View Full Version : Enchantress Build Help

ES Curse
2016-09-14, 10:38 PM
So I've been thinking lately about how to make a high-charisma enchantment specialist that is NOT a Bard. I see a couple of options:
-Sorcerer (Charm Person+Subtle Spell for componentless charms at 3rd level)
-Fey Warlock (Better enchantment spell selection than the Sorcerer, no metamagic shenanigans)
-Enchanter Wizard (Doesn't quite fit the "naturally enchanting" concept, casting stat is not CHA)

For the record, I'm avoiding Bard because it is thematically different from what I want. These 3 are my best options, but I need some help deciding which one is better than the others.

2016-09-14, 11:15 PM
Go sorcerer for all the meta magic shenanigans. Subtle quicken heighten and twin are all useful to your concept

2016-09-14, 11:28 PM
Regardless of how you build it, I highly recommend a 1 level dip to rogue for expertise in Persuasion and Deception. In 5e, charm does not guarantee that the target does what you say, it only gives you advantage on Charisma checks vs them.

I would forget about Enchantment wizard as well for mostly the same reason. Going Wizard would mean you are reliant upon both Charisma and Intelligence, whereas a Warlock or Sorcerer only needs Charisma.

Don't forget as well that if you can't decide which class to use, Sorcerer and Warlock multiclass very well with each other. I believe there's even a way to get lots of spell slots by not sleeping? I recall some mention of that a while back. Java the Coffee Mage or something.

2016-09-15, 04:46 AM
Depending on the exact type of enchantress you're looking for, of course, but Arcane Trickster does a very good job of it; between expertise in Persuasion and Deception and a little bit of magic to back it up, she'll woo and charm even the most staid of men.

Dipping Archfey Warlock for that temporary glamour-shot (preferably whilst flicking your hair around as you rise out of deep water or a waterfall) and always having Charm Person on hand through Pact Magic is a solid option.

Somewhat surprisingly, despite the Wisdom focus, Druids also do a spanking job in the magical charms department, not only with regard to animals but with people too. Check out their spell list with Enchantress in mind, add a little Water Nymph/Sexy Dryad flavour and you're ready to leave man and woman alike drooling.

Personally, I don't like either Wizard or Sorcerer as an enchantress; the former because bookish types aren't usually the outgoing, sultry seductress sort and the latter because...I dunno, I see Sorcerers as being a bit arrogant; more the "direct control" sorts rather than the "win them over with a little magical assistance sort", you know? Especially if they're of a Chromatic Draconic bloodline, but even with a Metallic bloodline, I see them as being a bit up themselves (except maybe Copper or Brass...those guys are awesome) and don't even start in on the crazy of Wild blood Sorcerers or the aloof Storm bloods. None of them scream Enchantress to me at least.

Sir cryosin
2016-09-15, 01:51 PM
Why not bard you don't have to be a musical bard. Is sounds like it me you want to play a bard.

2016-09-15, 02:13 PM
...because bookish types aren't usually the outgoing, sultry seductress sort...

Really? (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HotLibrarian) (Warning: TVTropes link.)

2016-09-15, 02:25 PM
Why not bard you don't have to be a musical bard. Is sounds like it me you want to play a bard.

Very true. My bard's instruments are oratory, writing, and drawing. There are lots of options there.

What is it about bards that is thematically different from what you want?
They have loads of illusion/enchantment spells, the raw CHA to go along with it, class abilities to help/hinder others with semi-magical 'enchantments' (bardic inspiration / cutting words).

ES Curse
2016-09-15, 03:23 PM
Reasons I don't want a Bard:
1) I would prefer actual class features that aid this build rather than relying exclusively on my spell selection. Warlocks have charm options, Sorcerers get Metamagic, and Enchanters have special abilities. Aside from skill expertise, Bards don't have any social utility beyond their spell selection.
2) I see this character more as a spellcaster who augments natural charisma with arcane power than a musician. RAW, Bards are innately tied to music and several class features are described in terms of musical performance.