View Full Version : Pathfinder How to rule the world with an iron... flute?

2016-09-20, 10:09 AM
Hey Hey Hey fellow dice rollers, I came here today in need of your help on several things.
Things you should know before reading
°My typing and grammar games are not the best you will see a lot grammar errors.

° I’m a big anime fan; an otaku is what people call us. There will be a lot of anime references or things that we inspired by anime characters

°What I’m looking for is step by step advice. And I’ll probably mash all your ideas together at the end.

°I’m fairly new to the tabletop community so please no acronyms (PHB, GOB, THN, etc.)

My DM’s campaign
20 years after the biggest war between all races and the gods. Even if peace has started to flourish throughout the land, some use this chance to what their hearts desire fame, money and power. Kings rise amongst men. Mafia families start forming, street gangs start appearing. The black market grows bigger and bigger by the day. Some even have the courage to try to replace Gods.

It’s basically a low fantasy sandbox campaign in the aftermath of a huge war between everyone (especially towards humans) in the medieval times.
• The experience point total is fast (I’m currently at lvl 3)
• Experience distribution isn’t equal, dus everyone is trying to be the hero
• This week is going to be our fourth game so in game my character doesn’t know all of them that well, it’s been a week in game.
• We are a group of seven people without counting the DM (an elf ranger, two human vigilantes, a human bard (me), a barbarian don’t know his race and someone else )
• There are only three people who truly have good intentions and truly want to help others. The others do shady things time to time.
 Two of the three people, I could use them quite easily to do things. (one is also new and the other because of previous campaign errors is trying to be the girl that helps everyone)

My character in this campaign
My character is a 16 year old young man, who is in the Hudson family (a noble family who’s pretty rich. But not the riches). My family owns underground mines which are filled with coal and different types of rocks. My character is a mix of Akashi seijuro (from kuroko no basket), Alibaba (from magi),
• I have access to natural resources thanks to the mines

• If I ask my parents I could probably get 1000gp (probably can’t do this as much as I want and this would probably be a big diplomatic check)

• I have an cohorts as a best friend (let’s call him HB) thanks to my background (he’s loyalty towards me is unparalleled)
 My cohort is from the slums. He’s my eyes and ears of the underground, telling me what’s new in the black market, giving me the latest Intel.

• I gave money to HB (around 300gp) and he bought 100kg (1kg was like of monalds (we came up with the name, but it’s basically powdered redbull that you get from a specific plant) at a pharmacy and reselling it for a reasonable price for the poor. (I’m not sure if this profitable for me. If you know a better way please tell me. I’m not the best at hustling people haha)

• My Dad is friends with a lot of businessmen so I could probably get a free pass to enter places I shouldn’t

• My motive in ruling the world is to destroy everything and restart it all. In his mind, we need to destroy every remain of this world and start anew. He concluded that the only way the world would turn away from its constant warfare would be to experience such catastrophic death and destruction that it could never again stomach the idea of conflict. Like Apocalypse (from Xmen) once said “Everything they built will fall! And from the ashes of their world, we’ll build a better one!”

• My character has a strong winners-mentality, believing that winners get everything in life while losers are denied all. Because of the fact that he has never faced defeat before, victory itself is something that he is bestowed upon. He views himself as absolute in power and skill and grows extremely violent when anyone disobeys his commands.

• I’ve put all my Intel points, traits and feats in knowledges so I know my stuff (I got 16 in every knowledge except 3) I average roughly 25 per roll.

• He actually doesn’t realize he uses magic, he just loves to play his flute and thing oddly fall into place (RP wise its super fun to play)

• He drinks a lot, just so people think he’s an alcoholic, but for most of the time he’s drinking water in a wine bottle (for the purpose of, if someone tries to use that as a advantage to get the upper hand on him it wouldn’t work)

What I think I’m going to need and not sure how to obtain it
o Higher Prestige
 I was thinking of being a buttkisser and doing what everyone would say, but that plan has no self-respect and wouldn’t go well with my character’s mentality, so if anyone has any ideal please don’t be shy to tell me.

o A gang
 I was thinking of making an Akatsuki (from Naruto/suicide squad (DC comics)/ Espada (from Bleach) like of gang. Getting gang leaders or dangerous criminals. I would allow each of them to form gangs of their own groups. (I’m pretty sure conflict among gang will occur, but hey can’t plan control everything!)
 The gang leaders (the elites) and I would tattoos of a letter (A being me to E the weakest among them) somewhere on out body and the subordinates would have the letter and a number. (The closer the number is to zero you get the higher you get in the rankings)

o Power (money, magic, etc)
 Money : Imagine by trades and investing. Gotta spend money to make money.
 Magic : By items, hiring mages, divine magic that can rival a god (also is there something in pathfinder like metal vessel where you harness and control the powers of a djinn like in magi)

That’s about it. The first phase of my Plan to rule the world: is to control/ have a great influence in the underground society. HB is in charge on almost everything in the underground

The second phase would be to travel an go to small villages and become mayor to have access to their resources, gain a certain income and possibly recruit NPC’s.
Second phase

Politics isn’t the sharpest tool in my shed, but guessing I want to become the King of the world. I’m going to have to go up the political ranks

• Being mayor or village chef
 Why: I think being the head of small villages would show my seriousness in the world of politics.
 The area: strategically I wouldn’t know where to start. Do I try somewhere in the desert area? Because I would not have many outsiders come visit (plus who wouldn’t want to live in or close to pyramids??). Do I go somewhere that’s riches in natural resources like a rain forest type of place for trading reasons

Buying pharmacies, restaurants, etc
 For the long term income: Around this point I believe I would have enough money to buy places
I actually haven’t come up with other phases of my world dominating plan, but I believe just that is pretty good

And finally my Side quest

This is probably something to start on an different thread, but Just because I’m talking about all my goals, why not!

I wanted to find a unique and cool way to gain power. I wanted to not be a game breaker, but something I would remember for a long time. So I thought what element would be amazing to use (I’m a big avatar the last air bender fan, so using elements is a must some shape or way in all my characters. I love sulis!!). I chose magnetism, this might not be a elements, but it’s a wonderful thing and harnessing the power to build it would be amazing. Now, I know I could just dip in Wizard and pick some theme spells, but that’s boring! I want to be a wielder of the fields, master of attraction and repulse. Gangsta of the south side and the north side. I want to have magneto’s powers from using Magnetite, the most magnetic rock in the real world.
My plan

To collect as much magnetite rock and make a suit (an Iron man suit if you will) and control magnetism. I don’t know if this is going to work, but I talked to my DM ( this is inspired by iron man and magneto) and he said we’ll see. As of right now, I’m making a gauntlet prototype.

The only problems I see with this is

• How would I increase or decrease the attraction or the repulse?
• Would the suit be too heavy for someone with 10 strength?

Honestly this is the most I’ve ever written on a thread and I would like to thank everyone who just finish reading all of this and may or may not answer me. At most, just by writing all this I’ve solved a lot of my own problems!

Have a great day everyone! ^__^

2016-09-20, 10:23 AM
so classic world domination with sicilian mafia as top dog
Red fel, Red fel, Red fel master of darkness will answer all of your needs
might ask what is the alignment of your character and what is the race of this guy
and what's the setting again ı know its homebrew but what's the base system

2016-09-20, 10:53 AM
Woah, quite a big to do list. Lets break it down.

It’s basically a low fantasy sandbox campaign in the aftermath of a huge war between everyone (especially towards humans) in the medieval times.
• The experience point total is fast (I’m currently at lvl 3)
• Experience distribution isn’t equal, dus everyone is trying to be the hero
• This week is going to be our fourth game so in game my character doesn’t know all of them that well, it’s been a week in game.
• We are a group of seven people without counting the DM (an elf ranger, two human vigilantes, a human bard (me), a barbarian don’t know his race and someone else )
• There are only three people who truly have good intentions and truly want to help others. The others do shady things time to time.
 Two of the three people, I could use them quite easily to do things. (one is also new and the other because of previous campaign errors is trying to be the girl that helps everyone)
You clearly want all the experience you can get, but the thing is you don't want to be a jerk about it. Convince them to play along-high water raises all boats after all(but do get the most). Also, fix the "I don't know their characters very well in game". The rest of your post suggests you want to use people(this means knowing them) and overall in ttRPG's the party needs to be tightly knit. "I don't know or trust the party" is a great way to ruin games inside and out. Besides, you need your pawns friends to love and respect you. Convince the good intentions ones that you are doing right, and let the shady ones get their hands dirty so you don't have to.

My character in this campaign
*a ton of political and wealth resources*
Not sure how you convinced your DM to give you this, but don't look a gift horse in the mouth.

• My motive in ruling the world is to destroy everything and restart it all. In his mind, we need to destroy every remain of this world and start anew. He concluded that the only way the world would turn away from its constant warfare would be to experience such catastrophic death and destruction that it could never again stomach the idea of conflict. Like Apocalypse (from Xmen) once said “Everything they built will fall! And from the ashes of their world, we’ll build a better one!”
This is incredibly ambitious of you...and scheming apocalyptic chaotic evil. I love it

• My character has a strong winners-mentality, believing that winners get everything in life while losers are denied all. Because of the fact that he has never faced defeat before, victory itself is something that he is bestowed upon. He views himself as absolute in power and skill and grows extremely violent when anyone disobeys his commands. Ambitious, chaotic evil, good stuff. Just be careful not to be foolish about it or you will be in an early grave. Don't turn against your pawns friends unless you know you can get away with it. If you need them dead, convince their stupid altruistic ways to die for the cause or some crap. The noble types always do.

• I’ve put all my Intel points, traits and feats in knowledges so I know my stuff (I got 16 in every knowledge except 3) I average roughly 25 per roll.
A knowledgemonkey bard is always good and handy to have around.

What I think I’m going to need and not sure how to obtain it
o Higher Prestige
Don't kiss butt, game the system. Make people think you are the good guy-general quests and adventuring generally gets you fame and notoriety. You can always play the shadows game like Littlefinger from Game of Thrones as well.

o A gang/leaders
Just take the leadership feat and throw enough money at hirlings and mooks. The downtime rules in pathfinder also touch on this.

o Power (money, magic, etc)
 Money : Imagine by trades and investing. Gotta spend money to make money.
 Magic : By items, hiring mages, divine magic that can rival a god (also is there something in pathfinder like metal vessel where you harness and control the powers of a djinn like in magi)
General adventuring and dungeon delving is an incredibly lucrative career. For genie bottles, you have this (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/h-l/iron-flask) and this (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/a-b/bottle-efreeti) but be prepared to pay through the nose. If you wanna call your own at will, see if your DM will allow you to use perform(wind) for this (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/bard/bardic-masterpieces/masterpieces/legato-piece-on-the-infernal-bargain-string) For world building and stuff, here (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/other-rules/downtime) are the downtime rules. This covers owning shops, being mayor, etc etc. Although at high enough level, a solo adventurer can easily take on an entire town.

And finally my Side quest
Becoming Iron man
Certainly magnetizing or making a suit of full plate of magnetic metal is possible, but wearing heavy armor(that is also heavy) as a bard presents challenges. You could probably convince your DM to get permanacy cast on magnetic field (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/m/magnetic-field) and bind this to the armor of your choice. You might even convince them to reverse it so it repels things, or that you can flip it on/off. A permanancy cost for a 7th level wizard spell is roughly 17,500 gold, but you could fund this at least in part with enough ferromagnetic metal.

Since you are going for a demagogue style bard, I recommend looking at the following spells/feats/stuff. Some is specific to your build, others are just good bard things
lingering-performance (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/general-feats/lingering-performance)
bracers of the glib entertainer (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/a-b/bracers-of-the-glib-entertainer)
discordant voice (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/general-feats/discordant-voice)
glibness (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/g/glibness)
demagogue (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/bard/archetypes/paizo---bard-archetypes/demagogue)
undetectable-alignment (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/u/undetectable-alignment)

2016-09-20, 12:25 PM
so classic world domination with sicilian mafia as top dog
Red fel, Red fel, Red fel master of darkness will answer all of your needs
might ask what is the alignment of your character and what is the race of this guy
and what's the setting again ı know its homebrew but what's the base system

Hello friend,

Who is Red fel? and sorry I thought I made it clear enough. I'm a human bard who’s Chaotic Evil

You clearly want all the experience you can get, but the thing is you don't want to be a jerk about it. Convince them to play along-high water raises all boats after all(but do get the most). Also, fix the "I don't know their characters very well in game". The rest of your post suggests you want to use people(this means knowing them) and overall in ttRPG's the party needs to be tightly knit. "I don't know or trust the party" is a great way to ruin games inside and out. Besides, you need your pawns friends to love and respect you. Convince the good intentions ones that you are doing right, and let the shady ones get their hands dirty so you don't have to.

Don't kiss butt, game the system. Make people think you are the good guy-general quests and adventuring generally gets you fame and notoriety. You can always play the shadows game like Littlefinger from Game of Thrones as well.

What do you mean by shadow games? I never watched game of thrones, haha.

General adventuring and dungeon delving is an incredibly lucrative career. For genie bottles, you have this (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/h-l/iron-flask) and this (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/a-b/bottle-efreeti) but be prepared to pay through the nose. If you wanna call your own at will, see if your DM will allow you to use perform(wind) for this (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/bard/bardic-masterpieces/masterpieces/legato-piece-on-the-infernal-bargain-string) For world building and stuff, here (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/other-rules/downtime) are the downtime rules. This covers owning shops, being mayor, etc etc. Although at high enough level, a solo adventurer can easily take on an entire town.

Thank you for this, but what I was asking was more of the line of this (http://magi.wikia.com/wiki/Metal_Vessels) would something like this exist in the Pathfinder world?

thank you both for answering me so fast! :)

2016-09-20, 12:53 PM
What do you mean by shadow games? I never watched game of thrones, haha.
I was just referring to the in general backroom dealing, politicking, cloak and dagger, espionage, political intrigue etc etc. House of Cards, Game of Thrones, the like.

Thank you for this, but what I was asking was more of the line of this (http://magi.wikia.com/wiki/Metal_Vessels) would something like this exist in the Pathfinder world?
There is no such thing, the closest would be having trap the soul (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/t/trap-the-soul) or having an intelligent item.

2016-09-20, 12:54 PM
Hello friend,

Who is Red fel? and sorry I thought I made it clear enough. I'm a human bard who’s Chaotic Evil

forums main evil teacher but summoning unsuccessful

Red Fel
2016-09-20, 12:56 PM
Red fel, Red fel, Red fel master of darkness will answer all of your needs


Who is Red fel? and sorry I thought I made it clear enough.

Who is Red Fel? I am Red Fel.


Look, and be afraid.

Now, let's discuss your question. If I can find it. Lot of text to parse.

My DM’s campaign

Okay, so low fantasy sandbox, other details, yawn, moving on.

My character in this campaign

Rich bratty bard who can get free money by asking, sure. Influence and access, sure.

• My motive in ruling the world is to destroy everything and restart it all. In his mind, we need to destroy every remain of this world and start anew. He concluded that the only way the world would turn away from its constant warfare would be to experience such catastrophic death and destruction that it could never again stomach the idea of conflict. Like Apocalypse (from Xmen) once said “Everything they built will fall! And from the ashes of their world, we’ll build a better one!”

• My character has a strong winners-mentality, believing that winners get everything in life while losers are denied all. Because of the fact that he has never faced defeat before, victory itself is something that he is bestowed upon. He views himself as absolute in power and skill and grows extremely violent when anyone disobeys his commands.

Oh. Oh, this old chestnut. Buddy, meet me over on Camera 2.

*swivels chair*

Listen, pal. I get that you're trying to be a bad guy. But I think you need to step back. Is this your first time playing a villain?

Let me explain. You're making a very common first-time mistake - you're trying to do too much, too quickly. Rebuild the world, but better? Only the strong survive? Obey me or suffer? Each one is a good villain motif. But together? Messy, messy. Pick one and run with it.

Better yet, explain me this - why does he believe these things? Who hurt him? Who did he hurt? What brought him to this point?

For example, you give him a winner-take-all mentality because he has never lost. Okay. So what will happen the first time he loses? Will he submit to the one who bested him? Will he have a nervous breakdown, collapse sobbing? Will he pitch a fit and trigger his doomsday scenario?

You need to think these things through. Don't just give me a sentence about outlook, give me several sentences about how he got there.

Let's head back over to Camera 1.

• I’ve put all my Intel points, traits and feats in knowledges so I know my stuff (I got 16 in every knowledge except 3) I average roughly 25 per roll.

At level 3?

• He actually doesn’t realize he uses magic, he just loves to play his flute and thing oddly fall into place (RP wise its super fun to play)

I'm sure it's fun, but if he doesn't realize he's using magic, how does this work? He gets annoyed in combat and decides he's going to throw a little temper tantrum and play his flute until he calms down? It kind of doesn't make sense in application.

What I think I’m going to need and not sure how to obtain it

Instead of telling me what you think you might need, and asking how to get it, why don't you tell me why you think you'll need it?

I keep coming back to this, but the why of your character is super-important. It defines not only what he wants and needs, but how he goes about obtaining them. You say he wants prestige, but you don't say why; you acknowledge that butt-kissing might be beneath him. But that makes assumptions about his personality. There are a lot of questions here, and the first is why.

That’s about it. The first phase of my Plan to rule the world: is to control/ have a great influence in the underground society. HB is in charge on almost everything in the underground

The second phase would be to travel an go to small villages and become mayor to have access to their resources, gain a certain income and possibly recruit NPC’s.

How does this actually work? Controlling an underground city does what, exactly - creates a home base? Okay. Controlling small resources does what, exactly - gets you resources and minions? Fine. But these are only the beginning. You haven't defined your mechanism of conquest - that is, the means by which you conquer the world. And minions, resources, even a home base may be completely irrelevant depending on your mechanism.

Do you plan to use high magic as a threat, forcing enemies to obey you or die? Invoke dark powers to enslave their minds? Sweep the continent with an army? Make pacts with otherworldly beings? How do you plan to achieve this?

And once you are "king of the world," whatever that entails, how do you intend to maintain that power? Empires that grow too large tend to crumble. The resources needed to maintain Rome became more than the Empire could produce, and so it fell; how will you fare differently? Frankly, how will your character even fully comprehend the difference between being king of a vast city-state, king of an empire, king of a continent, or king of the world? The normal mortal sense of scale doesn't function well at large values.

And finally my Side quest


The only problems I see with this is

• How would I increase or decrease the attraction or the repulse?
• Would the suit be too heavy for someone with 10 strength?

These are mechanics questions to be discussed with a DM. You can't really create a homebrew item and then ask how to implement it - it's homebrew, there's no RAW to it.

2016-09-23, 01:49 PM
Oh. Oh, this old chestnut. Buddy, meet me over on Camera 2.

*swivels chair*

Listen, pal. I get that you're trying to be a bad guy. But I think you need to step back. Is this your first time playing a villain?

Let me explain. You're making a very common first-time mistake - you're trying to do too much, too quickly. Rebuild the world, but better? Only the strong survive? Obey me or suffer? Each one is a good villain motif. But together? Messy, messy. Pick one and run with it.

Better yet, explain me this - why does he believe these things? Who hurt him? Who did he hurt? What brought him to this point?

For example, you give him a winner-take-all mentality because he has never lost. Okay. So what will happen the first time he loses? Will he submit to the one who bested him? Will he have a nervous breakdown, collapse sobbing? Will he pitch a fit and trigger his doomsday scenario?

You need to think these things through. Don't just give me a sentence about outlook, give me several sentences about how he got there.

My character is the only heir of his noble family, so he was obligated to succeed in all areas by his strict parents. On a daily basis. He was taught everything from how he walks, speaks and eats, to sword fighting, economics, math, and philosophy. His only support at that time was his kind friend from the slums whom he would spend his free time. However at the age of 10 years old, his mother died because of an illness and his father became even more strict to the point that he his free time was when he slept. He never got time see his street friend. One night, two years later, my characterwas caught sneaking out to meet one of his street friends. later that very night, his father paid assassins to kill his best friend from the streets in order to allow no distractions in his head. After that day, he followed his fathers orders without question while forming a way to kill him. Day after day, rehearsing ways to kill him, he eventually started going insane. Day after day, faking a smile pretending everything is okay, while he's hatred grew bigger and bigger towards his father, towards the gads. He even started to hate the gods Blaming them on not saving his mother or his friend. Vowing to gain enough power, status, wisdom and people to defeat and replace the gods who rather Watch and not do anything to help.

maybe he's motive doesn't really work, but that is his why. You are right that my character is complex with a lot of different reasons

At level 3?

Sorry, made a mistake 14 thanks!

I'm sure it's fun, but if he doesn't realize he's using magic, how does this work? He gets annoyed in combat and decides he's going to throw a little temper tantrum and play his flute until he calms down? It kind of doesn't make sense in application.

well once he was in middle of a conversation with an elf, then all of a sudden, we entered a battle, but I wasn't done talking the elf so as the elf wanted to run away from the monster. I whistled my flute really hard to get his attention get the elf's attention (it was a distration ability of the bard to distract the monster, but I played it out like it was for the elf) and it played out pretty fine.

Instead of telling me what you think you might need, and asking how to get it, why don't you tell me why you think you'll need it?

I keep coming back to this, but the why of your character is super-important. It defines not only what he wants and needs, but how he goes about obtaining them. You say he wants prestige, but you don't say why; you acknowledge that butt-kissing might be beneath him. But that makes assumptions about his personality. There are a lot of questions here, and the first is why.

How does this actually work? Controlling an underground city does what, exactly - creates a home base? Okay. Controlling small resources does what, exactly - gets you resources and minions? Fine. But these are only the beginning. You haven't defined your mechanism of conquest - that is, the means by which you conquer the world. And minions, resources, even a home base may be completely irrelevant depending on your mechanism.
the reason why I think I’m going to need all this is because villains seem wayyy more successful when they are head of an organisation. I’m guessing the more people I know and could potential help me when I’m in a pinch reassures me. Growing my network.

Do you plan to use high magic as a threat, forcing enemies to obey you or die? Invoke dark powers to enslave their minds? Sweep the continent with an army? Make pacts with otherworldly beings? How do you plan to achieve this?

I was thinking of a mixture of high magic as a threat and a big army, but more leaning on the ‘power in numbers’ thing than anything else! I’m trying to see how hitler manage to get as much supporters that would die for him ( this is basically the leadership feat, but still). WHAT I want is loyal followers. WHY so they could get what I need in a bigger quantity. Exp : I want enough coal to fill up 10 Olympic stadiums for the end of the day. I want people to do what I say, when I say it with out question.

And once you are "king of the world," whatever that entails, how do you intend to maintain that power? Empires that grow too large tend to crumble. The resources needed to maintain Rome became more than the Empire could produce, and so it fell; how will you fare differently? Frankly, how will your character even fully comprehend the difference between being king of a vast city-state, king of an empire, king of a continent, or king of the world? The normal mortal sense of scale doesn't function well at large values.

This is actually something I never thought about, because quite frankly I doubt we’ll go that for I never actually finish a campaign, but If you wouldn’t mind do you have any suggestions? Make my character read A LOT of history books on fallen empires, successful leaders and learn what to do and not to do? (And this is why in my description I would have subordinates acting as leaders in other villages and I would take care of the major stuff)

These are mechanics questions to be discussed with a DM. You can't really create a homebrew item and then ask how to implement it - it's homebrew, there's no RAW to it.
Well I hoping to see what other people would of done if their were in my shoes

Red Fel
2016-09-23, 03:06 PM
My character is the only heir of his noble family, so he was obligated to succeed in all areas by his strict parents. On a daily basis. He was taught everything from how he walks, speaks and eats, to sword fighting, economics, math, and philosophy. His only support at that time was his kind friend from the slums whom he would spend his free time. However at the age of 10 years old, his mother died because of an illness and his father became even more strict to the point that he his free time was when he slept. He never got time see his street friend. One night, two years later, my characterwas caught sneaking out to meet one of his street friends. later that very night, his father paid assassins to kill his best friend from the streets in order to allow no distractions in his head. After that day, he followed his fathers orders without question while forming a way to kill him. Day after day, rehearsing ways to kill him, he eventually started going insane. Day after day, faking a smile pretending everything is okay, while he's hatred grew bigger and bigger towards his father, towards the gads. He even started to hate the gods Blaming them on not saving his mother or his friend. Vowing to gain enough power, status, wisdom and people to defeat and replace the gods who rather Watch and not do anything to help.

maybe he's motive doesn't really work, but that is his why. You are right that my character is complex with a lot of different reasons

Okay. Now we have something. So let's take this character background and build a personality.

You have a goal - revenge on your father for ruining your childhood and killing your dearest friend. That's a great start. Now let's expand.

Let's look at the PC as an individual. He was born to wealth and privilege, but knew only the burdens and none of the pleasures that it brings. There are two ways you can take this.
I grew up with wealth and enjoyed none of its pleasures. Conclusion? The wealthy do not possess true power. I will crush them and show them what power is.
I grew up under the heel of a wealthy, powerful man. His wealth and power let him destroy lives with impunity. I will have what he had, after I take it from his corpse.
Pick one and run with it.

Now, you have the humanizing element of the friend. How does that play into your character's arc? Does he have a soft spot for street urchins? A weakness for true friendship? An envy of childhood innocence? Don't just leave that thread out there, abandoned - do something with it. Same with his mother - he lost her at a young age. Other than leaving him at the mercy of his father, what did that do to him?

Next, longer-term goals. He wants to get revenge on his father. What then?

Now, back to your earlier remarks. You previously presented the image of a person who won at everything, all his life, enjoyed power and privilege, and could possibly ask for money from his father. But now you paint a picture of a boy who suffocated all of his life, who spent the whole time being made to feel like a loser, not a winner. How do you reconcile these images?

the reason why I think I’m going to need all this is because villains seem wayyy more successful when they are head of an organisation. I’m guessing the more people I know and could potential help me when I’m in a pinch reassures me. Growing my network.

A villain is powerful at the head of an organization because the organization is powerful. If the organization isn't powerful, being the head of one does nothing.

So before you become the head of an organization, figure out what kind of organization it is - organized crime? Revolutions? Assassination? Political intrigue and kingmaking? Information brokerage? Figure out what your character needs to do, then figure out what kind of organization would help him do it. Go from there.

I was thinking of a mixture of high magic as a threat and a big army, but more leaning on the ‘power in numbers’ thing than anything else! I’m trying to see how hitler manage to get as much supporters that would die for him ( this is basically the leadership feat, but still). WHAT I want is loyal followers. WHY so they could get what I need in a bigger quantity. Exp : I want enough coal to fill up 10 Olympic stadiums for the end of the day. I want people to do what I say, when I say it with out question.

Followers will be loyal to one of two things: (1) an ideal that they can adhere to, or (2) a person who embodies said ideal. If you want an army, you'd better have a cause around which they can rally. A chicken in every pot? Down with the king? Kill all the lawyers? Pick your rallying cry, and keep in mind that the ideal you choose to embody will influence the kind of person who will follow you.

This is actually something I never thought about, because quite frankly I doubt we’ll go that for I never actually finish a campaign, but If you wouldn’t mind do you have any suggestions? Make my character read A LOT of history books on fallen empires, successful leaders and learn what to do and not to do? (And this is why in my description I would have subordinates acting as leaders in other villages and I would take care of the major stuff)

My advice? King of the world is overrated. Either become a conqueror, and take pleasure in the act of conquest itself, irrespective of whether you can keep control, or become an emperor, spreading your reach as far as is reasonable without overextending yourself. Small villages are mostly beneath your notice unless they offer a tactical advantage. Focus on results - what does conquering this specific place get me in my goals to spread my banner everywhere? A king of an entire region need not have troops garrisoned in every thorp and village - it's enough that the people recognize that their sovereign can sweep into town with armed men, not that he has to.

2016-09-24, 12:02 PM
So Red Fel is giving you all the good tips on being evil. And thats perfect. If you think you can handle it, LISTEN TO HIM. I might not agree with everything he says, but blow me if he isnt a master in his field.

Theres a couple of things I noticed. If you are trying to bring in Anime to how your character actually functions (IE, beyond his background and personality) chances are you are going to be SEVERELY disappointed without someone looking over your shoulder the entire time. Someone with amazing system mastery. D&D and anime dont gel very well. Ive tried. But western medieval high fantasy and japanese action drama do not mix. Even the oriental themed books that have come out over the years have focused much more on making characters LOOK japanese rather than function like an anime character. Without pumping your diplomacy, theres no way to spend 4 sessions talking to your enemies in a battle scene before charging up and unleashing hell. If you try, they will drop a fireball (and the mic) and walk away.

Second, evil is hard. Mean is easy. Greedy is easy. You are new to this, right? Put a pin in your plans for world domination and instead just be a rather unpleasant person instead of an evil one. Stiff people on money, go back on agreements, use threats and intimidation. Do go trying to rule the world. 3 of your group are good. They WILL try and put you down. At which point either you die, thanks very much, roll a new character OR your team mates defend you, they die, they have to roll new chars.

If you are intent on being EVIL, LISTEN TO RED FEL! Message him the day before each session is due to be played. Ask his advice. And for the love of god, stay away from the subjects of torture and rape.

2016-09-24, 12:09 PM
agreed with albions make sure your character stays on pre shippuden sasuke aka make sure your character keeps his homicidal tendencies to himself when he alone

2016-09-26, 12:45 PM
You guys have no Idea how much I appreciate all of this thanks again!

Okay. Now we have something. So let's take this character background and build a personality.

You have a goal - revenge on your father for ruining your childhood and killing your dearest friend. That's a great start. Now let's expand.

Let's look at the PC as an individual. He was born to wealth and privilege, but knew only the burdens and none of the pleasures that it brings. There are two ways you can take this.
I grew up with wealth and enjoyed none of its pleasures. Conclusion? The wealthy do not possess true power. I will crush them and show them what power is.
I grew up under the heel of a wealthy, powerful man. His wealth and power let him destroy lives with impunity. I will have what he had, after I take it from his corpse.
Pick one and run with it.
I feel like the first one would be easier to RP and would fit my character better. Showing that money isn`t actually power would be an excellent ideology that I myself share.

Now, you have the humanizing element of the friend. How does that play into your character's arc? Does he have a soft spot for street urchins? A weakness for true friendship? An envy of childhood innocence? Don't just leave that thread out there, abandoned - do something with it. Same with his mother - he lost her at a young age. Other than leaving him at the mercy of his father, what did that do to him?

I actually haven`t thought about that! I would say he has a hard time opening up to people, but still envies true friendship. He would have a certain level of trust issues.

Next, longer-term goals. He wants to get revenge on his father. What then?
Plan to take down the gods for their absents in justice. His true end goal would be becoming a living legend that even gods can’t handle. Showing those that fear the gods that they aren’t don’t have to fear anyone for doing something.

Now, back to your earlier remarks. You previously presented the image of a person who won at everything, all his life, enjoyed power and privilege, and could possibly ask for money from his father. But now you paint a picture of a boy who suffocated all of his life, who spent the whole time being made to feel like a loser, not a winner. How do you reconcile these images?
Huh, I guess you are right sorry about that I mashed more than one idea together. I would definitely stick with wining is all mentality. I was thinking of a type of split personality type of thing. Where the innocent child died the moment the people closest to him died, but I don’t want to complicate my already complicated character.

A villain is powerful at the head of an organization because the organization is powerful. If the organization isn't powerful, being the head of one does nothing.

So before you become the head of an organization, figure out what kind of organization it is - organized crime? Revolutions? Assassination? Political intrigue and kingmaking? Information brokerage? Figure out what your character needs to do, then figure out what kind of organization would help him do it. Go from there.

Followers will be loyal to one of two things: (1) an ideal that they can adhere to, or (2) a person who embodies said ideal. If you want an army, you'd better have a cause around which they can rally. A chicken in every pot? Down with the king? Kill all the lawyers? Pick your rallying cry, and keep in mind that the ideal you choose to embody will influence the kind of person who will follow you.
Basically, kill all the world leaders. Make everyone equal. Royal families are overrated. I like this a lot because Revolution seems like an excellent idea. And most criminals would follow someone who cares., but how do I make an organization and how do I strengthen it? Because I see so many great evil groups in anime that are so strong, but I don’t understand how did they manage to do it. And what’s kingmaking?

My advice? King of the world is overrated. Either become a conqueror, and take pleasure in the act of conquest itself, irrespective of whether you can keep control, or become an emperor, spreading your reach as far as is reasonable without overextending yourself. Small villages are mostly beneath your notice unless they offer a tactical advantage. Focus on results - what does conquering this specific place get me in my goals to spread my banner everywhere? A king of an entire region need not have troops garrisoned in every thorp and village - it's enough that the people recognize that their sovereign can sweep into town with armed men, not that he has to.
what’s the difference between a conqueror and King of the world? What would be funner to play? Because I actually never thought of it? What would I need to do?

Theres a couple of things I noticed. If you are trying to bring in Anime to how your character actually functions (IE, beyond his background and personality) chances are you are going to be SEVERELY disappointed without someone looking over your shoulder the entire time. Someone with amazing system mastery. D&D and anime dont gel very well. Ive tried. But western medieval high fantasy and japanese action drama do not mix. Even the oriental themed books that have come out over the years have focused much more on making characters LOOK japanese rather than function like an anime character. Without pumping your diplomacy, theres no way to spend 4 sessions talking to your enemies in a battle scene before charging up and unleashing hell. If you try, they will drop a fireball (and the mic) and walk away.
If only you sent this message 3 weeks ago, I almost killed someone by not doing a thing for 3 rounds, but talk to my enemy while everyone was attacking him. Very bad idea, haha. But I feel somethings in anime could be possible in pathfinder no?

Second, evil is hard. Mean is easy. Greedy is easy. You are new to this, right? Put a pin in your plans for world domination and instead just be a rather unpleasant person instead of an evil one. Stiff people on money, go back on agreements, use threats and intimidation. Do go trying to rule the world. 3 of your group are good. They WILL try and put you down. At which point either you die, thanks very much, roll a new character OR your team mates defend you, they die, they have to roll new chars.

If you are intent on being EVIL, LISTEN TO RED FEL! Message him the day before each session is due to be played. Ask his advice. And for the love of god, stay away from the subjects of torture and rape.
You know , I was actually gonna sent you a message that I’m not looking in being a ****, but wait a minute. Yes, I am! But as a personal challenge I want to try and be Evil. I always play the goodie two shoes character. Time to try something new!

agreed with albions make sure your character stays on pre shippuden sasuke aka make sure your character keeps his homicidal tendencies to himself when he alone
Bruh, I’m trying to be ‘I want to become hokage destroy everything and rebuild it in my image’ Sasuke.

Red Fel
2016-09-26, 03:22 PM
I feel like the first one would be easier to RP and would fit my character better. Showing that money isn`t actually power would be an excellent ideology that I myself share.

Great start. So basically, he's proceeding down a "Power is everything" mentality. This is perfect, and classically Evil.

I actually haven`t thought about that! I would say he has a hard time opening up to people, but still envies true friendship. He would have a certain level of trust issues.

This is also excellent. There's nothing wrong with an Evil character seeing the value of friendship, and it makes total sense for such a character to have a difficult time opening up to it himself. Having traumatic personal reasons makes it more effective.

Plan to take down the gods for their absents in justice. His true end goal would be becoming a living legend that even gods can’t handle. Showing those that fear the gods that they aren’t don’t have to fear anyone for doing something.

A pattern begins to emerge...

Huh, I guess you are right sorry about that I mashed more than one idea together. I would definitely stick with wining is all mentality. I was thinking of a type of split personality type of thing. Where the innocent child died the moment the people closest to him died, but I don’t want to complicate my already complicated character.

That's fine. Let's keep the "Winning is everything" mentality, but keep in mind that he may have issues if he ever loses.

Basically, kill all the world leaders. Make everyone equal. Royal families are overrated. I like this a lot because Revolution seems like an excellent idea. And most criminals would follow someone who cares., but how do I make an organization and how do I strengthen it? Because I see so many great evil groups in anime that are so strong, but I don’t understand how did they manage to do it. And what’s kingmaking?

And the pattern is whole. Let me tell you what I see - your character is an anarchist. He doesn't want to conquer the world, he wants to level it. Destroy the established order, create a new one, in which strength defines station. Anybody, irrespective of birth, can rise to whatever their grit, determination, and raw brutal ruthlessness will take them. His followers will be King Mob - the poor, the disenfranchised, the hopeless, the ignorant, and the violent. Any who despair of their place in life, or long for an excuse to wield violence, will flock to him.

Gathering followers is easy. Have a few trusted lieutenants go out to the bars and brothels at the scattered corners of the kingdom, spreading the word about a champion who will lay low the powerful rulers and wealthy merchants, and bring forth an age of equality and prosperity. Meanwhile, you endeavor to crush your enemies, becoming the legendary figure your trusted lieutenants speak of. The people will flock to the legend, and congregate behind the man.

And for what it's worth, kingmaking is the political practice of backing, supporting, and promoting a person to a position of power, with the expectation that you will be rewarded for your troubles. Being the backer of multiple powerful leaders is a great way to become an incredibly powerful, and totally not what your character needs.

what’s the difference between a conqueror and King of the world? What would be funner to play? Because I actually never thought of it? What would I need to do?

A conqueror crushes leaders and raises his banner over the defeated. A king manages to maintain control after doing so. The former is easier; the latter requires paperwork.

Your character doesn't seem to want to be king - he just wants to lay low those who already have power, to show them that his is the only power that matters.

Bruh, I’m trying to be ‘I want to become hokage destroy everything and rebuild it in my image’ Sasuke.

The true anarchist says he wants to destroy everything and rebuild it in his image, but frequently, he doesn't know how to do the second part. So don't sweat it! Work on setting the continent ablaze; you can worry about the aftermath afterwards!