View Full Version : Pathfinder Path of War Question - Do these AoO's Stack?

2016-09-19, 07:21 AM
Lets say you are a Fighter with the Myrmidon archetype with 8 levels in Landsknecht and the full Scarlet Throne Style feat chain. You are recovering maneuvers (allowing a free AoO vs anyone that attacks you as per Myrmidon), you have Bait the Dragon active on your turn from Landsknecht (provoking an AoO from him after their attack is resolved) and you attempt to counter the attack with scarlet throne style (provoking an AoO if you succeed at the counter)

I feel like I am onto a good idea here, all tho this will of course eat up any and all AoO's I would have rather fast, but on the off shoot, this would quickly bring insane damage to the table - most of all if I use vital strike in place of these AoO's with 'Seize the Opportunity' feat. Gotta make sure this works tho.

Anyone know any reason why it may not?

2016-09-19, 05:34 PM
I don't believe a single action can provoke multiple AOOs from a single creature, but I'm sure others will weigh in with more definitive answers on the specifics. The specific wording of the abilities will be relevant as to if it is the attack itself that is provoking or if you are forcing the enemy to provoke separately.

2016-09-19, 05:39 PM
Yes this works, as long as the attacks are made for different reasons they can respond to the same action.

Source (http://paizo.com/products/btpy88yj/faq?Pathfinder-Roleplaying-Game-Core-Rulebook#v5748eaic9qdc)

2016-09-19, 07:36 PM
The FAQ is calling out casting the spell and making the ranged attack as two different triggers, not having multiple abilities that make the same action provoke, so I am not sure how relevant it is.

2016-09-19, 08:59 PM
Even so, you make a valid point. These AoO's in this case do nothing if someone does not attack me too.
The recovering moves provokes when someone attacks you, but it is not clear if this provoke comes before or after the attackers attack. I would feel after if we look at it as an order of events since you attack and THEN you get an AoO since the mob declared an attack.
The second is from scarlet throne style, and that one only happens if/when you succeed in stopping an attack, so that would not interfere with the first one I dont think. I feel these two would work together much like greater trip and vicious stomp.
The last however is a class feature of the PrC - and a late level one at that. You need to prep it on your turn and take a penalty for it, and it resolves after the attack. This may conflict with the first one, but it works with the second.

While I would like to know for sure if there is any RAW on order of events in this type of situation, I have decided on what build I am going to prevent this headache. I am going Warder > Zweihander Sentinel > into the PrC. Trying to debate 5 or 6 levels of Warder tho as that 5ft reach is nice for counters.

Really tho, this new PoW-E content has me feeling like a kid in a candy shop again. Ive been doing playtesting for a while, but the changes are beautiful. If any of you PoW creators read this, big thumbs up, you're doing a great job! :)

2016-09-19, 09:01 PM
The FAQ is calling out casting the spell and making the ranged attack as two different triggers, not having multiple abilities that make the same action provoke, so I am not sure how relevant it is.It sets precedent that if the same action triggers AoOs for different reasons, you get all the AoOs. In this case, casting a ranged touch attack spell.

2016-09-19, 09:26 PM
It sets precedent that if the same action triggers AoOs for different reasons, you get all the AoOs. In this case, casting a ranged touch attack spell.

What was quoted specifically says it's two different events; casting and attacking. Presumably, one could cast, hold the spell, and attack later.

OP's scenario would allow three AoO for a single event (attack).

These are distinguishable and no precedence is set. I'm not saying it doesn't work that way, just that this argument does not prove it to be the rule.

2016-09-20, 08:43 AM
So, let's look at the abilities.

Myrmidon Recovery (relevant text): When he does so, he recovers a number of maneuvers equal to his myrmidon initiation modifier (minimum 2) and until the start of his next turn, attacks made against the myrmidon provoke an attack of opportunity from him
(if they attack you, they provoke)

Bait the Dragon: At 8th level, a landsknecht’s confidence and skill is such that he doesn’t just seize openings from his opponents—he creates them. As a swift action, the landsknecht can choose to take a –4 penalty to AC for one round. If he does so, any melee attack made against him for one round provokes an attack of opportunity from the landsknecht. These attacks of opportunity are resolved after the attack that provoked them.
(if they attack you, they provoke)

Scarlet Throne Riposte: Whenever you use an ability to negate an attack from an opponent (such as with a counter or with the Scarlet Throne Dignity feat), that opponent provokes an attack of opportunity from you. A given creature can only provoke an attack of opportunity from you in this way once per round.
(when you counter, they provoke)

So you would get one when they attack (Bait the Dragon and Myrmidon Recovery share a trigger, so you don't double up), and if you counter it successfully, then you get the AoO from STR, which has a different trigger (you counter the attack).

The old trick with this in 3.5 was one that gave you an AoO when attacked (before damage was dealt) and one that gave an AoO when hit (which comes after damage is dealt). Robillar's Gambit and Karmic Strike, IIRC.