View Full Version : 3rd Ed [3.5] Suggestions for a Water Orc Totemist

Ursus Spelaeus
2016-09-15, 03:11 PM
I am putting together a level 6 water orc totemist. Maybe a couple levels in barbarian for that one prestige class. I will need the Cobalt Charge feat, of course. I should probably specialize in a beefy charge build then. Most likely keep Landshark Boots shaped and bound to the Totem chakra, and pounce as much as I can.

Can't take anything too cheesy, like templates.

We are going to be playing in an underwater adventure, so I'm also looking at equipment from Stormwrack. Maybe a suit of sharkskin armor.
Orcs get dazzled by bright light, right? Maybe get a pair of dark glasses either from Sandstorm or Races of the Dragon.

Got any advice for me?

Was considering a monk dip to meet requirements for Scorpion's Grasp so I can make use of the fun and flavorful Kraken Mantle, but I'd really like to take that prestige class I was looking at level 7.

2016-09-15, 05:37 PM
Just for the sake of clarification. The class you keep referring to taking is the Totem Rager I assume. For Kraken Mantle, when you talked about using it, were you talking about the Arm bind? Because if you take Barbarian and Rager, it will seriously slow down acquisition of the chakra bind.
What kinda playstyle did you have in mind for your character? I can give a bit better advice if I know what you have planned.

Also you might want to use Sphinx Claws in lieu of Landshark Boots for Pounce.

2016-09-15, 05:47 PM
Also you might want to use Sphinx Claws in lieu of Landshark Boots for Pounce.

With a high Str lands hark boots beat Sphinx claws handily.

Personally I do not PrC out of totemist. It gives plenty of incentive to keep in class, although I admit I have been told good things about Totem Rager. Water orc works nicely for totemist as well, buffing the two stats it cares about.

May I recommend Blink Shirt? If you take the feat that let's you bind two melds to your totem Chakra you can pick up its handy benefits as well.

Ursus Spelaeus
2016-09-15, 05:53 PM
Totem Rager is the one.

Here's a dilemma.

I want to take Totem Rager starting at level 7
I need BAB +5.
If I take Totemist 4/Barbarian 2, then I get BAB +5 at level 6, but no hand or feet chakra
If I take Totemist 5/Barbarian 1, then I get hand and feet chakras, but BAB +4 (hence no Totem Rager at 7)
If I take Open Least Chakra at level 6, that's one feat fewer. DM is not allowing feat retraining.

2016-09-15, 05:57 PM
With a high Str lands hark boots beat Sphinx claws handily.
My only complaint on Landshark (Totem) vs Sphinx (Hand) is that the Landshark boots limit you to only using the soulmeld natural attacks on the end of the pounce, whereas Sphinx gives you all natural attacks that you have. But I haven't done the math comparison between the two, so I can't really tell which is better.

Had to run off for work stuff. I lied about there only being one complaint. The second one is that by RAW, you can't use the Landshark pounce ability except after doing a successful jump check. The problem here being that the OP said this was gonna be an underwater campaign, so jump checks might not be something you can rely on heavily.

2016-09-15, 06:29 PM
Landshark boots do not use a charge attack IIRC.

2016-09-15, 06:36 PM
The description for the meld is "If, as part of a move, you achieve a Jump check result good enough to make a 5-foot high jump while within reach of an opponent, you can attack that opponent with all four claws as a standard action."

Anyways to the OP, is there a reason you are so pumped about entering Totem Rager as soon as possible? Cause I would say to bite the bullet and wait the extra level for the chakra binds. You'll have to wait quite a bit longer on them if you acquire them from the PrC rather than Totemist.

2016-09-15, 07:26 PM
Isn't it infinite easier to get pounce from the Lion-Totem Barbarian ACF in Complete Champion?
Your landspeed probably wont matter too much for a underwater campaign :)

Big Fau
2016-09-15, 07:56 PM
Isn't it infinite easier to get pounce from the Lion-Totem Barbarian ACF in Complete Champion?
Your landspeed probably wont matter too much for a underwater campaign :)

Yeah, if you're going Totem Rager the best option is to go Lion Totem+Girallon Arms soulmeld for claw attacks, that way you can use all of your claw attacks without needing to charge every round.

Ursus Spelaeus
2016-09-15, 09:21 PM
I came in late to an ongoing campaign.
I just found out that we are only going to be playing for one adventure.
So I probably won't be getting to level 7.

If that's the case, I think I may as well just drop the Barbarian levels and play a Totemist 6.

2016-09-15, 10:54 PM
If it's just one adventure, just settle for Totemist 6. Totem Rager is fun, but it doesn't bring that much to the table.