View Full Version : Can't Find this picture

2016-09-22, 06:13 PM
So, a while ago (not sure exactly when) I saw a picture of some sort of giant shrimp thing. It was a fantasy or sci fi creature, and it looked just like one of those filter feeding whales except for the color and crustacean legs. But now I can't find it. has anyone else seen this picture? where, and what is it?

2016-09-26, 06:28 AM
A giant isopod? (https://www.google.com/search?q=giant+isopod&newwindow=1&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiQnbHj9qzPAhWoxYMKHXPwAeoQ_AUICCgB&biw=1366&bih=583)

2016-09-26, 09:59 AM
So, a while ago (not sure exactly when) I saw a picture of some sort of giant shrimp thing. It was a fantasy or sci fi creature, and it looked just like one of those filter feeding whales except for the color and crustacean legs. But now I can't find it. has anyone else seen this picture? where, and what is it?

Can you elaborate? What you have right now is a fairly poor description, and if anyone is able to recognize what you are talking about, they may not be able to realize it from such a vague set of parameters. Find the whale that it looks like, instead of just saying "one of those filter feeding whales." I tried to look up filter feeding whale, because I'm fairly sure you mean baleen whales, but it's possible you may also mean whale sharks, who don't have a baleen system but still has a filter feeding mechanism. And baleen whales can look very different - the blue whale, right whale, and humpback whale all look quite distinct from each other, for instance. Find the whale it looks like, and you instantly have a better recognition factor.

You also say it looks like a whale, except for the color and crustacean legs. Great! What color was it? Even ignoring finding the closes whale, specifying the color instantly bumps up the likelihood that people will know what you're talking about, and help you out. "A dull blue with light grey polka dot whale-lookin' thing with crustacean legs" is already better than "a whale lookin' thing with crustacean legs, and not colored like that whale," because you have greatly narrowed down what you're looking for. Even if you don't remember the exact color, ballparking is helpful. Don't be afraid of the suffix "-ish" if it helps you narrow down the search field.

Crustacean legs is a great descriptor. How many did it have? a whale-lookin' thing with 4 legs is very noticeable different than a whale-lookin' thing with 8 legs. Again, ballparking is sill very useful if you don't remember exactly. A few pairs of legs vs a whole bunch of legs makes for a very different looking creature.

tl;dr - details, man. I have no idea what you're talking about, but if you give more details, someone else may.

2016-09-27, 08:45 PM
Was it this?

2016-10-16, 03:01 PM
Was it this?

yep, that's it. thanks