View Full Version : Character optimization

2016-09-21, 06:24 PM
I am building a new 7th level character for a campaign. And I saw the multi-class Feats from complete adventurer like ascetic mage. I was wondering if there was a similar feat for Paladin / sorcerers. Also I had a question about the feat Devoted Performer, how is one supposed to take both levels of Bard and Paladin when their respective alignment restrictions prevent this? Thanks in advance.

2016-09-21, 06:43 PM
I am building a new 7th level character for a campaign. And I saw the multi-class Feats from complete adventurer like ascetic mage. I was wondering if there was a similar feat for Paladin / sorcerers.
I don't think there is one.

Also I had a question about the feat Devoted Performer, how is one supposed to take both levels of Bard and Paladin when their respective alignment restrictions prevent this? Thanks in advance.
A bard can become lawful, then take levels in paladin. Normally he wouldn't be able to continue advancing as bard, this feat allows him to do so despite being lawful.

There is also the paladin of freedom, a chaotic good variant, and paladin of slaughter, a chaotic evil variant.

One Step Two
2016-09-21, 07:10 PM
There's one feat called Theurgic Mount (http://www.realmshelps.net/charbuild/feat/Theurgic_Mount) which lets your paladin and sorcerer levels stack for your special mount powers. Other than that, you can take practiced spellcaster to help your caster level to help out your CL for whichever is your priority. Other than that, there's not much that works.