View Full Version : DM Help Fun Puzzle Module?

2016-09-20, 04:32 PM
I tried my hand at DMing at a friend's goodbye weekend. I wanted a short module that was more focused on role playing and solving puzzles than combat. I had heard a podcast of people playing through the Mines of Madness 5e play test module and thought I would give it a try. If you haven't read it, it's basically a fun (somewhat silly) homage to the Tomb of Horrors where almost all of the traps/encounters are save vs death. It was a great success and was fun for all (not tooting my own horn. alcohol probably played a large part in the success). Before the weekend I practiced DMing a simple version of the dungeon (didn't really worry about stats or rolling. Just concentrated on the puzzles) with my kids and they had a blast (no alcohol).

Now I'm trying to find another similar module for a weekend trip where we're hoping to sucker our spouses into playing too. Again, looking for one with more puzzles and a fun setting rather than combat oriented. If I can't find anything, I was thinking about putting one together using the old Book of Challenges or Traps and Treachery books.

Any recommendations/thoughts? Could be a module from any edition since I just need the puzzles, map and flavor text more than anything else.

Thanks much!