View Full Version : DM's Girlfriend

Rothgar Ironmit
2016-09-19, 10:12 AM
Hey guys how do you deal wiyh a DM who gives his girlfriend special treatment?

2016-09-19, 10:17 AM
Ask him to not.

2016-09-19, 10:20 AM
Usually calm open discussions work. A lot of times the DM won't even realize someones getting special treatment. First make sure its a problem the rest of the group can see too, so that you know it's not just your feelings. I've been DMing for a game including my wife and I'm always afraid that I'm giving her some special treatment, but I stay open to the rest of the group and am sure to ask them if they feel anyone's getting special treatment at any time.

What kind of special treatment are you seeing going on? Letting her get away with things that the rules forbid? Special tailored loot? Just curious

2016-09-19, 10:20 AM
Discuss it with him, and maybe with his girlfriend. It's an OOC issue; it has to be handled OOC.

If he can't/won't stop, you have a decision to make: does his doing so make the game not fun? If so, drop out and do something else with the time. If not, play and just accept it.

2016-09-19, 10:22 AM
Be up front about it, don't talk about it behind their backs. Verify with other players if they have similar concerns, if they do, immediately bring it up to the group as a whole in person and discuss it.

2016-09-19, 10:31 AM
Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanlon%27s_razor). Or in this case, lack of self-awareness. The first step you should take in this situation (or similar situations) is talk to the DM. Tell him that you feel he's favouring one player over everyone else, and it's making you all feel like second-rate participants. It helps if everyone else is there with you, agreeing with the sentiment! If the DM is a good person, he'll respond in a civil manner to a civil message, and you have a chance to resolve this peacefully.

If the DM is up in arms after you've politely let him know, then leave. It's not worth arguing, and certainly not worth some kind of ridiculous rom-com scheme to break them up.

However, if you bring it up too aggressively, the DM will probably not be willing to listen yo your point of view. Diplomacy is key in a situation like this; don't just assume that because you are in the right, you can simply tell everyone that they are wrong and have it be the end of it.

Willie the Duck
2016-09-19, 12:04 PM
Hey guys how do you deal wiyh a DM who gives his girlfriend special treatment?

Is this a theoretical question, or are you having trouble with this in your group? If the later, can you explain the problem a little more?

Jay R
2016-09-19, 12:34 PM
Accept it and don't worry about it. She's more important to him than you, or the game, will ever be. He probably doesn't know he's doing it. If you point it out, he will conscientiously try to be more even-handed, but will still fail.

Just accept the fact that your DM, like every other DM in the history of rpgs, is less than perfect.

[Then treat it like any other fact about the game. Make treating your character well a good thing for the girlfriend's PC. This is no different from defending a princess so the king will reward you.]

2016-09-19, 12:39 PM
I have a better solution on second thought.

Step One:
Start engaging the DMs girlfriend. Be friendly, polite, respectful. Get to the point where you talk to her, and become her friend.

Step Two:
Begin designing scenarios that make your DM seem neglectful of the GF, just ever so slightly. Ensure that he has plans away from her on important dates, make sure that their dates get interrupted by cause after cause. Car trouble one day, etc. In a vacuum these seem innocent, but if they are repetitive then they may seem to be a problem to her. This will get her subconsciously thinking that the DM... let's call him Dave. She will subconsciously think that Dave doesn't care about her. This growing resentment will be small and it will grow ever so slightly.

Step Three:
Obtain a girlfriend of your own. It doesn't matter who she will be unimportant. Confide with DM's girlfriend, let's call her Ashley. Confide with Ashley that your girlfriend has this same problem. Bond over it, eventually she will confide with you about Dave. It is important however that you insist Dave is a great guy, you are his friend after all. All the while you are still enacting step 2.

Step Four:
Find someone single and personality/physically exactly what Ashley wants in a man. You should have obtained this information by now. Get this person to start hanging out with you and Ashley. (Let's call him Joe). Ensure that Joe is attracted to her, and never mention she has a boyfriend. Design get togethers with these people, and mysteriously not be able to show. Their relationship should grow. Ensure that Dave doesn't know you know Joe.

Step Five:
After the relationship begins blooming, Dave and Ashley's relationship should be dissolving. As both of their friends insist to them separately that nothing is wrong and that they shouldn't talk about it, that is vitally important. As resentment grows make sure you are completely neutral, however start sliding towards Dave.

Step Six:
Blow this whole thing wide open. Invite Ashley and Joe to see a movie. Something fun, and not romantic. However, you're going on a busy night, who knows what seating they will have available. Slip the ticket guy at the theater a 20-spot to tell you that movie is sold out. Convince them to see a rom-com with you instead, saying you have an early day tomorrow and don't want to be out too late. Make sure they sit next to one-another. Pardon yourself to the restroom and take a picture of them. Tell Dave you saw Ashley at the movies (or something similar) with another guy over text, and provide the picture as proof. Dave will confront Ashley and tell you some crazy story that you invited them there. That's obviously false as you don't even like romantic comedies.

Their relationship should dissolve and you'll have your DnD game back. That'll teach Dave to give his girlfriends special treatment.

2016-09-19, 12:43 PM
Sometimes what looks like special treatment can just just be the benefits of familiarity. Do her concepts get approved more easily? She may just have a better idea at what the DM likes, especially if they taught her to play the game. Does she get special RP scenes? They will know what she likes, but unsure what to offer you. If she getting better loot then the rest of you? That's probably special treatment.

In either case, politely talk to the DM about it. Its the only real thing you can do.

2016-09-19, 03:07 PM
You're going to have to be more specific.

If could be the result of just being around one another all the time and talking about the game together more. So of course her stuff will be more thought out.

But if it's something like she charges into battle and never gets attacked. Or has some sort of max stated half dragon, cat, bard, dryad, with a pet half celestial unicorn.

I mean...I have no idea without knowing exactly what's going on. Could just be the old bribe the DM trick...just without snacks...or maybe with snacks. Who knows....

2016-09-19, 05:46 PM
I can talk about this one from experience; kind of:

I got my girlfriend into D&D a couple of years ago, but until recently never played a game with her for any extended amount of time. She's the DM, so I guess I'd be the "DM's boyfriend".
I do notice a slightly different treatment, but only away from the table. For a while she's been so used to running adventure ideas by me and generally asking me rules questions that she still does so (although she tries to do it more sneakily). This does gives me partial previews of what is coming up, but I feel I'm good enough at separation of knowledge not to let it affect me.

Is your situation at all similar?

Willie the Duck
2016-09-19, 06:03 PM
Exactly, we need to know more. This is such a worn-out cliche, it would be easy for us to jump to conclusions.

2016-09-19, 10:11 PM
I have a better solution on second thought.


Their relationship should dissolve and you'll have your DnD game back. That'll teach Dave to give his girlfriends special treatment.

I really want to see this as a joke, but I'm not laughing. Please tell me I'm not recognizing sarcasm...

And to the OP, really, explain this a little more, especially what makes you think of the special treatment she receives.

2016-09-19, 10:47 PM
I really want to see this as a joke, but I'm not laughing. Please tell me I'm not recognizing sarcasm...

And to the OP, really, explain this a little more, especially what makes you think of the special treatment she receives.

I've done this like 6 times. It is very effective at preserving my end group. Sometimes, you also need to kill a pet to get Ashley vulnerable to Joe's tenderness

2016-09-19, 11:17 PM
I've done this like 6 times. It is very effective at preserving my end group. Sometimes, you also need to kill a pet to get Ashley vulnerable to Joe's tenderness

Which type of pet do you prefer? Puppy or kitten? Also, what do you do if they take the kitten left on the doorstep to the local shelter?

Just talk to the GM about it. He's probably doing it subconsciously, anyways.

2016-09-20, 12:48 AM
I really want to see this as a joke, but I'm not laughing. Please tell me I'm not recognizing sarcasm...

And to the OP, really, explain this a little more, especially what makes you think of the special treatment she receives.

I think it is a joke, however misplaced, uncool, misguided and malicious it may be.

Anyone doing anything like that should be locked away for life.

ace rooster
2016-09-20, 06:02 AM
I think it is a joke, however misplaced, uncool, misguided and malicious it may be.

Anyone doing anything like that should be locked away for life.

Well I thought it was funny. The game must come first. Reducto ad absurdium-ing the dangers of over-reacting... :smalltongue:

I would second that we need more information. In particular, the relative experience of players is important. Beginners get a degree of special treatment in my group, independent of who they are doing what with. Additionally you are always going to find it hard to out cool a person who knows the DM well, and I generally find that cool stuff is more likely to get approved.

It might be more worthwhile talking to her about it than him. There is nothing you can do to make him less patient with her (except listen to dascarletm, maybe that should be 'should' as opposed to can), or affect the ease with which she can get his attention. I think it would be a better outcome if she can be convinced to ask for less, rather than him saying no more.

Willie the Duck
2016-09-20, 07:20 AM
I think it is a joke, however misplaced, uncool, misguided and malicious it may be.

Anyone doing anything like that should be locked away for life.

It's a line of humor my group always calls "dead baby humor." It's a subset of 'refuge in audacity' humor where you say something so ridiculous (or in this case abhorrent) that it's obvious you are BSing.

The problem with it is, people are either also there with you on the audacity, or they just stare at you in an uncomfortable silence, while you say, "what? it was a joke!" (which appears to be what is happening to dascarletm).

I wouldn't post something like this publicly where others could judge my humor skills, but dascarletm is at least using the technique correctly.

2016-09-20, 07:29 AM
...I'm not sure how that could be anything but a joke. And, being so patently obviously a joke (due to its Xanatos Roulette nature combined with its over-the-top reaction and skewed priorities), finding it offensive puzzles me. It's black humor, but it's clearly sardonic and not serious advice. :smallannoyed:

Jay R
2016-09-20, 08:18 AM
Getting back to the topic:

A. Quite often, the DM's girlfriend is not really a gamer, and the "special treatment" is just the help you give anybody who's not experienced with the game.

B. It's extremely common for a guy to avoid doing anything that annoys his girlfriend. This includes not having arrow traps or quicksand get her character. This is human behavior. Notice it, ignore it, and just be quiet about the unfairness that she isn't allowed to play the complete game and you are.

C. Don't measure your treatment from a DM in relative terms. It does not hurt you for somebody else to get nicer treatment than you get.

Measure it in absolute terms. Are you being treated well? If you are, then nothing's wrong, no matter how anybody else is treated.

If you aren't, then that's the problem, not the nicer treatment somebody else is getting.

2016-09-20, 08:23 AM
Level her up to DM's Wife. For some reason I rarely hear as many complaints about that.

2016-09-20, 08:50 AM
I've done this like 6 times. It is very effective at preserving my end group. Sometimes, you also need to kill a pet to get Ashley vulnerable to Joe's tenderness

You've sat through rom coms six times? Your commitment to the game is truly legendary.

2016-09-20, 10:38 AM
I really want to see this as a joke, but I'm not laughing. Please tell me I'm not recognizing sarcasm...

Comon man... don't make be break character.

I've done this like 6 times. It is very effective at preserving my end group. Sometimes, you also need to kill a pet to get Ashley vulnerable to Joe's tenderness
I've never thought of that. We should meet up at the local game preservation society and discuss tactics.

I think it is a joke, however misplaced, uncool, misguided and malicious it may be.


It's a line of humor my group always calls "dead baby humor." It's a subset of 'refuge in audacity' humor where you say something so ridiculous (or in this case abhorrent) that it's obvious you are BSing.

The problem with it is, people are either also there with you on the audacity, or they just stare at you in an uncomfortable silence, while you say, "what? it was a joke!" (which appears to be what is happening to dascarletm).

I wouldn't post something like this publicly where others could judge my humor skills, but dascarletm is at least using the technique correctly.
An artist is never appreciated in his time...:smalltongue:

...I'm not sure how that could be anything but a joke. And, being so patently obviously a joke (due to its Xanatos Roulette nature combined with its over-the-top reaction and skewed priorities), finding it offensive puzzles me. It's black humor, but it's clearly sardonic and not serious advice. :smallannoyed:
If there is one thing I can always do, it is count on Segev to "get it." Even if "it" is my terrible terrible jokes.

2016-09-20, 11:58 AM
If there is one thing I can always do, it is count on Segev to "get it." Even if "it" is my terrible terrible jokes.

I found it amusing, personally. But then, I also enjoy the song "Try the Priest" from Sweeny Todd.

2016-09-20, 12:14 PM
I really want to see this as a joke, but I'm not laughing. Please tell me I'm not recognizing sarcasm...

I think it is a joke, however misplaced, uncool, misguided and malicious it may be.

Anyone doing anything like that should be locked away for life.

Given the number of bad gaming relationships - and even bad gaming marriages - that I've witnessed, I'm not certain a case couldn't be made that someone with the level of social skills necessary to pull this off couldn't do so in a beneficial way.

Also, @Sword-Geass - is it wrong to see your sig, and want to tell the girl who slapped you that that's what you were doing? Ah, English, why must you be so confusing?

Comon man... don't make be break character.

I must confess, while I endeavor, at times, to post in the style of this account's namesake verbose academia mage, I lack your dogged dedication.

Willie the Duck
2016-09-20, 12:57 PM
I found it amusing, personally. But then, I also enjoy the song "Try the Priest" from Sweeny Todd.

There we are! Perfect example of dead baby humor!

Red Fel
2016-09-20, 01:09 PM
There we are! Perfect example of dead baby humor!

Hey, don't be vulgar. There are no babies in that song. Priests, lawyers, politicians, a greengrocer, but no babies.
And the song is "A Little Priest," by the by.
Now, Jonathan Swift's A Modest Proposal, on the other hand, is exactly that, and a perennial favorite.

2016-09-20, 01:14 PM
Hey, don't be vulgar. There are no babies in that song. Priests, lawyers, politicians, a greengrocer, but no babies.
And the song is "A Little Priest," by the by.
Now, Jonathan Swift's A Modest Proposal, on the other hand, is exactly that, and a perennial favorite.

I can never remember; is that your Christmas or Thanksgiving dinner recipe?

Delicious Taffy
2016-09-20, 01:21 PM
One of my players also happens to be my girlfriend, so I can speak from the DM's perspective in this case. What I try to do is engage all of my players to an equal degree, but not necessarily in the same areas. One player likes to be the face of the group, so I give him plenty of social interactions to handle. Another likes to engage in goofy antics off to the side, so I'll point out bits of the scenery that could be amusing to see him mess with, like an open bar or something. My girlfriend is playing a bard/rogue, so she likes to have a mix of social interaction and plenty of opportunities for picking pockets and buying gear. So far, I've been able to balance these with relative success.

When it comes to combat, everyone gets attacked in equal measure, so nobody thinks they have "girlfriend armor", as it were. In fact, in our first combat encounter, my girlfriend was the first to get knocked out, due to a series of particularly unlucky rolls. All I do is pick a target, pick a power, and let the dice decide how it plays out. I also try to make sure the number of enemies matches up with the number of players, so they can all have equal opportunity to be targeted. So far, nobody has complained about her getting special treatment, not even in the form of uncomfortable silences or quiet sighing. I'll know if they do it, not that they think I will. It's a DM's job to be perceptive of his/her players, after all, even when they're not aware of it.

Red Fel
2016-09-20, 01:28 PM
I can never remember; is that your Christmas or Thanksgiving dinner recipe?

Neither. It's what I serve when I cater a bris.

2016-09-20, 01:37 PM
When it comes to combat, everyone gets attacked in equal measure, so nobody thinks they have "girlfriend armor", as it were. In fact, in our first combat encounter, my girlfriend was the first to get knocked out, due to a series of particularly unlucky rolls. All I do is pick a target, pick a power, and let the dice decide how it plays out. I also try to make sure the number of enemies matches up with the number of players, so they can all have equal opportunity to be targeted. So far, nobody has complained about her getting special treatment, not even in the form of uncomfortable silences or quiet sighing. I'll know if they do it, not that they think I will. It's a DM's job to be perceptive of his/her players, after all, even when they're not aware of it.

Well, given that I do a lot of random targeting (esp. of ranged attacks), and given that my players all know I don't cheat on my rolls, number of foes doesn't matter too much for me, but I can see matching the number of foes to the number of people in the party being cinematically cool in addition to being "obvious" with being fair.

But "girlfriend armor"... yeah, there was this one time, we had a new player, who was also a girl (not anyone's gf as far as I was aware), who... nobody attacked. Then, we played a different game with her (don't remember the system, only that it was more free-for-all, and had a turn limit). No one attacked her then, either. On the last turn, I noticed that there was no more benefit to me attacking anyone else than attacking her, so I did so. Almost no chance of me doing anything significant to her in the process, but this way she had experience with what being attacked was like in that system.

The only time I ever played... um... a D&D-like board game*, I was not attacked the whole time. Made me feel like I wasn't playing the game.

* I can't remember much; it had different classes / abilities / items allow rolling different cubes with different colors/symbols, the "DM" scored points by killing the "PCs", different classes were worth different "points", different scenarios had different loss conditions.

2016-09-20, 01:50 PM
Neither. It's what I serve when I cater a bris.

Ah, because it's kosher, right.

And I always get Weird Al's "Pretty Fly, for a Rabbi" in my head when I hear/read that word.

o/~ He'll always schlepp on down for a wedding or a bris o/~

Red Fel
2016-09-20, 01:53 PM
And I always get Weird Al's "Pretty Fly, for a Rabbi" in my head when I hear/read that word.

o/~ He'll always schlepp on down for a wedding or a bris o/~

o/~ The parents pay the mohel and he gets to keep the tip! o/~

Now that is dark humor.

... And all the men in the audience quietly cross their legs and cringe slightly.

2016-09-20, 03:55 PM
Ah, because it's kosher, right.
Unless it's for Red Fel.

Because of the cloven hooves and all, I mean.

Rothgar Ironmit
2016-09-20, 04:07 PM
Ill take all of the advice you guys have give me. What I will do is talk to the other members and then have a group discussion.

2016-09-20, 04:32 PM
Ill take all of the advice you guys have give me. What I will do is talk to the other members and then have a group discussion.

Fine, don't follow my plan. It's not like I wanted you to anyway... :smallfrown:

2016-09-20, 06:35 PM
Ill take all of the advice you guys have give me. What I will do is talk to the other members and then have a group discussion.

We could still be better help if you gave more information :)

2016-09-20, 06:53 PM
I agree with the above, as the teens in the great movie "Grease" said, "Tell me more, tell me more."

2016-09-20, 07:35 PM
I agree with the above, as the teens in the great movie "Grease" said, "Tell me more, tell me more."

"Did you get very far?"

Red Fel
2016-09-20, 07:46 PM
"Did you get very far?"

Huh. The line "Could she get me a friend?" would actually be contextually appropriate here.

Rothgar Ironmit
2016-09-20, 08:06 PM
Well getting special items and free bonus feats outta thin air and retcons on when she died (he would take back what he said about her death and change it to where she wouldnt die) allowing her to LITERALLY do whatever she wanted despite alignment or other logical reasons, letting her take all the gold from jobs even though she isnt the leader and when she claims hat she will split it up it never happens and she blows it all on herself which he allows.......

Tried talking to him about it and a couple other issuses it didnt go well......

2016-09-20, 08:18 PM
At that point, I would just find better things to do with my time. When you have a Marry Sue that is also the GM's girlfriend...it is time to go.

He got hostile when civilly confronted about the behavior. That means he won't back down or change what he is doing. So unless you want a lot more of the same, just walk away.

As the forum's motto goes: "No game is better than a bad game!"

Rothgar Ironmit
2016-09-20, 08:22 PM
Thats what its sadly looking like

2016-09-20, 09:09 PM
Thats what its sadly looking like

Have you tried taking up the issue with the girlfriend instead? Let HER know that what's going on is ruining the game for you and (presumably) the others, and that if things carry on this way, you're just going to have to find some other way to spend your evenings, because this is no longer fun for you?

Rothgar Ironmit
2016-09-20, 09:13 PM
Have you tried taking up the issue with the girlfriend instead? Let HER know that what's going on is ruining the game for you and (presumably) the others, and that if things carry on this way, you're just going to have to find some other way to spend your evenings, because this is no longer fun for you?

Ive done it before and she claims that she has no idea what im talking about

2016-09-21, 07:37 AM
IC and OOC, if you're not already to the point of just dropping out, confront her on it when it happens.

I'd ignore the retcons of her deaths for now; they probably aren't hurting the party. When she gets a special bonus feat or something, ask the DM if you can have a bonus feat you've been wanting. Best if you can maneuver it to have the same justification due to circumstances, assuming there is one.

The big one is "letting her take all the gold" and "she spends it all on herself without distributing it." Call her on it IC; that's something the party would notice and object to. It's not entirely unreasonable that the DM "lets" her spend it all on herself when it's in her possession; his sin here is always "letting" her take all the gold.

Line of action one should be to simply have another PC, in character, object to her doing so. Make a stink of it, force the DM to justify it IC. I'm sure he can. Then, in character again, have the PCs confront her PC about the gold and demand their shares. Be willing to take it by force (preferably just grabbing it if she's not holding/carrying it, or pickpocketing it, rather than actually engaging in hit-point-removing PvP). If the party proves unable to get their shares...leave. In character. There's no reason for these adventurers to put up with a more powerful, greedy party member who uses them like slave labor to get jobs done for which only she gets paid.

edit: This IS an OOC issue. I recommend handling it OOC if you can. Point out the problems when they occur so that anybody who claims not to see the problem is almost having to be willfully blind.

The IC approach I suggest above is meant as a way to illustrate the problem in game. It's ludicrous that this girl doesn't understand why the other players are upset that her PC took their share of the rewards. But if she honestly doesn't get it, making it an IC issue (because it would be, role-playing wise, something the PCs would be upset about) will perhaps demonstrate it to her.

Putting it in the context of "real" loot - because to the PCs, it is - might remove whatever disconnect she has. Perhaps she's seeing it as play money and you guys, OOC, as making a big deal out of nothing important, right now. Put it IC, and it removes that disconnection: your characters have every reason to be upset about it, because it's real to them.

I don't expect it to work, but it might be worth a try. But it's sounding like "leave the game" is your option.

2016-09-21, 11:24 AM
Well getting special items and free bonus feats outta thin air and retcons on when she died (he would take back what he said about her death and change it to where she wouldnt die) allowing her to LITERALLY do whatever she wanted despite alignment or other logical reasons, letting her take all the gold from jobs even though she isnt the leader and when she claims hat she will split it up it never happens and she blows it all on herself which he allows.......

Tried talking to him about it and a couple other issuses it didnt go well......

Well now if you'd have said that to begin with I'd have just told you not to even bother and move on. Talking about that was never going to fix that issue. It's probably one of those things that's about how their relationship works and nothing to do with the game at all. You can't change that, and you certainly can't fix it. Some people will just let their relationship dynamics bleed into everything at the expense of everyone else involved and they don't even notice because they are off in their own world. Happens in everything. The only thing you can do is leave.

2016-09-21, 11:38 AM
At this point, you should probably bow out. Maybe try to get the loot thing resolved IC, but it doesn't look like that will happen anytime soon.

This is the moment where you should tell us if he's your friend. If not, well... maybe do what dascarletm said, not for the sake of the game, but the sake of personal amusement. I mean, since you won't see them again (I assume), you might as well entertain yourself with what you have before moving on :smalltongue:

But yeah, in any case, drop out. Don't make an ultimatum, they make you look like a douche (even more than said idea would make you), but just don't show up anymore and find a better game. Solitaire is a lot more fun than such a crooked game.

2016-09-21, 12:57 PM
I, for one (of a few), found dascarletm's post hilarious.

Thats what its sadly looking like

2016-09-22, 01:07 AM
I don't know about the DM, but one of my players forced his girlfriend to play with us, and this only brought negative results for the game . I simply asked him to stop it . Now he is torn between us and her.

I don't know why someone think that a non-gamer person will like D&D, it's not a friendly game.

2016-09-22, 08:32 AM
I have a better solution on second thought.

Step One:
Start engaging the DMs girlfriend. Be friendly, polite, respectful. Get to the point where you talk to her, and become her friend.

Step Two:
Begin designing scenarios that make your DM seem neglectful of the GF, just ever so slightly. Ensure that he has plans away from her on important dates, make sure that their dates get interrupted by cause after cause. Car trouble one day, etc. In a vacuum these seem innocent, but if they are repetitive then they may seem to be a problem to her. This will get her subconsciously thinking that the DM... let's call him Dave. She will subconsciously think that Dave doesn't care about her. This growing resentment will be small and it will grow ever so slightly.

Step Three:
Obtain a girlfriend of your own. It doesn't matter who she will be unimportant. Confide with DM's girlfriend, let's call her Ashley. Confide with Ashley that your girlfriend has this same problem. Bond over it, eventually she will confide with you about Dave. It is important however that you insist Dave is a great guy, you are his friend after all. All the while you are still enacting step 2.

Step Four:
Find someone single and personality/physically exactly what Ashley wants in a man. You should have obtained this information by now. Get this person to start hanging out with you and Ashley. (Let's call him Joe). Ensure that Joe is attracted to her, and never mention she has a boyfriend. Design get togethers with these people, and mysteriously not be able to show. Their relationship should grow. Ensure that Dave doesn't know you know Joe.

Step Five:
After the relationship begins blooming, Dave and Ashley's relationship should be dissolving. As both of their friends insist to them separately that nothing is wrong and that they shouldn't talk about it, that is vitally important. As resentment grows make sure you are completely neutral, however start sliding towards Dave.

Step Six:
Blow this whole thing wide open. Invite Ashley and Joe to see a movie. Something fun, and not romantic. However, you're going on a busy night, who knows what seating they will have available. Slip the ticket guy at the theater a 20-spot to tell you that movie is sold out. Convince them to see a rom-com with you instead, saying you have an early day tomorrow and don't want to be out too late. Make sure they sit next to one-another. Pardon yourself to the restroom and take a picture of them. Tell Dave you saw Ashley at the movies (or something similar) with another guy over text, and provide the picture as proof. Dave will confront Ashley and tell you some crazy story that you invited them there. That's obviously false as you don't even like romantic comedies.

Their relationship should dissolve and you'll have your DnD game back. That'll teach Dave to give his girlfriends special treatment.

Best answer.

2016-09-22, 08:36 AM
I don't know why someone think that a non-gamer person will like D&D, it's not a friendly game.

While I agree that one shouldn't force those who aren't in to a game to play it, I'm puzzled by the assertion that D&D is not a friendly game. I mean, any game can be "unfriendly" depending on who's playing it and how, but the converse is also true. And in my experience, D&D is more often friendly than not. (Perhaps it's because I don't stay in non-friendly groups?)

2016-09-22, 08:43 AM
While I agree that one shouldn't force those who aren't in to a game to play it, I'm puzzled by the assertion that D&D is not a friendly game. I mean, any game can be "unfriendly" depending on who's playing it and how, but the converse is also true. And in my experience, D&D is more often friendly than not. (Perhaps it's because I don't stay in non-friendly groups?)

I believe what they meant is "its not a newb friendly game". Which is true. Very few roleplaying games are, and D&D is system heavy. You could do worse, but there are better games to initiate someone with.

2016-09-22, 08:57 AM
I believe what they meant is "its not a newb friendly game". Which is true. Very few roleplaying games are, and D&D is system heavy. You could do worse, but there are better games to initiate someone with.

This might sound weird, but I felt that nWoD was far more unfriendly of a game than 3.5. Then again, the first session ended with my character getting buttraped in hell after I tried to kill the character of the DM's boyfriend who was making the session hell for me... So I guess this may have not been the game's fault.

EDIT: Now that I think about it... This happened once or twice with other game systems too... Everytime I try a new system I end up with a gay DM (literally, not in an insult kinda way) and his boyfriend in a game where said boyfriend get's me killed one way or another... Weird.

2016-09-22, 09:28 AM
EDIT: Now that I think about it... This happened once or twice with other game systems too... Everytime I try a new system I end up with a gay DM (literally, not in an insult kinda way) and his boyfriend in a game where said boyfriend get's me killed one way or another... Weird.

Maybe they feel threatened by you? New guy, fear their boyfriend might be showing interest in you?

It's just a guess, but that kind of "coincidence" sounds like stories I've heard when a new girl joins a game where the DM's girlfriend was already there, and the DM's girlfriend thought the new girl was somehow tempting her boyfriend.

All anecdotal, so maybe there's nothing to it.

2016-09-22, 11:38 AM
Their relationship should dissolve and you'll have your DnD game back. That'll teach Dave to give his girlfriends special treatment.

It'll never work. Murphy's Law dictates that the romcom they go see will have the exact same plot as the plan you just enacted. This will drive the original couple to forgive eachother and kiss in the rain. Then they'll be together forever.

2016-09-22, 11:43 AM
This might sound weird, but I felt that nWoD was far more unfriendly of a game than 3.5. Then again, the first session ended with my character getting buttraped in hell after I tried to kill the character of the DM's boyfriend who was making the session hell for me... So I guess this may have not been the game's fault.

Or maybe it is the game. I had a similar circumstance happen in my second VtR LARP. Granted, it happened because I drew a lot of 1's (LARP used cards instead of dice), and no one had been harassing me OOC.

2016-09-22, 11:50 AM
I had my wife join my DnD group a few years back. She knew nothing, and was tentative feeling at best towards playing. However she has fully integrated, and is a much liked member of the group. Though one of my players did try to get her to see some movies a year or two back....

Jay R
2016-09-22, 12:02 PM
Comon man... don't make be break character.

I've never thought of that. We should meet up at the local game preservation society and discuss tactics.


An artist is never appreciated in his time...:smalltongue:

If there is one thing I can always do, it is count on Segev to "get it." Even if "it" is my terrible terrible jokes.

Oh, man. It's really a joke, not a serious suggestion? I wished you'd told us earlier.

Umm ... I may need to find a new gaming group.

2016-09-22, 12:44 PM
Oh, man. It's really a joke, not a serious suggestion? I wished you'd told us earlier.

Umm ... I may need to find a new gaming group.

I think this is more of you not being able to enact my plan correctly.:smallyuk:

2016-09-22, 01:57 PM
Oh, man. It's really a joke, not a serious suggestion? I wished you'd told us earlier.

Umm ... I may need to find a new gaming group.

Just remember where you bury the bodies of the old one. When I rebuild my black onyx reserves, I might just pay for such information. >_> <_<