View Full Version : What are some of the 101 best uses of Disguise Self or Seeming for an entire party?

2016-09-18, 03:08 PM
What are some of the best uses of "Disguise Self" or "Seeming" for an entire party that you can imagine or have seen in play? What potential exists if an entire party can change appearance at will? What are some examples of situations where such illusions might prove invaluable?

I know this is a somewhat broad question. I guess I'm curious about the potential of having a party that can change appearance at will. Either for PCs, or for NPCs.

For example:
• It could be used to hide all of their weapons or armor when entering a place where weapons might otherwise be forbidden.
• It could be used to allow a party to blend into a harem of scantily clad women (or men).
• It could be used to turn everyone jet black while sneaking through a forest at night, ninja style. Or white in the snow.
• It could be used to look like the enemy in a melee combat to cause confusion.
• ...

What other 101 ways could it be used?

2016-09-18, 06:02 PM
Con artists. Either PC or NPC, if the whole party can disguise themselves, they can literally send the party on a wild goose chase. Imagine a group saying you need to go to this other group and get something done for them, and then they send you on and on and on.

Or all the baddies could disguise themselves and convince the goodies that their other goody friends are actually baddies in disguise.

2016-09-18, 06:40 PM
Swap the party around so they all look like each other. If the party's legendary fighter starts muttering a spell, the enemy spellcaster is unlikely to counterspell it. The enemy sneaks are likely to try to close with your cloth-wearing wizard. Gank the wizard first is a time-honored tradition.

"Master, I brought the prisoners!". Apply James' bond's "getting captured so you can discover and then disrupt the villain's plan" plan, only better because you are never actually at the mercy of the villain.

2016-09-18, 08:28 PM
Make the party look like zombies so they can sneak into a necromancers layer

2016-09-18, 08:39 PM
Terrifying clown makeup.

2016-09-18, 09:01 PM
Disguise Self as a Medusa. Savvy enemies will avert their eyes from you (per the MM) so as to avoid turning to stone, which makes Disguise Self as good as Improved Invisibility against them. Non-savvy enemies will ignore the illusion, but then again non-savvy enemies are usually big dumb monsters dumb enough that some other tactic will work against them instead. Disguise Self will help you against really dangerous enemies like drow and intellect devourers/mind flayers/algoriths.

2016-09-19, 10:54 AM
Making the party a bunch of flying cows. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_2CCQnD4AQ8)

2016-09-19, 11:24 AM
Making the party a bunch of flying cows. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_2CCQnD4AQ8)

If only Uriel could see us now!

2016-09-19, 04:07 PM
My favorite: cast Disguise Self while riding your mount from Find Steed. Make your warhorse look like a nightmare and you the headless horseman.

Lore Bard = #1 Scooby Doo villian

2016-09-19, 04:14 PM
I wanted to go as Tatiana before we faced Straud in Ravenloft. He has truesight, but I wanted him to target me in melee for being rude.

Conjurer wizards are really good at playing tag.

2016-09-19, 04:30 PM
-Disguise self yourself or anyone in the party into a beast of nightmares (Better to take someone with good CHAR) to help him/her intimidate someone

-Disguise your familiar / mount and you, sell your mount / familiar, later on cancel disguise self on self, and summon back your mount / familiar without the disguise (make sure to never use those looks again to make sure noone find out)

-Disguise a party member into a member of a faction you're working against, the rest of the party play as prisioners.

2016-10-07, 10:57 AM
Wood carving tool proficiency, a transmuter wizard, and disguise self,

Carve elegant sculptures from wood, transmute wood to silver, disguise self and go into shop to sell for profit and fun,

Sliver turns back to wood and angry shop keep is looking for someone who no longer looks like he did.

2016-10-07, 11:00 AM
Also Disguise Self is great to make a poor bastard take fault over your crimes!

You party got someone killed and that may bring problems with the Law? Disguise Self as a random passer by, make sure a group of people see you in your disguise in the crime scene, act like you don't notice them, then when they are near, act spooked and run away (to make you look more guilty)