View Full Version : Optimization Making a tripping beast (3.5e)

2016-09-19, 12:20 PM
So right now I'm making a tripping specialist for an adventure I'm making to go against the PC's, up to now what I have is a Half-Minotaur Half-Fiend Vampire Human Fighter 16. It's possible due to Human heritage feat.
Str: 50 (15 +4 Leveling +4 Half-Minotaur +4 Half-Fiend +6 Vampire +5 Inherent +6 enhancement +2 Insight from an adrenaline boost Item)
Dex: 29 (14 +4 Half-Fiend +4 Vampire +5 Inherent +2 Insight)
Con: 0 due to Vampire
Int: 21 (12 -2 Half-Minotaur +4 Half-Fiend +2 Vampire +5 Inherent)
Wis: 17 (10 +2 Vampire +5 Inherent)
Cha: 24 (13 +4 Vampire +2 Half-Fiend +5 Inherent)
And on feats I have
Human Heritage
Combat Reflexes
Combat Expertise
Improved Trip
Exotic Weapon Proficiency Spiked Chain
Mage Slayer
Canny Opportunist
Exploit Adjustment
Willing Deformity
Deformity (Tall)
Weapon Focus Spiked chain
Greater Weapon Focus Spiked chain
Aberration blood (Bulging eyes)
Inhuman Reach

On Reach, there is effective if all stacks 30ft reach.
Any suggestions on what should I add or change?
P.S I need to make this powerful enough to help in a fight against 8 level 20-24 PC's so that is what this must be able to trip

2016-09-19, 02:08 PM
I disagree that Human Heritage allows it all to work but that's irrelevant.

Instead of trying to make some template-stacked monstrosity why not just give him a brachyurus (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/monsters/brachyurus.htm) for a mount? I hear they like it when people get tripped around them. For extra fun, remove Great Fortitude, drop the Fort Save by 2, and replace it with Combat Reflexes. Since savage takes an AoO to use, give them an extra 14 to work with every round.

Or just use the brachyurus on its own. 18 intelligence, 32 wisdom... it's not just a dumb animal.

2016-09-19, 02:52 PM
Note that your constitution is -, not 0. Undead type doesn't set it to 0 (if it did, you'd be dead) but removes it entirely.

2016-09-19, 03:44 PM
Is tripping useful at all for level 20+? Aren't the PCs all doing crazy teleportation and high speed flight around the battlefield all of the time?

2016-09-19, 04:22 PM
Is tripping useful at all for level 20+? Aren't the PCs all doing crazy teleportation and high speed flight around the battlefield all of the time?

This is for inside a small dungeon and there are air elementals already which already gives the PC's penalties for flying and even if they are flying this thing has 30ft reach which is enough to reach the ceiling when the creature alone is like 15ft tall

2016-09-19, 04:41 PM
Str: 50 (15 +4 Leveling +4 Half-Minotaur +4 Half-Fiend +6 Vampire +5 Inherent +6 enhancement +2 Insight from an adrenaline boost Item)
Dex: 29 (14 +4 Half-Fiend +4 Vampire +5 Inherent +2 Insight)
Con: 0 due to Vampire
Int: 21 (12 -2 Half-Minotaur +4 Half-Fiend +2 Vampire +5 Inherent)
Wis: 17 (10 +2 Vampire +5 Inherent)
Cha: 24 (13 +4 Vampire +2 Half-Fiend +5 Inherent)
And on feats I have
Human Heritage
Combat Reflexes
Combat Expertise
Improved Trip
Exotic Weapon Proficiency Spiked Chain
Mage Slayer
Canny Opportunist
Exploit Adjustment
Willing Deformity
Deformity (Tall)
Weapon Focus Spiked chain
Greater Weapon Focus Spiked chain
Aberration blood (Bulging eyes)
Inhuman Reach

Have you considered playing something more straightforward, like say a factotum?

Say you play a factotum 20

You play an outsider (Neraph) so you can polymorph into outsiders
Max out your INT (18)+ 5 (from ability increases) + 5 (from tomes) +6 (belt of magnificience) for 34 INT

Use Draconic Polymorph, turn into a titan (43 STR, + 8 from draconic polymorph) which gives you 51 STR

Put your belt of magnificience back on

You now have 57 STR and you get your INT bonus to trip (34 means a +12)
You're also huge so your reach is 15 ft
Pick up your sizing spiked chain
your reach is now doubled (30 ft)

You also have a ton of free feats (no deformity or aberration blood feats)0 to take the following

pierce magical concealment
practiced spellcaster (to mitigate the cost of mage slayer feats)

Also you're a factotum so you can do a lot more than a simple warrior with templates outside combat
you can also mimic class features of 15 level character so you could rage like a barbarian to get another +6 STR