View Full Version : Pathfinder How to get permanent Regeneration?

2016-09-21, 05:46 PM
I tried looking it up in the ARG but can't seem to find it.
What would it cost to get Regeneration permanently on a character?

3.5 had Trollblooded afaik, both have Permanency+Regeneration as spells... is there another way for Pathfinder?

2016-09-21, 06:11 PM
Regenerate does not work how you think it does. It is cure critical wounds with the able to regrow lost body parts (and a higher CL + cap). 3.5 has monstrous regeneration which is basically a troll's regen. It's in Magic of Faerun. Neither edition has a regeneration (specifically) spell.

2016-09-21, 06:13 PM
The way I would do it would involve just taking a monster with regeneration and playing it with class levels (the bestiary has rules for this). Augur Kytons and Moss Trolls are the two I can think of who get it at very low levels.

2016-09-21, 06:32 PM
If your DM allows some Cheese and you are decently leveled then get a dorje of Fusion with 1 charge for 2,050 GP and a Astral Seed power stone for 53,000. Then get any creature with regeneration subdued (I would reccomend a Troll, Crystalline which IIRC in on MM3 due to Regeneration 5/Sonic) then use the dorje of fusion with a UPD check (Use loresong spell to gain a bonus on the UPD check and act as if you had ranks from Dragon Magazine #335 if needed maybe with moment of prescience too) then after being fused use the power stone of Astral seed with another few checks and then proceed to kill yourself right there with sonic damage or after you defuse. According to the Astral seed power which you can find in the SRD "The body’s constituent parts are pulled as ectoplasm from the Astral Plane, then slowly molded and transformed into a living, breathing body that is an exact duplicate of your body at the time you manifested astral seed" so RAW when you come back to life in that body you will be back in a merge of your own Body and that of the monster you used meaning you would have now all the (Su) and (Ex) abilities under some interpretations including Regeneration, that would also give you the better physical scores of the monster you chose. Also almost forgot to mention the monster you choose must be of the same size and type that you are but an enlarge person and or polymorph/shapechange can help you with that. Or you could just use the savage species rules and use a ritual with a wish spell to transform into a monster with Regeneration. Of course the information I gave is for 3.5 and 3.0 so maybe your DM can allow it but idk

2016-09-22, 03:30 AM
The way I would do it would involve just taking a monster with regeneration and playing it with class levels (the bestiary has rules for this). Augur Kytons and Moss Trolls are the two I can think of who get it at very low levels.

If your DM allows some Cheese and you are decently leveled then get a dorje of Fusion with 1 charge for 2,050 GP and a Astral Seed power stone for 53,000. Then get any creature with regeneration subdued (I would reccomend a Troll, Crystalline which IIRC in on MM3 due to Regeneration 5/Sonic) then use the dorje of fusion with a UPD check (Use loresong spell to gain a bonus on the UPD check and act as if you had ranks from Dragon Magazine #335 if needed maybe with moment of prescience too) then after being fused use the power stone of Astral seed with another few checks and then proceed to kill yourself right there with sonic damage or after you defuse. According to the Astral seed power which you can find in the SRD "The body’s constituent parts are pulled as ectoplasm from the Astral Plane, then slowly molded and transformed into a living, breathing body that is an exact duplicate of your body at the time you manifested astral seed" so RAW when you come back to life in that body you will be back in a merge of your own Body and that of the monster you used meaning you would have now all the (Su) and (Ex) abilities under some interpretations including Regeneration, that would also give you the better physical scores of the monster you chose. Also almost forgot to mention the monster you choose must be of the same size and type that you are but an enlarge person and or polymorph/shapechange can help you with that. Or you could just use the savage species rules and use a ritual with a wish spell to transform into a monster with Regeneration. Of course the information I gave is for 3.5 and 3.0 so maybe your DM can allow it but idk

The thing is I am the DM and wanted to build a race of Trollborn or something along these lines... apparently I need to settle with FastHealing1 then.

2016-09-22, 04:27 AM
The thing is I am the DM and wanted to build a race of Trollborn or something along these lines... apparently I need to settle with FastHealing1 then.

There is a troll blooded race in 3.5. I believe they get regeneration and in return are fatigued when in sunlight, but maybe it was down graded to fast healing.

2016-09-22, 05:09 AM
There is a troll blooded race in 3.5. I believe they get regeneration and in return are fatigued when in sunlight, but maybe it was down graded to fast healing.

You're thinking of a feat, troll-blooded. Regeneration 1/fire or acid, fatigued in sunlight. It had to be taken at first level, and had preerequisites, though, so it typically required human, a class with Endurance as a bonus feat, or flaws.

2016-09-22, 07:51 AM
Fast healing 1 is (over)priced at 6 RP. Regeneration, aka "immunity to death" should be at least another 6 RP.

2016-09-22, 07:57 AM
You're thinking of a feat, troll-blooded. Regeneration 1/fire or acid, fatigued in sunlight. It had to be taken at first level, and had preerequisites, though, so it typically required human, a class with Endurance as a bonus feat, or flaws.

Toughness, not Endurance. I think Improved Toughness works as well, but that requires a base fort save of +2

2016-09-22, 08:32 AM
I might be missing something. If you're the DM building a race, why do you need a spell or other external thing to give this race regeneration? You're designing it. Give it regeneration.

2016-09-22, 08:41 AM
I might be missing something. If you're the DM building a race, why do you need a spell or other external thing to give this race regeneration? You're designing it. Give it regeneration.

Balancing it I think. It isn't priced in the race builders guide.

2016-09-22, 09:14 AM
I might be missing something. If you're the DM building a race, why do you need a spell or other external thing to give this race regeneration? You're designing it. Give it regeneration.

Balancing it I think. It isn't priced in the race builders guide.

It's a bit of both. Playing with a point value would both seem more fair for the solo campaigns I am running. Other ways are because the race is supposed to go to a cohort character.

If FH1 is overpriced, what price would you advise?

2016-09-22, 10:12 AM
10 RP for Regeneration 1/Fire or Acid.

Slithery D
2016-09-22, 11:43 AM
Sell your soul (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/templates/devilbound-creature).

2016-09-22, 02:09 PM
Honestly, I have problems with the racial building system in PF. And at their core is that there's no way to measure the balance of a final product. Oh, sure, one race costs 20 points, and another costs 5, and so the former is more powerful than the latter, but... how does that translate to game?

The closest they come is saying that one person playing a high point race raises the average party level. Great. So now the whole party is facing things that hit above their weight category...except the one PC, who STILL might be stronger overall than the things the party is fighting.

In short, I'm not sure it's useful for balancing anything unless you're just saying all PCs must have the same racial point cost.

That said, regen is powerful. I'd personally increase the CR of a creature with it by at least 2. If not 4 or 5.

2016-09-22, 02:20 PM
In short, I'm not sure it's useful for balancing anything unless you're just saying all PCs must have the same racial point cost.


What do you think the point of racial point cost was? To see how imbalanced the party's starting races were? I don't see what you are saying beyond "the system is only useful is you use it".

2016-09-22, 02:29 PM

What do you think the point of racial point cost was? To see how imbalanced the party's starting races were? I don't see what you are saying beyond "the system is only useful is you use it".

Okay. Let me give an example.

Bob plays an elf.
Jim plays a drow.
Steve plays a troll.
Suzy plays a human.

These each have different RP values. I don't have the book memorized enough to quote it, but let's say for argument's sake that Steve's troll has 10 more RP than the next-highest race (which is probably the drow).

There is no way to say what you could give to Bob, Jim, and Suzy to help their PCs be on par with Steve's. The ONLY advice given, in fact, is that, because Steve is so much stronger than the others, he raises the average party level, so they should face higher-CR enemies.

The system thus isn't actually useful to let you build races for mixed parties. It's only useful for making sure the whole party is playing equal-power races. Which is...nice, but not going to be the norm for anybody working with custom race design.

An RP to CR conversion would be nice.

2016-09-22, 02:34 PM
Okay. Let me give an example.

Bob plays an elf.
Jim plays a drow.
Steve plays a troll.
Suzy plays a human.

These each have different RP values. I don't have the book memorized enough to quote it, but let's say for argument's sake that Steve's troll has 10 more RP than the next-highest race (which is probably the drow).

There is no way to say what you could give to Bob, Jim, and Suzy to help their PCs be on par with Steve's. The ONLY advice given, in fact, is that, because Steve is so much stronger than the others, he raises the average party level, so they should face higher-CR enemies.

The system thus isn't actually useful to let you build races for mixed parties. It's only useful for making sure the whole party is playing equal-power races. Which is...nice, but not going to be the norm for anybody working with custom race design.

An RP to CR conversion would be nice.

Okay, I was going off the PFSRD, which cleaned up that bit, making it clear that party races should be balanced with each other.

2016-09-22, 02:36 PM
Okay, I was going off the PFSRD, which cleaned up that bit, making it clear that party races should be balanced with each other.

That's clear in the RHB, too. It's just...disappointing. Especially since it hand-waves that sure, races in the party can be more powerful by setting RP totals higher and you should adjust APL...but leaving it at a party level.

It just isn't...all that useful.

Heck, it also means that the RP system is useless to a DM who is building a race to use as an enemy; what does that do to the CR of the foe to add more RP to him?

2016-09-22, 02:40 PM
That's clear in the RHB, too.

Huh? Then whats the problem? It says if you make new, more powerful races, you should also add extra abilities to core races to balance it out. The problem you are describing literally does not exist. The scenario you outlined is one the guidelines tell you to avoid.

Heck, it also means that the RP system is useless to a DM who is building a race to use as an enemy; what does that do to the CR of the foe to add more RP to him?

A DM shouldn't be using this for homebrewing new races. PCs and NPCs gain a variable benefit from the same ability. Fast healing, regeneration, DR: magic, ect.

2016-09-22, 02:53 PM
I suppose what I want is guidelines on how to increase the power of PCs of other races without having to increase the power of those races, but rather through the other tools of PC power.

I guess one could just add bonus feats through RP. That might work.

2016-09-22, 02:56 PM
I suppose what I want is guidelines on how to increase the power of PCs of other races without having to increase the power of those races, but rather through the other tools of PC power.

I guess one could just add bonus feats through RP. That might work.

You want a way to introduce an unbalanced option, then make it work, without changing the other options its competing against? Yeah no, that's on you, that's not the books jobs. When homebrewing, you have 2 options:

1. Make the new options balanced to existing options
2. Rebalace the existing options to fit with the new power level

If you want to try and make a third options work that fine, but expecting the book to give you one is a tad unreasonable.

2016-09-22, 03:00 PM
There is a troll blooded race in 3.5. I believe they get regeneration and in return are fatigued when in sunlight, but maybe it was down graded to fast healing.

You're the gm. "I have permanent regeneration."
GM fiat is a thing.

2016-09-22, 03:02 PM
You're the gm. "I have permanent regeneration."
GM fiat is a thing.

Yeah, a mostly negative thing, and as such probably shouldn't be your first option.

2016-09-22, 03:06 PM
You want a way to introduce an unbalanced option, then make it work, without changing the other options its competing against? Yeah no, that's on you, that's not the books jobs. When homebrewing, you have 2 options:

1. Make the new options balanced to existing options
2. Rebalace the existing options to fit with the new power level

If you want to try and make a third options work that fine, but expecting the book to give you one is a tad unreasonable.

See, prior to the RHB, there was a mechanic (albeit not spectacular) that attempted to do what I'm going for. 3.5 had its own version (which was arguably worse). The mechanic in 3.5 was "Effective Character Level," obtained by adding Racial Hit Dice to a Level Adjustment. There sadly lacked rules or guidelines for assigning LA to home brew races.

In PF, they just said "use the monster's CR as their base ECL." (Maybe not in so many words, but that was the gist.) A little better, but still flawed. And still lacking real guidelines on assigning a CR to a homebrewed race.

The RHB came out with the RP system to help gauge the power of a race (custom or otherwise). Great! But they never link that to a CR, and they just throw out the notion of races being of differing power balanced out by ... well, anything other than boosting racial traits of other PCs.

IF they'd just linked RP to CR, it would have at least been a complete and connected system. Perhaps still not well-balanced, but...no worse balanced than the RP system by itself, and certainly more useful.

2016-09-22, 03:12 PM
IF they'd just linked RP to CR, it would have at least been a complete and connected system. Perhaps still not well-balanced, but...no worse balanced than the RP system by itself, and certainly more useful.

I'm pretty sure the RP system was never meant to make a race that warranted a any CR increase. You can make it, by stacking enough abilities, but I doubt that's how it was meant to function.

If you want to make a new race that increases CR, homebrewing monsters was an option long before the RP system.

2016-09-22, 03:16 PM
There is no way to say what you could give to Bob, Jim, and Suzy to help their PCs be on par with Steve's. The ONLY advice given, in fact, is that, because Steve is so much stronger than the others, he raises the average party level, so they should face higher-CR enemies.

It also tells you to average the RP for mixed-power-level parties before doing this. So it's not like every challenge will be tailored just to Steve and crush the others - the intended result is that such challenges will be a little easier for Steve (but not a faceroll) and a little tougher for Bob/Jim/Suzy (but not brutal.) And of course, as they go up in levels the effect of race is diminished, so it all evens out over time.

2016-09-22, 03:24 PM
I'm pretty sure the RP system was never meant to make a race that warranted a any CR increase. You can make it, by stacking enough abilities, but I doubt that's how it was meant to function.

If you want to make a new race that increases CR, homebrewing monsters was an option long before the RP system.What I was hoping for - and disappointed not to get - was a way to systemize the homebrewing. Building that monster with RP and tying it to CR at least loosely, so that the "eyeballing" stage of CR-assignment was more about refinement than it currently is. (Right now, "homebrew a monster" means "guess the CR to the best of your judgment.")

It also tells you to average the RP for mixed-power-level parties before doing this. So it's not like every challenge will be tailored just to Steve and crush the others - the intended result is that such challenges will be a little easier for Steve (but not a faceroll) and a little tougher for Bob/Jim/Suzy (but not brutal.) And of course, as they go up in levels the effect of race is diminished, so it all evens out over time.
That's...reinforcing my issue with it.

Let's look at it from a 3.5 perspective.

Steve plays a creature with an LA of +4 and the other three play core PHB races with no templates. But we're using PF's RP system to build these things, so we treat them all as level 1 PCs, but we average the party RP and wind up with an APL of 2.

Steve gets to have all the fun of playing something way more powerful than everybody else and - even if he's not "facerolling" encounters - facing things that are, in general, pretty easy for him to handle. Everybody else is facing more challenging, dangerous encounters than they would if Steve wasn't in the party.

In 3.5, that would never have flown. Steve could play his race only when everybody else was at level 5. If (by some miracle) Steve's race was actually BALANCED at LA +4, he would then be just at the right power level to play with everybody else.

What gets me, too, is that they have that whole APL-adjustment thing. Maybe that's where I should look; in there, somewhere, is probably a way to convert RP to CR. Something like, if the party's average RP are X, and that yields an APL of Y, then X RP translates to a +(Y-1) CR.

2016-09-22, 03:29 PM
(Right now, "homebrew a monster" means "guess the CR to the best of your judgment.")

You want Piazo to produce a list which assigns a numerical value to every ability a monster could have ever? There's one for 3.5, but it kinda cops out by lumping a fair number of abilities into the two catagories "major ability" and "minor ability".

Any such list is going to be a bit of a mess. CR+ 0 races are simple enough that you can manage it, but once you look at monsters CR 1 - 20, I don't think you're ever going to get better than guessing to the best of your judgement, which is a rather important skill for GMs.

In 3.5, that would never have flown. Steve could play his race only when everybody else was at level 5. If (by some miracle) Steve's race was actually BALANCED at LA +4, he would then be just at the right power level to play with everybody else.

But homebrewing that template or template would still have required the DM to "guess" the LA, which is apparantly something you dislike.

And again, I seriously doubt you are meant to be using the RP system to make +4 LA races.

2016-09-22, 03:42 PM
What I was hoping for - and disappointed not to get - was a way to systemize the homebrewing. Building that monster with RP and tying it to CR at least loosely, so that the "eyeballing" stage of CR-assignment was more about refinement than it currently is. (Right now, "homebrew a monster" means "guess the CR to the best of your judgment.")

Monster creation, like spell or item or even class creation, is as much art as science. So yes, judgment will and should play a significant role.

That's...reinforcing my issue with it.

Let's look at it from a 3.5 perspective.

Steve plays a creature with an LA of +4 and the other three play core PHB races with no templates. But we're using PF's RP system to build these things, so we treat them all as level 1 PCs, but we average the party RP and wind up with an APL of 2.

Steve gets to have all the fun of playing something way more powerful than everybody else and - even if he's not "facerolling" encounters - facing things that are, in general, pretty easy for him to handle. Everybody else is facing more challenging, dangerous encounters than they would if Steve wasn't in the party.

In 3.5, that would never have flown. Steve could play his race only when everybody else was at level 5. If (by some miracle) Steve's race was actually BALANCED at LA +4, he would then be just at the right power level to play with everybody else.

And that's the GM's fault for allowing one player to run something that clocks in at 4 levels of power difference with everybody else's level 1 characters. There needs to be an upper limit after all - you can't just let one guy be a Balor, average his RP with everyone else's and then declare balance. Some common sense needs to enter the equation at some point.

Basically you have two options when it comes to playing a monster in PF:

1) Use the "ECL = CR" rules from Bestiary 1, which are effectively LA buyoff rules. This pretty much only works for groups that are starting above level 1.

2) Build a race that is close in theme but not an exact replica of what you want to play; something that is less powerful. This can start at level 1 or start even higher, but the key to making it work is staying at least in the ballpark of your fellow PCs.

Either way, being 4+ levels higher/stronger than everyone else is not what I would consider reasonable.

2016-09-22, 04:34 PM
:smallsigh: Look, I can see how RP are meant to be used. I don't think I'd use such a system, because I'm not really interested in redesigning EVERY race to match a new one. It feels ham-handed to me.

I will simply say that I expected something more. Something to connect RP to CR. That's all it would have taken to make me satisfied. They didn't provide it, and I get that others think I'm being unreasonable for wanting it.

Its lack still disappoints me.

I'm not trying to make much more of a point than "what I had hoped going in" and "why I was disappointed with what I got instead."

I apologize for derailing this thread.

2016-09-22, 04:40 PM
I'm not trying to make much more of a point than "what I had hoped going in" and "why I was disappointed with what I got instead."

I get that, it just didn't seem like what you expected was, well, reasonable. It sounds like you wanted a book that would somehow teach you how to homebrew races without the need to guesstimate CR, which is frankly not possible.

2016-09-22, 04:53 PM
What Boci said - the best guideline you can come up with is the one they had, namely that "too many points should probably increase the CR/level." Anything more specific than that gets gamed quickly.

2016-09-22, 06:08 PM
I tried looking it up in the ARG but can't seem to find it.
What would it cost to get Regeneration permanently on a character?

3.5 had Trollblooded afaik, both have Permanency+Regeneration as spells... is there another way for Pathfinder?
Permanently, RAW? Not that I'm aware of. Pathfinder has Giant Form I (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/g/giant-form-i) and Plant Shape III (www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/p/plant-shape-i#TOC-Plant-Shape-III), and those can grant up to regeneration 5, but both are out of the clear RAW range of Polymorph Any Object (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/p/polymorph-any-object) (you can change into them, but what happens isn't defined - when you get to mechanics, Polymorph Any Object says "This spell functions like greater polymorph, except", and Greater Polymorph says "If you use this spell to cause the target to take on the form of an animal or magical beast, it functions as beast shape IV. If the form is that of an elemental, the spell functions as elemental body III. If the form is that of a humanoid, the spell functions as alter self. If the form is that of a plant, the spell functions as plant shape II. If the form is that of a dragon, the spell functions as form of the dragon I. The subject may choose to resume its normal form as a full-round action; doing so ends the spell." - Alter Self won't give you regeneration, and neither will Plant Shape II... yet PaO has specific examples of things outside the range of what Greater Polymorph can do, so you can change to those forms... but there's no concrete mechanics for what happens, so it's DM call, and results will vary), so it won't be natively permanent.

Permanency (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/p/permanency) includes the clause "The GM may allow other spells to be made permanent." so you could potentially become a Troll permanently that way... but it's GM call.

Likewise, you could potentially make a custom item based on one of the associated spells... but custom items are always GM call.

So... GM call.

The Ring of Regeneration (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/rings/ring-of-regeneration) is better in Pathfinder, but it's just fast healing 1 with a clause about lost limbs; it's not true regeneration.

If the race builder is permitted, there is a fast healing option under Defensive Racial Traits (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/other-rules/creating-new-races#TOC-Defense-Racial-Traits), but again: That's not true regeneration.

If Monster PCs (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/bestiary/monstersAsPCs.html) are permitted, then you could pick a monster that already has it and is low CR.

If third party pathfinder is permitted, then Devil Bound (Kyton) (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/templates/devil-bound-creature-template) is CR+1, an acquired template, and grants regeneration-2 (Silver or Good)


Not really many options that aren't heavily DM-dependent.

2016-09-22, 06:17 PM
Paizo did actually put a table laying out the average AC/attack roll/HP etc in the appendices of bestiary 1. I don't know how much that has been diverged from over the 4 subsequent hardcover bestiaties, and the various softcover, but it's there.

2016-09-22, 10:58 PM
Paizo did actually put a table laying out the average AC/attack roll/HP etc in the appendices of bestiary 1. I don't know how much that has been diverged from over the 4 subsequent hardcover bestiaties, and the various softcover, but it's there.

The Simple Monster rules in Unchained also have a similar table.

2016-09-23, 12:01 AM
Play a skald and take the skald vigor feat.

2016-09-23, 12:04 PM
Another template option is Nightmare Creature (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/templates/nightmare-creature-cr-1), which is all kinds of awesome for CR +1 (and being evil). Especially if you are high level and use illusion magic, but it gives Regeneration 5 / good or silver off the bat.

2016-09-24, 06:10 AM
Thanks everyone for the input so far. I agree that the "Race Point" system isn't that well thought out (some flavourful abilities just cost too much or are underpriced) but it's a crutch we will use. One of my "homebrew goals" is to push the core races to 15 points (Aasimar levels).

Another template option is Nightmare Creature (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/templates/nightmare-creature-cr-1), which is all kinds of awesome for CR +1 (and being evil). Especially if you are high level and use illusion magic, but it gives Regeneration 5 / good or silver off the bat.

Sell your soul (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/templates/devilbound-creature).

So a template for evil creatures and a way for evil characters... now I just think this both fits what I had in mind. (As the first application for this will be in an evil game).

Permanently, RAW? Not that I'm aware of. Pathfinder has Giant Form I (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/g/giant-form-i) and Plant Shape III (www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/p/plant-shape-i#TOC-Plant-Shape-III), and those can grant up to regeneration 5, but both are out of the clear RAW range of Polymorph Any Object (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/p/polymorph-any-object) (you can change into them, but what happens isn't defined - when you get to mechanics, Polymorph Any Object says "This spell functions like greater polymorph, except", and Greater Polymorph says "If you use this spell to cause the target to take on the form of an animal or magical beast, it functions as beast shape IV. If the form is that of an elemental, the spell functions as elemental body III. If the form is that of a humanoid, the spell functions as alter self. If the form is that of a plant, the spell functions as plant shape II. If the form is that of a dragon, the spell functions as form of the dragon I. The subject may choose to resume its normal form as a full-round action; doing so ends the spell." - Alter Self won't give you regeneration, and neither will Plant Shape II... yet PaO has specific examples of things outside the range of what Greater Polymorph can do, so you can change to those forms... but there's no concrete mechanics for what happens, so it's DM call, and results will vary), so it won't be natively permanent.

Permanency (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/p/permanency) includes the clause "The GM may allow other spells to be made permanent." so you could potentially become a Troll permanently that way... but it's GM call.

Likewise, you could potentially make a custom item based on one of the associated spells... but custom items are always GM call.

So... GM call.

The Ring of Regeneration (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/rings/ring-of-regeneration) is better in Pathfinder, but it's just fast healing 1 with a clause about lost limbs; it's not true regeneration.

If the race builder is permitted, there is a fast healing option under Defensive Racial Traits (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/other-rules/creating-new-races#TOC-Defense-Racial-Traits), but again: That's not true regeneration.

If Monster PCs (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/bestiary/monstersAsPCs.html) are permitted, then you could pick a monster that already has it and is low CR.

If third party pathfinder is permitted, then Devil Bound (Kyton) (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/templates/devil-bound-creature-template) is CR+1, an acquired template, and grants regeneration-2 (Silver or Good)


Not really many options that aren't heavily DM-dependent.

I am the DM... but I had hoped for a sure way to get it so I could use it as a player later. Technically spoken Fast Healing + regrowing limbs was exactly what I was looking for.

You're the gm. "I have permanent regeneration."
GM fiat is a thing.

Yeah, a mostly negative thing, and as such probably shouldn't be your first option.

Thanks Boci for making this point for me.