View Full Version : Why Not Dip Into A Healer?

2016-09-24, 01:25 PM
I've never played one, but as a primary arcane spellcaster, such as Sorcerer or Wizard, gain a lot by dipping into Healer for one level? You get a whole new spell list, a bunch of divine spell slots, and can heal you and your party. Is there a disadvantage to this?

2016-09-24, 01:35 PM
You get a bunch of first level spells slots, and now you probably have another stat you have to boost at the expense of one of your primary stats. In battle, what's more valuable? Casting Disintegrate, Black Tentacles, or even Fireball a level earlier (or for 1d6 more damage), or being able to heal someone 1d8+1 hit points occasionally?

Just use a wand if you want healing.

2016-09-24, 01:37 PM
I've never played one, but as a primary arcane spellcaster, such as Sorcerer or Wizard, gain a lot by dipping into Healer for one level? You get a whole new spell list, a bunch of divine spell slots, and can heal you and your party. Is there a disadvantage to this?

Nothing you get is worth losing caster levels. If you did want to dip (and for opti-fu reasons you shouldn't) cleric is way better than healer, giving better spell access, turn attempts and 2 domains.

2016-09-24, 01:39 PM
Yes. You lose a caster level, one of the most valuable things in the game, for next to nothing. It's not like you can put healer spells in your normal slots. Though this would still be awful if you could. Because, again, a spell level is ridiculously valuable. It's the difference between not having teleport and having teleport, or the same for polymorph, or planar binding, or anything else. And you're getting what? Cure light wounds? Remove fear? These spells are far worse than the ones you're losing, even if you're only losing them half the time, because they're first level spells compared to that highest level of spells you cannot cast. If you want these effects in your party so badly, toss a wand to someone with UMD. And, if you really feel the need to cast them yourself, just pick up arcane disciple from complete divine for the healing domain.

2016-09-24, 02:47 PM
You know you can't use sorcerer/wizard slots to cast healer spells, right?

2016-09-24, 03:21 PM
If your GM is willing to allow you to use early entry methods, you can use that one level dip as a way to enter geomancer for bigger HD, more skill points, and some.... interesting... class features. Otherwise, not really worth it. The spell list is nothing to write home about, you only get a handful of low-level slots, and this in exchange for a spellcasting level in your primary class. You can make it worth something but it's not worth much as-is.

2016-09-24, 03:35 PM
If you really want to expend spell slots for healing, the superior way to do such would be to take Domain Wizard (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/variantCharacterClasses.htm#wizardVariantDomainWiz ard) and try to convince your DM to allow you a summoning-themed domain consisting of summon nature's ally and summon monster spells. Make sure you have access to unicorn summoning, and have it expend its healing on your party. Grab a way to turn undead and take the Domain Spontaneity feat so you can go druid spontaneous casting with your less useful spell slots. Alternatively, if you're starting at really low levels, the Healing Domain would allow you to cast cure spells, though the usefulness seriously drops off very fast.

You could also use the Dark Chaos Feat Shuffle to give your familiar the dragonblood subtype and the Draconic Vigor feat, so it has a healing aura for anyone under half hp.

2016-09-24, 06:47 PM
If you already have a decent wisdom, then taking Arcane Disciple for the Healing Domain will add those spells to your class spell list, provided you have a wisdom of 10 + spell level. That'll get you all the basic "cure X wounds" spells without costing you a caster level.

2016-09-25, 11:38 AM
The added roleplaying requirements are rather annoying too. Can't refuse to heal people.

I think the better question is: Why not Cleric?

2016-09-25, 12:10 PM
As a primary arcane caster, your main purpose in the party is to cast arcane spells. Anything that delays or makes your arcane spells less powerful should generally be avoided, if you're looking at it purely from an optimization point of view. For one first level spell and the ability to cast healer spells from a want, you're giving up a caster level, permanently delaying your caster progression, making your spells shorter, and being weaker on both sides of things.

Let the clerics cast the healing spells, if your party has one. And if not, the rogue can probably UMD his way into casting spells from a wand of Cure Light Wounds.

2016-09-25, 12:52 PM
As a primary arcane caster, your main purpose in the party is to cast arcane spells. Anything that delays or makes your arcane spells less powerful should generally be avoided, if you're looking at it purely from an optimization point of view. For one first level spell and the ability to cast healer spells from a want, you're giving up a caster level, permanently delaying your caster progression, making your spells shorter, and being weaker on both sides of things.

Let the clerics cast the healing spells, if your party has one. And if not, the rogue can probably UMD his way into casting spells from a wand of Cure Light Wounds.

If you can bulk-buy wands of CLW, you can bulk-buy wands of Lesser Vigor and keep a few potions on hand for in-combat use.

2016-09-26, 09:46 AM
It also depends on the playgroup that you're in. If you're in a party with gishes and those dedicated to the glory of making the perfect master of min-maxing, the answer is this:

As a primary arcane caster, your main purpose in the party is to cast arcane spells. Anything that delays or makes your arcane spells less powerful should generally be avoided, if you're looking at it purely from an optimization point of view. For one first level spell and the ability to cast healer spells from a want, you're giving up a caster level, permanently delaying your caster progression, making your spells shorter, and being weaker on both sides of things.

Let the clerics cast the healing spells, if your party has one. And if not, the rogue can probably UMD his way into casting spells from a wand of Cure Light Wounds.

On the other hand, if the group is NOT that, and you have the ability to multiclass because you want to, or because you want some added utility, you certainly can. Not every rogue wants to have a bandolier of CLW wands. Use your discretion for the group as a whole.

2016-09-26, 05:51 PM
The Arcane Disciple (Healing domain) feat would probably be a better choice for giving healing to an arcane caster. Or just summon Unicorns.

2016-09-26, 07:23 PM
If you're going to dip divine as an arcane you might as well theurge something with the same stat. At least then it'll almost keep up with what you're doing. Almost.

2016-09-27, 12:46 AM
Why not dip into Healer (or another divine caster class)?

Because planar binding minions and other party members (and hirelings) exist. Use them to do divine stuff.

2016-09-27, 10:46 AM
It also depends on the playgroup that you're in. If you're in a party with gishes and those dedicated to the glory of making the perfect master of min-maxing, the answer is this:

The funny part is that he conflates Gishes with the glory of min-maxing. Vogie, a gish is essentially someone who takes a sorcerer or wizard and wastes feats or levels to let them swing a sword. Like any concept, optimization helps it, but at virtually any optimization level, a Gish is weaker than just a Sor/Wiz.

On the other hand, if the group is NOT that, and you have the ability to multiclass because you want to, or because you want some added utility, you certainly can. Not every rogue wants to have a bandolier of CLW wands. Use your discretion for the group as a whole.

OP didn't ask if it was legal. He asked if there was a disadvantage to it. The answer is yes. Is Healer 1/wizard X-1 playable? Sure. Is it as strong as Wizard X? Nope.