The Rubin Report (https://www.youtube.com/user/RubinReport): I recently started watching this and I really like these discussions.
Phillip DeFranco (https://www.youtube.com/user/sxephil): It's a weird way to hear crazy stuff but he's funny and entertaining.
Phil Maison / Thunderf00t (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmb8hO2ilV9vRa8cilis88A): Debunking Anita garners my favor.
Milo Yiannopoulos (https://www.youtube.com/user/yiannopoulosm): He's flamboyant and provocative but he's also damn smart. I personally really like him and think he's a breath of fresh air.
Blair White (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDmCBKaKOtOrEqgsL4-3C8Q): I like her videos and love how she speaks her mind. She's not afraid to say things that aren't popular but are still reasoned.
Sargon of Akkad (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-yewGHQbNFpDrGM0diZOLA): Again I tend to have an appreciation for people who speak out, rationally, against SJWs and challenge ideas with reason.
ShoeOnHead (https://www.youtube.com/user/Shoe0nHead): I find her videos really funny and insightful. Her sense of humor and reasoned arguments tend to win my heart.
ArmoredSkeptic (https://www.youtube.com/user/armouredskeptic): I'm noticing a definite theme here...
Christopher Hitchens (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrjmKaJ70uOK7rBi_2MWyP3GEruj3-OKS): Not a channel but I just generally like listening to the man. Richard Dawkins is cool too.

2016-09-15, 05:49 PM
Personally, I don't have a problem with the idea of erratas as periodical fixes to the rules. Sometimes you could be missing a problem in the rules for years, and it could really need a fix.

I do have a problem with nonsensical erratas, like the one they released lately about Quick Runner's Shirt or Sleeves of Many Garments. Or that one about jingasa that gave +1 luck AC. Whoo, I guess that 5% miss chance was completely wrecking the game. So overpowered, much fix necessary.That's another thing... It's like they give zero thought to the errata. They use chainsaws when a scalp would suffice (but again, who cares? They already have the money, right?) Why bother with proper game design when you can just nuke something into the ground and let it be forgotten with the rest of the bloat that no one ever uses.

But even so... What annoys me the most is errata that is clearly made just as an ad for their newest product. They broke something old we already paid just to sell us something new that does exactly the same thing way too many times for it to be just coincidence.

2016-09-15, 05:56 PM
I think the Scarred Witch Doctor vs the Kineticist was the most blatant of those.

I was only annoyed by that because we were in the middle of Reign of Winter with my brother playing his witch, and HeroLab updates made houseruling a pain.

2016-09-15, 05:57 PM
Gonna be AFK for a short bit (phew that last post took a while) 'cause Arcane Knowledge showed up at my house and I have to give him all the hugs (and Lasagna).

2016-09-15, 05:59 PM
Give him a pat on the back for me.

2016-09-15, 06:02 PM
And a high-five from me... Also, a chicken. Just because I think it'd be funny.

2016-09-15, 06:11 PM
Art Tutorials
Ahmed Aldoori (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDyqxplQ3PQcCJhEW-GLgXg): His art tutorials are wonderful and super helpful. He's such a good teacher.
Sycra (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5dyu9y0EV0cSvGtbBtHw_w): Same here. Different teaching style but he's helped me come a very long way in a very short time with minimal practice.

Gaming Interests
Brodual (https://www.youtube.com/user/Brodual): These guys do absolutely fantastic videos for Skyrim modding. Entertaining and helpful.
Gopher (https://www.youtube.com/user/GophersVids): See above.
Swifty (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6idiEhlPEreqzCWfQ_GiLw): A big reason I became enamored with WoW PvP.
ExtraCreditz (https://www.youtube.com/user/ExtraCreditz): Fantastic channel discussing games and game theory.
LewdGamer: I'm not linking to this, get your own links. :P

Isosine (https://www.youtube.com/user/isosine): His mixes are great. My favorites are ClarityCraft (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMJ6KfB_GLc) and the 2013 mashup (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ACeQXmqF1LE).
Malukah (https://www.youtube.com/user/malufenix): Just listen to her.
xKito (https://www.youtube.com/user/nyuualiaslucy): I tend to like a lot of the music found here.
MrSuicideSheep (https://www.youtube.com/user/MrSuicideSheep): I like a lot of the music found here too.
331Rock (https://www.youtube.com/user/331Erock): I like the rock covers here.
GeekyFanDubs (https://www.youtube.com/user/geekyfandubs): I'm nuts about the Cruel Angel's Thesis (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5cz0V18_7s).
FamilyJules (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCt9ez6CnUQCFEUnxeBGlR9w): Much like 331rock. Found him because of Sargon of Akkad's outro theme (which is a Ken Masters theme cover).
Lindsey Stirling (https://www.youtube.com/user/lindseystomp): Can't believe I forgot this one. :smallredface:
Random miscellaneous channels. :o

TeamFourStar (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsvazPPlhZlch0-Z3wPByeg): If you don't know this, you should.
Hellsing Abridged (https://www.youtube.com/user/takahata101): Because that was a 70 inch plasma screen tv, and I love cannons.
RoosterTeeth (https://www.youtube.com/user/RoosterTeeth): Because that Ruby girl is really, really cool...andIwannabeherfriend.
SomethingWittyEntertainment (https://www.youtube.com/user/SWEabridged): Mostly because they took a show I couldn't watch deeper than three episodes, added 300% more character, and made me love it.

Rational Thinking
Wisdom with Sowell (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDB63DC5963DF0931): I can listen to him for hours and not get bored.
CriticalThinkingAcademy (https://www.youtube.com/user/PhilosophyFreak): It's like Inspire Competence for your brain.

Social Commentary / Alternative News (this is where I start making enemies :P)
The Rubin Report (https://www.youtube.com/user/RubinReport): I recently started watching this and I really like these discussions.
Phillip DeFranco (https://www.youtube.com/user/sxephil): It's a weird way to hear crazy stuff but he's funny and entertaining.
Phil Maison / Thunderf00t (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmb8hO2ilV9vRa8cilis88A): Debunking Anita garners my favor.
Milo Yiannopoulos (https://www.youtube.com/user/yiannopoulosm): He's flamboyant and provocative but he's also damn smart. I personally really like him and think he's a breath of fresh air.
Blair White (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDmCBKaKOtOrEqgsL4-3C8Q): I like her videos and love how she speaks her mind. She's not afraid to say things that aren't popular but are still reasoned.
Sargon of Akkad (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-yewGHQbNFpDrGM0diZOLA): Again I tend to have an appreciation for people who speak out, rationally, against SJWs and challenge ideas with reason.
ShoeOnHead (https://www.youtube.com/user/Shoe0nHead): I find her videos really funny and insightful. Her sense of humor and reasoned arguments tend to win my heart.
ArmoredSkeptic (https://www.youtube.com/user/armouredskeptic): I'm noticing a definite theme here...
Christopher Hitchens (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrjmKaJ70uOK7rBi_2MWyP3GEruj3-OKS): Not a channel but I just generally like listening to the man. Richard Dawkins is cool too.

Whoa, I need a way to favourite this post.

2016-09-15, 06:23 PM
Welp, created an account just for this.

I can't believe it, Ash! I found out that something had happened when I opened your and Mark's thread at the same time - I read Mark's first and saw Tel's post and was very confused. I then flipped over to yours and, getting a weird feeling, clicked on your name. Investigation ensued and here I am.

I'm going to miss you over there, my friend. A lot. Those boards just became a lot less friendly, and a lot more hostile and empty. I have enough other people that I'm not leaving, and I'm a creature of habit enough that I'm not sure that I'll make the transition over here - yet -, but I love you. From all I've seen this was - while comprehensible - definitively the wrong call. It's a very Roman solution to justice, I'm afraid, and - ah, I had stuff, but it's politics and I'm uninterested in pursuing that here.

Just know that I love you, I'm sorry this was done, it was wrong, and I'm here only because I wanted to tell you that. Hugs from your brother in faith, Ash!
(I'm guessing your physical gender hasn't changed, as you're father doesn't know, and I'm not LGBTQIAPK*/SJ-knowledgeable enough to know which pronoun is generally proper prior to transition - but I'm glad you're my fellow believer, one way or the other. I look forward to seeing you either in this life or the next! :D)

* EDIT 2: I think this is the newest acronym? I... don't know what everything means. I'm sorry. I've got it up to the Q - the IAPK elude me, however. And it's an hour after time to put my children to bed.

EDIT 1 and 4:

Already missing the "favourite" function...


I'll miss the <snip> "favorite" button


Heh... It's posts like this that make me miss the "favorite" button. :smallwink:


Agreed I keep trying to hit it only to fail.

No: you can never truly fail, if you just believe in the favorite button~!

[Edit] You know, morbid thought, it I think recent happenings is going to be one of the few times Tacticslion won't favorite a bunch of posts.

I will find a way.

(Believe it or not, there are good things happening, too. But, uh, they in no way make up for the lousy things. :/)

Whoa, I need a way to favourite this post.

You will find a way!

I believe in you!

Don't believe in me! Don't believe in you! Believe in the me that believes in you! :D

(Sorry, couldn't resist.)

after realizing that the Rules were not, in fact the short list of things that called themselves rules when I agreed that I'd read "the rules" - I have now begun reading the actual Rules (I can't link, not enough posts), and have attempted to alter this post in accordance with their guidelines as I discover unintentional violations. I apologize for my accidental falsehood.
(I don't believe this falls under "mea culpa" as I am actively attempting to follow the rules, not circumvent them or twist them, even though it is, ironically, a mea cupla. I genuinely apologize if it is. I'm making a good-faith effort not to do the wrong thing. I'm sorry.)

2016-09-15, 06:31 PM
Oh hai, a wild Tacticslion appeared.

Klara Meison
2016-09-15, 06:32 PM
Welp, created an account just for this.

I can't believe it, Ash! I found out that something had happened when I opened your and Mark's thread at the same time - I read Mark's first and saw Tel's post and was very confused. I then flipped over to yours and, getting a weird feeling, clicked on your name. Investigation ensued and here I am.

I'm going to miss you over there, my friend. A lot. Those boards just became a lot less friendly, and a lot more hostile and empty. I have enough other people that I'm not leaving, and I'm a creature of habit enough that I'm not sure that I'll make the transition over here - yet -, but I love you. From all I've seen this was - while comprehensible - definitively the wrong call. It's a very Roman solution to justice, I'm afraid, and - ah, I had stuff, but it's politics and I'm uninterested in pursuing that here.

Just know that I love you, I'm sorry this was done, it was wrong, and I'm here only because I wanted to tell you that. Hugs from your brother in Christ, Ash!
(I'm guessing your physical gender hasn't changed, as you're father doesn't know, and I'm not acronym/SJ-knowledgeable enough to know which pronoun is generally proper prior to transition - but I'm glad you're my fellow Christ-follower, one way or the other. I look forward to seeing you up there! :D)



(Sorry, couldn't resist.)

> Those boards just became a lot less friendly, and a lot more hostile and empty.

And on that day, Tacticslion did not favourite a single post. Truly, a terrible disaster has occured.

2016-09-15, 06:36 PM
That's another thing... It's like they give zero thought to the errata. They use chainsaws when a scalp would suffice (but again, who cares? They already have the money, right?) Why bother with proper game design when you can just nuke something into the ground and let it be forgotten with the rest of the bloat that no one ever uses.

But even so... What annoys me the most is errata that is clearly made just as an ad for their newest product. They broke something old we already paid just to sell us something new that does exactly the same thing way too many times for it to be just coincidence.

Mostly, I agree with you, but Mark actually offered up insight as to why they didn't just increase the price of the jingasa: because it would throw off the WBL of NPCs who were given it in published modules and adventure paths.

I don't agree with them and the decision, as it is still the, in my opinion, laziest method of didn't the problem. At least we know the why in that case though. Mark himself initially wanted to just change the price, but it was the other designers who pointed out the NPC problem. That doesn't make it the "right" choice though.

2016-09-15, 06:41 PM
Coming up on 7 hours since the lock. I get the feeling there is some real discussion going on behind closed doors. For good or ill, this might have made them take a good hard look at their moderation policies.

2016-09-15, 06:43 PM
You are more optimistic than I.

2016-09-15, 06:45 PM
But even so... What annoys me the most is errata that is clearly made just as an ad for their newest product. They broke something old we already paid just to sell us something new that does exactly the same thing way too many times for it to be just coincidence.

Do you have the full lists? I think to remember it started to a nerf to mounted combat or mounts just before the cavalier release.

2016-09-15, 06:45 PM
Hey. I'm Aratrok from the Paizo forums.

I don't feel like the Jingasa was really a problem, but if I had to nerf it, I'd just remove the +1 Luck bonus to AC. It's part of what's up with Fate's Favored, and the 1/day critical negation for an immediate action is still kinda worth it, and more interesting than the AC bump anyhow. Instead, due to what Paizo actually did, if you want to use it for that you have to have a weird revolving hat collection where you use Jingasas and then sell them for full price to make a new one, and they come with a token deflection bonus to AC that won't matter.

2016-09-15, 07:03 PM
There are a lot of things that come with token bonuses that don't matter. Our high level games have come to the point where our sub-10k items are reduced to single benefit items due to having +5 resistance bonuses and other things that override the piddly bonuses of the item.

2016-09-15, 07:16 PM
Do you have the full lists? I think to remember it started to a nerf to mounted combat or mounts just before the cavalier release.I don't keep a list of this stuff... There are some that I can recall off of the top of my head, thogh.

- Animal Companions no longer gain armor proficiency for combat training. "Coincidentally" around the time the Cavalier class is released.
- Crane Wing gets Crane Winged. "Coincidentally" when people mocked the Swashbucklers saying that simply using CW was a much better option than Parry & Riposte. PFS is blamed. That whole playtest was a fiasco, really.
- After going years untouched, the Paragon Surge loophole is "coincidentally" fixed right before the Arcanist is released with its Quick Study ability.
- The already needlessly restrictive Dex-to-Damage feat is "coincidentally" made even more restrictive as soon as Unchained Rogue is released.
- Scarred Witch archetype is "coincidentally" loses its Con-based casting and hexes right before the Kineticist is released.

There were mor... These are just the ones I can remember right now.

2016-09-15, 07:35 PM
SLAs and spells are given 'obvious manifestations' about the time Ultimate Intrigue comes out and 'hide my spellcasting' options are printed.

2016-09-15, 07:36 PM
You are more optimistic than I.

Just because they are looking, doesn't mean anything is going to change. I noticed in the post by Sara Marie (That has since been taken down at the time of this post), the issue of the fickle moderation and how the moderation team is the ones who determine whether or not the moderation team needs to be moderated, were completely ignored. They pretty much ignored the biggest problems brought up in the thread, and re-stated "We can't have rules, because gamers will game the rules."

I took screen shots of Sara Marie's post and will edit them together in a bit.

2016-09-15, 07:40 PM
Wait, they deleted their own post on the subject? Huh???

2016-09-15, 07:40 PM
SLAs and spells are given 'obvious manifestations' about the time Ultimate Intrigue comes out and 'hide my spellcasting' options are printed.
Wasn't that ruling quite old, though? I vaguely remember discussions about this decision making Still Spell completely useless.