View Full Version : Removing a Limb, in combat?

2016-09-20, 09:45 AM
Long story short my group and I are playing CoS, and through me, group paladin, not allowing one of out escorts to be taken away are about to throw down with a certain demoed armed man.

Now without spoilers, hence my vagueness above.

Our plan is for me to grapple him, my build is 18 str 3 level barb frenzy; so attack 1 shove prone, attack two grapple. And then just light him up. One of the others suggested cutting his demon arm off, to prevent that thing I don't resist from happening more.

So my question is, how would that work? I know it's dm digression mostly. But if he does a targeted attack on the shoulder is there like an amount of damage he has to do and the arm gets removed or what?

Thanks for the helps giants.

2016-09-20, 04:04 PM
IMO, cutting limbs off and such should be done when combat is already over, target is immobilized or in any way not able to react and then take time to cut (and heal) the wounds created by amputation.

2016-09-20, 04:17 PM
Were I DMing the situation, if you said you were trying to hack his arm off and he was unarmored, then once you did half his HP in damage off comes his arm. As there are no rules for it, it seems reasonable. Now, if he happens to be wearing armor it becomes a lot harder.

2016-09-20, 04:17 PM
There aren't any rules for it, but it would make sense to let death and dismemberment be equal as you are trying to end the encounter through combat. Let the DM know you're focusing on his arm and would like to cut his arm off as your method of incapacitating him when he drops to zero HP. That will give your DM time to think of what it would mean to have the arm cut off, and to adjust the arm cutting to any point in the combat he sees fit.

2016-09-20, 04:34 PM
Our plan was to use this help us in the fight. To keep him from lighting me on fire more.... but I could see how it's not written so hard to say. Idk if he is armored or not off hand, but it's likely.

Our druid didn't take anything to help me from dying from fire damage..... so this may be a rough fight

2016-09-20, 05:21 PM
Since there are no rules for this it is whatever you can convince your DM to do. I would think that under normal conditions (i.e. no sword of sharpness) there is no way to remove a limb without incapacitating the subject, so it would happen at 0 hit point. Sorry it is not what you wanted.