View Full Version : feats for temporary action points

2016-09-17, 01:57 AM
Looking for a feat(s) to be able to grant myself some temporary action points (usually 1 or 2 a day will be enough) I found a handful and so far the one that best fits what I need it for is the dragon prophecy feat + the Prophecy's Hero feat.

For the sake of this my character is a Fighter 17/Heir of Siberys 3. I want the action points to be able to use the Unlock Dragonmark feat as needed without running out of action points.

I have no spells to use for Heroic Devotion, no lesser dragonmark to use on Dragonmark Luck, and no rage ability for Raging luck(raging while trying to use SLAs doesn't sound like a great idea anyway ha)

Looking to see if anyone knows a better option for what I am trying to do. Thanks for the help. :smallsmile:

2016-09-17, 04:32 AM
For 20000gp you could get an item that casts Unfettered Heroism on you 1/day, giving you a free action point every round for 10 rounds, so maybe that helps.