View Full Version : Curse of Strahd questions

2016-09-23, 11:13 PM
When it comes to the vestiges...would there be anything really bad if i let players keep their characters if they use the gift to become liches or vampires?
Also what keeps them from trying to get all the gifts? This could seriously happen in my game, I know how my players are and atleast two will love the idea of these "vestiges".

2016-09-24, 12:34 AM
When it comes to the vestiges...would there be anything really bad if i let players keep their characters if they use the gift to become liches or vampires?
Also what keeps them from trying to get all the gifts? This could seriously happen in my game, I know how my players are and atleast two will love the idea of these "vestiges".

Just remind them that there are consequences to such gifts. All the disgusting, putrescent, horrific consequences that would render them so abhorrent, anything that sees them would be driven to treat them the same as any zombie or ghoul. Oh, and that the powers they grant are temporary, with limited casts that still require the normal spell components for the powers that allow spellcasting.

2016-09-24, 04:26 AM
The entire amber temple and vestiges just don't feel like they really belong in CoS.

Many of the vestiges grant temp powers with nasty side effects, but some give the knowledge of lichdom or the bargain of vampirism or powerful bonuses like + 4 char for relatively no penalty.

Easiest way to dissuade them from lichdom or vampirism is to tell them that their characters would become NPCs.

2016-09-24, 07:55 AM
Or remove the worst ones altogether. They won't know they were there before.

2016-09-24, 10:54 AM
Yea, the vestiges seem very odd in the mission. Anyways I think i am not going to turn into NPCs if they do it. I don't like to do that. However, I also know atleast one of my players loves dark gifts like this so this might turn out to be interesting.

2016-09-24, 11:01 AM
The vestiges are individual entities, ancient and wholly evil gods that collectively make up "The Dark Powers". Assign them all the character traits Jealous and Territorial. You have taken a dark gift from a dark power. Other powers no longer wish to communicate with you or are being held off by your new friend. Translate that in game to "I touch the sarcophagus." "Nothing happens. Its cold and feels rough."

2016-09-24, 12:16 PM
Are the vestiges stated to be the Dark Powers??? I didnt see that anywhere.

2016-09-24, 12:48 PM
"The precise nature of the Dark Powers of Ravenloft is never explicitly described in the game material, with the exception of a few of the novels based on the setting, and even those are considered non-canon. In a sense, the Dark Powers are intended to be eternal unknowns, an array of mercurial, unforeseeable, and inscrutable wills whose motives and actions the player characters cannot hope to understand."

The original release of ravenloft does not explicitly state what the Dark Powers are. This new release does not explicitly state what the Dark Powers are.

In Strahd's memoirs he does reference some entities that torment him, particularly one he calls out by the name of 'Death'.

We are given names on the sarcophagi that reference back to primarily pathfinder but a good mixture of all editions evil gods and avatars. Tenebrous, Savnok, Dahlver-nar are all from Tome of Magic where the concept of vestiges originates. Delban, Khirad, and Zhudun are 4e warlock patrons. The lore of the Amber temple itself is "Good aligned wizards built the temple to seal away the vestiges of evil entities. Magical amber was used to bind the vestiges and their forbidden knowledge."

Its a logical leap to assign an identity to an unknowable force. Is it right? We purposefully dont know in order to keep things mysterious. Does it feel right. mmmmmm it feels so right.

2016-09-24, 01:01 PM
Actually knowing that, it makes the Amber Temple even weirder being in Ravenloft. How did a good wizard even get there to bind those powers? You would think that the Dark Powers wouldve stopped them. Also...seeing mentions of vestiges kind of gives me hope for an updated binder.

2016-09-24, 01:21 PM
Actually knowing that, it makes the Amber Temple even weirder being in Ravenloft. How did a good wizard even get there to bind those powers? You would think that the Dark Powers wouldve stopped them. Also...seeing mentions of vestiges kind of gives me hope for an updated binder.

The temple was built to contain them, actually. These wizards captured these vestiges and as much dark and evil knowledge that they could, then built the temple in Barovia. While Strahd was alive, he went to the temple for power, and was turned into a proto-vampire, becoming a full vampire the first time he drank blood. Later, the Dark Powers trapped all of Barovia in a demiplane.

2016-09-24, 01:34 PM
I actually forgot Barovia was pulled into that Demiplane...however, has it always been that way or is that a new change to the lore?

2016-09-24, 01:58 PM
I actually forgot Barovia was pulled into that Demiplane...however, has it always been that way or is that a new change to the lore?

It was always a place separate that got pulled in.

2016-09-24, 02:02 PM
Interesting. Wells thanks for that clarification.