View Full Version : Pathfinder Melee&Ranged Mounted Rager?

2016-09-21, 05:42 AM
Because I only ever see Melee Ragers, I was wondering if I could get some insight from the playground on my current characters prospects.

I'm playing an Intimidating Hobgoblin Bloodrager Spelleater. I currently have Deadly Aim and will be recieving Power Attack from my Bloodline as my first Bloodline feat. I intend to take the Vital strike and Arcane Strike feat lines and use them with both an Adaptive Longbow and a Longsword from horseback.

What are your thoughts? Am I spreading myself too much and I should just be focusing on being hurr-durr greatsword/greataxe brute #3141592, or is this average for the power level a rager can have, or is it a bit above/bit below? I Don't know, I don't usually play combat characters(I tend to play the utility character, Wizard or Rogue)

2016-09-21, 10:57 AM
There is nothing that says bloodragers/barbarians can't use bows. Most don't because their strength changes during rages, so a compound bow is either too strong to use when not raging, or you lose out on damage bonus from raging. Likewise, barbarians typically don't pump dex as high as strength, so even with full BAB they have slightly lower attack bonuses with ranged weapons. Lastly, with con bonuses, barbarians can typically run into the mix and get walloped on with lesser penalty than other strikers.

With all of that in mind, there is still no reason you can't use a bow. You have an adaptive bow, which solves the strength problem, and since you have deadly aim you are probably set with decent enough dex not to worry about missing. You are also using vital strike on a full BAB class, so you will be taking single shots with a ton of bonus, unlikely to miss.

Your average melee brute barbarian is all about getting pounce, but a ranged barbarian with rapid shot/multishot is going to put down just as many attacks and not be constrained by movement. I think going the rapid shot/multishot route is better, unless you plan on moving around a lot and only getting a single shot anyways. Arcane strike is just as good to use on melee attacks, and you will usually have the swift action to use on it.

Either way, it is not really weaker or stronger. Ideally, a barbarian should have both, as some enemies will be flying out of range of a pounce/charge, or dangerous to get near/touch. It is also good that should something close in on you, you can draw a longsword and go to town in melee equally well. I think a barbarian who neglects to use range and melee together is weaker than a switch hitter(even though they might be specialized to pounce, or use the bow).

Extra Anchovies
2016-09-21, 08:51 PM
Unchained Barbarians get flat hit/damage bonuses, so they make the best shooty-ragers. Consider asking your DM if you can port the Unchained Rage effects over to the Bloodrager's Bloodrage.

I don't recommend Vital Strike with mounted archery, because you can make full attacks with ranged weapons while your mount moves, and at no penalty if they only take a single move (which should be enough, given most mounts' speeds). However, this makes mounted archery OP as hell when it works, so beware.

2016-09-22, 12:22 AM
Thanks Geddy. good to know :D

Unchained Barbarians get flat hit/damage bonuses, so they make the best shooty-ragers. Consider asking your DM if you can port the Unchained Rage effects over to the Bloodrager's Bloodrage.

I don't recommend Vital Strike with mounted archery, because you can make full attacks with ranged weapons while your mount moves, and at no penalty if they only take a single move (which should be enough, given most mounts' speeds). However, this makes mounted archery OP as hell when it works, so beware.

The DM has already stated he will not allow Unchained.
And I picked vital strike for a large damage boost while being able to swap my weapons in combat(Bow attack, stow bow as move action, draw sword during mounts movement, attack target on my next turn) should I need to move in close to protect someone.

2016-09-22, 12:30 AM
You probable want to pick up Exceptional Pull (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/combat-feats/exceptional-pull-combat")

Personally I'd want to go with something that has more feats, but it could be made to work.

2016-09-22, 12:31 AM
All I will add is that the throwing route for ranged can be really good for Pathfinder ranged characters with high STR. It lets you be good at melee and good at ranged at once, albeit better at one or the other.

If you wanted to go the throwing route and focus on STR...

See if you can get one of these, (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/a-b/belt-of-mighty-hurling) or if your DM will allow Brutal Throw from 3.5. If you're allowed Brutal Throw, adding this (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/wondrous-items/wondrous-items/a-b/belt-blink-back) can be handy. But the big downside to throwing (despite benefiting from Deadly Aim and such as usual) is the cost of enchanting your various weapons.

Basically, only do it if you've either got the money to spare or have an absurd STR score.

If you're already on the archery path, I'd keep on at it. It's perfectly viable. It's cheaper than the throwing route, for sure, and you can have different ammunition types for different situations. (There's bludgeoning arrows somewhere in 3.5, and probably Pathfinder as well, and the different materials (silver/adamantine/cold iron) are cheaper with ammo than with actual weapons. Just reserve them for when you know you need them.

I do want to ask: if you're fighting mounted a lot, have you considered a lance? Your sword can be a backup weapon.

EDIT: One other thing to note about thrown vs. projectiles - range. Your bow shoots WAY farther than any thrown build ever will. There are advantages to both, but I generally prefer throwing builds if I know I'll be indoors a lot (since that means smaller rooms), and bows are way better whenever having a mount is helpful.

2016-09-22, 12:44 AM
I have exceptional pull for while I rage now, and adaptive bow is an item goal(because exceptional pull won't keep up with my rage)
I also was going to keep sandpoints quasits returning dagger but a pc sundered it with dust to dust.

Thanks for all the advise, I can see why ranged ragers are uncommon(build and flavour wise) but they are scary powerful and I can't wait to start tearing into people with it :)

As for the questions, I've got ranks in craft(bows) and intend to make specialty arrows. And as for preferring longsword to lance is more that I can cast spells and swap between one and twohanded easily. In addition I'm playing a hobgoblin in Rise of the Runelords, so there's an RP benefit to having a less imposing weapon in public. A lance is a fun option to consider though. Depends how much mounted combat I can get in(mounted charge blooded arcane greater vital strike with a lance? Yes please)