View Full Version : Pathfinder Is there a way to consistently set off Explosive/Fiery Runes from a distance?

2016-09-23, 11:43 PM
I know in 3.5 for a good while, whether you could intentionally fail a CL check to dispel your own spell or an ally's spell was hotly argued back in forth.

Is this definitively settled one way or another in PF? Are there other ways to set off more than one at a time?

2016-09-24, 04:51 PM
Tell your familiar to attempt to read them after throwing them at someone.

2016-09-24, 05:19 PM
The one, 100% iron-clad RAW way to remotely set off explosive runes in 3.5 is to summon a celestial/fiendish animal and have it read the thing. PF actually appears to have nerfed that by the celestial/fiendish templates not touching the creature's Int score, so no death by exploding celestial monkeys. However, it seems like you can still pull it off with SMII and small elementals. Air would probably be best.