View Full Version : Blur Vs Fiery Burst

2016-09-19, 05:09 PM
Quick question: if a character with swiftblade levels is attacked by Fiery Burst (or any other Reserve feat, like Umbral Shroud), would the attacker be subject to the miss chance of the classe's defenses?

I think not, since reserves are neither spells nor attacks, but i want confirmation

2016-09-19, 05:36 PM
It has nothing to do with whether or not it's a spell.

Concealment applies to ranged and melee attacks only, unless otherwise specified (such as with blink). The reason is fairly straight forward:

Concealment, generally, is the inability to tell exactly where the target is. Attacks where that kind of thing matters (shooting arrows, hitting someone on the head with a hammer, firing rays of enfeeblement) are going to have problems hitting. Attacks where that kind of thing doesn't matter (throwing acid flasks, shooting fireballs) are going to be effective regardless. Since Fiery Burst affects an area, it doesn't care where anyone is within that area. Normal, sight-based concealment like blur isn't going to affect it. Roll your Reflex save.

Blink, on the other hand, actually removes the target from the area at random moments. The intended victim of the Fiery Burst might not be there when it goes off. Therefore, blink's miss chance applies.

2016-09-19, 05:42 PM
It has nothing to do with whether or not it's a spell.

Concealment applies to ranged and melee attacks only, unless otherwise specified (such as with blink). The reason is fairly straight forward:

Concealment, generally, is the inability to tell exactly where the target is. Attacks where that kind of thing matters (shooting arrows, hitting someone on the head with a hammer, firing rays of enfeeblement) are going to have problems hitting. Attacks where that kind of thing doesn't matter (throwing acid flasks, shooting fireballs) are going to be effective regardless. Since Fiery Burst affects an area, it doesn't care where anyone is within that area. Normal, sight-based concealment like blur isn't going to affect it. Roll your Reflex save.

Blink, on the other hand, actually removes the target from the area at random moments. The intended victim of the Fiery Burst might not be there when it goes off. Therefore, blink's miss chance applies.

Im fully aware of that; perhaps my wording was faulty

Thing is, im talking specifically about the Swiftblade's passives while under Haste
He gains miss chance against single target spells and attacks, as if affected by blur IIRC

Exactly for the reasons you pointed out, I know fireballs and a dragon's breath just ignore that

I just wanted to be sure that the logic applies to the reserve feats as well, since no 'attack roll' is required (hence, they arent attacks), nor do they require a spell check (hence, arent spells)

2016-09-19, 05:49 PM
Yes, the same logic applies. Blurred alacrity does not say it applies to anything except ranged and melee attacks. Therefore, it does not apply to anything except ranged and melee attacks. Fiery Burst is neither a ranged nor a melee attack. Blurred alacrity does not affect it.

2016-09-19, 05:52 PM
Fiery Burst is explicitly an area effect with 5' radius and so ignores concealment based miss chance. Storm bolt and the cold one area similar. The acid one is a ranged touch attack, the force needle is an attack, so they are affected.

2016-09-19, 05:52 PM
Yes, the same logic applies. Blurred alacrity does not say it applies to anything except ranged and melee attacks. Therefore, it does not apply to anything except ranged and melee attacks. Fiery Burst is neither a ranged nor a melee attack. Blurred alacrity does not affect it.

Nor does Evasive Celerity have any effect for this situation, yes?

2016-09-19, 05:53 PM
Aight, thanks all for the fast answers :)

2016-09-19, 05:54 PM
Nor does Evasive Celerity have any effect for this situation, yes?
In that situation, no. Evasive Celerity has no effect because Fiery Burst doesn't target creatures individually. It would work on things like phantasmal killer, where normal concealment wouldn't.

2016-09-19, 05:56 PM
In that situation, no. Evasive Celerity has no effect because Fiery Burst doesn't target creatures individually. It would work on things like phantasmal killer, where normal concealment wouldn't.

Yeah, thought as much, but w SB's one can never be too sure