View Full Version : My World The Nine Revelations: A Cult of Asmodeus

White Blade
2016-09-23, 12:09 PM
This is my attempt at creating a cult of Asmodeus that resembles something one might actually see in a fantasy world. I wanted a more militant cult, one that could contrast to the prototypical Faustian Bargain organization. I also wanted one that was hazier on human sacrifice and might be something to be used in any period. Here's the results, the Nine Revelations - A diabolist cult for any campaign to use.
The Nine Revelations:
“When the corpse of creation lies at your feet, what will your principles be worth Paladin? You think to damn me? Demons take you!”
-Revelator Desmond before his hanging.

Creation is falling apart, and you want to know why? The reason why is simple: Chaos. Each man says and does according to his own whim and whimsy, whether he calls it principle or greed. While those sleepy spirits weary the world, an implacable genius fights an endless war against the raging, ravenous Abyss. His voice has gone out to the edges of creation, and those who will hear his call can fight under his banner for the salvation of the world. His name is Asmodeous and he alone will do what is necessary to bring about victory in the war with the Abyss.

The Revelators are a mystery cult that professes these beliefs as the core of their worldview. Popular among soldiers, the Revelators offer a desperate-yet-orderly view of the universe and recommend a solution: Through suffering, discipline - Through discipline, victory. Operating as a secret society, they often promote their own membership through the ranks and empower themselves within militaries (and, in turn, popular society). The Revelators often swell as empires decline, their worldview providing an apt metaphor for the feelings of the declining power classes. The Revelators care nothing for blood or prior station - Those with vision must seize the reins before it is too late. Those without must unite behind these visionary leaders, subsume themselves to the great whole, and act heroically against difficult circumstances.

Revelation of Avernus (Initiate):
“There is a war for the salvation of the universe. And it’s not being fought by angels.”

Avernus is where the blood war is actually fought and to the Initiate represents the fundamental reality of creation - The forces of law and order are under siege by anarchic forces whose purpose in life is devastation that brings about the end of the world. We alone bear the message of salvation. These are the words of many religions but for the Revelators, they are impersonal. The Revelations do not reveal any particular path to joy or happiness, temporal or eternal - The Blood War is an unending massacre of hatred and torment and the Hells are a merciless school of strength. But for an Initiate to receive the Revelation of Avernus is a profession that the cause is being fought by Asmodeus and a profession of abiding faith in his leadership, that what he does is necessary and the Initiate is ready to do the same.

The traditional act of Revelation is to lead a would-be initiate into a room blindfolded and subject him to blows (of varying levels of symbol-to-reality) until frustration causes him to remove his blindfold. Initiators then call on the Initiate to affirm that he has seen the world as it is and to take up arms in its protection and swear never to be a victim again. The oath that goes with membership is the traditional response and can be as basic as, "I pledge my soul to fight for Creation in the service of Asmodeus and to make no excuses for my weaknesses."

Revelation of Dis (Sentinel):
“Fear keeps your blade sharp, discipline keeps your hand ready.”

Dis is a citadel watched over by the paranoid-if-competent Dispater. Vigilance and watchfulness are crucial aspects of the faith of the Revelators. The most obvious reason is that the demonic hordes have a thousand different forms, shapeshifting and hiding beneath illusions. The other reason is that Diabolism is less than totally popular. Paladins, clerics of the gods (particularly but not solely the good ones), magistrates, and political and military rivals. The Revelation of Dis teaches absolute vigilance, there are enemies all around and you must be ready to combat them.

The traditional means of receiving this Revelation is a vigil passed guarding a golden sphere, representative of creation. In some cults, active attempts to steal the globe are made and in others, the sphere is put in some public place and the Sentinel is tasked with watching it surreptitiously. At the end of the vigil, ritual combat is often practiced to first blood against one of the higher ranking members of the cult. Loss by the Sentinel is expected, though a victory is considered a good omen. In many cults, it is forbidden for a Sentinel to sit with his back to any door.

Revelation of Minauros (Quartermaster)
“The world is starving under siege, yet the army must be fed and raised.”

Wars are won with logistics and resources as much as by soldiers and skill at war. Asmodeus understands this. The Revelation of Minauros represents it. Ruled over by Mammon, oft-maligned as the lord of greed, Minauros is the treasury of hell. Here, magical items, gold and platinum, and souls all exist in readied hoards prepared to be used at need. But accusations that this is mere acquisitiveness are slander, these are the resources by which the war for creation will be won.

A would-be Quartermaster has a duty to procure an item of great value to the cult. No member may offer advice to a would-be Quartermaster, who must present the gift to the cult's Echoes without prompting. Depending on the cult, these items can be varying. Magical weapons are common on the frontlines, promisary notes (real and forged), blackmail material, and similar are valued at courts. The highest value good of all, of course, is a mortal soul pledged to Asmodeus and it alone cannot be refused. This does not usually mean a human sacrifice, but an initiate into the cult. By this means, Quartermasters swell the rank and treasury even before they are Quartermasters.

Revelation of Phlegeston (Torch)
“Fire – Light for us to see by, smoke to hide our movements, devastation for our foes.”

For any devil-worshipper, fire is an object of deep fascination. For followers of the Nine Revelations, fire is a sacred tool. It can destroy foes, reveal truth, and hide the Revelators from view. Fierna represents the light and heat aspects, but Belial represents the smoke aspects. A common blessing among Revelators is, "Fierna in victory, Belial in defeat." Both are considered patrons of passion and invoked in courtship rituals.

Would-be Torches must endure both aspects if they are to ascend. They begin by burning a precious object in an urn, then they are entrusted with an object to hide and an enemy to expose. If, after seven days, the object is hidden and the enemy exposed in some undesirable way, the Torch is accepted. Torches serve as the organizers for the events and the spymasters of the cult.

Revelation of Stygia (Aspirant)
"Vengeance out of patience, strength and loyalty each in turn."

For the followers of the Nine Revelations, the relationship of Geryon and Levistus is one of profound religious significance but fraught meaning. The revelation teaches that the lesson is one of patience meeting vengeance. Levistus had to be taught patience by Asmodeus (who bears rebels no ill will, provided they bend the knee) and Geryon must win vengeance against his replacement by patience to demonstrate his strength and cunning to Asmodeus. Loyalty alone, Stygia teaches, is not enough. Obedience must be tempered by strength and the will to conquer. The Nine Hells are the last light against the coming night, surrender and weakness must be uprooted within before they can fester and permit destruction from without.

The Act of Revelation is only possible when one member challenges another member of higher rank to a test of devotion. The test can take any form (including mortal combat), but it is determined by the challenged (or the Echoes). Some members take challenges in good humor, but many view them as grievous insults and pick a form that they prefer that endangers or makes miserable their opponent. Defeat means that advancement to Aspirant is impossible for a year.

Revelation of Malboga (Intimate)
“We must stand together or fall alone.”
In a somewhat contradictory Revelation to the lesson of the Aspirant, the Revelation of Malboga is about being trustworthy to cult leaders. Malboga has experienced a remarkable turnover of leadership in rapid succession, shifting from a disloyal servitor during the Reckoning to said disloyal servitor's disloyal consort and now to Glaysa, Asmodeus' daughter, who overthrew the disloyal consort on charges of sedition. Intimates are the internal affairs agents of the cults and it is their duty to process the internal loyalties of members.

Becoming an Intimate is shockingly simple - You must be endorsed by a higher ranking member. The endorser then sits in a room with you, chained and naked, for eight hours. Nothing you do them will be punished by the cult and if your endorser whines to outsiders they will be substantially punished. (Notably, the endorser is free to pursue private vengeance if he so chooses.) At the end, you are an intimate bar none.

Revelation of Maladomini (Doomkeeper)
“Make no mistake - We are losing.”
Although the revelation of Maladomini is an implicit understanding of the Nine Revelations, wherein the use of unforgivable means is a dark necessity, it still sometimes comes as a shock to initiates who have been doused in obsessive worship of diabolical power from the beginning of their initiation. The Revelation of Maladomini is not the end of the propaganda, but it is the point at which the generals must sit down and assess their forces and realize the difficulty of the situation. It is not the case, however, that the cult admits any kind of fault. The blame is laid right where it belongs - On the so-called righteous who don't lift their share of the load.

The Act of Revelation for a Doomkeeper is to collect (by some means other than purchase) the icon of every single god. Each god, in turn, is invoked and called upon to answer Asmodeus' plea for aid. When the icon does not answer (or, on rare occasions, answers in the negative.), it is destroyed. Amidst the rubble, the Doomkeeper announces, "May Asmodeus do to those gods as I have done to their images! May the doom they have left to us come for them!"

Revelation of Cania (Blackened Hand)
"Those who cannot or will not stand with us will fall before us."
Bitter cold and unbearable heat are the contradiction of Cania and Mephistoles is no less a representative of that. The unifying trait of Cania is hatred and contempt, the only suitable attitude for our enemies. Blackened Hands are expected to lead battle if it becomes necessary for the cult. Their name comes from the final results of burns and frostbite alike.

The Act of Revelation is two tests of endurance, one in a room alight with fire and heat and one in a room with bitter cold. The would-be Blackened Hand is free to choose which to do first, but he must pass from one to the other without stopping and cannot bear any magical protection in the affliction.

Revelation of Nessus (Echo)
We are united by the voice of Asmodeus, led by Asmodeus.
There is no Revelation deeper than this: Asmodeus is our sole hope. It is the Revelation that begins at Avernus and flows down into each of the lower hells, Asmodeus holds this together by pure force of will and combative genius. The Revelation of Nessus, however, transforms one by hearing Asmodeus' voice. Long, hard won obedience is answered with a whispered word from Asmodeus himself - A call to obedience. Asmodeus alone can save, Asmodeus alone knows the path. By disciplining themselves, cult members become his instruments in a war for the salvation of the world. And, at last, the Echo becomes a mouthpiece of Asmodeus, discerning his will and following his instruction, leading his followers. Whenever an Echo speaks, all must listen.

The Act of Revelation for an Echo can only occur either when the Echoes in a cult are unanimous or Hell itself sends a representative to deliver the position. The process is difficult to explain and varies based on the cult and on the initiate, though sacrifices and blood offerings are far more common at this level. Whatever the case, it is probably impossible to say anything definite about it. It is the most tightly held secret in the order.

2016-09-23, 01:41 PM
I like this. This really gives a sense of militant, lawful philosophy over the evil of the Nine Hells. It's easy to see how anyone who lives by 'by any and all means necessary' could fall into the cult. I could also see LN types rubbing shoulders with the LE's even at the higher ranks.
Some questions: is it possible to skip revelations in extreme cases, like if all a cult's Echoes are killed or a high-ranking devil declares Asmodeus' favour on a newer recruit?
Second, how does the cult actively fight the Abyss on the material plane? Are they just training on the assumption that they'll join Hell's armies when they die, or do they consider themselves defenders of the material plane, routing demon cults and thwarting demonic invasions? Do the gathered resources get offered to representatives of Baator?
Third, how do devils view the cultists? Foolish, manipulable mortals? Spiritual brothers and sisters trapped in inferior mortal forms? Devils in training?
Besides that, I love the mentality that Lawful Good isn't pulling it's weight. How do they feel about Tiamat and other Evil deities that lounge about in Hell? This is such a great concept. Thanks for sharing it. :smallbiggrin:

White Blade
2016-09-23, 02:37 PM
I like this. This really gives a sense of militant, lawful philosophy over the evil of the Nine Hells. It's easy to see how anyone who lives by 'by any and all means necessary' could fall into the cult. I could also see LN types rubbing shoulders with the LE's even at the higher ranks.
Some questions: is it possible to skip revelations in extreme cases, like if all a cult's Echoes are killed or a high-ranking devil declares Asmodeus' favour on a newer recruit?
Obviously, Asmodeus gets to do what he likes. Any law that constrains Asmodeus is a bad law. That being said, I think the general preference would be rapid advancement as opposed to skipping a revelation outright - Elevation from Initiate to Echo is technically only necessarily about twelve days long. Torch members and up perhaps three. Giving things away for free is what the soft, wasteful beggar gods do.

Second, how does the cult actively fight the Abyss on the material plane? Are they just training on the assumption that they'll join Hell's armies when they die, or do they consider themselves defenders of the material plane, routing demon cults and thwarting demonic invasions? Do the gathered resources get offered to representatives of Baator? Depends. In a lot of societies, they might serve as a worldly reflection of their otherworldly exemplars, keeping dangerous savages off the frontier of empires. The cult is also a bank for Baator, since Baator is so loath to spend its own resources. If a Quartermaster's offering is a +2 sword, for example, that's more value than a Faustian pack for an NPC at WBL of 8th level or lower and represents wealth beyond the average commoner's wildest dreams. But recruitment is a big factor - The opening oath to Asmodeus isn't quite a Pact Certain, but it is the next best thing. And yes, a Revelator will hunt rumors of demonic activity with just as much dedication (and far more viciousness) than a paladin and take strong action against them, but how common that is varies based on situation and setting power-level (and member power level). On the bright side, Revelators seldom have the squeamish qualms that might reveal some do-gooder infiltrator.

Third, how do devils view the cultists? Foolish, manipulable mortals? Spiritual brothers and sisters trapped in inferior mortal forms? Devils in training?
*shrugs* They tend to treat them somewhere between "useful object" and "helpful flatterer" which is about as good as it gets or, "weak boss" if they're summoned lackeys (the cult member in question might beat such foolishness out of them, but that's the opening move). But its hard to say what they think of the Revelators themselves, seeing as devils are literally beings of elemental evil. Are they flattered? Offended at being thought generous? Uninterested in mortal opinion? Full of contempt? Proud and in agreement? I can see arguments for each from a pure evil standpoint and it probably varies. To be sure, devoted loyalists to particular archfiends (that aren't Asmodeus) do not like them very much.

Besides that, I love the mentality that Lawful Good isn't pulling it's weight. How do they feel about Tiamat and other Evil deities that lounge about in Hell?
Not a whole lot better. Willful souls that aren't going into Asmodeus' army are wasted and the gods of evil aren't providing substantial enough services in the war. The "stabbed in the back" narrative applies to all the gods. Amicable relationships with a given lawful evil cult can mitigate this opinion, but generally speaking, pretty much everyone is blamed for Asmodeus' slowness to victory.

This is such a great concept. Thanks for sharing it. :smallbiggrin:

I'm glad you liked it :smallsmile:

2016-09-23, 02:59 PM
I love this. May I use it for my games? Asmodeus is my favourite god.

White Blade
2016-09-23, 04:01 PM
I love this. May I use it for my games? Asmodeus is my favourite god.

You're more than welcome to!

2016-09-24, 12:52 AM
Oh, this is great! I've always used Asmodeus's followers as kind of the typical devil cult: lots of tieflings, lots of warlock covens and such. This, though... this could be a really cool big, bad organization that I can throw at my groups that'll be a lot more memorable than just "that group of cult guys we killed six levels ago."

2016-09-26, 12:14 AM
This is fantastic. I've always been a fan of the faustian side of the Lawful Evil alignment, but I think you offer a compelling framework that adds a level of ritual, internal logic, and all around purpose to Asmodean religion. I'm going to shamelessly pirate your framework for use in my current world, unless you mind terribly.

2016-09-27, 09:22 PM
Wars are won with logistics and resources as much as by soldiers and skill at war. Asmodeus understands this. The Revelation of Minauros represents it. Ruled over by Mammon, oft-maligned as the lord of greed, Minauros is the treasury of hell. Here, magical items, gold and platinum, and souls all exist in readied hoards prepared to be used at need. But accusations that this is mere acquisitiveness are slander, these are the resources by which

Great stuff! I think you meant to add a little more on there, though.

White Blade
2016-09-27, 09:31 PM
This is fantastic. I've always been a fan of the faustian side of the Lawful Evil alignment, but I think you offer a compelling framework that adds a level of ritual, internal logic, and all around purpose to Asmodean religion. I'm going to shamelessly pirate your framework for use in my current world, unless you mind terribly.

You are of course welcome to do so.

Great stuff! I think you meant to add a little more on there, though.

Ah, right you are. Thank you for the compliment and the criticism.

2016-09-28, 08:39 AM
Have you ever read Ludicsavagesavant's write up on Hextor? That could tie into this very well, probably placing Asmodeus as the 2nd in command to Hextor.

EDIT: Mega brain brain fart regarding names. :smallredface:

White Blade
2016-09-28, 12:01 PM
Have you ever read Ludicsavage's write up on Hextor? That could tie into this very well, probably placing Asmodeus as the 2nd in command to Hextor.
I have read Ludic, he got me to finally finish this write up.

If you were to tie the two streams together that way, Asmodeanism would be a more critical heresy than Ludic's mainline belief. I tried to model Asmodeanism a bit on fascism. Hextor in Ludic's set up represents the necessity of war, but there's a commitment to war and violence as the calling of every person among the Revelators. Hextorian belief is that war is a means to an ideal society, Revelators teach that life is war. And if I were tying Asmodeus to the Hextorian religion, I'd probably make Asmodeus an aspect of Hextor rather than under minion. They'd be a very apocalyptic and hostile sect, nascent henotheists and iconoclasts.

2016-09-28, 12:31 PM
Fair enough. I was thinking in yerms of balancing Hextor and the Hells versus Heronious and the Heavens.

I would see the devils as agents of the harshest aspect of Hextor. Paraphrasing Ludic's write-up aspect about any means necessary and that demon binding is a tatical solution, I would subsitute devil binding instead. Demons are seen as agents of destruction and madness along side aberrations , so there is no valid reason to use them. The Revelations is the final safeguard to prevent the development of demon and abberration cults. If you are so far gone you cannot be redeemed, you might as well be put to something useful.