View Full Version : DM Help I Need Play Testers and Feed Back

2016-09-17, 03:22 PM
Hello my friends.

I'd like to start off by thanking you for taking the time to read this thread as I know it may be slightly off topic but I really require some assistance.

I've spent a good amount of time working on this 5E homebrew class called the Mime. I've gotten a good amount of feed back and the general consensus is that it's balanced and interesting on paper. Paper is well and good but I need the true test, which would be the test of gaming.

I would love to be able to run this myself but I haven't the opportunity to do so. That's what leads me to calling on the assistance of you, my fellow DMs and Players of 5E.

I would love it if you could give it a shot and tell me what you think in this thread over a period of time.


2016-09-17, 03:29 PM
Could I get the fluff of this class?

2016-09-17, 03:44 PM
Oh gosh... I completely forgot about the fluff q.q.

That's entirely my fault and I'll do my best to explain how I see them in the world.

The Mimes follow the practices and teachings of an ancient civilization that has long since passed from the minds and hearts of the realm at large. One does not choose to become a Mime, but rather they are chosen at a young age and usually willingly transported to the congregation of the Mime people. They are taught the ancient techniques of Mimicry but may not travel out into the world. Only the third generation child of a Mime on the paternal side may venture out into the world and he may only do so after his paternal grandfather has passed away. He takes the bone of his grandfather (The Pseudo-Weapon) and travels out into the world so that he may return home and teach his people new techniques and abilities not previously seen before while bringing them valuable resources.

Mimes out in the world are usually treated as an enigma but not given much thought, very few people actually believe that they exist and even fewer have had an extended conversation with one. Only those whose children are willingly given to the Mimes seem to have any knowledge of them to share with the world and must believe those to be the mad grief of a parent who has lost a child.

2016-09-17, 07:43 PM
Hello my friends.

I'd like to start off by thanking you for taking the time to read this thread as I know it may be slightly off topic but I really require some assistance.

I've spent a good amount of time working on this 5E homebrew class called the Mime. I've gotten a good amount of feed back and the general consensus is that it's balanced and interesting on paper. Paper is well and good but I need the true test, which would be the test of gaming.

I would to be able to run this myself but I haven't the opportunity to do so. That's what leads me to calling on the assistance of you, my fellow DMs and Players of 5E.

I would love it if you could give it a shot and tell me what you think in this thread over a period of time.


Overall an interesting build. It seems like it has the potential to be overpowered in the hands of a creative player. What keeps that from being as much of a problem as it could be is that this character is incredibly MAD to make full use of the various abilities, skills, and proficiencies gained. From a DM and player standpoint, this class is a clerical nightmare as well. So many changes to keep track of.

2016-09-17, 08:19 PM
My DM is going to allow it, what's the most important stat?

2016-09-17, 10:06 PM
I'm asking this because it says to make a melee spell attack to trigger mimic and my roadtrip fatigue is killing my neurons.

2016-09-17, 10:38 PM
Wisdom is the primary mimicry stat.

2016-09-17, 11:43 PM
Wisdom is the primary mimicry stat.

Thx, my feedback will take a good amount of time to arrive.

2016-09-18, 08:23 AM
No worries, I look forward to hearing how it turns out.