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View Full Version : Pathfinder Cu Chulainn Build Help

Slayer Lord
2016-09-19, 01:45 PM
It's all there on the tin. I've been on a mythology reading kick lately, and I'm really interested in the idea of playing as the Hound of Culainn. It doesn't have to be exact, but so pointers on how to get the right feel would be good, especially since most of what I know about him is colored by my experience with Fate Stay Night, and Nasu's known for taking artistic license. I was thinking maybe a mix of fighter, barbarian and sorcerer, or possibly even a straight bloodrager. Any thoughts?

2016-09-19, 01:47 PM
For those who haven't watched the anime (or read the mythology for that matter) could you summarize his abilities? About all I know is that he uses a staff and is often mentioned in Martial vs. Caster discussions.

2016-09-19, 01:51 PM
For those who haven't watched the anime (or read the mythology for that matter) could you summarize his abilities? About all I know is that he uses a staff and is often mentioned in Martial vs. Caster discussions.

As Lancer, he uses the Gàe Bolg spear. (He does use the staff as Caster in F/GO).
Honestly, the best way to run Cu is to go Mystic 5/Animus Adept 5/Mage Hunter 10. Gives him good glyph (refluff as runes) flavor, plus arcane spells to match his quite significant Magecraft capabilities. I'd say focus on Piercing Thunder/Scarlet Throne/Elemental Flux.

2016-09-19, 02:05 PM
Proficent with spear that kills even you scracth with it has basicly factoum level skills( he known doing every thing very well) nows arch mage level spells( original celtic runes) personaly trained by worlds deadliest woman

2016-09-19, 03:32 PM
Werewolf Barbarian/Frenzied Berserker/Warshaper

2016-09-19, 03:39 PM
Proficent with spear that kills even you scracth with it has basicly factoum level skills( he known doing every thing very well) nows arch mage level spells( original celtic runes) personaly trained by worlds deadliest woman

This guy sounds like the Sue-iest Sue that ever Sued. But I guess by mythological standards that's small potatoes.

Are we sure he doesn't have a divine rank?

2016-09-19, 04:11 PM
I believe this (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C%C3%BA_Chulainn) would prove useful on the non-anime mythology of Cú Chulainn.

I know this has a Pathfinder tag (but others have also already suggested 3.5 only prestige classes).

In Sandstorm there is a feat Blazing Berserker that could be appropriate, especially with the story about Cú Chulainn getting so hot that he boiled water while he was in his battle frenzy.

I also feel that Frenzied Berserker is an appropriate class for him.

Also if you are open to third party sources, the Slaine d20 book has lots of feats/classes etc that give the flavor of Cú Chulainn and his warp spasms.

2016-09-19, 04:39 PM
Let's see...

If you're looking for the mythological version, important elements include:

Superhuman strength, to the point of accidentally shattering mundane weapons (and chariots).
Superhuman endurance; capable of recovering from a sleeping potion much faster than normal, and managed to kill two enemies even after his body had died.
Highly intelligent and charismatic, to the point where few people could keep up with him, and parents of teenage girls throughout Ireland considered him a menace.
Mostly fought with a sword and shield or spear and shield, and was also a capable sniper with a sling.
Travelled around the battlefield by chariot; both the charioteer and the horses were legendary in their own right.
Trained in a bunch of esoteric fighting techniques (http://adminstaff.vassar.edu/sttaylor/Cooley/Cur.html), including the "Salmon Leap" which let him jump huge distances.
Owned the throwing spear Gae Bolg, which exploded into a forest of barbs inside the target to kill them instantly, but couldn't be used consecutively because it had to be hacked out of the corpse afterwards.
One of the owners of Fragarach (Answerer), a super-sharp sword which inflicted uncurable wounds, forced people to tell the truth, and could control the wind.
Capable of entering various levels of Riastrad (Warp Spasm), a berserk state which massively increased his fighting abilities. At full strength his body turned inside out and became wreathed in blood and fire, and he became capable of fighting trillions of warriors at once and "building walls from their corpses".
Under the effects of multiple geasa as a result of playing "geas chicken" with his enemies, and grows weaker if he breaks them.

In 3.5 at least he's pretty much the poster boy for Frenzied Berserker.

2016-09-19, 04:40 PM
Few things about him:
1) He is a demigod. Well, more precisely a son of Lugh (and potentially an incarnation or whatever).
1) One of his big shticks is that he's really hard to kill. Both in terms of not dying if you stab him and just not getting hit that easily. Perhaps a Deepwarden/Fist of the Forests Con-to-AC stack?
2) He also does the battle frenzy thing so Frenzied Berserker's Deathless Frenzy is a gimme. He also turns very grotesque and monstrous while frenzying so Warshaper or some form of Bear Warrior-kinda stuff could work though that's probably not necessary.
3) His armament is mostly spear and shield, sling, thrown spears. He often fights horseback or from a chariot.
4) He has the Norse runes and is capable of using them for magic. It's probably sufficient to cover this with magic items though one could use Runescarred Berserker instead.

Based off this you could use e.g.:
Barbarian 2/Fighter 2/Fist of the Forests 2/Frenzied Berserker 5/Runescarred Berserker 9

Obvious feats include stuff like Power Attack, Brutal Throw, Spirited Charge, Steadfast Determination, and the billions of pointless prerequisite feats. This brings 3 levels of shifting to the table (Feral Trance, Rage, Frenzy) alongside 9 runes (you can get something rather appropriate with them), varied combat potential and rather high survivability.