View Full Version : For those who miss the Hellfire warlock...

2016-09-16, 09:41 AM
Here is a new pact boon I made to emulate it

Hellfire Pact
You are given a flame of hellfire that resides in your soul. It increases your power but in doing so, it consumes you.
As a result of the hellfire dwelling within you, you gain resistance to a damage type of your choice.

Level 5: Hellfire blast invocation - Requires Hellfire Pact
When you make a weapon or spell attack you may lace it with hellfire changing it to a hellfire blast. The damage type changes to fire damage and you fire and you increase the damage by one additional die. When you do so you immediately take 1d6 necrotic damage as the hellfire consumes part of your soul. This damage cannot be reduced.

Level 11: Hellfire shield invocation - Requires Hellfire Pact
As an action you can cause the hellfire to cover your entire body, burning any who strike you. when in this state you shed bright light in a 20ft radius. Addi tonally you can cause hellfire to lash out against anyone who hits you with an attack within 30ft of you causing them to make a dex save or take 2d10 fire damage. On a failed save they take half damage. Each turn you maintain your turn the shield is active it consumes part of your soul dealing 1d6 necrotic damage. This damage cannot be reduced. The hellfire shield lasts until you dismiss it (no action required) or fall unconscious.

Let me know what you think.

2016-09-16, 09:44 AM
Let me know what you think.

I think there should be a dedicated forum for homebrew.

http://www.giantitp.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?15-Homebrew-Design (http://http://www.giantitp.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?15-Homebrew-Design)

2016-09-16, 09:50 AM
I think there should be a dedicated forum for homebrew.

http://www.giantitp.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?15-Homebrew-Design (http://http://www.giantitp.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?15-Homebrew-Design)

Oh that was my mistake, I post in both regularly and posted it in the wrong one. Mods feel free to delete.

2016-09-16, 12:38 PM
while I like the idea I have a few qualms:

1- is this a pact like the fiend.archfey/goo/undying light/shadow/etc? or is this instead of the blade/tome/chain?
It seems the former and essentially is neither.

if it is the former, maybe consider the 5th lvl ability as a side effect for a cantrip, spell or pact weapon attack (seriously pact of the blade could do with this kind of thing), and that is just negating all the other pact features like bonus spells etc.

If it is the latter, why would I choose this pact form over the others? As it stands it's the absolute worst pact form since it neither offers the flexibility of tome and chain, nor the sustaining power of the blade.

In any case, the warlock HD is too low to really be able to use this as often as the rest of the pact options. It actually forces you to not use the ability whereas the other pact forms or patrons encourage use of your ability.

Second, for the lvl 11 shield, it's basically a costlier version of Armour of Agathys. Every time someone hits you (dealing you damage) you can take additional damage to hurt them back. I'd rather make this something like: when activating, or in subsequent rounds while keeping this ability activated, this ability deals 1d12 necrotic damage to you that can't be prevented. When this ability is active you are engulfed in flames and shed bright light in a 20' radius. When another creature makes a melee attack against you, you can choose to deal 2d10 fire damage in return. this fire damage ignores resistances and immunities and can't be prevented.

this way, when an enemy fighter is attacking you, he will surely receive pain. On the other hand, this ability is very costly to you since your hp will drain fast (might want to tweak that necrotic dmage do a d4 maybe d6

hope my 2 cents helped :smallsmile:

2016-09-16, 01:05 PM
Always good to ehar feedback.

1- is this a pact like the fiend.archfey/goo/undying light/shadow/etc? or is this instead of the blade/tome/chain?
It seems the former and essentially is neither.

This is a pact boon. Sorry that wasnt clear. I specified in my edit.

If it is the latter, why would I choose this pact form over the others? As it stands it's the absolute worst pact form since it neither offers the flexibility of tome and chain, nor the sustaining power of the blade.

What it allows is better Eldritch blast... blasting. Which was essentially what the old 3.5 prc allowed. You get an additional ray with EB which amounts to an extra 1d10 dmg or 1d10 + 5 with agonizing blast. ~ 5.5 or 10.5 dmg every turn in exchange for taking 1d12 ~ 6.5 dmg

In any case, the warlock HD is too low to really be able to use this as often as the rest of the pact options. It actually forces you to not use the ability whereas the other pact forms or patrons encourage use of your ability.

You have a good point here, the damage might be too high, but when added to something like Fiend Patron I feel it could really tear things up with the temp hp.

Second, for the lvl 11 shield, it's basically a costlier version of Armour of Agathys. Every time someone hits you (dealing you damage) you can take additional damage to hurt them back. I'd rather make this something like: when activating, or in subsequent rounds while keeping this ability activated, this ability deals 1d12 necrotic damage to you that can't be prevented. When this ability is active you are engulfed in flames and shed bright light in a 20' radius. When another creature makes a melee attack against you, you can choose to deal 2d10 fire damage in return. this fire damage ignores resistances and immunities and can't be prevented.

In this model you take damage every round, which was something I wanted to avoid as I thought it would be cool to always be shrouded in flames. I felt the ability to do ~ 8.25 dmg against anyone who attacks you with no action required was worth the 6.5 self-damage when you decided to use it.

dmage do a d4 maybe d6

I am seeing this in feedback but I think those are too low. I might reduce to a d10 or d8.

2016-09-16, 06:09 PM
Always good to ehar feedback.

This is a pact boon. Sorry that wasnt clear. I specified in my edit.
well even for a pact boon it is not enough. since it does not grant options. evne wordse: it narrows you down to 1 cantrip you can use this with. htat's not good design

What it allows is better Eldritch blast... blasting. Which was essentially what the old 3.5 prc allowed. You get an additional ray with EB which amounts to an extra 1d10 dmg or 1d10 + 5 with agonizing blast. ~ 5.5 or 10.5 dmg every turn in exchange for taking 1d12 ~ 6.5 dmg

the old hellfire warlock allowd you to sacrifice 1 con (max classlevels of hp with a miriad of ways to mitigate that, most notoriously astrongheart vest, more accepted 1 lvl of binder with naberius) for +2/+4/+6d6 hellfire damage. This time round you trade 1d12 damage taken for 1d10 damage gained (max 1d10+cha), which does not really bode too well. as for options, the hellfire warlock had an option to throw it in melee throuth eldritch glaive (not applicable in 5e except for crossbow mastery and only ranged without disadvantage) or eldritch claw (a bit more finnicky, but stil a potentailly better option), but it applied to any form you made your EB. this time it's instead of other options, and you lose a lot of potential (most notably chain for fun scouting stuff and tricks, and tome for raw options, even blade for some nice tricks) for only a +1d10 on EB (or eventually 1d10+cha+10' movement). No unique invocations (1 for tome, 2 for chain and blade) no unique side effects (ritual casting, proficiency in any weapon as long as it's your pact weapon, a familliar to help you), just one more ray of EB and a fire shield.

You have a good point here, the damage might be too high, but when added to something like Fiend Patron I feel it could really tear things up with the temp hp.

as long as you don't use Armour of Agathys since it won't stack with your fiend stuff

In this model you take damage every round, which was something I wanted to avoid as I thought it would be cool to always be shrouded in flames. I felt the ability to do ~ 8.25 dmg against anyone who attacks you with no action required was worth the 6.5 self-damage when you decided to use it.

but for any attack made at you, including iteratives. Especiallly at lvl 11 you are sure to see iteratives. So if they reach you within 30' and hit you you are sure to be hit probably twice, maybe even thrice going for twice the damage in the round instead of once. And it only trigers if you get hit, not if someone tries to hit you. in my version you get hit with the damage once and get to use it unlimited in the round following it. yours will pass that pretty quick.

I am seeing this in feedback but I think those are too low. I might reduce to a d10 or d8.

well, please remeber the weak HD and inherent no armour capabilities for the warlock. (as in none at all. the warlock gets a d8 and light armour. so on average 5+con and max (assuming 20 dex) 17 armour (non magical). That is not a defense and nless you spend an invocation to raise it by 1 (one I tell you) to 18 that is not really a defense mechanism. I am sorry, but your mechanic will kill the character quicker then a suicidal gnome playing with bat guano.

Come to thinkof it, I thiknk that it would be a better way to use the blood hunter mechanic to reduce max hp by X, either for a turn (when using Hellfire Blast) or for the duration (when using Hellfire Shield)

2016-09-17, 08:24 AM
I made the self damage a d6 and changed hellfire shield to damage per turn instead of per hit. I also made hellfire blast work with all spell attacks and weapon attacks. For more options. How does this look?

2016-09-17, 12:17 PM
I made the self damage a d6 and changed hellfire shield to damage per turn instead of per hit. I also made hellfire blast work with all spell attacks and weapon attacks. For more options. How does this look?

Starts soudding good.

2016-09-17, 04:38 PM
Consider this: when you say 1 additional die, for eldritch blast does this mean an additional bolt, or +1d10 to each bolt??

2016-09-17, 07:49 PM
This seems like a spinoff of the feind pact

2016-09-17, 08:24 PM
It applies to the spell attack not the spell so on theory you could add 1d10 to each ray but you would take damage for each as a result. If this seems op I can limit it to once per turn