View Full Version : Pathfinder [PF] Need help with a Skull & Shackles idea I'd like to flesh out

2016-09-16, 08:24 AM

So I've got a gestalt Skull & Shackles game I'll be starting soon. One of the character ideas I've got in mind is a Cleric (Besmara)/UnRogue. The ten-words-or-less of him in my head is, "Blackbeard meets Belloq". (He'll be using the campagin trait of "Ancient Explorer".)

So far I've got him as a Dual Talent Human, S12 D16 C12 I10 W18 C10, and the Domains are Tactics and Thievery. I'm just not sure what to actually do with this guy, as far as a build plan. I'd planned to use him more as "a Cleric who can also do Rogue stuff", rather than the other way around.

If I was to go the latter route, I figure I'd just swap the Dex & Wis, and make some kind of TWF/Circling Mongoose build. But as I said, I'd like to see if I can more emphasize the Cleric end of things.

If anyone's got any thoughts on how to make this concept work, I'd love to hear it.

Ghorrin Redblade

Secret Wizard
2016-09-16, 09:55 AM
I got your back bro, all you need to do is roll an Inquisitor.

2016-09-16, 09:57 AM
I got your back bro, all you need to do is roll an Inquisitor.

Responding to "I'm trying to make this concept" with, "Make this other thing here" doesn't really help, but thanks for stopping by.

2016-09-16, 11:09 AM
Responding to "I'm trying to make this concept" with, "Make this other thing here" doesn't really help, but thanks for stopping by.

Rolling Inquisitor might be the best route. Heretic Archetyped probably. Focussing on being a massive intimidater? (every piece of fiction I read - save for one piece - pictured black beard as the terror of the sea).

You've got holy skills and would be able to do rogue-ish stuff too.

If you want to multiclass between cleric and rogue though: go with a "Child of the Sea"(?) Half elf(trades his perception bonus for Profession sailor bonus and such) which would be quite handy in this AP.
Since there are supposedly quite a few momentum changes in this AP be sure to have all bases covered with the rest of the party.

Good luck.

2016-09-16, 11:13 AM
I find that cleric spells are better suited for str gishes than dex. Wish I could be more help.

2016-09-16, 11:31 AM
If you want to multiclass between cleric and rogue though...

Not multiclass, gestalt.

2016-09-16, 11:43 AM
Not multiclass, gestalt.

Ah that is a really important point.
Still going for Half elf since you should get your favoured class bonus 2 times per level up then.

I know that it isn't that well received but maybe look into slayer instead of unRogue? Gives you full BaB and some other nice goodies.

Else unRogue//Cleric of Besmara with a suitable weapon and a finessable weapon could be really deadly going for combat reflexes and such.

2016-09-16, 01:40 PM
First off, did you roll for stats? or is it point buy?

I'm guessing rolled 'cause those numbers don't add up to 15, 20, or 25 (assuming you boosted DEX and WIS with dual-talented).

Relating to your first choice "cleric who can do rogue stuff" ... What kind of cleric who can do rogue stuff? Battle cleric? BFC? Necromancer? Party support? Answering that question will help you pick a build path. But if you're just gonna be a rogue on the side, then all you really have to do is build a solid cleric using a guidebook (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1h6-_4HvPvV-Tt7I67Gi_oPhgHmeDVA5SBl-WrJSgf5s/edit?hl=en)

If you're looking to play more of a rogue... then consider Warpriest instead of cleric... You lose out on domain spells (stuff like invisibility from the Trickery list, which IS painful I'll admit), but the Blessing class feature is essentially the first level power of each domain. And you can always pick up wands of those spells because UMD is a rogue skill. Warpriests get more bonus feats that'll help you get all those feats for Circling Mongoose. Plus you can swap your Wisdom with your Dexterity (since you'll mostly be self buffing, you have the nifty ability to swift cast a spell you have prepared),and a little damage boost later from sacred weapon, and you still have most of the spells from the cleric's list (you lose out on 7th - 9th level casting).

Also, might wanna move that 12 from strength to intellect, since as an unchained rogue you will be dealing DEX to damage at level three, and you have sneak attack, but you might want an extra skill point since you lose the one gained from being human if you take the dual-talented alternate racial feature.

2016-09-16, 03:47 PM
Hmmph. Those stats should have totalled up to 20 points. Must've brain-locked somewhere. I'll look it over see where I screwed up.

Relating to your first choice "cleric who can do rogue stuff" ... What kind of cleric who can do rogue stuff? Battle cleric? BFC? Necromancer? Party support? Answering that question will help you pick a build path.

That's the thing. I'm not exaggerating when I say it's been years since I played a cleric. Last time I personally dropped d20s as one may even have been in 1st Edition. So my practical experience with tem in the 3.X/PF era is pretty much zero. Lemme chew over that guide and try and come up with an answer.

Ghorrin Redblade

PS - For what it's worth, I left that Str at a 12 becuse I don't like being the sort of guy that has to watch every scrap he carries WRT encumbrance. Plus, in a game like Skull & Shackles, I'd feel bad not having at least the +1 mod to my Climb and Swim checks; if I can't get up the rope, it's just junior high all over again. :D

EDIT: Owing to party composition I've decided to take my character in another direction. My thanks to everyone who tried to help. My cleric-less drought will continue... :)