View Full Version : revive interest in a campaign (spoiler alert)

2016-09-24, 01:55 AM
I am running the published module Jade Regent.

I am near the close of book 2

and my players are, for lack of a better term getting their asses handed to them on a silver platter. They have had to flat out retreat multiple times.

The latest:
Inside ravenscraeg, on the lower level is an assassin. 4th level ninja, 4th level monk with some extremely nasty equipment... including doses of black lotus and blue whinnis poison. The fortress also replenishes troops each time the PCs retreat. This assassin would have tpk'd the entire party

One pc has already died this adventure, and if I had had the above follow the pc's, the entire party would have been slaughtered. And I don't think the campaign would have continued.

The campaign does grant an artifact that will resurrect one pc a month for free, but the pc that died was an aasimar which cannot be ressurected.

The party consists of a druid, a barbarian, a wizard, a magus and an oracle (a dmpc that was used to fill the table and they opted to keep in the party even with the arrival of a 4th) all 6th level.

One person already wants the campaign to stop. Keep in mind, these guys avoid pure optimization in favor of role play.

My question to the playground is:
Do I nerf the fight, allowing the party to trounce her second time around?
Give them some new items that will make the fight easier?
Or just keep running the module as written and hope the party learned from their last encounter?

The party is also dangerously close in notoriety points of having this assassin simply come looking for them.

2016-09-24, 03:55 AM
The campaign does grant an artifact that will resurrect one pc a month for free, but the pc that died was an aasimar which cannot be ressurected.

Is this Pathfinder or 3.5? Because if it is 3.5, the aasimar can come back to life according to the SRD, which states:

An outsider with the native subtype can be raised, reincarnated, or resurrected just as other living creatures can be.

I haven't checked Pathfinder- maybe aasimars there are true outsiders and the spell won;t work, but if they are like the ones in 3.5, then the artifact should work.

2016-09-24, 03:58 AM
Is this Pathfinder or 3.5? Because if it is 3.5, the aasimar can come back to life according to the SRD, which states:

I haven't checked Pathfinder- maybe aasimars there are true outsiders and the spell won;t work, but if they are like the ones in 3.5, then the artifact should work.

Well gee so they can. It's under native.

The guy wanted a different character anyways.

edit: however, pretty sure the tiefling magus will be happy