View Full Version : Half-Dragon Young Scholar (IC)

2016-09-18, 10:20 AM
How quickly a year passes. The scenery around the tower is green. The bugs are alive with energy again. The tower's keepers make their rounds through the greenery getting ready for today's tasks. It is before breakfast. People are barely out of bed and yet servant Yeong approaches you with a solemn face and a young village man behind him. "Ina", he cries in distress.

"That lady isn't doing well." He motions the young man forward. It's Seong-Hun. His mother has been ill this last month. Whatever treatments you or the others have given her have only slowed the process of her sickness. Behind closed doors it is said: she is doomed to die. But, Seon-Hun wasn't suppose to pick up her treatment for couple days...

Seon-Hun speaks up, "Mother refuses to get out of bed. She is weaker than she has been and her cough is worse. I've come to pick up the medicine early." Making the medicine isn't too difficult. Even as a minor alchemist Ina should be able to put the finishing touches on another's work, or she has the privilege to borrow some medicine from storage. The sickness is strong though. Maybe, even magical. It'll take something just as strong to properly cure her.

Do whatever you want. Feel free to hit some knowledge checks up (take 10 might be enough) to see if your character knows anything that might help. Or do you already have an idea?

2016-09-18, 08:03 PM
The scholar, dressed loosely in a morning robe, has been awake for a few hours already, sitting atop an artfully carved stone in the grounds of the tower, a book in her hand and a pot of tea gently steaming beside her. She takes a sip of the tea as Seong-Hun explains his problem, her gold eyes fixing him with a kind, understanding scrutiny. Quietly she closes the book and places it down beside her, sliding gracefully off the rock to land in front of the lad, placing a strong hand on his shoulder. "It will be ok, Seong-Hun." she says, trying to put as calming an element as she can into her tone. "Come with me to get the medicine, and we shall see if I can find a way to strengthen it. But one needs to be careful and calm with these things. Fighting a disease is like walking a rocky mountain path. It is scary and dangerous, but going too fast, and with panic in your mind makes it only more dangerous. So have a sip of tea." she explains, pointing to the tea as she closes her eyes, pursing her lips as she considers a few methods to help.

Diplomacy to keep Seong-Hun calm [roll0]
Know(Arcana) to see if there are any directly magical solutions [roll1]
Know(Nature) to see if there are any herbal solutions [roll2]